Dimensional Eroders

v1 Chapter 581: A place of miraculous harvest!

Bailang did not follow Salf's wishes, resolutely rejected those seemingly dangerous projects, and avoided large facilities such as the ‘horror haunted house’.

In the end, at the strong request of Xiao Fufu, the father and daughter participated in several small projects.

Before long, the silly fufu lost his right hand and an ear, and burst into tears with pain. It is full of psychological shadows for those cute and cute "cradle machines, fishing machines".

The wound on his body was quickly healed with the supplement of the sage's stone. Silly Fufu looked at the machine that had hurt him, with lingering fears, but looked at more projects that he hadn't played, and showed a tangled yearning.

Afraid of pain, I want to play again. After some psychological struggles, Xiao Fufu picked up a ‘mentally handicapped’ project, intending to adjust his mood.

When Bailang once again put her into the "Thomas Grimace Train Coin Swing Machine" commonly seen at the entrance of supermarkets, as expected, when the happy swing was halfway through, two oversized traps suddenly appeared, directly silly. Fufu caught her, and she yelled in pain.

With a flick of his tail, he cut off the animal clip directly, with tears and nasal mucus, he jumped out with fear, limp and threw himself into the white waves, with a lingering fear on his face.

After that, it was another round of healing. Scars and pain were forgotten.

In addition to being severely beaten by the infrastructure, she couldn't help being greedy, and was poisoned to suffocation for 10 minutes by the "oversized-pink cotton" that was taken and eaten on the roadside. Even the heartbeat stopped, it should be considered a ‘death’, right?

However, Xiao Fufu, who uses the "artificial man" as the basic template, has its own "immortality". Bailang is also not sure if'Life Stops for 10 Minutes' is a death to her who has the blood of hell? Or is it similar to system restart-type shock self-protection?

The person who was "poisoned to death once" stated that the reserves of the "Sage’s Stone" he had lost were less than one life, and the taste was really good. It was a sweetness that permeated the soul. Although the body is painful, it is spiritual. Tian made her dare to try again.

This marshmallow gave Xiao Fufu back 10 small tickets.

Compared with the tangled silly Fufu with a psychological shadow, afraid of death and wanting to play, Bailang is not much better. He was here, after losing four fingers one after another, his left kidney was blown out again, and then his left eye was lost.

I just tasted the taste of the disabled last time in the death race, and this time the death amusement park allowed him to return to the family of the disabled.

Two of them are still fresh in memory:

One is the seemingly unremarkable ‘hammer smashing project’. Next to some old hammer machines, there is a sculpture of a vulgar guy who looks like Schwarzenegger, posing in a sulky and shameful bodybuilding posture, showing a bright white tooth and a sunny smile. Every visitor is welcome to challenge .

Bailang conceited ten tons of dragon power, which was a bit inferior to Lola Takizawa. Practicing evil spirit swords and playing carp king, hard foundation kung fu is the best, but also elemental golden bell cover magic anti-iron trousers. The two tons of multiple fel totems are also playful.

So he rounded the big hammer easily, and got a full score directly with a 100 yuan super hammer!

Immediately afterwards, the power of the evil spirit's rules suddenly exploded, converting the kinetic energy he smashed into damage, and transferred to the left kidney without warning, ignoring the defense, and exploded.

In a sense, Bailang personally exploded himself, the pain struck, and his eyes went black, no different from Salf's sudden attack.

It took him a full 5 minutes to suppress the internal injury with the blood demon fetus, and use the blood demon fetus to weave a temporary organ structure, barely maintaining a healthy state.

Another time, he dragged his disabled body to participate in a small game of shooting and target shooting. He burst the balloon many times in a row, and accumulated good results, and there were no accidents in the whole process.

Seeing the last shot is over, Fufu will win a special prize. But when the last shot was focused on the balloon, the bullet suddenly shot into his own eyes.

This game also has the power of evil spirits to interfere, the difficulty varies from person to person, and it is always maintained at a low level, which makes people continue to gain a sense of accomplishment and gradually indulge.

The average shooting level of Whitecaps can also achieve good results, coupled with attractive rewards, he is gradually attracted in this environment. Coupled with the subtle influence of this demon realm on people's mental state, when he fired the last shot, he had no awareness of evasiveness at all. .

The last shot exploded the balloon, but the bullet didn't hit the wall, but penetrated the space. It shot out from the sight in the opposite direction. It exploded, and the pain was so painful to death. Then the person came to his senses and was struck again.

It wasn't until he lost his eyes that he collected 2/5 of the exit ticket. Calculating the experience between him and Xiao Fufu, if ordinary human beings don’t bring enough ‘credentials’ and buy ‘resurrection insurance’ in the monastery in advance, it’s really not easy to go out alive.

This amusement park, through one after another painful torture excellence, plays with the spirit of the tourists, using fear, pain, torture, temptation and other methods to squeeze negative energy from the tourists. Draw strength from it.

Even the food provided by the roadside stalls is randomly poisoned, and there is no safety at all. There is only a dead end to stay here, but if you want to leave alive, you have to take part in one project after another and save enough tickets.

Except for the first time, Bailang felt dumb after realizing that these projects were full of malicious intent. The next few times, they all took the initiative to deflate with a purpose.

He passed a personal test + a daughter test, and determined that if he successfully completes a certain project or meets certain ‘hidden requirements’, in addition to the mandatory ‘basic ticket’, he will also give some small gifts.

It was these small gifts that made him take the initiative to suffer. Of course, although Bailang's main action is dead, his reason is still online, and he has never touched those dangerous items.

【Soul Candy-Tangerine Flavor. Quality, light blue. Food, one-time oral. Made from soul fragments, it can purify spiritual pollution to a certain extent after use. A large amount of consumption can nourish the soul damage. Eating in a healthy state will increase mental activity and increase perception. 】

This is the ‘candy’ that Bai Lang accidentally won with his fingers when holding a doll for Xiao Fufu, and it is also a paradise-certified item.

Because of the ease and curiosity in his heart, he chose to eat it. The ‘soul candy’ melts in the mouth, refreshed after eating, and thinking becomes active.

This kind of gain is not exaggerated, but it makes him feel good. It is very suitable for reading, studying, writing homework, and doing papers. It can break beyond the level. It can also be used to increase comprehension when practicing martial arts and boxing, similar to the "double experience" in games.

He also found that after eating this candy, Zeng slightly touched the title of [Into the Truth]. It is a pity that the quality and quantity are not enough to allow him to form a deep connection with this amusement park and see something.

But if there are a huge number of such ‘soul candies’... it’s really helpful to myself.

And there are more than one kind of similar ‘snacks’, which is why Xiao Fufu’s "counseling and wanting to play". Although it's painful, it can't hold up the fragrance of snacks.

Bailang fancy the effect of [Soul Candy], but Xiao Fufu has tasted a lollipop that has no ‘buffing effect’ and is just ‘simply delicious’.

The deliciousness of that lollipop is to strip out the concept of ‘delicious’, and after it is highly concentrated, it is sealed in the candy. After the silly fufu came out, the concept of ‘delicious’ exploded in her mind, causing her to fall into a one-minute downtime, and then Xiao Fufu went crazy.

Not only did she die on her own, but she was also in a psychological shadow, and encouraged her father to die for her.

In addition to this [soul candy], he also won two red balloons.

[Red self-healing balloon. Quality: white. Toys, balloons. Durability Max? After blowing in air, it can obtain weak buoyancy and float automatically. It can be punctured, blown up, and rested for a period of time, self-repairing and recovering as new. 】

[Note: Once you let go and fly away, you cannot return. Destroyed by fire, unable to heal itself. 】

This balloon is just a piece of rubbish, with an extremely weak supernatural power, but it can be brought back to the paradise. Then Bailang discovered that all the "small gifts" in this amusement park ushered in by playing games were all props or equipment certified by the park.

Especially when Xiao Fufu got a very ugly ‘horror straw doll’ at random while riding on the trash “Thomas Train” with the lowest risk factor, he found that the amusement park’s rule of giving ‘gifts’ is really ‘do whatever you want’.

[Terror Scarecrow. Quality, light green. Toy/Witch Gu replaces the dead doll. Can replace the holder to bear a fatal injury. 】

Bailang was overwhelmed after Fufu obtained this thing. This is not an illusion, a paradise certification, a life! He immediately arranged for his daughter. Xiao Fufu is his lifeblood, no amount of amulet is too small.

It didn't take long before Fufu accidentally used this scarecrow in another game project.

The ability of ‘for the dead baby’ is still very powerful, and the protection of Fufu takes precedence over her own ‘sage’s stone’.

That is to say, after the dead doll bears a fatal attack and destroys Fufu, Fufu can bear the hardship himself and enjoy the second round of fatal blow~lightnovelpub.net~ and then resurrect with the "Sage's Stone".

This wave of mistakes made Bailang realize that the god-level props such as the "dead doll" were wasted on their father and daughter, and they were really blind.

Erfu is also a small bug that is not afraid of death. For her usual meaning of ‘death’ injury, just use ‘redstone’ to continue her life. However, in the face of Redstone, it is impossible to resist the death of the soul/the death of the concept, but the death of the doll can have a miraculous effect.

But the problem is that the "death attack" Xiao Fufu can eat will also be triggered first by the respected "death doll".

So Bailang put away the second ‘Teddy Bear’ that Fu Fu had exchanged for his life.

Later, the father and daughter, who personally felt the charm of the Li Amusement Park, gradually figured out the intensity and rules of the project, suddenly stopped. [Master of Secret Treasures] The virtual class is online again, summoning the "hairy rabbits" who have less than 60 dead.

He has a bold idea!

This is a land of miraculous harvests.

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