Dimensional Eroders

v1 Chapter 790: Blood Conch Expansion: Nightmare Arena

After completing the replenishment, the "Pink Fluffy Rabbit" that Bailang temporarily boarded set sail again. Goal for the next stop: Drum Island, the origin of Chopper, ready to engage in some local products.

Has successfully intercepted Hu Nami, and is about to catch the wave of the devil's son, don't mind catching one more civet cat.

Women and pets, these fancy things, will only distract, distract, and be dragged down by an excellent ‘pirate team’, and ultimately lose their purity of playthings.

It severely affected the swordsman's speed of swordsmanship, made the chef in a daze, and caused the captain with low intelligence to frequently lose the ability to judge, and made irrational decisions with passion.

Therefore, Bailang believes that it is necessary to help'Straw Hat Engage Group' to screen out the wrong options in advance, to become more pure, and to achieve rapid growth.

If a good man sets sail, how can he not engage in foundation? This is the unique culture of the sea! It has a long history. As for these evil women, let me bear with tears.

In this report, Bailang successfully opened the'order camp', received the task of'undercover sand crocodile spying on Hades intelligence', and successfully exchanged his own'Xiangshang fish head' for 300 million pocket money, and obtained a batch of official productions. The record pointer' corresponds to the islands on seven different routes.

When the ordinary fleet enters the first half of the great channel, it can only choose one route, and then dock island after island, wasting time to load the magnetic coordinates of the next stop, and then set sail again.

For Whitecaps with clear mission goals, such frequent stops and waiting are a waste of life. So he brought in a suitcase of ‘record pointers’ and a few ‘eternal pointers’ to lock important destinations.

With these equipment, coupled with Nami who is constantly awakening the navigator's talent, and the invincible helm, the silly fufu, it is impossible to get lost or sink the ship. Finally you can enjoy the waves.

Speaking of Nami, she is really a good girl with a lordosis and a seductive and capable girl. Inspired by Bailang's ‘experience recharge’ with W as the unit, she burst out with a terrifying ‘learning and growth rate’.

Think about it, a greedy man who is extremely greedy for money, loves sailing, and has a talent. Under multiple incentives, the driving force of ‘sailing boats makes me super happy’ bursts out, and the experience naturally rises at the speed of a rocket. In a very short time, she was promoted from Lv1 to Lv4.

Bai Lang not only satisfied her hobby of sailing big boats, but also used the evil money to further amplify this happiness and stimulate her fragile nerves. Nami couldn't resist at all, she could only cling to stacks of her own bonus with blurred eyes, indulging in the scent of ink and sailing overtime, unable to extricate herself from it.

Every night, I can hear her sleepwalking, climbing up the observation tower to observe the direction and making a terrifying (happy) laughter. The time when she followed the white waves and went out to sea was the happiest, relaxed, stress-free time for her in the past ten years.

Really. Dreaming can wake up with laughter. Not to mention wearing gold and silver, the boss bought her a mink. (The drum island is relatively cold)

With an overly wealthy material life and a dream-dimensional luxury dressing teaching, she is no longer the Nami she was a week ago. Even if he encounters the straw hat group again, Luffy will refuse this material and vain female spy to board the ship.

When Nami was immersed in happiness and made insomniac laughter, the other person also experienced ‘ecstasy’ and ‘being pleased’ in the dream.

Sauron, who got two [Carp Demon Knife] and a red phone bug, put the phone bug under the pillow according to the instructions provided with the equipment, and then closed his eyes to sleep.

On that night, he became the first aboriginal in the world to successfully land in the ‘Dreamland Dimension-Great Channel Sub-rudder-Azkaban Swordsmanship Training Camp’.

If we say that the biggest gain since the arrival of the White Waves is neither the smoothly mastered [Magic Seed], the thoroughly proficient'six-style' body art, or the newly understood'qi and blood forging fish art'. Instead, they can be seen everywhere, with prices ranging from hundreds of thousands to tens of millions of ‘telephone bugs’.

This is a native creature that grows in nature. It uses'biological radio waves' as a conductive medium to translate'human voices' into radio waves, connect and transmit them over long distances, and then use another phone worm to simultaneously imitate the appearance of humans. Fantastic animals with pronunciation.

Each phone bug has its own ‘unique radio wave’. Install the handset and dial key on their shell, and after correcting them, they can be put into use. Dial the designated number to complete one-to-one ultra-long-distance communication.

On top of ordinary ‘telephone bugs’, there are also ‘camera phone bugs’ that can shoot, record, and broadcast; eavesdropping phone bugs; anti-jamming phone bugs; projector phone bugs... and so on.

This kind of creature, which has become common sense by the aborigines by default, is not worth making a fuss at all. When it falls into the hands of Bailang and eats it with the ‘Jidu’, it explodes with infinite potential.

The essence of the phone worm’s “signal base station”, combined with its ability to transmit “biological radio waves” over long distances, can it be integrated into the “belief system” as a communication medium between evil spirits and believers? Can it be linked with Bailang's "spiritual pollution fluctuations"?

After all, ‘dreams’ itself is a kind of ‘brain waves’, and mental pollution is also a kind of ‘brains waves’.

What's even better is that when the ‘evil spirit seed’, which is the original body of Jidu, was spawned, the ‘blood snail’ was already used as a sacrifice to the **** emblem (alchemy world). After the gestation of the evil spirits in the ‘Garden of Eden’, Jidu’s ‘creatives’ happened to be ‘gastropods’.

The so-called gastropods are "snails", which can be roughly divided into two types: aquatic and terrestrial. Aquatic species are common conch, freshwater snails, and even shells; terrestrial species are naturally ‘snails’.

The ‘telephone bug’ of the Great Channel is naturally within the ‘business scope’ of Jidu. Incorporating it into the evil spirit system, as a token of [Evil Spirit-Jidu], and then bestowing it on devout believers, there is almost nothing wrong with it, and the difficulty is ≈0.

The relationship between the ‘god’ and the ‘credible’ is the ‘Cross’ to use the ‘Yes’ religion, which is one of the three cults of the Semitic tribe.

A devout believer who holds a cross (original) blessed by the gods (consecrated) to pray, can dial successfully, connect to the "electronic service desk" in heaven, and conduct various business consultations. At the first level of the archbishop, you can even dial the ‘artificial channel’ to connect with the angel customer service, and you can make an appointment for the arrival service if you pay enough.

As an evil spirit, Jidu can also consume the power of evil spirits or the power of faith, mark the ‘gastropods’ in batches, and mass-produce ‘credentials’ and then sell them to believers. As a medium of communication between ‘gods’ and ‘people’.

Since the tokens of each "evil spirit" are different, and everyone's profitability is inconsistent, especially the "healing spirit" raises nine mouths in one breath. The cost of making ‘supplies’ by categories is too high. (Criticize by name the thorns mother, the demon statue, the Wushen pill and other wastes waiting to die...)

In order to keep costs down, Bailang unified weights and measures, and uniformly selected ‘cards/fulu ([fake notes] priesthood)’ as a token of ‘healing gods’. Not to mention substantial cost reduction (a piece of torn paper).

Just print the corresponding evil spirits' patterns, emblems, teachings, advertisements on different'counterfeit bills', and then a large amount of information can be introduced in detail and clearly, including prayer rituals and so on. This is an "information carrier" function that other "credibles" do not have. (Ordinary people will find a mask, a scale, a headband of thorns...somewhat dumbfounded.)

In addition, after this ‘counterfeit bill’ has absorbed enough ‘belief energy’, it can also be paid to download divine art, converted into a truly usable ‘talisman’, and released after burning.

Combining cheapness, preaching, praying, and releasing all in one, it is simply a perfect ‘missionary prop’.

Compared with the designated token “Fake Money (Fulu)” of the “Healing God System”, the function of the exclusive token “Gastropoda-Blood Snail-Phone Worm” is not inferior.

Bailang, who has extensive experience in ‘underground association and mission’, knows that one of the flaws of the ‘evil spirit system’ is that the coverage is too small.

Because it is an invading ‘caotai group wild evil spirit’, there is no basis for faith, no corresponding myths and legends, and a ‘new religion’ has been built from scratch, so the spread is extremely narrow.

If Bailang’s mission is confined to the scope of a city. Then the ‘evil spirit’ is used as a ‘belief terminal server’, and the development of faith can completely cover the entire map, receive the prayers of any believer in the signal range, and give feedback, so as to efficiently harvest and transform the ‘power of faith’.

But the ‘Great Channel’ is different, the map is too big, it’s all water. The ‘evil spirit’ can receive signals from believers on an island, but after going out to sea, away from the island, the signal will be disconnected.

Unless it takes root in this world and spends decades to develop the "evil spirit belief" into a world-class "regular religion", and complete a series of ceremonies to become a "righteous god" recognized by the world, will it be eligible to cover the world. , To perform operational services.

This is simply impossible for the white waves who are good at ‘getting a ticket and running, and offering sacrifices to [Inspiration King] Ying Jie’. So what about the development of faith in the great waterway? The ‘Healing God System’ that loses its energy source will also lose its strongest form.

However, the emergence of the Goose'Phone Worm' perfectly made up for the last shortcoming.

Regarding the ‘evil spirit’ as a terminal server, every ‘letter-telephone worm’ that received the blessing of the plan is the signal base station, which supports ultra-long distance ‘belief connection + dream connection’.

With the ‘signal bug’ spreading across the islands of the Great Channel, a super long-distance ‘dream network’ can be constructed, which can then be matched with her unique [Digitalization-Priesthood].

A ‘Shrinked Version-Illegal Dreamland Dimension’ was successfully launched.

The function of ‘Credit-Telephone Worm’ is equivalent to the infinitely weakened ‘Ninja Edition-5G Tomb Head Base Station’.

Ninja World’s grave head, it was after the burial of system bugs such as the ‘dirty earth hero’, which moved the planet’s will to gain merit, and with the help of a ‘sacred land project’, was approved the ‘high-end base station’ that deeply connects to the planet’s core.

The instantaneous computing capacity is huge, and the super-large server can simultaneously carry hundreds of thousands of Ninja civilian players online activities. In contrast, the ‘telephone worm’ is a lot of rubbish, falling from the 100,000-megabit fiber to the original telephone line dialer, supported purely by its own ‘biological computing power’.

But this is still an epoch-making initiative!

Because the Great Channel does not have a cataclysm like the ‘Unclean Heroine’, no matter how Bailang is buried, it’s just a mere ‘tomb repair’. It is difficult to obtain the approval of the planet’s will and obtain the official dimensional operation brand.

The "Dreamland Dimension" lacks base station support and cannot be spread out in the mission world at all. At most, it can only stay in one place, play with the local area network, and entertain oneself.

And the magical animal of the'telephone worm', with its own talent, after being absorbed and transformed by the capital's [Blood Conch Token], it immediately became the tentacle minion of the'Dream Dimension' to erode the'Great Channel'. All this does not require the consent of the world will and No, they can unfold the'dream' privately.

Since then, ‘Dreamland Dimension’ has become a ‘Special Nightmare Network’ operated illegally in this world.

At the same time, if the ‘telephone worm’ is exchanged and it becomes the ‘credential’ of the capital forever, and then mastering the techniques of batch breeding and cultivating, it can be put in any mission world, like this world, to build an ‘illegal dream dimension’.

A complete set of "Evil Spirit Belief Invasion Tactics" has thus completed the closed loop!

I have a **** system, evil spirits, churches, beliefs, base stations, dream-oriented dimensions, reality coverage + development of believers, harvesting, various enhancements to welfare feedback, Ponzi structure + Pinduoduo model to attract more believers... …Finally, [Inspiration King] is responsible for backing the pot, offering sacrifices to the sky and running away when necessary.



This is also the core of the ‘Azkaban Swordsmanship Training Class’, the third new attempt after the two mature dream modules of ‘Uchiha Tauren Virtual Master Space’ and ‘Little Genius Nightmare Learning Hell’.

A large number of ‘blood snails-telephone worms’ were deployed to every part of the four seas and great waterways through the black market, secretly promoting ‘free teaching of high-end swordsmanship’ and ‘dream advanced swordsmanship training’.

Attract the first batch of "swordsmen" to log in to Dreamland through the "Blood Conch-Phone Worm", and then Bailang uploads the "Martial Arts" he collected in different worlds for free for these fighters to learn (one trick per day for free, signing in for a week, Improve user level and open more arsenal).

In addition to providing free martial arts collections, the ‘training class’ also provides dream pair training services. In the beginning, there are few players, so don't be afraid, go directly to the "Fish Vein Monk-Tutu" (robot) for a man-machine battle.

By beheading all kinds of ‘killing intent boiling’ and running out of abnormal horror family (seafood running out) forms, sharply sharpen and improve the players’ swordsmanship level. And the bunnies will become passive a little bit by repeated killings, and at the same time accumulate more ‘tyrannical will’ (being hacked to death).

When the real strong (level of swordsman) appears, arrange for a more powerful "Seven People" Dream Realm Duel.

This kind of high-frequency dream combat is another kind of ‘big data collection’. "Dreamland Dimension" has enough ability to analyze the genre of great channel swordsmanship and feed back the rabbit. Or, after integration, continue to give to the ‘most pious players’ to stimulate their self-motivated and produce more beliefs.

This is a virtuous circle, and Bailang is completely doing public welfare. He really provided free swordsmanship that was cherished by various genres, and he continued to summarize and summarize more high-end swordsmanship, and continue to give it away.

In short, he lost money!

Through this method, attract more ‘swordsmen’ to **** the ‘blood snail-phone worm’ and become new players. A little bit expand the coverage of the ‘Dreamland Dimension’ in the Ninja Realm.

When the number of users is large enough, match the battle according to the strength level. Multiplayer team battle mode. 1V group of extreme trial mode.

VIP Fish Pond Killing Chicken Self-confidence Boosting Package. Super VIP Hawkeye mode, loading Qiwuhai template to brutalize all enemies. The super VIP five old stars dominate the Great Channel and cut the copy of the upside-down mountain with a single blow.

After the "Dreamland Dimension" is rolled out, even if [Lalaiye] is constantly suppressed as the degree of erosion increases, [Seafood King] is no longer as strong as it was at the beginning.

However, Bailang has a new plug-in, the upper limit of the belief system ‘New Dream Dimension-Great Channel Sub-rudder’, which allows him to fully display the power of evil spirits.

If after he leaves, this ‘dream system’ can continue to operate without collapsing on its own or being artificially destroyed, then the world will enter a stage of destruction in the future.

The ‘back hand’ he left behind may not be able to grow into a new ‘dreamland-world fragment’? Even if you don't have the chance to come and harvest it yourself, you can sell it to other forces.

However, if you lose the "Dream Dimension" in which the "Evil Spirit-Jidu" is seated, there is a high probability that you will collapse and close down a little bit with the loss of your soul, and there is a small probability that you will be taken over by outsiders because of the "no master".


In short, for the first time, Sauron, who had landed in the ‘Azkaban Training Course’ with anxiety, found that he had not been deceived. After studying 1/12 "Shaolin Breaking the Ring Knife 1.0" (from the Guwu World Shaolin Temple), he felt that he was eye-opening and couldn't wait to verify his inspiration.

Then I was surrounded by a group of deep dives (tutu) who couldn't suppress the "tyrannical killing intent" in my heart, and then died terribly, being repeatedly torn by hands + fancy being eaten...

Both the White Waves and the tactics who started the "Dream Arena" for the first time have no experience, and cannot grasp the balance between the game experience and the difficulty well.

In their dreams, the rabbits were set to the level of “Ninja Normal”, and they cheated one by one, and performed the attack called “Mermaid Karate” Shizui Shui Dun (SA Grade) ninjutsu, and beat the physical melee Sauron. Of ecstasy.

And Sauron not only faces the "quasi-shadow water escape + shark muscle fusion + curse immortality mode + blood succession limit" rabbit far-reaching attack in a human posture, but also bears the high intensity of the white waves' eight-door evil color. Explode Dunjia'.

Moreover, the "seafood rabbits" he faced were all flaunting and dancing claws, basically invisible in human form, dozens of tentacles, seven or eight pairs of crab claws, and the crit fists of mantis shrimp...causing wave after wave of visual pollution. It's like a fighting player who has entered the R18-level horror hunting and suffering RPG game (with a dumb face...).

In short, he has never fought against creatures other than humans, and lacks experience in killing aliens. After being torn by the hands of these old rulers who can be called "alien" countless times, it almost left a psychological shadow that would take a lifetime to cure.

Fortunately, Bailang did not deliberately attack and destroy his confidence in martial arts. After simply collecting Sauron’s data, he drastically lowered the difficulty based on the normal performance of the bunnies on the Great Channel, and finally made the battle more balanced and vigorous. , Restored Sauron's self-confidence that he was about to lose all his thoughts.

After all, how strong is Tutu in his dream? Back to reality, you still have to be hung and beaten. There is no need to blow them too much, otherwise in the future the ‘tutues’ will really encounter dream players in reality, and then be hacked to death in a frantic vengeance. Isn’t it shameful for yourself?

After the nightmare was over~lightnovelpub.net~ Sauron, who was pale and exhausted, woke up with the badge of ‘Strongest Bronze’, his eyes burning with raging flames.

Instead of being defeated by cruel dreams, he has shown infinite lofty ambition instead. He spied a whole new world, and countless martial arts beckoned to him.

With his hands clenching the ‘carp demon knife’ tightly, he was very excited, and began to slash at the air, repeating the moves he learned last night. Relying on his talents, he developed the "One-handed Breaking Knife" into a "Three Swords Flowing Breaking Cut" that suits him.

And the handle of the demon sword, slashed again and again, quietly merged with the flesh and blood of his palm, opening the "parasitic cycle", a little bit of transformation and upgrading Sauron's physique, and loading him with the "demonization meridian".

As long as he insists on checking in and signing in for a week, "Broken Knife 8.0" will provide the corresponding ‘basic internal skills’ to make the sword spirit of the great Hangda completely great! It is no longer a simple vacuum slash.

Bai Lang has a small goal, so that martial artists who have never eaten the natural element can also chop off the pseudo-natural sword energy with the ‘heaven and earth vitality attribute’.

After all, his [Demon Seed] has successfully manipulated the vitality of the heavens and the earth, and made various marvelous long-range attacks. He firmly believes that the aborigines who do not have a ‘ability bar’ can definitely do it!