Dimensional Eroders

v1 Chapter 916: Zero damage clearance

Chapter 917 Clearing the level with 0 injuries

Outrageous things in the world often exceed ordinary people's expectations.

Bailang, who has just experienced the first battle, judged by his rich experience in 3A games in the first half of his life, it will only become more and more difficult to encounter in the future. Then pass all the way through the level, the gods block and kill the gods and Buddhas block and kill the Buddha, upgrade and open the box to kill the younger brother, and finally break through the bottom boss in blood, and walk out of the gate of the City God Temple in the rising sun.

He also tortured the first-hand accurate information from the mouth of the ghost. There are still 6 "adopted sons" of the same grade as it. They are all at the peak of Qi refining, and even the boss and the third child have simply completed foundation building, belonging to the small boss level.

For this power alone, if the superiority of the Four Heavenly Kings beyond the power system of this world is removed, the two combinations can even be equated.

And on top of the Qiyizi, there is their old father, the guardian boss of this version, King Tunyue. A big toad that is closely related to the ultimate goal, the five ghosts. Refining qi and transforming gods is definitely not under the 'Shuipenwan'.

Such a big boss has a total of five good brothers. It can be seen that the challenge tonight is arduous, and it is far from something that he can handle ten days before the battle.

Then what...

In this way, Lang entered the 'City God's Temple' smoothly all the way. The underworld resistance encountered along the way is approximately equal to 0. There was no need for the 'Royal Pot Arhats' to do anything, just by relying on the reserve 'Fish Knife Monk', he was completely crushed, which easily made him a little suspicious.

There is definitely a conspiracy!

After breaking into the City God's Temple, the resistance encountered was only low but not high. The defensive forces in the temple are pitifully small, and there are almost no housekeeper ghosts left. For a time, Bailang wondered if he had fallen into a trap? These guys also know how to play empty city tricks.

There must be a big conspiracy!

And then, nothing.

Because anyone with a little ability ran out to make waves. The battle between Bailang and Guiha was so loud that the ghosts from other nearby camps were also attracted to it.

After witnessing Guiga's disastrous defeat, the other "adopted sons" received the news one after another. They didn't want to be foolish enough to fight recklessly. They all chose to wait and see, and arranged for spies to watch Bailang reach the bottom of the pass. Seeing that the "others" were indifferent, they continued. Stay silent and wait for the other brothers to make the first move.

When the spies watched Bailang lead people into the City God's Temple, they suddenly realized that it was too late to act again. Since it was too late to think in my heart, I simply pretended not to know.

Anyway, the King of Fa has calculated everything, and this Town God's Temple is the foundation and lair of its old people, so it must have an absolute trump card that no one can predict. The group of monsters broke in and died. That being the case...

So not only was there no one to support them, but the little devils who were watching nearby scattered and ran away in the opposite direction, harassing the local residents more and more, tacitly pretending that they didn't know it at all, and kept obsessing about harassing the little widow without selfishness.

Bailang didn't know the outside situation, so he entered the 'City God's Temple' led by the ghost and toad with trepidation, and with the help of Shuipenwan, he quickly found and controlled the passage between the yin and yang worlds.

It was a cave in the temple, about six or seven meters deep, and it was dark and gloomy inside. If you touch the wax and climb, you will soon reach the end. However, when the power of the Town God's Temple acts on it, it can open up a path that does not exist in reality, and go straight to the underworld, which is very miraculous.

In the end, Shuipenwan groped all the way with the "Feng Shui Guidance to the Tomb", and found the control of the Town God Temple in the main hall where the brand-new giant golden statue of toad was enshrined, seized it, and cut off the two worlds of yin and yang.

All of this went as smoothly as a dream, and there were no so-called moon-swallowing kings, hidden methods, or gatekeeper bosses throughout the process. Along the way, the ghost toad who kept bragging about making his godfather powerful and terrifying was embarrassed and shy away.

Until the faces of the drawing papers looked at it with weird eyes. Only then did the toad say with difficulty: "Probably foster father is going out to visit friends tonight."

Just when Bailang and his gang seized the Town God's Temple and cut off the passage to the underworld. Somewhere in the underworld, in a house, the King Tun Yue, whose eyes protruded like hyperthyroidism, put down his wine glass and shouted angrily: "Who dares to spoil my good deeds?"

Beside him, another Taoist with an ugly and strange appearance asked, "What's the matter, brother?"

"That's it?"

In the Town God's Temple, Bailang looked around curiously, and saw strange statues of ghosts standing in the main hall, holding strange blood-stained instruments of torture, making movements of peeling skin and bones, and the surrounding walls were painted with scenes of hell. In the cracks, hung the genuine air-dried corpses of demons and ghosts.

The style of the temple is distorted and realistic, and it is a good temple, and the layout is eerie and terrifying, as if the **** was directly brought into the world to intimidate ordinary people. It is completely different from the 'Town God's Temple' that Lang has seen in his previous life.

If mortals come here to offer incense, they will definitely be affected, and their rationality will plummet into extreme fear. Then there was fear in my heart, and I honestly paid for it, maybe I would have nightmares for many days in a row and completely tame it.

In the center of the main hall stands a golden statue of a big toad swallowing the moon. On either side of it, two unfinished sculptures, complete with body parts in the form of human torsos, each pose.

The head has not been finished yet, so I can't see the specific appearance, but judging from the pattern on the clothes, it is the other four monsters in the "Five Immortals". And mainly 'toad'.

"It's done, it's done!" Shuipenwan was also observing the Chenghuang Temple, with a happy expression on his face, as if looking at his own new house, while looking at it, he introduced: "You don't see that the area here is not big, in fact, there is another world. This place in the world Part of it is just an entrance. The real main body is actually still in the underworld. There are a lot of ghosts and few ghosts there, and it is suitable for the underworld to live in. I have visited many times. It is bigger and more magnificent than my Taoist temple."

Toad, who was following behind the two, also spoke from time to time. With a lot of chatter, Bailang learned that the real City God's territory is a special small space that connects the world and is attached to the underworld.

The real location is uncertain and has no exact coordinates. It is anchored by the beliefs of many mortals in Qingping Town and maintained through incense offerings. With the help of this 'space', the city **** can go wild in the city, arrest and suppress all ghosts and wild ghosts, and resist the invasion of external monsters.

It can also be used as a place to raise soldiers, select ghost soldiers from the underworld, and carry out sacrifices. Given a special position, with the blessing of the power of the city **** system, you can freely shuttle between yin and yang, and you will not be restrained by the protection power in the city at night, and you will patrol to maintain law and order. With one plus and one minus, they have a double home court advantage.

The ghosts he encountered tonight, because they have not yet joined the 'City God System', did not receive much blessing, and were also suppressed by the protection power. In addition, this 'space' can also connect all living beings in the city and dream at night.

Since the mortal yamen have been inactive for a long time, the City God has assumed part of the function of 'solving cases'. Occasionally, the dream interrupts the case to gain prestige, and urges mortals to burn incense on time. But that was the old calendar. On the eve of the death of the green-faced ghost, he occasionally dragged poor people who did not want to offer incense into a dream, tortured them in eighteen ways, and then let them go.

Over time, the bedridden old man went berserk and demolished several houses before he was suppressed by the exorcist Taoist. Afterwards, the nearby poor ghosts lived frugally, and the incense immediately flourished again.

"How to proceed next?"

The Town God's Temple is not large in the human world, Bailang turned around and then returned to the original place, looking at Shuipenwan.

"In my opinion, we cut off the Yin-Yang channel first, and then smashed its statues, so as to prevent the ghosts in the city from returning, and lost the blessing and protection of the City God. As long as we stay up until dawn and are illuminated by the sun, their strength will be greatly reduced. The weak ones are wiped out, and the strong ones are nothing to worry about. At that time, the master prepared his troops and acted in a high-profile way."

"In front of mortals, staged a big cleansing. Talk about real achievements, slaying demons and killing demons, blood flowed into rivers, and won people's hearts. Then you recommended yourself and took away the city **** bird. At that time, what people wanted, you saved With a good reputation, becoming a "City God" is a natural and natural thing. Once the "City God" is firmly established, the hub to control yin and yang will fall into our hands. We can advance, attack, retreat, and defend. With a place to live, we can further infiltrate and control this side A small **** in the realm."

Shuipen Wan turned into a dog-headed military adviser, and narrated the thoughts in his heart. Although it is an old routine, it has been popular since ancient times. Bailang agreed again and again, but Ghost Toad became colder the more he listened.

Its adoptive father indulged the ghosts under his command to wreak havoc in the city for ten days, with the purpose of creating momentum for himself. They seem to have occupied the Town God's Temple, set up statues, and made all preparations, as if they were already the masters of this place.

The most critical step was missing, and it was recognized by the residents of the city. This is also the special feature of the "City God System", a broken version of the underworld local civil servants-belief system. Believe it or not.

In order to win the trust of others, the old toad had to create trouble first, and then rescue it when the trouble got big. Now that the fire is not enough, there will still be another three days of trouble, and the trouble will get bigger and bigger, and the effect will be the best, and it will be considered stable.

Then Bailang came. Lang didn't think the heat was enough, so he decided to end the tragedy ahead of time, and directly rescued people, calmed the nighttime ghost trouble, and cut off Hu Laotoa's painstaking efforts. Coupled with the word-of-mouth accumulated during the period of giving porridge and saving people, the initial "healing belief" barely sat on the throne of the city god.

After sitting on the seat, he has too many ways to continue to consolidate his reputation, deceive people's hearts, and the more he sits, the more stable he becomes. As for offending the toad, it was because he came to trouble the 'five ghosts', and he was afraid that the other party would run away early if he realized something was wrong.

Now that they have formed a death feud, it is natural to recharge their batteries and wait for the target to come to their door. Lang Zan couldn't help sighing: "It's a god-sent opportunity!"

The city god's ability to enter dreams is more in line with Jidu's [Nightmare Demon Realm]. He even suspected that this was an upgrade routine prepared by 'Gourmet Paradise' long ago, to further strengthen him so that he could work hard for the cafeteria.

After deciding to **** other people's property in the underworld by stealth, Lang's mentality changed, and he began to carefully observe the layout of the Town God's Temple with the attitude of visiting his own new house.

He is only occupying the part of the human world now, disconnecting the channel of Yin and Yang, and has not refined the 'City God's Domain'. We still have to wait for dawn, and rely on the right time and place to complete the reception, before we can go deep into the 'underworld' part step by step.

To that old toad, Lang's behavior was more like breaking into an unmanned shop first, and then welding the back door shut. Keep prospective bosses out of the back wall.

I can't get it for the time being, but even if the back door is welded shut, you can never come in and **** it from me. Even if you are trapped in the underworld, you are too strong to find your way to the underworld. This period of time is short enough for me to apply for registration as a shop owner first.

"The layout here is a bit dark, it needs to be changed." Lang commented.

Shui Pen Wan retorted: "Ordinary people are ignorant, blindly giving favors and no one will think of them, but become enemies. The master must be kind and powerful, and he has no fear. Where does the incense come from?"

"You don't understand this. I have southern thaumaturgy. Just do as I tell you, and you will be fine. I remember sending someone to shovel the wall and paint some festive ones on it. I have a fish-dragon girl here." There are eighteen New Year pictures."

The group stopped and went, Bailang verbally assigned a new decoration task, and finally came to the statue repaired by Dharma King Tunyue. The more he looked at it, the more something was wrong. He frowned, realizing that the matter was not simple: "Hey, have you noticed? This toad statue...why does it smell like a monk?"

Lang once again looked at the sculptures on both sides of the big toad, combined with the paintings of **** around him, he suddenly had the feeling of walking into a temple. The composition and furnishings of this hall are similar to those of the Buddhist temple, but there is no Arhat Bodhisattva, but demonized ghosts. There is a secret connection between the two.

"What's so strange about this? When I came here to visit the green-faced ghost, his statue of the city **** also had a Buddhist Zen look, and he even rode a white elephant under him."

Lang still had an impression of the dead old city god: "Is that the ghost king with an elephant leg growing out of his head, and the elephant leg is full of eyes?"

"It's him." Shuipenwan recalled, "Buddhism is prosperous in Chudi, and there are temples in every city. If you encounter a big city, there are several orchids in the city and outside the city. The sect schools are not the same, and the internal fighting is fierce. Life is extinguished, and a lot of Buddhist secret medicines flow out. It is even more complicated if it is secretly practiced by a demon, and no one guides it to turn the Buddha into a demon. Therefore, it is not surprising that there is a bit of Buddhist Zen in the statue."

"Oh~ Is that so?" Bailang nodded, but he always felt that something was wrong?

At this time, the ghosts in the city also sensed that something was wrong, and their connection with the underworld was cut off. It's like being disconnected from the WiFi~lightnovelpub.net~Although relying on that little 'cache', it has not yet been suppressed and repelled by the 'shelter power' of Qingping Town, but it is already sharp and not good, and Wu Yangyang is heading towards the Temple of the City God Come.

Bailang had already prepared for this, and arranged for the 'Yu Guo Luo Han' to line up and block the entrance. At the same time, he also took the lead in swinging the sledgehammer, destroying the statue that the big toad had set up for himself.

In a certain fragment of the underworld on the other side, Dharma King Tunyue, who was eating wine with his good brother, suddenly changed his face and shouted: "Not good!" Then he covered his head and screamed: "Ah! The pain is so painful that I can't bear it!" ! Trash, a bunch of trash! Let the enemy destroy my golden body!"

For its own master plan, it sneaked into the underworld, took a secret path to cross several fragments, and found the old man to send an invitation. I thought that the monsters around Qingping Town had been wiped out, and there were no enemies worth noting for the time being.

It's nothing to worry about if there are seven more bad boys and ghost soldiers from the underworld to wreak havoc in Chengzhong. Who knows that not long after he left, his roots were given to him by someone. What on earth are those trash doing?

At this time, the group of trash also became anxious, wondering what the foster father was doing? How could someone break into it so casually and cause such a big trouble?

Just like half an hour ago, after Bailang broke into the Temple of the City God, he was also wondering what these retarded people were doing? Why don't you stop me?

(end of this chapter)