Dimensional Eroders

v1 Chapter 522: Master of Secret Treasures: Virtual Clas

   silly Fufu: "Wow w(?Д?)w!!!"

   Pushing the door out, Bai Lang brought her daughter to the second-order paradise space. The scale here is even bigger, like a busy science fiction city.

   Contractors from all over the world gather here. The streets are full of tourists, with humans as the mainstream, mixed with rare races, but they are not surprising. Salph wagged his arrow tail, looking so unpretentious.

   There is no such thing as a full-blown breath. Regardless of the race, they wear clothes that match the times and have a unified style of painting. The level of technology in the second-level space is very high. There are many portals and dynamic bulletin boards on the roadside. After clicking, the functions and codes of different areas are displayed, and the destinations can be searched and filtered.

   Just enter the code in the portal and you can get there directly. You can also wander around with your feet, the scenery here is very good, where he is located is a commercial street, a dazzling array of signs calling every passerby to enter.

   Bai Lang stroked the air screen with one hand, and found that the scale of the functional area was much larger than that of the first order. Many well-known large groups and forces have also established branches, and many of them are shadows of other paradise.

   Including the advertisements of the official food wholesale sales channel of Food Park, it is also posted on the streets of Chuanhuoyuan, and it can even be designated to be delivered to cities on different continents in Somogo.

   In addition, he also saw many recruitment advertisements, inviting new second-tier contractors to join him.

   There was no delay. After Bailang determined the code of the practice field, his little finger hooked his curious face beside him, and the little horn of Salf, who was looking around, dragged her into the portal.


   Paid a private practice range, which is a green meadow with blue sky and white clouds. Bailang created a small park for Xiao Fufu to play. Then he opened the career bar and prepared to test the power of [The Lord of Secret Treasures].

   Since his inauguration, he has only clicked on the embedded treasure, launched a virtual career, and studied paper data. There is no intuitive understanding of the power of the new profession.

The existence of   'treasure tool' is quite special. First of all, it is undoubtedly a tangible equipment item, but it is not stored in the storage space. Instead, it appears directly in the occupation column or in the "heart" in the form of the name [Pink Hairy Bunny Army].

   Bailang doesn't know where it is? But just with a thought, a huge scroll appeared in front of you out of thin air. When the thought moves again, the scroll disappears.

   ‘Treasure’ seems to be fused into him, has surpassed ordinary equipment, is closely connected with himself, and is a part of him. It is very convenient to use, and it is worthy of the term "conceptual armed", which has been completely conceptualized.

   If you can turn the huge [Fel Totem] into a treasure, turn it into a ‘concept’ and integrate it into yourself. A lot of space will be freed up to store more personal belongings.

   At this time, he focused on the treasure:

   [Military strength of the pink furry rabbit, conceptual weapon, C-level (can grow). For military treasures, a maximum of 1-99 people can be captured. It can be taken away from the Fire Passing Paradise and used normally in the real world. 】

   [Note: No one can bear the shame of being killed by a pink furry rabbit, and there are 99 rabbits like this! 】


   excluded his unique [Master of Secret Treasures] occupation bar, and only used the treasures as weapons.

   [Military Force] does not need to go through the physical scroll to activate. He only needs to inject IBM particles or the power of blood and energy into the ‘concept’ in his heart, and he can start it directly, which is not very costly.

   Bai Lang tried concentratingly, and easily turned on the switch, and his mind connected with 99 magic rabbits.

   In my mind, seven small sun-like light clusters appeared, floating in the mind, the most conspicuous. It is the seven cadres who correspond to the seven attributes of Yin and Yang, the five elements of the Ninja World.

   Around the ‘spiritual body’ of the seven little suns, there are 92 small ‘stars’ floating around. According to the strength of strength, and the different attributes, there are big and small colors.

   This is the result of the interaction of different monster organizations, chakra attributes, and seafood genes. There are 92 magic rabbits, each of which is unique. Not only are the properties of Chakras different, but they also have different development directions. They have physical shields, speed flow assassins, muscular fighting monsters, and mental perception experts.

   But none of them have a common feature, that is, it is nutritious and delicious!

   His spirit spread, without any signs, a handsome young man with red lips and white teeth and a pair of rabbit ears adorned his head suddenly appeared beside him. Like a sissy little white face coming out of an idol drama, with a bright and hearty smile like a prince charming, he bends down to salute him.

   Then, one, two, three, four... Seven or eight cute little rabbits with only pink soft and long hair, teleported to appear at their feet. There is no tentacle on his face, and his big cute eyes are full of curiosity. They are out-and-out bunny rabbits. Lovely arch and arch on the grass, nibbling on the green grass, making people feel caring.


   At the beginning of its creation, this treasure not only inherited the naming right, but the park also thoughtfully provided a ‘skin design’. It doesn't seem to increase the strength by half, but in fact, this is a god-defying feature!

   Free plastic surgery, is that the icing on the cake? No, that was a major turning point that could change life and change destiny, so easily hit him on the head.

   Lang clearly remembers what a horror scene was when the treasure was created?

  He and Xiao Fufu are surrounded by a group of indescribable demonized zombie rabbits with the characteristics of deep-sea monsters and burly muscles. Distorted, hideous and ugly, mucous in fangs, cysts in the tentacles, eyes glowing green, staring straight at him, showing admiration? ? ?

  Although each of them was designed and improved by themselves, and the most nutritious and delicious protein is hidden under the ugly skin, but surrounded by 99 monsters, there is still a kind of discomfort, which makes people hairy and panicked.

   Just after the treasure is formed, the paradise humane provides a ‘naming right’ and ‘skin covering’. Bailang immediately chose the eye-catching and warm-hearted kawaii girl's warm-color painting style to determine the skin model of the ‘pink fur rabbit’.

   Therefore, before the attack, 92 magic rabbits were uniformly shown in harmless images of humans and animals. This little fluffy pink fur ball can poke anyone's girlish heart, drastically reduce their vigilance, and give rise to thoughts of love and desire. Counseling sister is relying on her cute appearance to deceive the enemy and save the dog's life.

   As for the seven cadres, under the reinforcement of [Seven People], they completed the transformation process and had exclusive modeling design opportunities. To put it bluntly, it was a ‘painted skin’.

   Bai Lang really didn't want to see the terrible appearance of their "human-shaped fish head deep divers", so they continued their usual thinking. Select silly fufu to watch the appearance of male idols in that "soap opera".

  The cadres who represent Yin Yun have a cute boy face that is indefensible, and the height of 1.5 meters makes women unconsciously want to take care of them.

  He knows very well which kind of little white-faced sissy, and those slime fish head monsters of deep dives, are more suitable for action in the mission world. And their handsome faces like Lord Rabbit are the origin of the [Rabbit Army], and it can also be called the "Art of the Inverse Crystal Palace"!

   has developed such an ugly battle food monster race into a female domineering rabbit master seduction technique. [The Lord of Secret Treasures] is really unfathomable.

Ha ha……

I really look forward to when some real idiots embrace this little guy and talk to each other, suddenly tore this false skin, a blue-faced fangs, a face full of tentacles, scaly mucus, and a fish head with arms thicker than thighs. What kind of expressions will they make on their faces when they are strange.

What kind of horror is   ? Or is it even more sexually driven with bright eyes?


   On the grass, Bailang said nothing, using his thoughts to manipulate the handsome boys to fight in low intensity. The crowd of seven is the core of [Rabbit Army], and the basic ninjutsu in the fog hidden is readily available. Without opening the ‘Curse Seal’ in the body, he had already demonstrated the strength of Shangren.

   Once entering the'curse seal mode', it will break through the ranks of elites.

The    Treasure Tool introduced clearly that the seven "Rabbit Masters" of Yin and Yang, the five elements, possess high-level IQ and "human disguise." The strongest state just entered the second low-level (the second stage of the curse seal), which is the core part of this ‘treasure’.

   The 92 pink fur rabbits (zombie monsters) led by the seven people have two forms: ‘pet camouflage’ and ‘humanoid monster’. The intelligence has been greatly improved, after long-term practice, he can speak with others, and generally possess the strength of the first-stage mid-level Ninja Beast.

   If [The Army of Rabbits] is just a ‘treasure tool’ in the hands of ordinary contractors, it has a strong power and can be manipulated flexibly and freely. It would not be an exaggeration to say that it is a ‘curing ability’.

   However, the strength of "Treasure Tool" is basically locked at this level. Unless the conditions of ‘evolvable’ are set in place, the ‘treasure grade’ can be upgraded again through unknown means to be able to upgrade as a whole. Otherwise, the strength of Shintou has been locked.

  The contractor who masters this treasure can only improve the coordination of the ‘seven people and the magic rabbits’ through tactics, layout and other means to improve combat efficiency and change the power of the ‘treasure’.


   manipulated each ‘Master Rabbit’ to launch basic ninjutsu, played with tactical coordination, and summoned a pink furry rabbit to mobilize the Inuzuka clan’s ‘Tong Ya, Tong Ya’ of the Inuzuka clan.

   The biggest advantage of this ‘treasure’ is probably that it consumes very little, and it comes with a big source. Every magic rabbit has a chakra, and it can start a battle without paying extra power from the white waves. And through direct control of mental thinking, efficient, clear, flexible and precise.

   After getting familiar with the basic functions of the treasure, Bailang embedded it in his ‘professional column’, and the panel immediately changed.

   [The treasure is embedded, the concept is unfolded, the power system is loaded, and the virtual profession is being generated... the trainer (rabbit) teacher. 】

   As the "virtual career" opened, Bailang immediately felt differently. The "Treasure Tool" overlaps with his career column, a barrier is melted, and a brand new career system is obtained.

   The power of [Rabbit Trainer] has nothing to do with the ‘Chakra System’, but a ‘biological evolution’ system, which reminded him of biochemical viruses.

  This virtual job gave him a kind of editing ability called "Nintuo Gene Evolution Map". Through this map, he can collectively install or delete the "evolution and degeneration" under the biological system for all the ninja rabbits in the treasure. You can also open a map of Ninja Rabbit separately for one-to-one editing.

   The specific editing methods must be coordinated with the relevant ‘biological materials’, which is by no means a fantasy operation.

   If the carp king evolves again, updates the "curse seal fish gu", develops the "dragon curse seal", and collects 99 "curse seal worms", he can evolve all through the virtual class.

   At the same time, he killed an Earth Dragon during a mission, exploding blood-like material. Then you can randomly select a lucky magic rabbit on the spot, open the [Gene Map], and perform biochemical modification on it.

   This professional power is already in the field of "Oshake Maru". However, the ‘virtual profession’ only targeted 99 ninja rabbits, and gave Bailang a bird, and he was helpless.


  Because before the birth of the treasure, the [Reel of Ninja Rabbit] already belonged to the ‘Chakra System’; Bailang also carried out a unique ‘demonized transformation, curse seal transformation, and seafood transformation’ on each individual Ninja Rabbit.

   So the state of these creatures was recorded at the moment the "Treasure Tool" was born. [The Army of Rabbits] By default, the Chakra energy is inherited. This power can only be used by Shinobi, and has nothing to do with Bailang.

   As the [Rabbit Trainer], when launching a virtual career to transform the Ninja Rabbit, as long as it conforms to the ‘biological progression/degeneration’ system and does not conflict with the existing ‘Chakra Power’, it can accumulate and complete the evolution.

   This is a profession built on ‘treasures’ and integrating ‘summoning, control, and biological cultivation system’. It looks like a ‘biochemical druid’, through transformation and strengthening of cultivating a ‘rabbit’ to quickly form combat power.

   The shameless thing about Bao is that it can reset the rabbit constantly. As long as you don't ruin it all at once, as long as there is still time to breathe, you can quickly make a comeback and launch endless rabbit sea tactics.

   In the state of ‘virtual occupation’, the white waves can drop the magic rabbit with any precision within a range of ten meters in diameter. On the local battlefield, precision scalpel operations can be carried out.

   The rabbits that appeared in an instant are still a ‘substitute technique’ of changing directions. As long as my consciousness is fast enough, the enemy's attack will never hit me because there are rabbits blocking the knife.

  [Rabbit Army] The ‘growth potential’ obtained in the ‘virtual profession’ state fluctuates. Each demon rabbit has the potential for cultivation and evolution. As long as the seven people have sufficient resources and enough time, they can even grow to the third level.

   But if the rabbit dies, it will be beaten back to its original shape. If the group is killed, the accumulated strength of the treasure will be cleared and fall back to the initial level. The death cooldown of the seven strongest core rabbit masters has been extended to 7 days. This is probably the price of becoming stronger, right?

   In addition to the unknown ‘treasure level promotion path’ and the ‘biological evolution path’ under the virtual profession, this piece of equipment has seven holes. Able to install seven Ninja Blade plug-ins, once again permanently increase the level of strength.

  From today's C-level, it has become a C+-level treasure.

The quality of    Ninja Sword will bring further increase in the core Qituye’s ‘Muscle Fusion’. Even if the rabbit masters die, the Shinobu will not be lost, but will be recovered by the treasure, waiting for the birth and inheritance of the new Shinobu.

   And these seven ‘ninto sword’ plug-ins are replaceable. With the improvement of [Secret Treasure Master]'s ability to make equipment, Bailang will create a stronger Ninja Sword in the future to replace it, and the level of "Treasure Tool" can be further improved.

   For example, the ‘sixth-level carp king’ is cultivated, which is built into the ‘treasure’, from the C+ level to the C+++ level!


   After inserting [The Army of Rabbits] into the career bar, Bai Lang determined that it is a more mature ‘big source’. Although he cannot use the ‘virtual profession’ to use chakras, the rabbits embedded in the profession bar are themselves external flesh and blood, vitality, soul, and even faith cash machines.

   Bai Lang just opened his palm, and a pink furry rabbit appeared within three meters beside him, and then clenched his palm into a fist. The furry rabbit was squeezed and exploded by the volley before he could return to its original shape, exploding a cloud of blood.

   In the professional state, this vigorous blood coagulated into a ball, appeared in the palm, and the blood therapy was activated! It can be injected into your own body or into your teammates.

   In the case of injury, the injury can be treated; but in the case of no injury, different fur rabbits have different attributes, which can be used as a buff to be blessed to teammates through blood therapy.

   "Yes! My Bailang is the strongest blood daddy in the paradise! Invincible support, invincible milk volume!"

   In the virtual career state, each magic rabbit is a ‘blood pack’ that can be used at any time. He can squeeze any magic rabbit according to his mind and buff allies.

Among the 99 magic rabbits, there are many power, agility, and physique types, which can detonate the essence of blood, bless strength, speed, and physical stamina; you can also strip the yin and yang five elements in the rabbit body to bless mental resistance, flame resistance, and water enchantment and many more.

   This is the linkage effect between the ‘professional bar’ and the ‘ability bar’. It’s very easy, just like an instinct.

   When [Military Power] was inserted into the ability bar, he got a [Da Yuan], a huge ‘biological battery pack’. The lives, flesh and blood, and souls of 99 magic rabbits have been transformed into a huge resource.

   If Bailang has other treasures, then the best position of [Rabbit Army] is actually the ‘auxiliary’.

   Joined to make the ‘Fel Totem’ into a treasure, and after it was inserted into the main position, it would be combined with the auxiliary position [Rabbit Army] to form a ‘new virtual class’.

   At that time, [Military Force] will be transformed into a ‘Energy Furnace of Belief’, and stabilized as [Totem] 99 faiths are continuously poured into them to obtain a stable source, forming a closed loop system. Carry a ‘pocket god’s kingdom’ with you, a proper and perfect cycle of faith.

   If it’s conversely chimerized, with [Military Forces] as the mainstay, the "Fel Totem" will be integrated into the new professional system, and Bailang will become a "Faith Priest" and launch a "battlefield position" to command the demon rabbit tribe to fight. And constantly brush all kinds of ‘divine techniques’ for blessing, open positions to suppress, and use the rabbit army to harvest efficiently.


   If the'Carp King' is developed into another'treasure tool', embedded in a professional template, and becomes part of his own'virtual professional system', he even predicts:

   The virtual profession embedded in the ‘Carp King’ will add the worm’s nest effect of the "Heart of Insects" on the basis of the traditional "Rabbit Trainer".

  Through the carp king network and the parasitic feedback of the brain, turn the magic rabbit into a collection similar to the ‘pure love **** of war’? Or, with the ‘Carp King’ as the core, embark on the path of becoming a **** and awaken the ‘six powers’? Or take the group route and awaken the psychic abilities of the Zerg one after another?

   In short, the [Master of Secret Treasures] lies in change. If you dig deeper into this profession~lightnovelpub.net~ it is worthy of the evaluation of ‘keep changing and endless potential’.


   [The Lord of Secret Treasures] has many advantages, but it also has shortcomings.

Compared with the [real occupations] developed by    Treasures, the latter has an intuitive and obvious room for improvement.

   The nature of virtual occupations is limited by the quality of [treasures], which makes it difficult to improve.

   Therefore, in the future, we will continue to create more powerful ‘treasures’ and develop ‘advanced virtual careers’ that crush the full-level career template. This is the kingly way to maintain competitiveness.

   Bailang is not worried about this, as long as two common treasures are put together and embedded in the occupation column at the same time, the merged occupation is no worse than that of the contractor.

   If one of the ‘treasures’ is a high-end item, the ‘virtual profession’ that is opened is even stronger.

   He has only one flaw right now, that is, there are too few'treasures' that can be used. The power of [The Lord of Secret Treasures] is based on the combination of a large number of ‘treasures’.

   As long as there are more ‘core’s to choose from, an invincible system can naturally be matched... The so-called ‘traditional career growth’ is also a false thing. A high-level treasure is enough to offset the sum of the efforts of other contractors in several stages.

   worked hard several times before reaching the full level. As long as Bailang makes a high-quality treasure, he will naturally obtain an ‘equivalent virtual system’.

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