Dimensional Eroders

v1 Chapter 525

   When he returned to his room to rest after the meal, Bailang thought with a thought and summoned the vehicle [Roaring Nuraemon].

   "Ah! (?ω?

   After seeing Bailang’s beloved pedal scooter, Salf’s eyes leaped for joy, stretched out her hand to stroke the smooth paint on the car, and reunited after a long time: "Little sheep!"

   Yes, it is the "Bronze Armed Forces" that has not appeared in the plot, the nuclear explosion WISP Little Sheep.

   At this time, Salf had climbed into the car, stepped on the pedal, and pressed the horn with his hand. Mr. Sheep immediately uttered a string of electronic sheep calls of ‘Bah Bah’, which was extremely cheerful and penetrating.

   This vehicle is highly similar to [Treasure] in many aspects and can be used in the real world. He even feels that the little sheep is more advanced than ordinary'treasures'.

   I thought that the kitten’s mother was once the envoy of the third-order contractor, and there was indeed a chance to get in touch with the ‘treasure’. So, "Mr Sheep" is actually a unique treasure of Tier 3?

   One of the two is called conceptual armed, and the other is real armed, which must be related. Isn't your own "treasure equipment" complete? After the title of paradise equipment fusion, it was transformed into a conceptual weapon, but it still lacks some elements, and finally becomes a real weapon?

   He thought of a lot in an instant. Although [Master of Secret Treasure] was judged to be a ‘Second Rank Profession’, he was still in a state of ‘Incomplete’, and there is still room for improvement. Perhaps this is the key?

   When he tried to embed "Little Sheep" in the career bar, he was prompted that he could not succeed. After repeatedly changing his posture, he gave up, the career bar does not support the little sheep.

   There are many secrets hidden in this vehicle. But how to open it correctly? It makes his teeth itchy. Kitten's mother, why don't you leave a manual?


   In the following week, Bailang frequently entered and exited the park space to conduct targeted training and strengthening of curing ability.

After    Tier 2, the upper limit of 15 points for single attribute is lifted. Any contractor can easily break through the 15-point mark through feedback attributes. But this does not mean that the contractor, with his own efforts, breaks the limit of ‘physical capacity’ like a white wave.

   After being promoted to Tier 2, Paradise gave them a higher ceiling. Without having to break through by yourself, the upper limit was pushed to 20 points. Even with mediocre aptitude, he can continue to grow happily. This is the kindness of Paradise.

   Incidentally, after the second level, the white ability can no longer feed back attributes for the contractor. The newly added sixth ability column, the worst must start in blue, and the upgrade level only feedbacks the five solidification abilities that belong to the first category, all of which meet the upgrade standard. As for the new ability column, I haven't considered it yet. This place is very precious and must be carefully considered and matched with one's own abilities.

   He still has several rounds of task time to think about, so he is not in a hurry.

   This week, he focused his training on the two martial arts of Zhen Qi. Before the last mission, [Leiyin] and [Dragon Elephant] were only Lv2 level, corresponding to ‘Mastery’. This was the limit he could achieve at that time after he had just solidified two martial arts studies.

In the next three months of Ninja Trials, he frequently used Lei Yin's abilities, and later explored the potential of [Lei Yin] Xiaoyuan, tracing the origin and using the core meaning of "waves, vibrations, and ripples" to integrate into the investigation. Carat developed the forbidden technique-No. Sang Helix Pill.

   Now, [Leiyin] is strengthened by him to Lv4, the master level. Only one step away is the master of the full level Lv5. Curing this ability cost him 2800 embers, which is a bit painful.

   [Leiyin Lv4] is also worthy of its price, the high-quality innocent energy has soared to a level; and there is an extra meaning called [Wailing]. This is his insight into digging into the fragments of the small source law of'fluctuation'.

[Wailing] The "howl" born out of the black ghost, is more like a universal equation, you can add variable parameters such as "true energy, IBM particles, power of belief" at will, fusion in different proportions, and superimpose different degrees in the attack. Howling mental injury'.

   This kind of ability is powerful and flexible, and it is an instinct for Bailang. It does not need to be used deliberately, and it is naturally activated when he thinks about it.

   At this moment, he suddenly raised his palm, and the true energy in his body continued to gather, and in the palm of his palm, he condensed into a sky-blue true balloon that constantly fluctuates and distorts the surrounding air.

   With the injection of IBM particles, it turns into pitch black a little bit, and the interior rotates quickly, and the whole is very stable.

   Lv4's Chi, has broken away from the low-strength limit, and can condense and compress Chi energy like a male tyrant, directly hitting a high-burst and high-damage attack.

   Looking at the real balloon turning in the dark with his palm, his arm flicked, the energy collapsed, and the true energy and IBM particles got back into the body again. Lang nodded with satisfaction, and would like to call this martial arts stunt: "Return to vitality from mourning!" (No. Sangwan Zhenqi version)

"It seems that I took this as a foundation and took the time to retrospectively create three martial arts: "Cry and Funeral Fist", "Walking the Funeral Palm", and "Fleeing the Funeral Leg" as the church's basic exercises. The three martial arts can be combined into one. Repaired the invincible "Honor of the Lost and Returned to the Vitality"."


   is different from [Leiyin], which is deep enough to understand and study ‘Xiaoyuan’, and repeatedly practice in conjunction with multiple abilities, to master it subtly, and directly solidify into Lv4.

  【Dragon Elephant Prajna】is a not-so-braining skill. There is no threshold, as long as you persevere in your practice and use the daily refined Qi to refine and strengthen your physical body, you can continue to grow stronger, and ultimately your physical body will be infinitely strong.

  Because this "curing ability" is not difficult or tricky, the curing effect of Bailang this time is very poor, only barely breaking through to Lv3, about the eighth level, and then it will be difficult.

   However, this does not bother him. In the past week, Bai Lang has been doing the same thing, that is-the technique of unlimited mutual prostitution ability!

   He ignored the losses of [Leiyin] every day, locked the gear first, drained the source of true qi, and used all of them to recharge [Dragon Elephant].

   This kind of behavior is placed in the world of martial arts, it is a certain top-ranking master who is desperate to dissipate the whole body's vitality, used to strengthen the physical strength, and from then on the cultivation of waste, embark on the path of physical cultivation.

  After the dragon elephant broke through Lv3, the upgrade standard was greatly improved. He smashed in with a high-purity zhenqi, but he couldn't see the slightest spray, it was still Lv3.

   This situation is the same as that after he practiced Lv6, no matter how he changed his bloodline, he still couldn't break Lv7, and he was accumulating potential. However, after each recast, the accumulated potential of [Dragon Elephant Lv3] will be cleared with the recast.

   This shows that simply relying on self-abolishment to recharge [Dragon Elephant] is useless, and it is a paradise that controls the ability bar. How can you allow white prostitution? Contractors are not allowed to exploit loopholes.

   But every time Bailang uses [Leiyin] to recharge [Dragon Elephant], his physical quality will be greatly improved. After he recast decisively, the data in the ability column was selfless and restored to the state before the recast; but the effect of physical strengthening was preserved by the ‘Bapo’s bloodline’.

   This raw stone bloodline is not subject to the rules of the paradise. It always takes the healthiest state before Bailang's death as the standard to complete the recast. Every time he recharged [Dragon Elephant], the physical progress was not recognized by Paradise, but Bapo recorded it.

   Once a recast, the dragon elephant's body gets a piece of hard work. Bailang has grown up through the real body, and the reverse force ability bar has to be improved, holding his nose to admit it.


  Considering that the recharge of true energy is converted into physical improvement, the conversion time is also required, and the average value is 2 hours. Then eliminate 8 hours of sleep a day, 2 hours of three meals, and 2 hours of entertainment (playing with cats). Xiao Fufu helped the owner make mistakes at a rate of 6 times per day, and Bailang could squeeze out 360 years of skill to practice this "Dragon Elephant Prajna Kung".

Yup! To use the "shortcut channel" provided by the official paradise to strengthen the ability bar, it is too difficult for a dull person like him!

   The ‘Dragon Elephant Prajna Gong’, which was originally exhausted for a lifetime and unable to break through the 10th floor, the contractors of other people’s homes can easily reach Lv5 Dzogchen (Level 13) in just a few rounds of quests in the park. This strengthens 0 difficulty!

   But my Bailang qualifications are limited, I can't even save the omnipotent paradise, and I can't even do it with 0 difficulty. There is no way, I can only rely on my own hard work and hard work to squeeze for 6 hours a day and practice hard at the cost of my life.

Using the most stupid method, one step at a time, and finally exhausted a full 6 (times) × 60 (jiazi) × 7 (days) = 2520 years of overflow data, using the most primitive method to strengthen this martial arts to Lv6 Grand Master level.

   Xiao Fufu, who has killed the master 42 times, has the title "Master Killer" on his head turned green and black. In the last ten times, the little arrow was too lazy to **** blood, and it drank and vomited.

   When seeing the achievements of the [Dragon Elephant Lv6] Grandmaster Bailang showed to him, Salph uttered admiration and admiration: "So boring!"

   Bai Lang shook his head again and again.

"No, no, I'm just rubbish. Don't just watch me eat and drink every day. It only took just seven days to break through Dzogchen and reach Lv6, but this is actually all fake! Behind this illusion, there is enough The hard work of water mills in 2520. I? I'm just a martial arts waste!"

Bai Lang explained with shame: "Other contractors solidify this ability. They don't need 2,500 years of hard work. As long as they are proficient in daily use, they can easily reach the level (Lv5) within one level. But I can't. You can only practice **** the ground, bypass the simple mode provided by the paradise, and use the most orthodox stupid method to perform hard work. Replaced with the most **** cultivation method, more than two thousand years is enough for Yuan Ying. And I, only Lv6 Dragon Elephant, where am I better?"


   silly fufu thoughtfully, with his fingers and forgot. It turned out that things that others can do in a few rounds of tasks, but the master has exhausted more than two thousand five hundred years to complete! It really was a ‘stupid way’.

   then criticized: "You are so stupid!"

   "Yeah, I'm too rubbish!" Bai Lang looked sad, and felt heartache for the 7000 embers spent curing the Dragon Elephant Lv6.

   The curing price of the blue ability is too expensive, and the two ability columns have almost spent the profit of this mission. The next thing is to sell all kinds of materials and equipment to return blood.

  【Dragon Elephant】By stupid way, after breaking through Lv6 through unremitting efforts, he also got a good secret.

   Lv5 is [Dragon Elephant Giant Power], which is actually not huge. The second-order blue ability allows him to burst out of 10 tons of power in the normal state, and he can also play the 8-ton classical gold hoop level, even the 15-ton double steel wheel Takizawa Lola Da. It's really not worth mentioning.

  Lv6 is [Dragon Elephant is not bad body], a passive state that enhances physical quality, strength, and defense in all aspects. It can optimize and coordinate the body structure of Bailang, and give a strong body, strong defense, and great power to perform miracles.

   This effect overlaps with Heng Lian Lv7's [Blood Demon Yuan Fei], but it has the effect of ‘Strong Join Forces’.

   [Blood Demon Primal Fetus] is superior in all-attribute state blessing, combat battery life, and forced healing, while [Dragon Elephant Indestructible Body] once again expands the base of the white wave's physical body.

   The increase brought by the feedback attribute points of the two curing ability is far inferior to the two physical stamina systems-after the curing ability is developed to the fullest, the effect of the core uprising linkage erupts.

   This is the benefit of specialization. Because of the overlapping of the two physical types, the solidification ability will eventually multiply.

   If the [Blood Demon Primal Fetus] originally acted on a body with a mass of 10, then after the dragon elephant is expanded, it now blesses a body with a mass of 15.


   The original [Heng Lian LV7] brought Bailang an unprecedented level of foundation building, polishing the body to the pinnacle of the ordinary biological domain. After being promoted, the ability of [Qi and Blood] will tap the potential of the microscopic world from the inside of this full-level physical body.

   In the end, the physical body is used as the base, and the blood is used as the coefficient. [Qi and Blood] The higher the level, the greater the coefficient, multiplied by the constant [Heng Lian Lv7], equal to his combat power in the Qi and blood martial arts.

   And the completion of [Dragon Elephant] has expanded the original horizontally refined physical base again.

   These two [Ability Bars] seem to be independent of each other, but they essentially act on the same body and are closely connected. Through their respective strengthening methods, they work together to continuously strengthen the white waves.

  It happens to be that he has exactly three such ‘Physique System-Curing Ability’!

  【Blood Therapy】Although it is a medical witchcraft, it does not seem to have anything to do with martial arts and does not strengthen the body. But its operating principle is also based on the physical body and vitality. Bailang uses his own blood (vitality) as the casting material to perform blood transfusion therapy on the patient, which bursts out an incredible ‘medical’ miracle.

   Therefore, the level of [Blood Therapy] is increased, behind it is to increase vitality, improve physical fitness and endurance. [Blood Therapy] It can't bring about the enhancement of the physical quality, but it makes the length of the blood bar increase wildly, becoming a blood cow that can repeatedly self-mutilate and save others. (Although Bailang now transfers the risk to the rabbits, it does not prevent the blood therapy from increasing his blood bars)

  [Blood Therapy]'s upgrading and strengthening are also expanding the foundation of the ‘Qi and Blood Martial Art’. Because Bailang's ‘power of blood and energy’ is his red bar. The two overlap again at this point.

   The original white wave body was 10, and the total amount of qi and blood excavated was limited; but the improvement of [Blood Therapy] caused this total amount of qi and blood to break the limit, and continue to double and double.

   Therefore, the three ‘small sources’ of curing ability correspond to this body at the same time. Close contact with each other and promote each other, forming a cycle.

There is such a genre in    Paradise. Outside the ‘professional column’, a variety of related ‘small sources’ are consolidated, and they are combined to form another ‘big source’, which ultimately constitutes the ‘gemini mode’.

The one with the same name as the "Gemini" is based on the "Professional column big source" as the core, and tailor-made five highly compatible "small sources", spreading light like the sun, covering and connecting each of the "small sources", forming 'Sun mode'.


   Bai Lang is very clear that he lacks aptitude, and he covets [The Lord of Secret Treasure] to be strong, and has lost the orthodox professional system.

   Although he keeps talking about the ordinary ‘career model’, the strength of [Secret Treasure Master] is no worse than that of the top-level profession. But after stripping off the treasure, the power system lacks a core, just like the first machine without the S2 mechanism, there is no sense of security at all.

  If one day, my ‘treasure’ is broken, can the [Master of Secret Treasure] still give me great power? Uh...no, I mean if one day, a dozen of my ‘born treasures’ are all lost and damaged.

   Without external help, what can I compare with those strong?

I am already far below the average line of contractors, and it takes 2,500 years to cultivate a dragon elephant. With such a bad aptitude, there is less than those talented contractors who have the protagonist's aura. They can grow and integrate their own strengths. What should I do about the "professional column" of the system?

Take the Miss Sister, the captain of the girlfriends group, the parents are more prettier than herself, Opie is bigger than her own chest muscles, talented and hardworking, have EQ and IQ, form a team, have a strong career... And these, I Bailang Tong! System! No! Have! How do you compare with these B?

   Thinking of the terrible gap between himself and the contractor's average line, Bai Lang sweated coldly all over his body and his hands and feet were cold. What should I do to close the growing gap? The most horrible thing, my white waves are destined to be an ordinary human!

When others are already strong, they have strengthened their ancestry and solidified the ability to surpass humans; but I can only be a plain ordinary person, and any ability that leads to a decrease in the purity of the'human descent' is destined to be insulated , How should I live? Tears flowed down unsatisfactorily.

   After thinking about it, he found that there is only one way, that is, work harder and catch up!

   Although I don’t have the great source given by the ‘Ability Bar’~lightnovelpub.net~, I’m not greedy! I can reluctantly piece together a few ability bars and match them into a simple ‘three-core linkage’ mode, unswervingly follow the physique blood cow route, and let the three small sources merge with each other and become a simple big source.

   thus narrowing the gap between him and the genius contractor.

   Bailang did not dare to hope to become a rare ‘gemini, stellar’ contract powerhouse. He only wanted to obtain a ‘small core’ (large source) that would reach the average line of a paradise contractor. (The **** contractor theoretically has a big source per capita, which is too envious.)

   The great source of the ‘flesh to be holy’ = Qi and blood (horizontal refining) × blood therapy × dragon elephant. After constructing a great source of physique type, any one of the three can be increased to generate a linkage, allowing other abilities to rise a step.

"Fufu, Dad is so difficult! The rewards for this task settlement are all used up, but other abilities have not been strengthened. Therefore, I can only cut off your pocket money with tears. Cut it on you , But it hurts in my heart! I will accompany me to the paradise to sell equipment and return blood. Until now, in order to cultivate a'big source', I can only change the seller's property and build a power system."

   "Hey, don't be afraid!" Silly Fufu stood up, touched Bailang's head, and cheered, "Support you!"

   Bai Lang hugged Xiao Fufu, and said excitedly: "It's great to meet you!"

   silly fufu also hugged Bailang and comforted: "Don't cry!"

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