Dimensional Eroders

v1 Chapter 548: In the next mixed element thunderbolt ha

Latest URL: "Stop! What are you doing?"

When Bailang passed the entrance to the archway, he was suddenly drunk by the concierge on the side. But the other party uses English and has no internal taste.


Bai Lang looked over, it was an old man with a little gray hair, staring at him with scrutiny eyes. After confirming that he did not carry dangerous weapons and a face with oriental elements, he explained: "This time is not open to the public. Do you have an appointment? Strangers need to register to enter."

Bailang pondered for a moment, sorted out the language, and replied in Mandarin: "Uh...I'm here to visit the Huolulu Sanshengmeng and apply for a job."

"???" The old man replied with a dazed expression: "Please speak English!"


After some communication, Bailang was led in front of an antique attic. There are a total of four floors, which not only incorporate modern architectural elements, but also without losing the classic charm, it looks quite magnificent. The central plaque reads "Three Saints League" in traditional Chinese.

There are no 404 countries in Eden, but since ancient times, the culture of the mysterious East has radiated Southeast Asia. There are a large number of Chinese in the Southeast Asian generation, and there are also Chinatowns in countries around the world.

Therefore, there is no shortage of Mandarin-speaking residents in Eden, who come from all over the world. Similar to the neon home stadium in District 11, in District 23, there is the largest Chinese group, the Three Saints League, which enshrines the three spirits. Among them, the main coffee has already obtained the qualification of the “Middle Spirit” in District 23, which is quite influential. Many white people also worship.

However, there are a lot of talents in District 23, and they are all very good at speaking, and there is no place for Bailang to stand. So he chose the ‘Sub-rudder’ opened by the ‘Three Saints’ League in the 9th district.

The total rudder has a ‘central spirit’, which ensures that the backing is strong enough and the thighs are thick enough to be worth a hug. The 9-division rudder is in the development stage, facing huge pressure, low control, and many opportunities, and there are opportunities for success.

In addition, everyone has a similar origin of civilization, and Bailang finally chose this force as his umbrella. I plan to learn the pocky model and find a backer for wretched development.

"Honululu-Three Saint League" on this earth, there is another name that may be more widely circulated, which is the anti-Qing Ming "Honolulu-Hongmen". Yes, it is not ‘Hong’.

After some conversation, Bailang met the person in charge here. A middle-aged man wearing casual clothes and looking very energetic. From beginning to end, there is no ‘savour of rivers and lakes’. They are actually leather shoes? Not cloth shoes!

This disappointed the expectant Bailang. You don't even want to wear a tunic. Are you worthy of the antique interior decoration here?

The other party looked at Bailang doubtfully: "You are here to apply for a doctor? But we haven't released this task."

At the moment they met, Bailang and the other party sensed the "hunting mark" on each other's body. It does not need to be explained to understand that each other is not a commoner. So Bailang’s so-called “applicant for doctors” will never be ordinary doctors, but “extraordinary doctors” with spiritual blessing behind him.

Although the organization has never considered this aspect, and there is also an exclusive ‘doctor’ at the headquarters, he doesn’t mind talking to Bailang who takes the initiative to come. Doctors who can treat ‘special injuries’ are very popular in Eden, and the injury rate here is too high.

The wave, who had been prepared for a long time, took a fist towards the opponent, took out a carefully prepared line, and said:

"Under the'Hunyuan Thunderbolt Hand' Jonathan Mountain Joe! Tu-Australian mixed Chinese descent, good at martial arts since childhood, learned a cult parasitic martial arts, proficient in medical techniques from the mysterious East, is an excellent Oriental Classical surgeon, reborn Hua Tuo. Although the "spirit" I believe in is not well-known, it has given me a rare "medical department" magic. However, she suffered heavy injuries and is now falling into a deep sleep. The so-called Chinese people in the four seas are all brothers. , I hope to shelter under the wings of the Holy League and plan to wake up my lord again. Once successful, I would like to join your forces on behalf of my lord and become a member."

The amount of information in this passage is too dense. The middle-aged man has a stunned expression. He tries to extract effective information. He smiles awkwardly and politely: "Uh...Mr. Joe, I'm sorry, I don't know Chinese well. You can speak slowly. Huh? You speak Chinese, it's really good!"

This time it's Bailang's turn to be stupefied. He is not a counselor, he doesn't understand Cantonese.

"Everyone still speak English."

"Okay, Mr. Joe?"

Bailang smiled and said: "Your Excellency may as well call me ‘Qiaofeng’, this is my Chinese name. It’s also possible to call me ‘jojo’."

"Understood, Mr. Jiaojiao. You not only offer a ‘spirit’, but you also have ‘offerings’. Are you a ‘sacrifice’?"

"Ahem, you should call my Chinese name. You are right. The spirit I enshrine is half dead, but it is not dead. You can wake it up as long as you gather the conditions. If you are willing to support and provide protection, My spirit and I are willing to join the "Hong Men"."

Before Bailang came this time, he had filled up a lot of knowledge, so this rhetoric was not false.

In the 54 districts of the Garden of Eden, a varying number of ‘youling’s are born every week due to various reasons. In addition to pocky, which is backed by capital and carefully nurtured ‘spirit’, there are also ‘wild wandering spirits’ born by accidental coincidence.

No one can find out the identities of all the "Wandering Spirits". Every month in the Garden of Eden, there are many "Wandering Spirits" who are out of the game for different reasons. Some of the donations were directly destroyed and completely collapsed into ashes; some were eaten by powerful'evil spirits'; some died only as simple'donations'; there were also some lucky ones who suffered minor damage and were in a state of semi-meteorological dormancy. .

This kind of half-sleeping spirit, or only the mere ‘offer’, wants to reawaken or create a new spirit, it’s not impossible.

After Bailang specifically investigated, there have been too many cases in Eden that a lucky person accidentally found damaged'offers' in antique shops and second-hand goods markets. He spontaneously organized a series of rituals, gathered the believers, awakened them again, and embarked on it. The pinnacle event.

This is not isolated, but very common. In the past hundred years, God knows how many ‘offers’ have appeared in this city? Some of them have been destroyed, some have been taken, some have been lost, or have been concealed and reappeared after many years. Moreover, new ‘suspected offerings’ are being excavated and sent in at all times.

So it’s not a big deal for ordinary people to accidentally get ‘offers’. If you can awaken a valuable ‘spirit’ by your own strength, the leader can get huge benefits from it.

And this kind of ‘people’ who personally sign a cooperation contract with the spirit are called ‘sacrifices’ in this city.

For example, Fuki Maru is the person in charge of the company that cultivates'pocky' and finally signs a contract with it. Fuki Maru is not a "sacrifice". Fuki is just a tool man. Pocky's partner is actually the group behind him. Fuki Maru can change at will. .

Bailang's identity this time is the man behind the "Plant (Human) Spirit-Jidu". In order to awaken his goddess, he willingly took refuge in the ‘Three Saints’ League’ and signed a deed of sale.

And his ‘sacrifice’ is precisely qualified to make decisions on behalf of the spirit behind it.

Originally like him, he joined a party force alone, but he was unwilling to offer his faith (voting the name certificate). It was originally very taboo and should be rejected. But after he played the "Sleeping Spirit" card, everything was different.

The pocky cultivated by Fukimaru reached an agreement with a subordinate spirit in District 11, and if the "Wandering Spirit" was valuable, he would join the other's "spiritual system" to provide protection. (If it is worthless, it is eaten as rations.)

Similar to the attack he encountered today, the spirit behind the 20-yuan counterfeit bill has only two magical ‘cannon fodder curses’. The spirit itself is both strong and weak.

Weakness is easy to understand, the ability is actually quite rubbish, can not protect itself, and has no attack power. Strong is because super powers are cheap enough and too suitable for cannon fodder. With about 1/3 of Eden's population, the audience is too wide, leading to rapid expansion of strength.

This kind of ‘spirit’ develops too quickly and easily attracts the prying eyes of other evil spirits, so it is necessary to team up with the ‘spirits’ of other functions (Black Christ: welcome to join the **** system!) to form a **** system.

Every evil spirit’s ‘ability’ is very limited, UU Reading www. uukanshu. com then formed the **** system, and the rapid development of group warming is a common mode.

Pocky took refuge in the subordinate spirit, and Bailang joined the Three Holy League on behalf of a certain ‘medical department-half meteorite’ to seek shelter and support. It was a very common transaction.

It just so happens that he has the ‘evil parasitic witch doctor skills’ without any water, surpassing the mortal medical skills. On this planet without supernatural powers, all ‘supernatural powers’ must be the pot of ‘evil spirits’.

Behind the white waves, there is a "half-fallen spirit" that provides superpowers, which naturally became common sense as it should be, and there is nothing wrong with it.

The only pity was that the other party didn't understand the ‘wuxia culture’ at all, and couldn’t hold back the stalk he had thrown away. He was blinded by his well-designed opening speech, which did not have a shocking effect.

The other party cannot understand the meaning of ‘origin of the universe thunderbolthand’.