Dimensional Eroders

v1 Chapter 275: Lv Liuheng Lian Grand Master, title [Sin

Two days later.

The hot heat boils in the body, and endless energy substances gush out from the stomach, spreading along the blood vessels to the limbs, entangled with their own flesh and blood, nerves, and bones...fused, exuding the breath of hell.

From the initial warmth, numbness, and comfort, to the numbness and itching afterwards, and the tingling now.


Bai Lang panted heavily, his complexion turned red, his body temperature rose sharply, his nostrils ejected white steam, his body was lying on the ground, his muscles constantly twisted and squirmed, exuding a terrifying aura.

He tried his best to control the changes of his body through the "Blood Demon Fetal Gloves", and used this continuously gushing energy as strength to carry it through his limbs and torso, piercing his body, tempering flesh and blood, and forging bones.

[You have eaten resonance cuisine, the five-heart banquet-witch heart, the body has undergone transformation. Your ‘Heng Lian Lv5’ broke the limit and reached Lv6 (76%) Grand Master. You have completed the Golden Bell Cover Iron Cloth Co-exercise, and your realm of strength has broken through 100%. You have reached the achievement'Outer House Peak'... Your strength increased by +0.3, agility increased by +0.2... Your resistance to elemental damage increased greatly... Your resistance to toxins increased... Your physique increased by +0.3... 】

[You created the'Elemental Golden Bell Demon Anti-iron Cloth', blue. This is a mutation derived product of ‘Heng Lian’, which requires special food practice and rewards 300 embers. Is the skill formed and uploaded to the Paradise Mall to be sold as a commodity? You can get a 5% trading commission from every transaction. Sold 100 times, this skill has nothing to do with you. 】

[Heng Lian broke through Lv6 and gained 1 blue attribute. Profound meaning: elemental resistance. Toxin resistance +20%, element resistance +10%, non-element special damage reduced by -5%. 】

When the powerful effect brought by the "Resonance Cuisine" faded, the white waves were sweating profusely as if they were fished out of the water. The surface of his body is red and hot, white steam is released from his pores, and the capillaries are intertwined to form a purple-red twisted magic pattern, which fades and disappears little by little.

Ophelia rushed up with concern, wiped the white waves with a towel, and then handed out a bottle of water: "How are you feeling? How are you?"

Bailang took a drink and drank it, then showed a mouthful of brilliant white teeth, and smiled: "It feels better than ever!"

This supplemented version of resonance cuisine is like the last weight to overwhelm the balance, bringing him upside-down changes. Probably because the changes in ‘Physique’ can be attributed to the ‘Heng Lian’, it finally broke the bottleneck of Lv6 and entered the rare realm of Great Master.

A white ability was strengthened by him to this point. In the future, as long as he finds a suitable opportunity, he can easily break through to blue or green quality.

However, the condensed profound meaning of Lv6 is not the "holding pill" he expected, but has turned into an "elemental resistance". This is probably the surprise brought by five wizard hearts with different attributes and magical powers, and they were absorbed by the "Golden Bell Cover Iron Sweatshirt" and accidentally refined into this very scientific "Elemental Golden Bell Cover Magic Iron Sweatshirt".

Bai Lang felt deeply that he had practiced the orthodox and practiced crookedly. When an ordinary foreigner was refining in Lv5, he could not form a ‘Blood Demon Fetal Glyph’ at all. It was entirely thanks to the blessing of ‘blood blood’; ​​and the profound meaning of Lv6 could not be ‘element resistance’.

Who can mutate from ‘physical defense’ to ‘magic resistance’?

In short, this time Lv6 has made a lot of money, and even the "thorns against injury" is even more unreasonable. Because of the poisonous food, his poison resistance doubled, and the last 5% represents the vast majority of ‘non-elemental’ magic damage.

In addition, just a ‘Resonance Cuisine’ alone would cost 0.8 points for nothing, and with the ultimate breakthrough of Heng Lian, another 1 attribute was received, and it was not subject to punishment, earning explosives.

He now finally understands Feng Ying's words, the development of a foundation to the death, really has a lot of benefits. The difficulty of breaking through the lv6 of the white ability is often the lowest, the higher the quality, the more difficult the Lv6.

After some self-examination, he used that 1 point attribute to consume physical energy.

Today's hardware attributes are: [Strength 8.2, Dexterity 8, Physical Ability 14.9, Spirit 12, Perception 10, Charisma ±3] It is still far away from freely waving the ‘Fel Cross’.

The sudden increase in physique caused Bailang's blood bar to increase by a large amount, and it became closer to the blood cow. It was reflected in the body, his qi and blood were thick and his strength was uncontrollable. Fortunately, he started to regain his control of power little by little with the ‘Resistance’, and he was studying the meaning of ‘Elemental Resistance’.

According to Feng Ying, the "Profound Meaning" is the key to opening the "Xiaoyuan", which can be exploited and excavated. Under the stimulation of energization, the blood devil's fetal clothing generates an overdraft mode of liberation of blood and flesh; and'element resistance' can also be tapped and improved.

When Bailang completely broke through Lv6, exhausted its reserves, and temporarily fell into emptiness, Ophelia on the other side also contracted and solidified four monsters with different varieties.

Among them are Sinking Demon, Blade Demon, and lucky enough to burst out a Dark Demon, which is also added. Now there is still a lack of the last ‘Transport Demon’ to make up for.

After the four monsters were solidified, the basic data was reset by the paradise and the average value was calculated. The sinking demon becomes stronger and the dark demon is cut. The difference between them now is only the skin color and attributes, and there is no difference between them.

[Ability column 2: Summon monsters. Navy blue. There are 4 summoned beasts. 】

[Ability 1: Fish Vein Fel Warlock; Ability 2: Vacancy. 】

[Remarks: Blue quality summons can learn two skills and can be upgraded, but they do not feedback attributes. 】

After eating the low-profile version of the "Five Hearts Secret Banquet", several monsters developed different attributes, awakening fire, electricity, ice, and poison respectively... and became the four kings of Ophelia.

Recently, Bailang tried to teach them "Ripple Qigong," but they didn't know anything about it. In desperation, they were injected with'feel fish blood' and became a'fish vein fel warlock'.

After choosing these ugly-looking ‘monsters’ as amulets (a token of love), Ophelia also spent 500 embers to activate her title of this trial [Sinking Demon Research Expert]

[Sinking Demon Scientific Research Expert: As a minion of a certain **** witch doctor~lightnovelpub.net~, you have personally participated in hundreds of **** operations on the sinking demon. You have conducted research from a scientific point of view, practice makes perfect, and you know their structure well. You have unique insights into controlling, domesticating, and cultivating depraved demons. This title covers Blade Demon, Little Demon, Dark Demon, and Teleportation Demon. 】

【Effect 1: Summon increase. The summons covered by this title fluctuate between 0-200% in strength. 】

【Effect 2: Expert feeding. Including artificially induced mutations, surgical modifications... As the number of dissections and research and development increases, their tame and loyalty will continue to increase. 】

[Note 1: Except for Hell Witch Doctor Altland, no one knows Sinking Demon better than you. 】

[Note 2: This title is a testimony of your feelings for each other. Whenever you miss him, torture them, study them, and transform them! 】


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