Dimensional Eroders

v1 Chapter 935: 1 wave kills 7 demons, spicy merit circl

Chapter 936 Killing the Seven Demons in One Wave, Spicy Merit Realm

As the five ghosts and Taoists, the biggest black hand of the magic sacrifice, disappeared from the world, the battle on the other side also entered a white-hot state.

The core purpose of Bailang's operation this time is "a chicken with a thunderbolt makes a mess with a quick knife". Directly destroy the cohesion ceremony, force the opponent to self-destruct on the spot, save the four cities and win in the chaos.

For this reason, he did not hesitate to play the strongest king bomb in his hand, with a gorgeous lineup composed of 'Fuguiwan + Wututu', he took away the Taoist Xie who took the lead in the charge. The beheading went so smoothly that even the enemy monsters were stunned and felt unbelievable.

At the same time, he accidentally forced out the Taoist Five Ghosts, who had collapsed and exploded on the spot, and successfully helped him overcome his madness and anger. The whole person's temperament changed drastically within 10 seconds, and the healing effect was immediate, highlighting Bailang's profound attainments in the field of 'waaagh psychology'.

But all this is not without cost.

Shuipenwan was hollowed out and turned into an angel with broken wings, screaming and falling from the sky, about to fall to his death. The five most capable fighters on their own side all evaporated and entered the Nightmare Buddha Kingdom to help the five ghosts and Taoists in hospice care.

The only one who can fight now is Silly Fufu, but he is hidden by Lang who dotes on his daughter. At this moment, the 'Mortal Wave', who has no local mana in his body, is alone facing the siege of seven evil demons who are 'refining Qi and transforming God'.

Under Lang's arrangement, Monk Kong Hai re-opened the 'Cassaw Lawland', surrounded the group of refining gods and monsters, and sealed them together with Lang into the closed 'Cassock Space', temporarily creating a death cage scene.

The hot-blooded young monk is only in the "early stage of refining the gods". With the "Buddha Treasure-Cassock" bestowed by the elders, he can only restrain so many demons forcibly, and he can only hold on for a while.

If these monsters forcibly resisted and broke through, they would only be torn and smashed from the inside of this precious magic weapon, and they would not be able to truly suppress the seal, which had already exceeded the limit of his ability.

Fortunately, after the bosses died in succession, the seven monsters finally got rid of the mental pollution of the "broken wing angel" and realized that they had caused a catastrophe.

From the beginning to the end, they were only onlookers. They didn't even make a move, and ignored the two bosses rushing to the street one after another. What if nothing else to do now? In the future, he will be jointly retaliated by the other four demon kings, and will be hunted down bloody. He will use his power to regain his lost dignity.

We can't beat a strong enemy, and we can't kill the younger brother who is unwilling to contribute?

The few monsters came out of the underworld, they didn't resist Kukai's cassock, but decided to subdue the seemingly powerless fool in front of them. The other party was one of the culprits, and they heard with their own ears that this mortal was giving the order.

A **** battle broke out in an instant, and seven demons attacked Bailang at the same time, recreating the scene of five people besieging and beating Taoist Xie.

At this time, Bailang stepped on the 'ground' formed by the blood cassock, and waves of blood rolled in the strange 'blood-colored space'. He steadily took out a jar from the storage space, which attracted the attention of the seven big monsters.

At the same time, the 'Evil Spirit Transformation' was activated, and [Magic Elephant Zun] summoned the six-fold merit spore King Kong Realm that had been repaired overnight to LV6, and covered the body surface.

Different from the previous dark armored vajra enchantment, the new enchantment composed of 'merit spores' has a distinctly dull golden color.

Starting from his arms, Bailang was gradually covered by dark golden light, letting all kinds of spells composed of 'radiant aura' around him hit him, choosing to resist without dodging or dodging.

At the same time, the jar held in his hands was also covered by a layer of golden light, protecting it. Deflects incoming attacks.

"Buddhist golden body?", "King Kong is not bad!"

The monsters in the underworld have dealt with the monks of the Kongkong Temple all the year round, and they can see Bailang's background at a glance. But they have never seen King Kong not bad with golden energy mushrooms drilled out of the top of the head, face, and body. Mushroom Donkey Kong?

In the next second, their keen intuition was attracted by the 'jar'. Under the cover of the golden package, a faintly present crisis more deadly than death spread out from the altar. As if imprisoning something more terrifying than death? Following the wave of golden mushrooms, he inserted his hands little by little, and the seal was released.

"There is a conspiracy!", "There is something wrong with that jar.", "Hurry up, don't let him succeed!"

A monster desperately released a strange magic weapon, slashing horizontally like a flying sword, trying to smash the seemingly ordinary jar and stop Jin Shanshan's disturbing behavior.

At the same time, the jar, which was originally wrapped in the 'Kung Fu Vajra Barrier', instantly returned to its normal state.

A zombie with a higher level of cultivation and a more astonishing sense of intuition constricted its pupils and shouted angrily, "Stop it! Don't be fooled."


The jar in front of Lang was shattered and exploded, and immediately a spicy, irritating, and tangy smell spread in the 'cassock legal domain'. The semi-solid and semi-liquid fluid like dark red magma clings to the golden arms of Bailang and flows slowly.

And more dark red liquid that gave people a visual sense of 'hot', exploded with the slash, turned into bits and pieces, exploded in a limited space, and splashed a piece.

"Ah...!" The demon who flew out of the magic weapon was the first to let out a scream.

At the same moment, Monk Kukai, who was holding the cassock with his hands outside, also changed wildly. There was a blood-red light in his eyes, and he was transformed into a demon in an instant, releasing killing intent. He looked gloomyly at the Mayfly City below, and felt an urge to untie his cassock and smash it to the ground.

Immediately afterwards, the Buddha beads on his neck burst out bursts of Buddha's light, and the continuous chanting rang in his head, helping him to suppress his mind, and only then did he wake up.

Kukai's face first showed the lingering fear after the catastrophe, and then felt that the 'cassock' was a little bit polluted, showing an expression of heartache, remorse, and reluctance. Finally, thinking of Bailang's promise, he gritted his teeth cruelly and continued to draw the mana in the rosary. Keeping the 'cassock legal domain' unbroken, he ran wildly in the air, stepped on the air and shrunk to an inch, and rushed towards the direction away from the 'mayfly city'.

Inside the cassock space, the deadly high-concentration twisted chili sauce exploded into a rain of blood as the jar exploded. Bailang has completely entered the form of the "wine and meat arhat", with densely packed small mushrooms growing on the top of his head, cosplay Tathagata's bun head, and the surface of the golden arms, flowing with complex dark red magic patterns.

If you zoom in on the screen, you can see the moving Sanskrit characters made of hot sauce, which are constantly changing in combination to form Buddhist scriptures one after another, endowing these arms with unique magical powers: [Food Skill - Hot Sauce Fumoquan] and 'Buddhist King Kong enchantment' a mixture of supernatural powers.

Originally, after Lang exchanged this ordinary food skill, he couldn't do much damage in this world.

Because 'cooking skills' are only of ordinary quality, and the power is closely related to the quality of 'hot sauce', through soaking with hands, absorbing and absorbing special hot sauce elements, completing the enchantment, and then beating in close combat, the power of hot sauce can penetrate into the body, and complete the magic from the inside out harm.

The original version of "food skills" is specially used by chefs to deal with large dragon beasts. They beat them to death, and beat the flesh from raw to cooked. Use the "spicy sauce enchanting damage" to offset the toxins in the dragon meat. Transformed into gourmet food with the ultimate taste.

After Lang exchanged this food skill, he fell into deep thought. He is just a mortal with no magic power, how can he use delicious food to fight against the great demon in a world where demons are rampant?

After thinking about it over and over for a long time, the only way to create a threat is the unique 'evil transformation' of this world. This is the ultimate destination that no one can escape from. At the beginning of his arrival, he relied on this trick to complete the lore of the audience.

So how to replicate past glory?

Naturally, the 'Hot Sauce Recipe' and the 'Pollution Inspiration' are combined to artificially induce evil, and then the 'high-purity pollution twisted essence' in their bodies is refined to make the 'Hot Sauce' the main ingredient, fully mixed and stirred for sublimation, Let these polluting inspirations fight each other in the altar like raising Gu, and cultivate the 'Ultimate Supreme Devil's Hot Sauce'.

Therefore, as soon as this thing appeared, it caused a fatal crisis for the seven big monsters.

Lang can assure you that as long as you haven't reached the 'Void Refining Realm', this thing is the poison of the Dao, and you will die if you take it easy. This is also the reason why he dared to lead people to pk the Five Poison Lords. Even if he was really besieged by five plague gods, he would still be able to burst out the "Supreme Hot Sauce" without distinction, and he would die together in one play.

The brain is made into aqua regia, and it will be avoided by experienced opponents when it is used to splash people, but first soak it with your own hands, complete the magic damage enchantment, and then build a death cage to display peerless martial arts close combat.

Using invincible skills to force the opponent to change their injuries, and finally both die, who can resist?

As for how to ensure that you can hurt the enemy by 1000 without damaging yourself by 800? Of course it is the invincible 'Kung Fu Vajra Barrier'. The [Kung Fu Spore] that has completed the harmony has the functions of purifying pollution, restoring the way of heaven, and transforming pollution and distortion into pure inspiration.

So there was the scene in front of him, Kukai sacrificed the Buddha's cassock to create an opportunity for Bailang to go crazy. Jin Xingshan, who was transformed into an evil spirit, used the twisted chili sauce subduing demon fist to wantonly torture these frightened demons in the alchemy stage.

In this world, this is a more inexplicable terrorist attack than a mop in shit. The monster who blew up the jar had been contaminated with a large amount of twisted hot sauce, so he decisively abandoned the 'magic weapon' and took the backlash for himself by drinking poison to quench his thirst.

Others who were splashed by the 'Magic Hot Sauce' also released radiant aura to resist, but the effect was limited. Those hot sauces easily penetrated the radiation force field, but fortunately they were deflected by the monsters and successfully avoided it.

"Escape!", "Tear off this tattered cassock!", "Why didn't he go crazy?"

The demons were so frightened that their scalps were numb at this moment, and twisted fluctuations were released everywhere inside the cassock, which caused them to lose control of their brains. Hearing the strange howls and screams, his attention was a little bit distracted.

When they tried to break the cassock and escape, they found that a layer of gold spread like paint in the shrinking blood-colored space. The enchantment of [Magic Elephant] was repaired to six layers, Bailang reduced his own defense to four layers, and coated the other two layers on the inside of the cassock to prolong the collapse speed of this magic weapon, isolate the corrosion and damage of the evil hot sauce, and further imprison him. These goblins.

Then Lang laughed wildly: "Bold and evil, I want you to help me practice! Improve my cooking skills!"

Although he suffered frequent counterattacks, the quadruple meritorious spore vajra world firmly resisted the damage of the 'radiant aura', as hard as a copper pea;

Even if one's ability is blocked, but the rich melee experience cannot be erased, he successfully displayed the six-style tricks, and used the "devil chili sauce hand" to brutally tear the demon's radiation force field, punching to the flesh, bursting with dark energy, hitting the demon's bones Broken ribs.

The ever-proliferating 'merit spores' are mixed with the 'devil hot sauce' and penetrated into the demon's body with dark energy, producing the terrifying effect of 'drinking and meat arhats degenerate into Buddha's evil'.

The forced opponent screamed again and again, and his body twisted and alienated uncontrollably. The monsters were so desperate that they had to sever their wrists. However, the severed alienated flesh and blood swelled and mutated even more uncontrollably, turning into an independent evil individual, and at the same time reduced to a petri dish and a nutrient base for the "Buddha evil spores".

The monsters poured the out-of-control 'pollution distortion' into one magic weapon after another, temporarily diverting the pollution, keeping their minds from falling, and seeking a way out.

But Bailang, who is tall and majestic and covered with golden merit mushrooms, is like an indescribable arhat who has conquered demons. In the chemical forest, they are judged round after round of San value.

For a while, the spicy and spicy smell in the cassock space became an indescribable **** of pickling flesh and blood, and there were a lot of Buddha's evil merits, mushrooms, meat and vegetables, balanced nutrition, relieved the greasy feeling, and brought a new harmony.

Outside, Kukai's scalp is numb, listening to the excited laughter, and all kinds of screams, wailing, and roaring sounds, the hallucinations in his mind continue, sometimes he loses control and wants to become a demon; sometimes his appetite soars and he wants to break the meat ring; It seems to be cut into batches for pickling...

And his cheeks and exposed arms were also polluted by the white waves in the cassock. From time to time, one or two 'flesh mushrooms' would grow, exuding a strange fragrance, and they would break and fall to the ground amidst the sudden sound of the Buddha's voice.

In this way, relying on the blessing of the rosary, he braced himself up, picked up the huge 'cassock', and rushed into a mountain forest.

Inside the cassock, in the **** of flesh and blood covered with golden mushrooms, Bai Lang opened his mouth and spewed out a large number of 'greedy sound spores', making the flesh and blood grow brand new 'wailing mushrooms'. These mushrooms have large and small mouths, releasing spiritual pollution to the outside world, shouting in different voices of men, women and children: "Big mushrooms! Big mushrooms!...Spicy sauce! Hot sauce!...Refuge! Refuge!...San Zhai! Shan Zhai!"

Bailang punches violently, "eating skills (devil and "sequence (spores combine to create miraculous power, and promote the culture of [Food Paradise]. The whole person exudes a dangerous aura comparable to that of a fallen Buddha. This is the ultimate form of the 'drinking and meat arhat'!

Smoothly turned demons one after another into evil, laughed loudly and said, "Cry! Shout! And then be reduced to gourmet food in the Spicy Hell!"

Hissing, crying, screaming... Crazy flesh and blood monsters are entangled with each other~lightnovelpub.net~ Completely lost their sanity, killing and devouring each other. Blooming mushrooms, runny hot sauce, endless crunching, a grotesque endless appetite.

Bailang's body became illusory and unreal, he entered the state of 'bubble', broke away from the battle, and continued to release the 'polluted heart sound' to fight fire, provoking the 'evil' who only had chaotic instincts to attack and devour each other.

The 'Kung Fu King Kong Realm' that had been plated on two layers also began to fade after his 'dream bubble'.

The outside world, Kukai, couldn't bear the sense of crisis from the tide any longer, so he resolutely let go and threw the torn cassock to the forest.

With a bang, the forest collapsed, and a pit was smashed out on the ground. Amidst the louder and louder roars of the crazy demons, seven evil monsters broke out of the prison one after another, and they continued to expand, revealing their strange true colors. body.

None of them could maintain their sanity, and they each released monster aura or corpse aura, and were attracted by the 'spicy smell' contaminated by each other, and crazily ate each other. Sprinkle pools of flesh and blood, and grow strange mushrooms.

Monk Kukai didn't dare to look at this depraved scene any more, he didn't even collect the broken remains of the 'cassock', and fled crazily with bleeding from the seven orifices. He clasped his hands together and kept chanting scriptures to fight against the mutations in his body. Colorful mushrooms kept coming out of his flesh and blood, and then he cut them off with his mana aura.

(end of this chapter)