Dimensional Eroders

v1 Chapter 260: Want to start a class? it is good!

After listening to Feng Ying's explanation, Bai Lang also had some predictions about his own'horizontal practice'.

During this period, he rebuilt the "Golden Bell" and "Iron Cloth" to complete the joint training, coupled with the nourishment of the "Sinking Demon, Carp King", the hidden body data is constantly improving, and even his strength has increased by +0.1 .

Therefore, he guessed that when he achieves any of the two sets of ‘the perfection of the kinetic energy reaches 100%’, or the perfect fusion of the two sets of golden bells and iron cloth shirts, or the ‘Eat the Five Heart Banquet’, he will be able to break through and enter LV6!

The white waves in the dark, blurted out, "Could it be...Lv6 is this ‘Holding Dan’ I’m pursuing?"

"I don't understand this. After all, I haven't practiced, I just mastered the theoretical content. Although each power system is extremely powerful to the extreme, your pure'physical' qi and blood system is the least promising in the initial stage." Feng Ying shrugged.

Bai Lang did not deny it, and nodded: "So I plan to use the'Guwu System' to make up for the shortcomings." As he said, a series of ripples of lightning burst out from his fingertips. In the past few days, he has started to ask Yuan Xin for "internal strength" and intends to upgrade "Ripple".

He is not a pure ‘Buddhist School’, and he does not pursue the most sincere way of martial arts. If it weren’t for their own ‘Bapo’s bloodline’ to pick and choose from day to night, this conflict and the pollution, who would pursue the ‘martial realm’? He had gone to practice the Lord early.

Didn't see the convenience of "thorns against injury, black ghost, and ripple qigong", did he use which one? There is no dignity of the martial arts school.

Seeing Bailang's utilitarian face, Feng Ying's expression became stiff. Fortunately, she regarded Bailang as one of the best martial arts geniuses of the Qi and blood system. This product did not have the consciousness of pursuing the ultimate martial arts level. Go for strength and benefits.

But it was such a guy who kept making innovations and breakthroughs in the field of basic martial arts, and he was really blinded by his good figure and martial arts talent. (Yuan Xin nodded approvingly: He was indeed blinded by his ‘cooking talent’.)

There was plenty of time for breakfast, and the scenery was nice, and there was no disturbance nearby, so the two of them ate and chatted.

After Feng Ying pulled the topic into the ‘Ability Bar’, Bailang habitually tapped and tapped to dig out information, using Little Loli as a ‘coin-operated question answering machine’. After all, he had paid for breakfast.

Feng Ying didn't care. Instead, she really enjoyed the guts of being valued by others. She could give pointers to the country as much as possible. After all, she was a 7-year-old child whose urge to show off was burning in her heart all the time. In addition, she has ‘smart satellite’ monitoring on top of her head, and she babbles casually. Once she’s unobstructed, she will be electrocuted and beaten, and she’ll just shut up when the time comes.

So once the little boy started, he couldn't stop, the more he screamed, the more foul he got, and it also provided Bailang with a piece of valuable information.

"Do you know the ultimate purpose of the ‘Ability Column’ and the ‘Career Column’?"

"Please enlighten me." Bailang looked sincere, and then said loudly, "Waitress, serve two more ice creams, the most expensive one!" The lines were filled with sincerity.

"Winking! The final form of the ability bar and class bar are the small and big roots of the power system, should you feel it? Different ability bars sometimes show exclusive energy. For example, if you solidify a spell, you will automatically get it. The potential of'magic power', if you solidify Guntaro's ninjutsu, you will have the energy of'chakra'. Sister Yuan's internal power, your ripples, blood energy..." Feng Ying explained.


Bailang nodded. This is very understandable. You can strengthen an ability. Except for some skills with a particularly low threshold, how to use it without matching power drives? Therefore, to purchase (solidify) an ability, it will inevitably be accompanied by the corresponding ‘energy’ (a small amount), and at the same time, it will transform the root of the contractor and obtain a hidden physique.

But the physique of this kind of free gift is often not high, just an entry level. If you continue to solidify the ability of the same system, your ‘qualification’ will continue to strengthen, forming the ‘X spiritual root’ in traditional cultivation. Once the pedigree of the same system is strengthened, it will be even more, super genius!

"When you enter the advanced stage, continuously improve and optimize the'curing ability' of a certain monomer, and after in-depth analysis and control, they will become a kind of'primitive force', I call it'small source'. That's it. At that time, the high-level contractors had already escaped the constraints of the'solidification ability' and mastered the'small source' of a certain system. On this basis, more usages were derived...

"I can understand, what about the career bar?"

Feng Ying sorted the language in her mind and explained: "'Xiaoyuan' has an upper limit, or it has been castrated. You can think of it as an'energy bar' in the game. The attributes of each are linked to each other, which is equivalent to a secondary engine. The purpose of the career bar is to create a more perfect'core power system'."

"The key to level one to level two is to establish a professional system. To put it bluntly, it is to confirm a core as a new foundation from your five ability columns. In the future improvement, continue to optimize and build this'power system', Incorporating various plug-ins, it evolves into a'big source'. The core of the second-tier promotion to the third-tier is to build a'big source' in the'professional column', which is a stable'power engine, magic furnace, golden core' Things like that."

Bai Lang suddenly said: "The role of the ability bar, in addition to granting special'abilities,' it also adds the corresponding potential attributes of'small source' for the contractor. The upper limit can be five, but they are all broken and incomplete pieces, just a seed. . And the "professional column" is to select one of them to be the core, continue to absorb materials to complement the fragments, take root and sprout, and build a more complete "power system". If you want to break through to the third level, you must build a stable "core energy source". The fruit is the great source?"

"Yes, before the successful construction of the'big source system', the energy bar of the small source comes from two aspects, the'basic part' brought about by the level increase, and the'quota' for the additional transformation and allocation of the contractors. For example, the increase brought by pedigree, Or use the'amplification' of mental power and physical energy conversion. Contractors usually have multiple small sources, but their mental and physical energy are limited, and how to allocate them is not enough. The emergence of the occupation bar will greatly improve this situation and increase the combat life. Time, support more powerful output."

When Feng Ying said this, Bai Lang instantly understood.

His ‘horizontal exercise’ is best to support, no special energy is needed, pure physical energy is enough. And ‘Ripple’ has an exclusive ‘energy bar’. At full level, it can give the skill corresponding to the number of years, and it can continue to overdraft and increase the vitality. This is the ‘small source’, which is based on physical stamina. In addition, the blood energy of "Blood Therapy" is still physical energy or vitality; and the IBM particle is the spiritual bar...

His system is simple enough, basically without conversion, for the physical and spiritual. But the other contractors are paradoxical, and there will be the phenomenon of magic, original force, and internal force tearing each other B, competing for'Essence'. After sharing, each ability column may be malnourished, so it is necessary to focus on cultivating the'professional column'. Be the eldest son and inherit the family business.

However, the contractor’s property is limited. With the eldest son inheriting the title, the other second sons are destined to fight the streets. "Xiaoyuan" is really small.

After seeing Bailang's understanding, Feng Ying said a few more words: "There is no fixed number for the allocation of the five ability columns. I am not a contractor, and I can reveal some common sense to you. The first stage is very loose, and you can choose any strength system to solidify. But after reaching the second level, if you do not have a small source of'magic power system', but appear in a world with magic, you will be suppressed; on the contrary, if you have a small source of zhenqi and appear in the ancient martial world, you will be able to obtain Extra home increase."

"You can use the'Ember Crystal' to acquire the skills of various systems, but without the'Xiaoyuan', you can't use those abilities, you just master the knowledge. Therefore, some people like to solidify a variety of'Xiaoyuan' to adapt The vast majority of mission worlds gain extra home court advantage, but they also have corresponding flaws and are not sophisticated.

"The more you have the ability to solidify the same system, the greater your'advantage' in this system~lightnovelpub.net~ So it has derived and strengthened many genres: solidify a variety of complementary abilities and combine them into one system; The career column is expanded, with the ideal "big source" as the core, solidifying the sub-small source; it can also make up for its own shortcomings, which is mediocre, but there are no defects; you can put aside the strength system and specifically strengthen the outstanding strengths. Or if you have a certain attribute, you are a'physical monster'; there are those who ignore the foundation and choose special abilities to solidify; you can also try the dual core; or you can completely separate the ability bar from the professional bar, and each play its own..."

"Like you, if you solidify more than 3 in a row, specifically strengthening'Physical Ability' or'Spirit, Agility, Strength', then you belong to the special elders of this attribute. The 3 Ability Bars are just the starting point, and there are 5 Ability Bars that are all strengthened. A kind of..."

As Bailang absorbed, he asked, "What about the content of Tier 3?"

"Optimize your power system... I don't know the details. I'm still a child! I'm not a contractor. I'm finished. You can pay for it."


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