Dimensional Eroders

v1 Chapter 27: Long brother 1 road is good!

   The team walked on a deserted road, and the group was full of vegetation, and proceeded cautiously.

   Off the beaten track here, it has long been reduced to a paradise for monsters. The road is densely covered with weeds, often exposing the bones of Bai Sensen. Since no monsters took the initiative to clean up, it has grown very high; the buildings and high walls on both sides are covered with vines, and the lush green and green constructs a magical modern forest. Large and small houses, like flower pots, provide a living space for strangely shaped plants.

   Two days of observation, Bai Lang confirmed that the overall strength of this team is average, far inferior to the three of the patrol team. Except for him, the newcomer on the whiteboard, who was flabbergasted, the others were middle-aged and poor old salted fish.

  Only the captain and the deputy scout team, with good strength, and wearing firearms, firmly control the team and frighten the minds of other people. (Before this time, the team was told that they could bring bows and crossbows, but they were not allowed to be equipped with firearms. Because the noise generated by the battle was too loud, it was easy to attract monsters to gather.)

   In fact, they are really powerful, they have long been fighting with monsters by their ability, and they are decent and moist. Only those with insufficient talents and weak strength, who can't mix in the camp, will run out in groups to send the dead and scavengers, and do some dangerous work that is not on the stage.


   Just as the squad moved forward slowly, after walking through two streets, there was a sudden violent explosion and firefighting in the distance. Then, a signal bomb was shot into the sky and exploded in the air, calling for help.

   The scout in front of the pathfinder immediately returned, gesturing to the captain constantly while running.

   Bai Lang's heart also beats violently, and he is very nervous. He guessed that there were adventurers fighting nearby.

   "Stop, stick to the wall to hide, don't make any noise."

   The leader called to stop the team, and the other old fritters were also solemn, and quickly merged into the grass on the roadside without reminding them, holding a self-defense weapon in his hand. Not only that, the team leader quickly scanned the surrounding environment and saw a rusty iron fence entangled by vines, not far behind.

   This road is originally remote, located in the old city, the road is not wide, on both sides are dilapidated old-fashioned low buildings. It was originally an old industrial area, with large and small factories and attached family areas. Now that **** is invading, it has long become a paradise for plants and monsters.

   This ‘iron fence’ is a gate of a small factory that is gradually ‘forested’.

   At this time, the battle and the gunshot were getting closer. The leader looked at the iron gate, winked at several members, and communicated silently throughout the process. Others immediately understood, took out the tools from their backpacks, and broke through the already decaying door first.

   Bai Lang is also ready to move, nervous B, ready to run + sprint at any time. He has no fighting spirit at the moment and is proud of it.


   At this time, a figure rushed through the street junction at the end of the road, and did not continue straight ahead, but suddenly changed its direction, ran out of an arc angle, and turned 90° into the road where the white waves were.

   Then his eyes lit up and he saw the dormant ‘Voldemort Squad’, his expression revealed surprise, and he shouted: "Help me!"

   Hearing this dry howl, the team leader's complexion changed suddenly and he was unsightly, knowing that it was difficult to handle. Where is this for help? It is clearly a disaster! To cheat them.

   Soon, the roar of the engine was getting closer and closer, and a group of evil humanoid monsters dressed in revealing looks and ferocious appearances also chased up from the intersection. There are not many of them, about a dozen with blue-faced fangs, but driving a motorcycle to chase, holding cold weapons and firearms in their hands, a doomsday urban runaway style, constantly firing into the sky, pouring bullets to cheer.

   These are half-demons who have fallen and mutated after being polluted by the power of hell, the lowest level monsters, bloodthirsty and bloodthirsty. While their physical fitness has skyrocketed, they have also inherited part of their wisdom in life, not only knowing how to drive vehicles, use firearms, and even be able to hunt as a team.

   This scene made the team leader curse frantically, immediately set up a shotgun carved with runes, exquisitely crafted like a piece of art, aimed at the man who was flying, and shouted: "Get away!"


   Without hesitation, he directly squeezed the trigger, trying to kill him on the road.

   However, the opponent was also prepared early. The moment the captain raised the gun, suddenly a short body rolled into the lush grass, and then disappeared. The team leader can only shoot at the swaying weeds, but it fails.

   And when the man appeared again, he suddenly threw an object here with his hand. The team leader immediately raised the gun, aimed, and fired in one go. Then the grenade exploded in the air, turning into a ball of fire, and shrapnel splashing.

   The explosion of the grenade also attracted the attention of this group of hunters. They stepped up the throttle and rushed up immediately. And the guilty man had already rushed to the wall on the side of the road, then stepped on the ground quickly, swooped and jumped, and stepped on the wall again and again. At the same time, he reached out his hand to grab the wall full of vines and pulled forcefully, like a flexible monkey turning over the wall and disappearing in the blink of an eye.

   Just before he jumped the wall and disappeared, he pointed in the direction of the ‘Voldemort Team’ and threw a second grenade.

   "Fall down!" The leader was furious, but fell helplessly and rolled.

   Bai Lang is the most astute, he was prepared for watching Liulu, and he flew straight and threw it out, choosing a huge rusty metal trash can by the side of the road. Ignoring the sting of the surrounding bushes, I went straight to the back of the trash can, and then ‘Boom! The loud noise, the pungent smell of gunpowder spread.



   In a panic, I don’t know who shouted? The Voldemorts who climbed up again sprinted towards the broken iron gate. Naturally, Bailang was unwilling to be left behind, and squeezed in with a stride.


   rushed into this factory, the wasteland at the door was like a small forest, and the group was panicking. At this time, the deputy team acting as a scout shouted: "Don't panic! Don't go away, carry your bag and follow me, and run upstairs!"

   Bai Lang quickly scanned the factory area, and then saw a large low-rise factory building with many simple external stairs on the side, which is very suitable for climbing. And once you reach the top of the building, you can use a unique terrain to parkour and get rid of the chase.

  The advantage of those half-devil hunters lies in motorcycles. Once on the roof, this thing will be useless.

   A group of people sprinted quickly, the scout opened the way in the front, and the leader was placed at the end of the line, and kept shooting with guns, trying to push back the hunter, delaying time. They organized this group of people to deliver goods. The death is small, and the loss of things is a big deal. At least they have to survive this barrier. They are saved first, and they can't be separated.

   All the trash guys were panicked at the moment, and with full firepower, as the deputy team rushed all the way, they soon came to the simple iron stairs. The deputy team suddenly accelerated the sprint, climbed up the wall, and leapt to the sky with the help of recoil, jumped more than two meters high, reached out to hook the end of the suspended ladder, and then pulled down the folded suspended iron ladder with the help of its own weight.

   "Go up quickly, don't panic." As he spoke, he also took out the gun from his waist and shot at the demonized hunters who were riding in on their motorcycles.


   Brother Lang fired for a while, sounding extremely tragic. Bullets continued to hit the walls of the factory building, and even shattered the remaining window glass and the iron stairs below his feet. However, both sides are in motion ~lightnovelpub.net~ There is no time to aim at all. It is a random shooting method of raising the hand and firing, and the G8 shoots indiscriminately.

   Although his heart was beating wildly and fearfully, he didn't get a bullet until Lang Ge was about to reach the top. Carrying a heavy baggage, he panted and finally climbed to the top level, while the deputy team and the leader also fought back and moved up.

   At this moment, the twenty-five boys who were in the team suddenly broke out. He didn't know where he took out a gun and aimed it at the deputy team who was climbing the stairs. He raised his hand and shot it.

  The twenty-five trash guys who are with Bailang are themselves a salted fish, of average quality, and not a professional shooter. At this time, his expression was even more crazy, and his hands trembled violently when he fired.

   Seeing him raise the gun and shoot, the deputy team noticed it, and suddenly changed to dodge, but was still hit and grunted. When Twenty-Five was about to fill his gun again, he rolled down the stairs decisively, fell heavily to the ground, and escaped the catastrophe. And the leader who had just climbed the stairs also secretly said something was wrong, and jumped straight down.


   The sudden outbreak of Twenty-Five Boys was too abrupt, shocked everyone, and couldn't react at all.

   Obviously is the life and death of being chased by monsters, you actually jumped back to attack the strongest teammate, this is obviously self-destructing the city wall, and seeking your own death! Do you?

   However, this ‘madman + pig teammate’ had no intention of stopping at all. In the blank period when everyone was shocked and confused, he suddenly turned his gun head, laughed wildly and shot G8 indiscriminately. Reminiscent of the beautiful scenery of the lighthouse country.

   Then there was a burst of gunshots from the roof of the factory building. The distance was too close and everyone couldn't avoid it, and people kept being shot + screaming.

   Bailang felt a violent tremor in his calf while fleeing and folding and moving. After the severe pain, he immediately became numb and fell directly to the ground and rolled a few times.