Dimensional Eroders

v1 Chapter 930: [The 1,040 Merit Spores of Daqian Temple

Chapter 931 [The 1040 meritorious spore becoming Buddha plan of the Great Greedy Temple]

When [Magic Elephant Venerable] incorporated the substance called 'merit spore' into his [Wine and Meat Sequence], Bailang shared the detailed information and operating principle of this 'substance'.

Observing from a microscopic perspective, this is a strange spore that exudes pale gold. After being stored in the [Wine and Meat Sequence], it is radiated by the unique Buddha's light (divine power), giving birth to Buddha nature, and has a strong ability to absorb merit.

'Absorption of merit' is the most fundamental characteristic of [merit spores], and also the basis of the law of [wine and meat sequence].

Any person or thing that has been planted with the spores of meritorious deeds of the greedy sect will spontaneously absorb intangible things such as the vows and beliefs about the "dream sect of Buddhism, wine and meat arhats", as well as the "merits" produced in their daily actions.

These illusory concepts that are difficult to observe, touch, or even exist are real in this world of cultivating immortals. And it will be captured and absorbed by [Kung Fu Spores], and it will be very weakly strengthened.

Things like 'faith, vows, and incense' cannot be used by mortals, only gods can enjoy them. However, when uploading to gods and Buddhas, there are transmission losses and dissipation.

Therefore, the [Wine and Meat Sequence] bestows the 'merit spores' consecrated by Buddhism. With its unique 'merit absorption' feature, it absorbs the 'Zen beliefs, vows, and incense' produced and dissipated by itself. And the 'merit' produced when one's own good deeds are accumulated. Strengthen and proliferate its own 'spores'.

For example, my Buddha Porcelain Cup Chicken started to mutate crazily as soon as I entered the 'Dreamland Buddha Kingdom'. It is the "pollution spores" on the body that spontaneously absorb the high concentration of "Greedy Buddha Power (belief in divine power in the dream, causing the spores to become Buddhas, and Suji instantly becomes a Buddha.

In an instant, the limited strains were overwhelmed by the infinite 'power of faith in God (Buddha)'. This mortal vegetarian chicken instantly exploded its Buddha-nature, its spores were strengthened to the extreme, its body swelled several times, and it cultivated a golden body of virtue, and even an additional "virtuous golden mushroom" grew on its bare wings.

He was forcibly transformed into an authentic 'My Buddha Porcelain Cup Chicken', and was also brainwashed into a fanatic of [Magic Elephant].

Similar situations are very common. A mortal who looked directly at the indescribable, his San value returned to zero, and his head was burned. At the same time, he pryed into the mysteries of the universe, comprehended the truth, and became a fanatic believer in evil gods. Or close contact with angels, believers who are irradiated by high concentrations of holy light and become idiots...

The "Porcelain Cup Chicken" empowered by the "Wine and Meat Buddha Power" is just a special case, and the normal [merit spores] are more similar to the symbiosis of the "Marvel Venom".

It is neither evil nor self-aware, but is deeply integrated with the host to help it regulate the body, live a long and healthy life, and is inseparable.

The simplest and most primitive practice method is to constantly pray, worship, and recite scriptures to generate low-level belief power, which is then absorbed by the 'spores' to slowly strengthen the body and expand in the body.

In addition, doing good deeds to overcome disasters and harvesting 'merits' can further stimulate the 'spores' to become stronger and realize their strength.

Finally, it is to practice the matching 'new method' to quickly refine the 'greedy sect magic power' and become a Buddhist monk.

And as [merit spores] devour a large amount of 'Zen Faith, Buddhist Merit' and continue to spread and grow in the body, the host will also be uncontrollably 'contaminated' by 'Buddha (spirit) Dharma (spirit) sense (pollution)', Comprehend the 'spirit of the sect' and become a follower of the sect.

This is not ordinary ideological and spiritual belief in and worship of Buddha, but an uncontrollable fanatical conversion, benign spiritual pollution, and compulsively persuading people to be good and be a good person.

Because the 'merit spores' are deeply rooted in flesh and blood, and merge with the host's spirit and flesh, similar to a special 'bloodline'. The "merit spores" absorb the dissipated "faith and vows" on a daily basis, which will naturally affect the host at the spiritual level, helping it to run in the direction of "pious believers, fanatics, and saints".

Like a car with the gas pedal dead from the start. The more you practice, the stronger you become, the deeper your obsession, the faster you drive, the more pious you are... In the end, sooner or later, like "My Buddha Porcelain Cup Chicken", I will fall into fanatical worship, and have an irresistible impulse to "cut meat and feed Buddha" (only Buddhist monks have consciousness).

The "cutting meat and feeding the Buddha" here does not refer to the **** cutting of meat, but refers to the "Zen disciples" in the fanatic period. After accumulating a large number of high-energy merit spores, they will grow "Golden Mushrooms" like porcelain cup chickens, a kind of high-quality Pure merit and Buddha power ingredients.

Zen disciples will take down such essence mushrooms (spiritual wonders, treasures of heaven and earth) and offer sacrifices to the [Wine and Meat Arhat] they worship.

[Magic Elephant Venerable] will also regularly receive and eat the 'virtuous golden mushroom' from Zen disciples to speed up his own [Vajra Barrier Method] practice.

This virtuous circle is what is called [cause and effect] in Buddhism.

[Wine Meat Arhat] Plant good causes (merit spores) for the believers, the disciples are baptized, get Buddha nature, try their own methods, embark on the road to Buddhahood, condense the good fruits of vegetarian meat (Golden Mushrooms), accumulate and purify themselves The "power of merit" was sacrificed to the Buddha to express gratitude, so [Wine and Meat Arhat] got good results.

In the same way, this cycle can also be backward compatible.

How can the "wine and meat disciples" who take refuge in Daqian Temple practice efficiently, absorb boundless merits and virtues, and cultivate into the "spore golden body"?

Simple daily charity is very good, in line with the "Zen religion", but the income is low, which is an inefficient penance. If you want to get rich efficiently? Of course, it is to save people and become Buddhas, especially to save great evil people and demons, and persuade them to do good and repent, which can generate huge merit.

Then, in the face of these evil spirits with heinous crimes, it is natural to invent Wang Fuhuo and physically subdue and punish them, such as... directly cutting off their arms, chopping off their legs, digging out their dantians, destroying their meridians, abolishing their Taoism, and making them It completely lost the ability to do evil.

This indirectly saves countless innocent people. He neither killed nor saved countless lives. King Ming used the heart of a bodhisattva to save a life with a seven-level pagoda.

It is a monstrous merit to incapacitate a demon! (Spore Enhancement +1, +1, +1...)

This is not over yet, using thunder means to make the demon physically submit, but its heart is not convinced, it is still not considered a "degree of transformation", but a karmic barrier of cause and effect.

At this time, we must be patient and do our best to torture the other party with compassion, so that they can experience the misery in the world, the sense of falling from heaven to hell; experience the tragic experiences of those victims, make them empathize with each other, and deeply realize Only when one’s own mistakes are made can one be compassionate and fully enlightened.

Once he dies and does not repent, he will be wiped out with poisonous hands. Anyway, the way of heaven is distorted, there is cause and effect but no karma, there is no such thing as a catastrophe.

Once you feel repentant, you can transplant your own "merit spores" to treat it, replant the severed limbs, and make up the dantian... to complete a perfect "rescue".

As the saying goes: Put down the butcher knife and become a Buddha immediately. This is the truth.

From now on, the evil spirits will regain their health, be reborn, and turn their backs on evil, and convert to my Buddha. Do good deeds all the time, complete a new round of positive feedback, and finally have the impulse to "cut meat and feed the Buddha" (becoming a new generation of eminent monks), and offer meat and good fruits to the "guru" and "Buddha (wine and meat who saved themselves.

The master is merciful, saves evil spirits, and has immeasurable merit.

The evil spirit suddenly repented, practiced painstakingly to repay kindness, good cause and good result.

The master eats it, and the merits and virtues are boundless, and the magic power is boundless. This is the 'Wine and Meat Avenue'!

The Buddhist law hidden behind [Wine Meat Arhat Sequence] is precisely [Golden Cicada]! If this sequence continues to upgrade, it is likely to evolve into [Sequence-Zhan Tan Gongde Buddha].

Good moral: Everyone is a golden cicada with vegetarian meat.

Eat fast! Eat fast!

Theoretically, after the implantation of the spores ~lightnovelpub.net~ the spirit will be inspired (polluted) by the Buddhist spirit of Daqian Temple, and the Buddha nature will be born. Change your personality subtly, be full of positive energy, love life, be willing to help others, and be compassionate

Ordinary believers, with the consecration and blessing of the "Disciples of the Greedy Sect", can also regain their health by virtue of [Spores of Merit]. Although I can't set foot on the path of cultivation, I am still physically and mentally healthy, live a regular life, have a better personality, be kind to others, and have a smooth career... Feel free to praise. To provide guru with a steady stream of faith and small merit.

This set of "circulation theory of good cause and good fruit" can be developed and expanded layer by layer to form a pyramid model, but it is not a "Ponzi scheme".

Because [Kung Fu Spore] has many benefits, all of them are advantages. If someone does evil after transplanting the spores, it will violate the Dharma and the concept of merit. Without nutrition and strengthening, the spores will naturally wither and decline, completely collapsing.

Therefore, there are no people who use [merit spores] to do evil. With the 'spore' as the foundation, only a positive energy Buddhist kingdom on earth where everyone is good can be constructed.

Especially [Zen] can't help drinking and meat women, and can continue leeks indefinitely, creating a "wine and meat merit pyramid", striving to make "gongde golden mushroom farms" everywhere in the world, and everyone strives to be golden cicadas.

This is it!

[Dagan Temple 1040 merit spores to become a Buddha plan] No **** eating and drinking.

(end of this chapter)