Dimensional Eroders

v1 Chapter 523: The second treasure is born!

   Inspecting the complete new class abilities, Bai Lang simply left [The Army of the Rabbit] in the class column and kept it in a "professional state" at all times. There is no price for this kind of passiveness, of course, the stronger the better.

   He has so few ‘treasures’ at hand now that he has no choice at all, and he doesn’t need to consider the issue of combination replacement. There is even one missing piece to reach the standard form.

   Next, he studied the seven plug-in filling positions of [Military Force]. The first choice is the Natural Time ‘Mask Muscle Series’. However, the time before the return is very tight, and I devoted all my energy to the transformation of 99 magic rabbits, and it was too late to build the Seven Ninja Sword. I didn't even dare to mention the "King Carp". I kept playing around with Dashewan and procrastinating for time.

   Now after returning to the main world, the second-order rest period has been extended to 3 months.

   Due to the different flow rate of the mission world time, the paradise does not force the contractor's mission amount for one year. Only the length of the task gap is controlled, and the contract is used to choose.

   Although one task is given at a short interval of one month, the maximum leave is 3 months. After reaching the third level, the rest period will continue to be extended to a maximum of six months.

   In three months, Bailang will personally create the seven-handed ‘shark muscle’ to give the treasure stronger strength.

   But without the ocean, without an unlimited supply of feed, without a large number of offspring to feed back, the upgrade speed of King Carp inevitably slows down. However, if 92 rabbits are squeezed out every day, the rate of knife yield should not drop too much.

   However, there is one thing that is not good. He lacks the ‘Blood Succession Boundary’ of the ‘Blood Sacrifice Tempering Knife’ link. These bloodlines cannot be brought out of the mission world, so in order to forge the most original "shark muscle", the environment of the Ninja world must be borrowed.

Bailang can only walk in two steps. First, create the best semi-finished shark muscle knife embryo in the paradise, giving the seven people the basic ability of'shark muscle fusion'; when they return to the Ninja world next time, they will complete the blood succession enchantment Link, even let Shinobu surpass once again.


   After making up his mind, Bai Lang summoned seven beautiful men with flowers, measured their body data, and then tailored the size of the ninja sword.

   These seven people have high and low appearances, handsome faces, little white faces, or sissy faces, and masculine ladies...without exception, they are all beautiful face sellers.

   This makes Bailang who prides himself on handsome B very dissatisfied. Unlike his natural and fierce male, these little white faces have a sense of falsehood after a long time, just like a facelift.

   At this time, the first person to stand up for inspection was the ‘Rabbit Ninja’ with the thunder attribute. This smiling face reminds Lang of the Jiama electric eel in his hometown on the earth. It will make a strange cry of ‘skr...skr...’, causing women to scream and scream when they can’t control their legs.

   Behind him is a "Rabbit Demon Ninja" who is half a head shorter than him and possesses the water attribute Chakra, who looks like Zhou Zheng and the little prince of basketball dancing on the earth. Looking at it again, the other "Rabbit Demon Ninja" can more or less find familiar characteristics, and Bai Lang couldn't help but be speechless.

   These rabbit masters are really terrifying.

   "Ahem, transform yourself, my ingredients!"

   Bai Lang urged impatiently, what he wanted to check was not this false human form indifferently. This is a layer of camouflage skin. It must be similar to the real shape when it is really hit, in order to customize the best fit of the'shark muscle'.

   Tear! ...Tear!

   The original group of beautiful men with motifs like ‘Jama Eel’ instantly tore their faces and showed their true side, without concealing them.

   From the Korean idol men's group tweaking to make Sima's handsome face, he instantly switched to the heroic and heroic form of the 108 heroes of Shuibo Liangshan with an open chest and a big mouthful of meat, a big bowl of alcohol and a big mouth.

   Their bodies swelled violently, broke through their coats, tore apart human skin, and launched a fish vein transformation. At this moment, the curse seal broke out, transforming into a terrifying fish-head monster.

   mucus, messy fangs, pungent fish smell, cloudy and dark yellow fish eyes, tentacled twisted beard, burly and thick body. They put on the poses of bodybuilders one after another, showing their powerful and fierce side to their heart's content.

   "Woohoo......!", "houhouhouhou......!"

   The disguise of the little white face severely suppressed their mentality. Seven of them, all of them are the great heroes of the ‘Pink Bunny’, and the geniuses of the geniuses, they can win the throne of the ‘Ninja Swordsmen’ and command many of their own clan.

   But now I have to endure such humiliation, being bound by a piece of painted skin makes me unhappy. So they shouted and vented their anger.

   "Good, good, all great men!"

   Bai Lang is happy, he was born tall and handsome, and now with this group of monsters that are about the same in length, width and height, he is so handsome. Is there any?

   He likes these loyal subordinates!

   At this time, the original pink and fluffy rabbits also broke through the false skin, and instantly expanded in a big circle.

These'Deep Sea Demon Rabbits' with an average height of 1.4-1.5, all arched their backs full of muscles, their green eyeballs burst out with the light of fel energy, the rabbit's face twisted, and the lamprey-like mouth opened. Standing up, the seven big scholars, posing in a body-building posture, paid tribute to Bailang.

   Bailang: "……"

   He quickly tested the true height, weight, grip strength, thrust, arm length, etc. of the seven people. Calculate the center of gravity of the body, the center of gravity of the knife, and calculate the weight of the ninja sword and the fish embryo that are most suitable for each rabbit.

   After all this was over, he canceled the Seven Summonings and returned to [The Army of Rabbits]. But it did not take back the remaining ‘muscles and rabbits’.

   At this moment, Xiao Fufu also left her amusement park, sucking her saliva and hiding behind the white waves, peeking from time to time, trying to restrain her murderous intentions, coveting these ugly but delicious treasures.


   The father and the daughter cooperated tacitly. Apart from anything else, one took out the wrench and the other raised the strongest spear (small tail). The rabbits who showed their muscles freely and exercised happily were physically anesthetized one by one. In the practice area provided by the park, cooking in a pot, cooking a fire, taking turns to show cooking skills, and feeding each other, full of happiness and sweet meat fragrance.

   After finishing the meal, Bailang lay happily on the lawn.

   As he became familiar with the ‘new profession’, he was pleasantly surprised to find that the most wonderful thing about [Rabbit Army] is not to use multi-functional combat, but [Ninja Rabbit Gene Atlas] has two options of ‘evolution and degeneration’.

   His magic rabbit generally locks in the form of ‘top marine ingredients’. If you want to eat top-quality beef, it’s originally impossible. But now, you can first degenerate the Ninja Rabbit, wash off the biological characteristics of the seafood, and then re-enter the biological information of the beef to create a ‘pink cow rabbit’.

   When the treasure is embedded in the career bar, it is like a data hard disk, recording the physical changes of each ninja rabbit and establishing a corresponding file. Every breakthrough will be preserved in the form of ‘data information’.

   If Bailang takes the initiative to degenerate a magic rabbit, adds beef genes, and cultivates it into a ‘bull cow rabbit’, a new ‘biological evolution template’ will be additionally opened up.

  With more and more similar food database, this treasure will record and screen out various ‘classic food forms’ with the highest cost performance. As long as Bailang reserves enough biological materials in the "Treasure Tool", he can intelligently generate the fresh ingredients he desires most with one click.

   "This treasure is really an artifact! It is becoming more and more towards the direction of'Food Paradise'. Could it be God's hint and guidance to me?"


   The father and daughter were full of food and drink, lying on the grass to blow the sun, looking at the blue sky and white clouds in the sky, they were very comfortable. This kind of practice space is the most cost-effective way to take a vacation.

   "Can I take you to the beach tomorrow, OK?"


   Silly fufu nodded, thought for a moment, and added: "I want to surf!" She opened her arms and said, "Ride a big fish!"

   "Okay. Let's play with it." Bai Lang took out the'Elf Ball', tossed it, and tossed it to Xiao Fufu.

   already has a plan in mind, give priority to making [Fel Totem] into a treasure, and then consider realizing the title of [Physics Demon Witch Doctor], or making the increasingly important [Poke Ball] into a treasure.

   Any further, it's up to chance.


   When he browsed the [Master of Secret Treasure] panel again, he was stunned and found that the option of treasure manufacturing was refreshed to [0/1]? Have you got another chance to make a treasure?

what happened? Doesn’t it mean that each world has only one opportunity to create it?

  【Rabbit Army】It was made by him to consume the quota of Ninja, and the quota of this kind of treasure will not accumulate over time. If he gives up the opportunity to make treasures in the ninja world, it will not be postponed to the next mission, but will be cleared.

   As for now?

   Bai Lang felt that he was no longer in the ‘mission world’, and the machine to make the treasure was naturally covered. So the Secret Treasure Lord gave a new quota.

   "The main world is also a new world?"

   Bai Lang scratched his head, wondering if he returned to Somogo, only this time to create a chance? Or does it mean that it can be refreshed every time after completing the task? In that case, he is sure to gather 10 treasures before being promoted to the third rank, and become the street lamp king.


   "Are you swollen?" Salf rubbed her belly and lay on Bailang's legs, don't want to be comfortable. Seeing his joyous expression, I was curious to ask questions.

   "Good thing! My profession has broken down, and I can make one more treasure." Bailang, who has been raised by her eighth wife, has the habit of white prostitution. What she likes most is the bug of Kayakuen and the wool of Yuyueyuan.

   He not only prostitutes himself, but also shares the joy of bugs and wool with stupid girls.

   When one piece of happiness is passed on to two people, it is two pieces of happy, double free sex!

  "ヽ( ̄▽ ̄)? Wow!"

   Xiao Fufu don’t know if you understand it? He put his hands on his chest, showing starry eyes, looking at Bailang in admiration.

   ?ω?) So tired!"

   Lang nodded triumphantly, and quickly focused his attention on the five solidified titles and the many equipment he currently holds, as if weighed, but not very matched.

   Among the existing equipment, there is no shortage of [Fel Totem], such a step-breaking artifact, and there are also high-end products such as [The Mother of Blood]. However, there is no combination of titles with a high degree of fit.

   The only way he can think of is to pick out a title, and then use it as a benchmark to tailor or purchase a piece of high-quality equipment. The worst thing is to be ‘green’.

   [The Army of Rabbits] The reason why it has been reduced to a C rank is largely because the "Reel of Ninja Rabbit" dragged its feet. If it is the Longdidong scroll and the Miaomu Mountain scroll, the final product is definitely more powerful.

The quality of    treasures depends on both the ‘title and equipment’, and the ‘fitness’ is also counted. In other words, even if the highest-quality [Fel Totem] finds a matching [title] and brushes it to a certain height, the synthesized treasure will still be affected by the "fitness" and be weakened.

   See the big from the small, and other contractors in the park are also bound by this. It shows that the ‘High-Order Treasure’ is extremely difficult to acquire. It is probably a true artifact + god-level title + god-level fit before it can appear.

  True artifact Needless to say, in the world he is currently experiencing, he has not witnessed the true **** with his own eyes, let alone the artifact. As for the title of God-level, it is likely to create an unprecedented show operation scene, similar to Uchiha Madara's feat of singles out the Ninja world. However, this high degree of fit... Nima, the circle of high-level contractors is really hard to mix up.


   Just when he was hesitating, he didn't know whether to waste that title, or simply wasting this hard-won opportunity for white prostitution? Or is it to give free love to others, such as helping a group of girlfriends or Xiao Fengying to synthesize a treasure?

   eh... Xiao Fengying's golden thigh is worth a hug. How about just give a handful of affection? Consolidate the plastic sibling relationship?

   Just as he was thinking about it, he gave a startled glance from the corner of his eye and was suddenly stunned.


  The same special equipment attracted Bailang's attention: wiped it! Why did I forget it?

   [Fuguiwan must die (green) × All things are rich andguiwan (dark blue), the fit is 99.99%] This is the embryo of a natural treasure!

   Bailang has lived for so many years, and I have never seen a combination that matches them better. If this is not love, then [Secret Treasure Master] will explode on the spot!

   "Together!" Silly Fufu jumped up and clapped his hands happily, "Together!"

Anyway, it was an unexpected opportunity for a prostitute. Anyway, there is no real material suitable for making treasures. Anyway, this opportunity does not necessarily have to be wasted. Anyway... Bailang's heart is full of strong curiosity, and he discovered that he must die. After the secret of'', even if someone took the initiative to pay and invite him to make a treasure, he still wanted to try the taste of'must die'.

   This equipment is too evil.

Bailang has never seen real [Growable] equipment before. The reason why the Fel Totem can become stronger is because its lower limit is too high, the upper limit is not accessible at all, and a seed of evil spirits is sleeping, causing "continuous growth" 'The illusion.

   The only real growth equipment is the [Rabbit Army] that has become a conceptual weapon. However, the attribute of ‘growable’ cannot be triggered, and it is not even known what the conditions are.

   Compared with this, it’s amazing to have to die by cursing the Fugui pill all the way to the present day!

   It is improving every moment. From the first mission to the present, it has never stopped getting stronger. Even during this mission, the ‘Fugui Pill’s collective unconsciousness’ was awakened, the ‘Wen Fugui’s Wisdom’ was lighted up as a ‘smart spirit’, and it evolved to a ‘green quality’ in one fell swoop.

   Green is placed on the second tier, and only the elite can obtain advanced equipment. Moreover, he must die and is far from growing to the limit. Not to mention every ‘talent’s supernatural power’ that can evolve again, his talent menu is filled with nine, and there is the last finale.

   It is really suitable for making treasures!

   So Bai Lang turned his heart, and it was combined.

  【Treasure: Fortune pill must die. Universe circle, E++ level, a treasure for others? Treasures for dogs? To pill treasure! (Can grow)]

  【Having the magical equipment of the soul, the ‘Maru’s principle’ that gives all things riches and riches, summons the ‘rich pill’s collective unconsciousness’ to come and rely on it to gain unparalleled wisdom and power. 】

   [Basic functions: charm, change, curse, kill the master. Special abilities: second personality, paradise creatures, inheritance menu. 】

   [Warning: Cannot be embedded in the career bar! 】

  【Smart Life Charm: Made of rich gold, exquisite shape, luxurious connotation, life with wisdom can not resist its fatal attraction. Everyone who looks directly at it with his eyes will hear the call of desire from his heart. 】

   [Small and right, ever-changing: There are four forms of ring, bracelet, collar, and headband. Will follow the image of the most eager heart of the wisdom life and appear before him. 】

  【Curse: Once worn, it cannot be taken off in any (ordinary) way, just like a shadow. When the heart is disgusted, there will be disciplinary measures such as electric shock, tightening, and mental invasion to torture. 】

  【Lord Killer: The desperate destiny that the wealthy pill clan can't get rid of. The same is the same for the wealthy pill clan that has not changed from generation to generation, and the determination of "killing the master" cannot be made easier-shit! Demon of Ten Thousand Demons, Altland! 】

[Special Ability 1, Second Personality: At the moment of wearing the'must die', the'Fukki Maru collective unconscious' has awakened, giving the host the special life of'Fukki Maru', and subtly, unstoppable and irresistible invasion of the mind , Forming a second personality, slowly eroding and polluting the spirit and soul. 】

   [Note: You never know that when you turn your back to the mirror, you have a face to smile at you again. 】

   [Special Ability 2, Paradise Creature: At the moment of wearing "must die", everything turns into a pill of wealth. Any aboriginal people or aboriginal creatures will be recognized by the park and become a special park creature, which can be taken away from the mission world. 】

   [Special ability 3, inheritance menu: the soul core that must die, after wearing it, it will inherit the dark will of the Fuguimaru family from generation to generation! Only the owner of Fortune Pills is qualified to assign talent skills to New Fortune Pills. Different Fortune Pills have different aptitudes, and the number of talents and supernatural powers they can carry is different. 】

   [Remarks: I gave it to you, only you. If I don't give it to you, you can't grab it! 】

   When the white waves click on [Inheritance Menu 9/10], it crashes, like a waterfall, swiping the screen:

  【1 Wall running method (wall climbing): free movement in all terrain, water surface movement, vertical running, handstand running. Magma can't stop my leaping ghost dance steps! 】

  【20,000 li alone little swan (little swan): Peerless and graceful and graceful swan dance steps that can travel thousands of miles a day. Comes with "Battle Beyblade Ghost Swan", an invincible Whirlwind Beyblade, and offensive legs. In the case that the host does not have any special power, give it a basic Chi system. 】

   [3 Fugui Wan Collective Unconsciousness (Wen Fugui’s Wisdom): Implanting the host with a ‘Wen Fugui’s Hidden Personality’, inheriting Wen Fugui’s wise insight, affinity, ability to see and calculate, and ability to gather intelligence. 】

   [Note: Wen Fugui is not a person, but an unknown pill (personality) randomly generated by the collective unconscious. When the host’s soul collapses and the container remains active, the hidden personality takes the initiative to seize the house. 】

   [4 Licking the dog, don’t be a god/Am I still alive? : The limited edition of "Jidu Form", now has a new mode of "Salf Saintess". In order to protect the goddess in my heart, I would like to turn on the ultimate dog licking mode. Even if I fight to the last breath, I will not give up hope when I lick the dog pill! Even if I don’t have anything, isn’t there still this dog’s life? I will sacrifice my soul, burn everything, and give my last strength to the goddess! 】

   [Remarks: Not everyone is obsessed with the beauty of Jidu, and the wealthy pill, who is determined not to be moved by beauty, has a certain chance to reverse from ‘absolute licking the dog’ to ‘extreme disgust.’ Loyalty flips and accelerates betrayal. 】

  【5 Small Goals: Designate an ambitious small goal for ‘Fugui Pill’, confuse its reason, make it full of fighting spirit, improve subjective initiative, work enthusiasm, self-management ability, better self-squeeze, and exploit surplus value. The oppression of capital has forced the "maru" into a "ghost". 】

[6: Shaolin Missionary Limited Edition~lightnovelpub.net~ basic mission, mouth-candy lotus; advanced mission, big thunder sound muyu brainwashing (mental damage); ultimate mission, physical smashing (crit), need for saint Object: Fish]

   [Note: I am not saving you today, or I will blow you up! 】

[7 Dance King: In a 3D space of 4m×4m×4m, a BGM that shocked Nyima was immediately played, and countless laser light **** were projected from the air, and 4 fallen demon spirits were summoned to accompany the dance. Start a dazzling dance journey that draws people's attention. With the passive effect of ‘intently watching’, the enemy’s spirit and focus cannot be removed from this visual feast. 】

  【8 Face change: Effect 1 angers; Effect 2 taunts. Frequent changes of facial makeup, forcibly attracting the target's attention, thereby angering the other party, and producing a powerful taunting effect, with attacking oneself as the first goal. Under the blessing of the Dance King, the sound and light background is fully opened, and the taunting effect is doubled. The four accompanying dancers also have the taunting effect, and they will be killed first. After starting the "Little Swan" and changing the "Fashion-Wedding Dress", the mocking effect doubled again. 】

   [Note: No one can resist the temptation to kill you! 】

  【9 Thousand Year Kills: Fortune Pill's strongest physical skill, it comes with a certain degree of automatic tracking and correction to increase the hit rate. When it hits the soul, the thunder is overwhelming. Sunflower is given to others, and the hand has a lingering fragrance 】

  This configuration is simply gorgeous!

   "Baby, good baby!"

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