Dimensional Eroders

v1 Chapter 653: Immortal Lin, times have changed!

In the drink shop, the first-order puppy dog ​​sits in the corner with a well-behaved face, waiting for the boss's inquiries. However, Bailang didn't pay attention to the other party at all, and just turned the page on his own.

Tim looked at the intelligence collection in his hand, full of curiosity, but still ate the ice obediently. Wuhuoqiu and the paparazzi sit side by side, uneasy. I wonder if the paparazzi I brought will satisfy the boss?

Only Ophelia is not affected by the outside world, and only Bailang is in her eyes. With a straw in his mouth, the milk tea in his mouth was as sweet as ever. The emerald green eyes narrowed, and the smile was sweet, indulging in male **** and unable to extricate himself.

Bailang's understanding of the Ninja World is no worse than this paparazzi. Even, he is also a legendary figure who stayed in the history and influenced the world of Ninja, and was once highlighted. (Lotus Pond-The Immortal of Scales)

The only difference between him and the paparazzi is that he has missed 9 years and does not understand the historical changes. As long as these news are supplemented and the changes in the world line are sorted out, he will be more professional than this little puppy.

What confidential information can first-order contractors inquire? It's nothing more than spreading the big news in the Ninja world. She couldn't dig out those inside stories that were really covered up. And he is holding a secret of the "Lotus Pond".

"The Monkey King Rizhan was made into the strongest biological meat weapon of the Federation of Fire, slaughtering many small villages, frightening all directions. Four heavenly kings evaporated three, a generation of newcomers beat the old. The whereabouts of the big snake has been unknown since nine years ago, but forbearance Occasionally, his legend will be heard from all over the world, and it will eventually be falsified. Konoha, except for the most powerful newcomer, "Snake Skin Flash". The "Red Sand Scorpion", which stops the water instantly, comes from the sandy Konoha branch rudder, They are all newly-rising reserves of the heavenly kings."

"Huh? The geniuses in the young group are emerging. Kakashi, Kai, Red... are all surpassed by adults, and they are predetermined by different forces, so they can't intervene? The number of new ninjas in the Federation has also doubled. Twice, Chakra recovers? No, Chakra erupts."

"Huh? Asma failed to save her father. The vortex organization should cooperate with the inside and outside. After stealing important information from the root, it defected to the vortex organization. It is also the four-tailed man Zhuli? Little Monkey King? Are there two four-tailed at the same time? It's interesting. Matt wears two. Years ago, it was a flash in the pan, and Bamen Dunjia kicked and killed a defected'Muscle Fairy'. Now he has been lying in the intensive care ICU for a year and a half, and the contractor's potion can't be saved?"

"The Uzbek organization has also killed many people over the years! Both the Kushinai and his wife were killed in battle. A crack in the abyss was found at the site of Yanyin Village, and the seal reinforcement failed, but a small number of small demons were found in many places in the Ninja World? Different doomsday types appeared in many parts of the world. Religion, source of pollution-Gao Weihui Yeji is suspected to be here? Tsk tsk, the latest intelligence,'Zilai also Liudao' appeared on the periphery of Xinyunying, and Tiandao Zilai also used the earth to explode the stars?!"

After half an hour, Bailang, who had read the entire piece of information, had extremely complicated eyes.

He decided to take back his previous rhetoric, he didn't understand "Naruto" at all! Regarding the plot, the puppy is more professional. The world is so chaotic, he intends to stay for a while, do odd jobs in Konoha, and wait until he adapts to the new environment and explores the wind before acting rashly.

Immortal Lin, times have changed!

"Little sister, what is your name?" Bai Lang asked politely, and handed the information to the little Tim next to him to watch.

As for Ophelia? She doesn't need to know this, as her own patient, she just needs to be obedient. And this is what she desperately desires.

The paparazzi pushed her glasses, and secretly called others "Puppy" just now, thinking that she had bought the "Genuine Ninja World Raiders" and she gained insight into everything. As a result, after reading the information, I suddenly became polite. Humph, big pig's hoof!

Puppy smiled professionally, and said obediently: "Hello, my name is Lisi."

"Little Lisi, as an intelligence officer, you must be very familiar with what the different forces in the world of Ninja are doing, and for what?" Bailang asked curiously, "Do you know how the'World Breaking' works? "

Puppy was stunned for a while, the secret way is that you are the boss? I am? Why ask such a difficult question?

But she still smiled reluctantly: "This...I don't understand it very well. I just heard some seniors talk about it."

"Just talked about it. Ninja World War has been two years, but it has not ended. Why should it be delayed? How long will the world collapse probably last? When will it end and let the world blow up?"

After reading this information, Bai Lang realized that the collapse of the world did not happen overnight. Counting from the last time he left, Paradise officially decided to destroy the Ninja World, probably since 6 years ago.

Since then, the Ninja world has continued to relax the power restrictions on contractors, and local extraordinary powers are also recovering at an alarming speed. Numerous characters in the original plot have been madly matured and become ‘focus’.

At the same time, a large number of paradise forces emerged, leaving their own traces in the Shinobi world, digging holes, laying out, burying mines, and dismantling other people's mines... They were carrying out ‘projects’ that he couldn’t understand.

As for the three wars in the Ninja World, it has lasted for two years, but there is still no end in sight, and there are obvious signs of artificial prolongation. Several decisive battles that can determine the trend of victory or defeat have been affected by forced interference.

The ‘Uzumaki Organization’ has not collected the fifth tail beast so far, and the efficiency is astonishing, and Tsunade’s ‘Moon Eye Project’ is out of reach. However, the length of his vacation is limited by time.

The longest is not more than ‘half a year’. If within the past six months, Ninja's "world is broken" can't come to an end, then he can only come to "visit" and hurried back to the mansion.

Hearing Bailang's question, Puppy was mad in his heart: What are the problems? Only Tier 4 big bosses know it! You deliberately asked me, but you rushed to me and couldn't answer, so you could give me a bad review and blackmail me for the refund? It is too difficult for the first-tier contractors to make money.

Seeing her embarrassment, Bailang added: “Don’t worry, pick what you know. As long as it’s related to the'world collapse', I want to know what the organization that divides and contracts for different'projects' is doing? Why recruit The newly arrived contractor."

Puppy sighed and replied: "I only know a little bit about this. A senior of mine once said that when the erosion of the'low-dimensional world' exceeds the 30% threshold, it will reach a critical value. Low-dimensional and high-dimensional The channel of the mission is strengthened, and the mission world will gradually be unable to withstand the indoctrination of the paradise, and will be on the verge of collapse. At this time, those'low-dimensional worlds' with insufficient purity will be given up first, and the'doomsday mode' will be activated for destruction."

"In this process, the paradise will accelerate the overloading of the low-dimensional world, forcing the mission world to be real, and forcing passive upgrades. However, this world is destined to be difficult to digest the power provided by the paradise, and it will collapse after exceeding its own limit."

"This result is destined. But on the eve of the destruction of the low-dimensional world, the'dimensional erosion' has also caused the world itself to rapidly expand and grow, awaken, and instinctively survive, carry out self-help, and even resist the erosion of the paradise, and counterattack. At the same time, every one The collapse of the'low-dimensional world' will also attract the erosion of pollution sources. Whether in order to reduce unnecessary losses or in response to the'pollution sources', the alliance will send a large number of contractors to guide them."

"After the collapse of the low-dimensional world, the'real matter' filled in by the paradise will be transformed into world fragments with'extraordinary properties' through ascension, and will be recycled by the paradise again. The whole process is like the paradise planting seeds (opening up low Wei world), watering and fertilizing (injecting substances), and finally harvesting fruits (world crystallization)."

"During this period, the contractors who led the process of the'world collapse' can use their public and private interests to invade the interior of the world and use the ride of the world's collapse to get a share of the pie. The two major forces that led this collapse are natural energy. With the big head, other forces have been slow to launch the final battle, just to buy time and continue to penetrate into the world."

Listening to Puppy’s narration, Bai Lang concluded: “Thinking of the low-dimensional world as a fruit, our contractors are actually playing the role of pests, constantly destroying the world’s immune system and accelerating the shedding of the fruit. And in the process, biting Break the husk and penetrate into the interior, taking the opportunity to divide a small piece of nut?"

The paparazzi shook her head: "We are not a villain. This low-purity world is destined to collapse and cannot be saved. Paradise is the farmer, the world is the crop, and we are the gardener. We are cutting crops that grow poorly to reduce unnecessary waste. And recycle it. The source of pollution is pests, invading farms, trying to pollute and plunder these crops, and drag them into the silt."

"You said the source of pollution, then the abyss crack that appeared in the old site of Yanyin Village, is it [the abyss] among the four major pollution sources?" Bailang asked.

"Well, but that was brought out by the'Devil's Eye' initiative." The paparazzi nodded affirmatively.


"The job of your'Fire Spreading Paradise' is to cut off the sources of pollution that have penetrated into the world of different missions, to ensure that the crops grow healthily and not be contaminated. The main job of the'Destroy Paradise' is to assist other paradise that lacks combat. The "low-dimensional world" at the end will be finally destroyed and recovered."

"There are many ways to collapse the world. They are directly related to the world's consciousness and the least wise, and the backlash is very severe. Therefore, "Destruction Paradise" likes to introduce "pollution sources" to a certain extent to pollute and destroy the "world" itself."

Bailang: "Killing with a knife? Playing with fire?"

"Of course it was killing people with a knife, so it was led by both the'Universal Gene' and the'Devil's Eye'. In case it loses control, the graveyard will be cleaned up. On the territory of the Uzumaki Kingdom, the'Devil's Eye' has opened up a lot of The small'chasm in the abyss' is sealed and reinforced, in this way, it penetrates the contaminated world and accelerates its collapse."

Shiraito: "Are there any other methods? What about Konoha?"

"I don't know much, but don't you write it in the newspaper? Many strengths have instigated the aborigines of this world. The world has no self-awareness, only pan-will. It will cultivate local children of luck, gather the essence, and clean up the danger. , Nurture yourself, carry out a virtuous circle, and complete self-help. Instigating these people is equivalent to instigating white blood cells and greatly reducing the defenses of the low-dimensional world. This can be regarded as an undercover + **** route."

Bai Lang immediately thought of the blackened snake skin shining as early as nine years ago; and the big snake pill, who is obsessed with the evil taboo power of the carp king, are all potential seeds of rape.

"There is also a deep penetration into the world, usually occupying an important place, such as the famous'Three Holy Lands', which belong to the world's cave, heaven and blessed land. Occupying, infiltrating, and controlling the Holy Land is the purpose of several big forces. After the world collapsed, the ascended'Sacred Land Fragment' was taken as one's own. I don't understand how to manipulate it. I just heard the big guys talk about it."

Bailang’s eyes are shining, which is very suitable for my non-existent "Lotus Pond"!

"Or your paparazzi are so knowledgeable and know so much. Are there any more?"

"Boss, I really don't know much. You are too good at this question. I only collected 600 embers from you. Please let me go. I have only experienced 5 missions. I am a cute new person."

Bailang cursed secretly, I only had 6 missions, what are you pretending to be tender?

"Talk about 200 more!"

"Good! As far as I know, in addition to invading special high-energy nodes and laying nails. There are also spreading non-native power systems to pollute the indigenous people. When the world is broken, the communicator can use its own power system to spread the influence. Strength, condense the concept of'divine position', but this requires a powerful person above Tier 3 to complete."

"In addition to ~lightnovelpub.net~, the most classic and most common thing is the spread of belief. When the two major forces invaded and transformed the Ninja world, they had already opened the'belief system' to support various Shinto contractors coming to cut leek. After all, the last days are the most An era where faith is easy to spread."

"Anything else?" Bailang asked again, and transferred the account at the same time.

The little puppy girl was shocked: "Yes, of course! The legendary big power can locate other worlds with resident sites, open the door of dimensions, and pull people to invade. But this is a high-end operation above Tier 4, I only I mentioned it when I heard the predecessor play B."

"Well again, species invasion, evil worship accelerates the world’s pollution and degeneration, and large-scale rituals are held but the significance is unknown, and then the plague is spread... Forming sects, triggering large-scale wars and stealing blood sacrifices, undead natural disasters, etc., Rich and diverse. After all, the world is about to collapse, and the park does not need to be maintained. Instead, the constraints are relaxed and the contractors are allowed to show their talents."

"Yeah...you are very good." Bailang nodded in satisfaction, the inspiration in his mind at this moment.

Puppy Girl brings a lot of useful information, which is the knowledge that can be put in any low-dimensional world, and is much more useful than the intelligence of the ninja world.

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