Dimensional Eroders

v1 Chapter 348: handwashing

Liu Jiazhengtang finally waited for a chance to defend himself. Lin Pingzhi, who still had a little illusion about the so-called "famous and upright sect," filled up his righteous indignation and narrated his own experience, hoping to obtain justice from this group of martial arts ‘heroes’.

He talked about how the Fuwei Escort was targeted by the Qingcheng faction, how those darts betrayed his father from the inside and outside, what humanity distortions and moral decay happened that night, and why rumors arose in Fuzhou City not long ago... . Taishan Pie, holding a hand of fake news, will slap her face back and forth.

Bailang also spoke at this time: "Everyone has heard it, this is the truth!"

"Absurd, how can one listen and believe?" Yu Jizi was still unwilling, looking at Lin Pingzhi full of malice, and asked, "It is rumored that you killed Yu Canghai's parents and children before you formed an enmity. Is there such a thing? "

Lin Pingzhi was angry when he heard the sound: "It was Yu Renyan who molested the Liang family in front of him. I couldn't see it before I helped him and killed him by mistake. Even if I did something wrong, one person would do the job, the Qingcheng sent me to slaughter the Lin family. Is it right?"

At this moment, a roar of grief and anger suddenly came from the courtyard: "Bailang traitor, you will return my Qingcheng disciple's life for your wicked obstacle! Return my son's life!"

The Qingcheng faction also arrived, and recognized Lin Pingzhi and Bailang. Seeing that stubborn face, Yu Canghai's waist suddenly hurt.

"Bah! Yu Feizi, you? I'm ashamed to hurt you if I don't mention this. I don't take a **** to take pictures of my three-inch body, and you have a son too? Yu Renyan is a look regardless of his height or appearance. Even though you can be called an “ugly” character, it’s more than ten times stronger than your face at the scene of the unjust case? No matter what your body looks like, where is your self-confidence? Your own flesh and blood? You are really... the wine is not intoxicating and you are green!"

When Bai Lang suddenly said this, Yu Guanzhu's eyes widened and he was shocked. However, there is a magic in his words between the lines, and he subconsciously thinks about it, it seems that there is still some truth?

The martial arts heroes who had eaten fresh melons around were all stagnated. Suddenly realized: ‘Yes! Why didn't you realize such an obvious thing in the past? So they all agreed deeply and cast pity on Yu Guanzhu.

"So even if Pingzhi killed Yu Renyan by mistake, it was not a happy event for Yu Guanzhu. As for the Qingcheng disciples, I did not kill any of them, but healed the injuries. Many of them repented and joined me. The carp gang lives in the city of Hengyang."

Bailang took the opportunity to miss a detection. The hatred is in place and meets the requirements. The lower limit of the difficulty of this second ring mission is indeed not high.

Yu Canghai's face was gloomy and watery: "The rumors of the rivers and lakes are indeed true. The blood witch doctor possesses the magic of the Miao border, and can control the lives of others and force others to yield."

"Why is there no reason to sin? Yu Guanzhu, I want to ask you, who on earth took advantage of your father's serious injury and powerlessness and suddenly appeared and snatched the Lin Family Evil Sword Gu? Today, all the heroes of the arena were present, and The rumors say that I am carrying the Lin Family Sword Gu, so good, I will tell the truth today...I swear here, who? There is half a lie to lie, who’s mother will spiral to the sky and slowly explode, turning into the horizon. The most shining firework! Do you dare to confront me?-Yu!-Cang!-Sea!"

Bai Lang took a deep breath, brewed, and then urged the true energy in his body to condense in his throat, and shouted with thunder-sound secret technique, shocking the audience: "That night, which mother was the masked evil animal who exploded the ancestor’s grave and ascended to heaven. Take the opportunity to steal the Evil Sword Gu that my father used to exchange the coffin money for your mother? Yu Canghai, looking at his father’s eyes, said! Did you do this by an unfilial grandson? It’s really rebellious, you even your mother’s coffin. I dare to be greedy for money... I still haven't handed over the Lin Family Evil Sword Gu!"

Yu Canghai became furious, and said angrily: "I'm so immortal! The little beast is spitting blood, labor and capital! Is it a tortoise son? Get out! Who took the Lin Family Sword Gu, who is the grandson!"

When the two sides exchanged foul language, Bailang took the opportunity to give Yue Buqun a detection. Originally sitting on the Diaoyutai, the head of Yue, who had a calm face and a smile on his beard, suddenly pulled the roots of his hair, but his ability to adapt to changes was extremely strong, and his movements only stagnated for an instant, and they continued to run smoothly without a trace.

Maliciously judged to be successful, the head of Yue met the challenge requirements and was judged as one of the goals by Paradise, and his reward exceeded the others. At this moment, the truth came to light, and everything was expected by the white waves, and the man in black was indeed him.


Yu Canghai was furious and suddenly attacked with a sword.

This sword came out quickly and in a hurry, but Bai Lang was a powerful and powerful master, and he was sensitive to the environment. At the moment when Yu Canghai burst out his killing intent, he sensed simultaneously, and then urged the evil spirits to enter the'acceleration mode'.

In the main hall, the two sides were talking about it, and then there was no sign of it. The sword around Bailang's waist was also unsheathed, and he swung the sword to block continuously. There were no rules and methods. Only the super-high operation continued to move the sword body to form. The serpentine wave oscillated at a small amplitude and high frequency, and the Qingcheng sent Songfeng sword technique was repeatedly removed.

The essence of evil swordsmanship is to use speed and reaction power to block all moves through the simplest, most direct, and shortest path of sword trajectory, and then find the gap to complete the killing. It is commonly known as "no move, no move."

Bai Lang's 30 years of skill has made the bottom line. Not only is his sword speed extremely fast, but his own strength is also great, and he has an exquisite control of his power, making his sword handy. The next moment, he had an idea, mixed the IBM particles into the infuriating energy, flicked his wrist and the sword body trembled, making a fascinating sound.


There was a cry of ghosts in the hall, and many disciples of the Wuyue Sword Sect showed painful expressions. But Master Ding Yi, Yue Buqun and others also frowned slightly, discovering that this sword technique contains "sound attack" and hurts the spirit.

Bailang's ‘trembling swordsmanship’ had an epiphany as early as the last time on vacation. It's a pity that he didn't have the matching ‘energy’ for further integration and completion, and he had only semi-finished products. Nowadays, he cultivates evil spirits and contains special acceleration effects, gradually complementing this technique, and the effect is better.

Yu Canghai couldn't make a sneak attack. He changed his tricks again and changed to a more tricky and weird sword. Turning around, he handed out the sword from behind. The right arm holding the sword swelled like a unicorn arm, instantly doubling its power, speed, and nerves, making it even more sinister, obviously using the power of a Gu worm.

The white waves also stimulated horizontal exercises, temporarily increasing the physical attributes, and the sword in his hand continued to vibrate with high frequency every time the sword was swung, making a series of magical sounds. Fight into one.

The two swords continued to collide, passing back the dense counter-shocks, and at the same time attacking the spirit and interfering with thinking. If it is a fair heads-up in the wild, the longer the delay, the greater the chance of winning.

This is the site of the Hengshan School. Yu Canghai has already fallen behind in his surprise attack. Now he can't get Bailang after three moves. The more anxious he is, he is caught by Bailang's gap and instantly gets close, triple stab!

Originally ordinary knight sword skills, with the blessing of true energy, played the special effect of ‘fighting qi’, and the power of three strikes increased in an instant. Yu Canghai was broken when he blocked two swords at a critical juncture, and finally had to use his heart-destructive palm.

His right hand turned into a sharp strange claw, showing a pale green color, the flesh grasped the blade, his wrist flipped the unloading force back and forth, and the white wave long sword was wrapped around the palm of his hand, breaking this trick.

Then he sighed in admiration and said loudly: "Swordsmanship for warding off evil spirits, it really deserves its reputation!"

Bai Lang just made a violent argument and smashed the pot of ‘Evil Sword Gu’ on his head, and Yu Canghai also used the other way to return to his body, exploding the ‘sword spectrum’ to shift the pressure for himself.

"What nonsense are you talking about? This is clearly my family's "Scholastic Sword"!" Bai Lang looked upset.

"Haha, it is well known that the Lin family's swordsmanship for warding off evil is as fast as ghosts and charms. Back then, Lin Yuan's swordsmanship that shook the world had a'Zen sound'. It's a pity that you are a master of evil spirits, and you will have a good sword skill and practice the ghost and succubus sound. It's really violent!" Yu Canghai feels more reasonable as he talks about it. This is not spilling sewage at all, but a fact!

Bai Lang praised him in his heart, but he was still quibbling about not admitting it. The more his mind is like this, the more it can attract everyone's attention.

"Let's live together! Today is the day when Liu retires. For the sake of the face of the Hengshan school, please don't act rashly." At this time, the protagonist Liu Zhengfeng walked out with a smile.

This guy is well maintained, and he is fat to middle-aged. Wearing an outer uniform, smiling and making money, he doesn't look like a warrior at all, but like a businessman.

As soon as Liu Zhengfeng came out, Bailang naturally stopped. His goal today has been achieved. In just a few words of effort, he successfully offended the Taishan School, the Huashan School (Yue Zhangmen), the Qingcheng School... and he will also offend the Hengshan School and the Songshan School later. Not only that, he also tried every possible means to reveal the secret of his "Evil Guarding Sword", waiting for everyone to find fault.

"Hmph, let you go." Yu Canghai's wrist shook, and he shook off the sharp blade that wrapped his palm, leaving no wound.

At this time, Liu Zhengfeng and the senior leaders of the Wuyue Sword Sect greeted each other~lightnovelpub.net~, including Bailang, handed over their hands, and then signaled the family tree to move out of the golden basin of retreat and prepare to wash their hands.

At this moment, there was a bustling noise from outside the courtyard, and Bailang heard someone shouting: "Get out! Get out!" Then a group of people pushed away the warriors in the courtyard and walked here.

Inside the room, Liu Zhengfeng showed a long-awaited smile. The rest of the people were attracted by the voice and looked over. They were a group of officials in court uniforms.

The official stepped inside and stood in the center. Behind him, the Ya Ya knelt down with his right leg, raised his hands over the top, and presented a tray with a scroll in it.

The official bowed and took the scroll, and said loudly, "The decree is here, Liu Zhengfeng listens to it."

Then came the proclamation link. The rest of the people talked a lot, wondering why Liu Zhengfeng was involved in washing his hands with the court. In this era, the imperial court was more severely divided and opposed to the rivers and lakes. Not only those warriors, but even the other factions of Wuyue, showed dissatisfaction.

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