Dimensional Eroders

v1 Chapter 599: [Devil Pillar] and [The Favored One], my

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[Treasures: Demon Pillar-(?? God Series Limited Edition). B+. Faith Totem super heavy blunt weapon (2.5 tons). Divinity: blood (weak). God (evil spirit), sleeping. Attribute: life fel. Symbolic token: snails (Gastropoda)]

【Ability 1: Suppress, seal, obliterate, and absorb. The Demon Pillar can suppress powerful monsters in a targeted manner, and slowly consume, absorb, and store their energy. Maximum number of suppressions: 1】

[Ability 2: Position, domain (magic domain). The radiation range is 1km in diameter. After opening the position mode, it can consume divine power to create an artificial magic domain. Within the area of ​​the position, buffs can be applied to your own units and debuffs can be applied to enemy units. 】

[Ability 3: Destiny crit. Blast your destiny! Awakened, waiting to be recharged. The power of destiny can be captured by suppressing and killing monsters. 】

[Ability 4: Evil spirit belief. The Demon Pillar supports the ‘creation + development’ gods (evil things). Gods (evil spirits) have been bred. It can absorb the power of faith, transform and condense divine power; it can absorb negative energy and breed evil things. 】

[Ability 5: The foundation of the **** system. With the Demon Pillar as the core, it supports the construction of the belief system, and controls and manages the subordinate "Gods" through the Demon Pillar. Now owns: God of Dance, King of Inspiration, Pocky, Headless Lady Onion】

After browsing the information of the treasure [Devil Pillar], Bai Lang's first reaction was domineering, powerful, and awesome.

The three original abilities of the ‘Faith Armed’ are all retained and strengthened.

Ability 1 Needless to say, as long as it is inserted by the cross, it will automatically enter a state of suppression. Even if the super boss is far superior to the White Waves, as long as it fails to break free from the "Devil Pillar", it will be treated as a giant biological battery, continuously draining and drawing energy.

Ability 2 has not changed much, but additionally inherits the ‘magic domain’ attribute of Eden’s evil spirits. In fact, as long as the evil spirits in the totem wake up, the ‘devil’s domain’ will light up sooner or later, and it is originally a mature form of the ‘base’.

The [Destiny Critical Strike] that could not be unlocked was finally illuminated. But if you want to launch the first attack normally and blow up someone's destiny, you must read the article through the cooperation of ‘Ability 1’.

This ‘Power of Destiny’ sounds very extraordinary, but the [Devil Pillar] this treasure does not have the ability to control and manipulate the lofty concept of ‘Destiny’ itself.

It is just an additional skill. It must absorb the ‘power of destiny’ from the powerful individual, then buy and resell it, and fight it out through the cross.

Bailang suppressed the enemy and extinguished the opponent's life before intercepting the'destiny'. 【Devil Pillar】Does not produce or control fate, but a porter of the power of fate.

But even so, it's good enough for him. To be ranked third, the B-square of [Destiny Critical Strike] is higher than both [Suppression] and [Position].

He recalled for a moment that this ability came from the huge rotten stone under the throne of Westminster Abbey. One of the four greatest treasures of Celtic mythology, it is known as the "stone of destiny" that has been crowned by successive kings of Scotland. Put it in this world, it may be a ‘giving thing’, but put it in the moon world, it must be a ‘sacred relic’!

Didn’t expect that the **** ashlar that smashed the dog’s head in the first place can be as "good fortune" as it is today? Adding a skill to the [Devil Pillar] is really a blessing for my ‘Alterland. Golden Spirit. Wave’.

Ability 4 corresponds to the ability of the original totem to create a "God", and more directly refers to the "Blood Conch Church-Evil Spirit Seed" that was used as synthetic material by the white waves and added to the cross.

This time, the synthetic treasure directly unearthed the sinking potential of the "Cthulhu Seedling-Blood Conch" originally created by the vampire. Including divinity-blood, and symbolic token-snail. It is a pity that even so, the ‘god’ in the [Devil Pillar] is still asleep, and is unsaved in the late stage of schizophrenia.

However, when a brand-new ‘Jidu’ is created, this ability can be used from the perspectives of ‘belief in the gods’ and ‘evil things’ to cultivate the ‘gods’ bred by strengthened treasures.

The evil route corresponds exactly to the four hidden advanced methods unique to the evil spirits of Eden. It perfectly matches the ‘feel attribute’ that comes with the totem.

Ability 5 has the highest value: [The Foundation of God System]. This allowed the [Devil Pillar] to rise directly from the level of a ‘deified treasure’ that bred a single **** to the point where it supported a **** system.

If the previous treasure was only a single-person computer, the treasure that absorbed the title of [the creator of the gods] would be directly expanded to the extent of the server.

Bailang was very satisfied with this and couldn't make it more fragrant.

When he reached out and touched the [Devil Pillar], he felt a sense of fusion of heart and blood. It is no longer a piece of equipment bound to the original soul, but has become a part of itself.

When he tried to embed the [Devil Pillar] into the ‘theme’ of the [Secret Treasure Lord], he instantly unlocked a new virtual class: [The Favored]

There is nothing to say about the specific content. He has acquired the power system of ‘faith, divine power, and magic.’ In theory, with this profession, he can freely move in the "magic world, fairy world".

In the magical world, he may not have access to the'magic power system', but he is a genuine'priest, sacrifice'. Well, he is humble.

Stop pretending, I have a showdown! I, Bailang, is the pro-son of the ‘Blood God System’ or the ‘Healing God System’, a person of the God’s family, and the bug exists that unconditionally and madly overdraws all the divine power of any **** in this God system.

If the master of his own family follows the ‘evil thing’ route, then the style of painting will be slightly distorted and guest Gul'dan or something.

In the world of Xianxia, ​​this profession can still operate as usual. If the mission world does not have a place for the "Goddess of Life", Bailang can only act as a mountain witch doctor who is a "prostitution and sacrifice".

If the "King of Inspiration" really gets the official registration of Zizhulin in the South China Sea, he will be able to transform himself and join the Lingshan camp. If the Healing God System continues to recruit new members, with the heavenly elements, he will have a new background.

In the same way, as the members of the Healing Gods increase, Bailang can gain the starting advantage of the innate faction background in the mission world with elements such as ‘Greek mythology, Egyptian mythology, Norse mythology...’ etc.

[The Favored] After this virtual career is launched, Bailang can enjoy not as rich as [Beast Tamer]. Because of this profession, the ‘God’ conceived in the Devil’s Pillar and the ‘God System’ behind it are closely related.

This is a special profession that seems to have been locked, but can continue to evolve. With the continuous growth of the'Lord God' and the growth of the God System, the power that White Waves can control will also increase.

With this alone, there is no need for any normal ‘professional inheritance’ difference.

"This is so obvious that it is just a ‘great source’. If you raise it well, it’s a ‘super source’!"

Bailang was satisfied in an instant. Although I am a poor human being with a weak soul and a fatal weakness and unable to believe in gods and seek refuge, I have made unremitting efforts to create my own ‘god’ and divine system to protect myself.

Students, this is the meaning of struggle! This is the greatest golden spirit of mankind! When the gods abandon you and lose the qualifications to believe, don't be discouraged, don't get discouraged, don't be inferior, just like me, through hard work, put the second best, create a **** to protect yourself.

The inspiration and self-movement of a disabled person who has caught up with healthy people through hard work is surging in Bai Lang's heart: "I really envy those who can freely choose their beliefs and gain the protection of gods!"

After experiencing the "primary stage" for a while, the virtual profession of "The Favored" that has not yet been fully developed, Bailang has an idea to embed the only two available "Army of Rabbits" into the "auxiliary position" of the career template.

In an instant, the true power of [The Lord of Secret Treasures] was stimulated, and the two treasures were perfectly linked by Bailang's ‘professional’. The two virtual professions are invisible fusion, and the surviving pink furry rabbits and the four ninja swordsmen are directly connected to the "Healing God System".

At this moment, there is no need to summon a ‘cross’ or any ‘bunny’. But each of them is 100% lossless to match any of the evil spirits in the gods. The energy source continuously provides the power of faith, shares negative emotions, burns the soul when necessary, and bursts out of a one-time overdraft.

At this moment, [Rabbit Army] has become the power source of [Devil Pillar], which is perfectly linked to provide faith, soul, vitality, blood... and so on. And as long as the single rabbits grow stronger and develop better, the power of the faith meat battery will also increase sharply.

On the contrary, when Bailang fulfills the various magical powers of [the Favored], these bunnies are also the most perfect carriers for the blessing of ‘divine arts’, and they default to all fanatics.


The rabbits without the blessing of the [Holy Favored] professional system are just a bunch of small garbage. Only with faith and gods can they explode beyond the level, shouting for the healing of the **** Akbar, and launching a suicide charge.

If Bailang wants to ~lightnovelpub.net~, he can also open the "Artificial-Blood Demon Realm" on the spot to cooperate with the group of rabbits and rabbits. This is the correct way to open the "Physics Witch Doctor Old Chief".

In [The Favored] mode, Bailang squeezed a few bunnies and sacrificed to himself, and soon started playing.

[Totem Pole] The opened power system can provide him with four powers. First of all, there are two high-level energies of ‘divine power’ and ‘evil power’, corresponding to ‘god’ and ‘evil thing’. The specifications are relatively high, which can directly target the soul, and even have a certain ‘rule effect’, and the cost is also extremely high.

In addition, there is a huge ‘power of blood (life)’ and the opposite ‘fel energy’. The'life force' here is not high, it is just a low-level'life force' or'blood bar', and it has not been elevated to the level of'life power'.

As for the ‘feel energy’, it is the original housekeeping skill of the ‘feel totem’. As long as it absorbs the blood full of vitality, it can create the ‘feel energy’ with 100% pure independent intellectual property rights.

"The'Blood Conch Church' is really a cult! I inherited their legacy, but tarnished my Bailang's innocence by nothing, lowered the level, and labeled so many'evil'? Fortunately, I tried to turn the tide and be compassionate and compassionate. Justice, even though the [Devil Pillar] is poisonous, it will fall into the line of'ancient evil things' if you carelessly. However, there is no righteousness and evil, and the righteousness is used. I will make a big dream to create a'healing religion' that donates blood free of charge ', to lead evil to good, to benefit all beings, really is boundless merit."

Feeling the ‘Divine Art System’ brought by the new profession, even though his boss is a vegetable and his four younger brothers are all miscellaneous fish, Bailang still feels very happy.

This career has huge potential, and it is clearly a ‘big source’ with growth potential: "Fufu, my illness is saved!"

"ヾ(@^▽^@)ノ There is a rescue!!!"