Dimensional Eroders

v1 Chapter 568: Like a fish in water Salf

"Dimensional Corruptor (

Except for the rich people of the earth who come to travel and consume, no one can be absolutely safe in Eden.

Even if Bailang spent a lot of money today, he came to a neutral hotel opened and sheltered by a lower evil spirit to eat. When the local prison monastery sent him a task, Lang could only feed the unfinished food to Salf in a hurry, and then bite the bullet and chose to compete.

Refuse? nonexistent.

When he saw the first prompt, everything was still expected. But the second one was irritating and couldn't calm down instantly. When Bai Lang calmed down and analyzed it carefully, he was randomly drawn into a dangerous unknown match. It seemed that there was no accident, but there was a context to follow.

Fuguimaru was assassinated by unknown forces within 5 days after creating pocky. When "Dancing God-Acrobatics Maru" was born, there was no need for outsiders to intervene, and it attracted pocky's frontal kill.

Grievous development does not exist, it's okay to say that you continue to suffer. Once it becomes stronger, it will inevitably encounter greater danger. There is no danger, Eden will also create risks for you.

Now he and Xiao Fufu, one master of the ‘quasi-supply-fel totem’, and directly control the ‘dancing **** battery’. And another sacrificial ritual who has just become the "nameless" of the new born spirit. Then the father and daughter got together and swaggered to eat a big meal at the evil spirit center in District 13.

Bailang believes that his behavior is sufficiently low-key. He does not realize that the ‘great evil energy’ behind the father and daughter is far from being comparable to believers who hold ordinary communication objects and carry a large amount of ‘hunting blood debt’.

The main theme of this city is the chaotic and chaotic frenetic fighting party like a carnival. No one will be forgotten, happiness is over!

Before the birth of "Anonymous", Bailang could be stable for more than ten days. It was entirely because he and Fuguimaru encountered a pocky attack and successfully killed him.

The ‘pleasure’ generated by killing the ‘evil spirit once’ alone temporarily paralyzed the ‘goodwill’ of the Garden of Eden to him. Now, the total assets of him and Fufu have expanded again, and the original "pleasure anesthetic" has been quickly diluted, naturally, more "pleasure" and the latter "blood debt" are needed to balance his current status and strength.

When Bailang figured this out, he sadly found that the ‘Rapid Wealth Plan’ was far less beautiful than he thought.

If today’s game does not die, as he puts the third spirit and pocky into his bag, he will encounter more and more ‘happy things’. Especially this kind of happiness does not require logic at all, let alone give you a reason, you can meet love in the corner.

When he put down the knife, Lang and Fufu were in the box, the space began to twist, automatically rotating to form a black oval vortex, floating on the sides of the two, the ghastly breath spreading from the other end.

The branch task changed again, giving him a [9:48] countdown, urging him to enter quickly, and refreshing a reminder:

[Enough killings, battles, and sacrifices can reduce Eden's concern and malice on you. 】

[Be active! The believer pleases the evil spirits, and the evil spirits please Eden. 】

The latter sentence is translated: if the main action is dead, everything will be fine. Passively wait for death, open all year round.

As long as I take the initiative to provoke myself enough ‘blood debt, trouble’ and ‘enemy’ to match or exceed my worth, Paradise will not harass me, right?

The inexplicably sad Bailang looked at the girl who was sitting on the chair obediently and was wiping the corners of her mouth gracefully with her napkin, and said, "Then, let's go and make trouble together, Fufu!"

Salf nodded expectantly, took her offering [gyro] out of the storage space, and took out a box of vitamin C containing white pills, put the two together, and muttered to the spirit of her offering Something.

Soon, the power of the evil spirits was poured into the medicine bottle, and "Nameless" was madly overdrawn by Salf and dried up before being re-entered into the storage space.

At this time, Bailang didn’t have Fugui Pills by his side. Affected by Xiao Fufu’s actions, he also took out the "Fel Totem" and used Eden's ubiquitous "Evil Spirit Network" to isolate the "Dancing God-Battery" in District 11. Squeeze and drain.

Judging from the information he just searched online, this game is obviously not played in the world of Eden. This pitch-black passage is obviously connected to the ‘Different Dimensional Demon’s Realm’. In the exclusive domain of the evil spirits, he could not communicate with the ‘dancing god’ of the outside world. This kind of **** wandering spirit has failed to even build a nest and cannot interfere with the higher ‘devil’s realm’.

After all this is done, only [4:17] is left in the countdown. He looked at Fufu: "Participate in the game, or be a spectator?"

"Competition!" Xiao Fufu was eager to try, holding Bailang's thigh, and said arrogantly: "Little Mianniang!"

Thinking of the mysterious attributes of [Roaring Nuraemon] that would even surpass the treasure, Bai Lang nodded without hesitation: "Okay!" No matter which camp he joined, he was sure.

Then, he picked up Xiao Fufu, stepped his legs into the dark whirlpool, and then a chill swept through his body, making his hair horrified. After a moment of trance, there was a noise, noise, noise, and roar in my ears.

When he regained his vision, he found himself in a messy and noisy street entrance.

The sky here is dark and dull, with a **** color, without the sun, like the dusk of the last day. A large number of dilapidated high-rise buildings around, seem to have been abandoned for nearly a hundred years, broken windows, weathered cement, mottled walls, partially collapsed, revealing the steel structure, and persisted with difficulty.

Looking at the road on the ground again, it looks like it has been in disrepair for decades. The road surface is severely cracked, but there are clear tire marks, blood stains, garbage, and withered grass. On both sides of the road are all kinds of scrapped vehicles and traces of explosions. Many vehicles are still burning, and there are also a few "vehicles" that appear to have been abandoned.

Part of the noise at this time came from the densely packed vehicles on the side of the road, from ordinary motorcycles, cars, sports cars, to yellow school buses, pickups, buses, and even a tank, all crookedly and irregularly parked on the side of the road, sending out their engines. The roar.

This intersection is very close to the main road ahead and is a branch entrance that can be merged into it at any time. These vehicles are parked on the periphery, and around the car group, there are more excited and fanatical believers.

All of them carried a number of "credentials" and were equipped with a large number of firearms, RPGs, and some even added machine guns. Some people are drinking, yelling, and howling up to the sky; some keep busy setting up roadblocks and throwing iron briers toward the road; some people hold a flamethrower and spray a long fire dragon into the sky, and then the sticky fuel falls into the crowd. Cause a riot.

When Bailang appeared with his arms around Salf, he instantly suffered a large group of malicious gazes.

The moment he entered here, he understood the rules of the game in his mind:

More than 80% of the entire track is not in the real space of the Garden of Eden. This game is jointly organized by 14 regions, passing through the territories of different evil spirits, they will each take over a section of the track, connect with their own evil spirits domain, create a'inside world' track, set up numerous obstacles, and hide rewards .

Bailang and Fufu belong to lucky spectators who were randomly selected. They do not start from the beginning of the game, nor do they necessarily have to reach the end. If he just wants to escape here, he can escape from a certain section of road exit by destroying 30 vehicles as a guarantee. Counting the girls, 60 vehicles need to be destroyed together.

If you want to compete for ranking, you must reach the finish line and accumulate results that surpass other opponents in a limited schedule. As for the highest rewards, you can even strengthen the ‘evil spirit’ you enshrine, and you can also choose the ownerless ‘offerings’.

This game has a wide range of targets and rich rewards. For ‘sacrifices’ such as Salf and Bailang, the threshold is set high and the rewards are low. As long as the civilians who are randomly selected, as long as they can persist for a period of time and run out of results, they can get a lot of rewards.

Although it is very unfair to Bailang, from the perspective of civilians, it is quite fair and just.

In the hustle and bustle of the surrounding mobs, Bailang came to the vehicle area waiting to go by the roadside. They did not choose from the abandoned ‘normal vehicles’, and there was no time to weld and modify them. He directly summoned the ‘nuclear wildfire little sheep’, then stepped up, put on a helmet for Xiao Fufu, hugged her and sat in front of him, leaning against his arms.

When Salf happily stroked the front of the little sheep, sounded the horn, and uttered the penetrating cute electric sheep ‘Beh Bah’, an instant ridicule of a large group of mobs drew ridicule.

Without him, the cool purple painting of sultry air, coupled with the standard structure of the female pedal car battery, the sense of violation that breaks through the sky, compares with the beasts that are welded with bumps, blades, chainsaws, and bumpers. It is more harmless than sheep.

When the countdown to the branch mission was [2:23], a violent roar was heard from the track. One after another, the heavy-duty trucks and dump trucks that stepped on the accelerator to their deaths rushed across the road without hesitation and slammed into the wreckage of the tanker lying in the middle of the road.

The expected explosion did not occur, only the harsh impact sound, the steel twisting sound, accompanied by a huge roar, the ground began to vibrate, the oil tank was directly deformed, was hit and flew, and rolled away all the way.

The headed Optimus Prime also twisted in an instant, the front and the body broke, and countless parts flew like shrapnel, spilling on the crowd, causing commotion. The huge container tumbled to the ground, rubbing a string of dazzling sparks, making an unpleasant moan that pierced the eardrum, and drew a fan-shaped arc on the road and swept across.

The earth kept trembling, the container shattered, and the steel parts filled with it splashed out, like a sea tide sweeping toward the side of the road where the white waves are.

The violent accident caused by this Optimus Prime not only smashed the roadblock into a big gap, but also allowed the truck to clear a road when it rolled over. As the container rolls, tilts, and slides, a large number of parts splash out and blast toward passers-by, and block and crush vehicles starting to the side of the road.

Bailang has reason to suspect that the first few big cars were the victims of being under control, and they dedicated their lives to make trouble for their newly joined participants through accidents.

Boom boom boom!

The people behind Bailang immediately launched a counterattack. The bombs that had been buried in advance were detonated, blowing up the passing vehicles, spinning them down again, and being hit by cars behind them.

The shells fired by the rocket launchers detonated in the middle of the road one after another, triggering a series of chain reactions. However, in this special ‘Devil’s Domain of the World’, although the accident was tragic, there was no congestion after a series of car accidents.

Under the operation of the evil spirits, more hurricane vehicles swept past like a herd of migrating animals. Just staring at the roadside for a moment, Bailang discovered that this track possesses magical rules and powers, deleting those disappointing but real possibilities, leaving only the exciting and exciting scenes, making the game more intense and more attractive.

A series of domino-like car accidents coexisted and eventually blocked the road. As long as you step on the accelerator wild enough and hit crazy enough, you can fly all cars, of course, the cost is equally tragic. Those who retire from the race can also pay blessings to repair their cars and rejoin the battle.

Even a few dogs that have been brought in by a car accident and explosion can crawl out of the ruins under the protection of ‘death insurance’, burning blazing fires, and find vehicles nearby to continue the competition. They have paid such a price, how can they give up like this? If you don't get the rankings and get the rewards of the middle and upper evil spirits, how can you make back the losses of the ‘insurance’?

As for death? They have fallen into fanaticism, only to think that even the most precious insurance is gone. If they don't earn it back, then what is the meaning of living? Wouldn't it be a hundred if you die? Ollie gives it all!

As the large troops passed, the scene was full of bullets, and different people launched attacks from different directions. From the side of the road to the center of the road ~lightnovelpub.net~ the inside of the convoy attacked and collided with each other, until a person screamed and was thrown away, and was ejected from a car in the middle of the road, twisting his teeth and claws in the air , Screamed, and then burst with a bang, sprinkling dense green mucus with a stench.


An angry voice came from behind Bai Lang. At this time, the countdown just returned to zero. Xiao Fufu's eyes were quick and his hands were quick. Suddenly he took out a colorful children's umbrella from the storage space. The green slime and the minced meat threw away the umbrella with a look of disgust.

Boom boom boom!

BAA Baa baa!

Bailang twisted the accelerator and the exhaust pipe ejected blue ion flames, shouting the lucky passers-by who squeezed behind him, and then rode in the dust in the "electric sheep call", and immediately rushed against a bus. Out of the convoy.

As he was about to merge into the main road, there was the sound of ping-pong-pong bullet shooting from the car behind him.


Accompanied by a galloping roar, a grenade was thrown from the window of a sports car driving on the main road and slammed at Salf, who was lying on the front of the car and wearing a pink children's helmet.


The black afterimage was thrown in the air, as if someone was pulling a leather whip forcefully. Under the flexible strike of the small arrow, the grenade drew an arc and was drawn back into the car window at a faster speed. Then there was a bang, the fire burst, the door was blown up, and it hit another parallel to the car. A racing motorcycle vacated the road for the white waves.

The nuclear explosion little sheep screamed again, and Bailang joined the convoy amidst the cheers of Xiao Fufu and rushed forward.

[Destroyed number: Bailang 030, Salf 230]

Up to this moment, there are still some white waves who have not adapted to it. Xiao Fufu, who pointed out the **** of a pickup truck next door, was amazed in his heart.

My daughter can't be so savage!