Dimensional Eroders

v1 Chapter 936: Once upon a time there was a meat spirit

Chapter 937 Once upon a time, there was a mountain of meat spirits, 【Chapter-Five Ghosts】

Half an hour later, Bailang, who had been paying attention to the scuffle all the time, left the 'dream bubble', left the half-real and half-illusory dream state, and returned to the real world.

At this time, the battlefield was already in a mess beyond recognition. The original terrain was beaten into a sunken white ground in the fight of seven brainless demons.

The seven demons finally devoured each other and fused into a whole that exuded a strong breath of life. Just like the fusion of the seven gourd brothers, in the ruins of broken rocks, it becomes a hill of red and black organic flesh and blood.

On this 'mountain of meat', a variety of monster biological characteristics grow, and even super-large deformed strange faces emerge on the surface, which reminds Lang of Konoha's Hokage Rock.

In addition, on this small mountain of meat, there are many tree-like branches that split and grow, and there are a variety of 'mushroom' fruits hanging on it.

Different from the 'twisted mushrooms' that grew and melted and withered in the previous battles, and were recycled and reborn again, the mushrooms on the Roshan nutrient base have completely stabilized at this time. Fatal attraction.

Resonance ingredients!

A strong urge to eat broke out in Lang's heart. The 'mushrooms' on this mountain of evil meat are more attractive than the 'virtuous golden mushrooms' on my Buddha Porcelain Cup Chicken. If the latter has an attractiveness of 10, the mushroom in front of him is 100. He is more hungry.

Moreover, Bailang also felt that these 'Buddha Evil Spirit Mushrooms' that came out of the mud and were not stained were not very harmful to him, and would not cause distortion and corruption, and were within the edible range.

Because these monsters lost control of their bodies and became evil in an all-round way, and finally swallowed and fused each other to grow these mushrooms. It was the [Buddha Evil Spore Subduing Demon Fist] that he created. I am their own father, how dare they kill their father? (Salf: ???)

This brand new taboo substance is formed by combining [Wine and Meat Sequence] and [Twisted-Spicy Sauce]. Both of these powers come from him, Bailang. That's why he reacted to these 'devil mushrooms'.

Try holding the locked gear, anyway, there is [Jidu, Thorn] to protect the soul from pollution, at worst, it will be recast on the spot, and it will be a heroic idea after 18 seconds.

Bailang approached resolutely, and did not cause any hostility or attack from the still 'alive' Roshan.

If the seven monsters turned into evils and killed each other to form a "traditional mountain of meat", of course they would rely on their chaotic instincts to attack and devour all creatures that approached.

But in the process of fighting and merging, this 'mountain of meat' in front of him has multiplied and multiplied a large number of 'Buddha's evil spores'. The final "Seven Devil Brothers" seemed to fit together, but they were secretly snatched away by the "Buddha Spores" raised by Bailang.

The seven brothers turned into the great demon king in the flesh, but secretly occupied the magpie's nest and turned into the shape of a wave. That's why they were docile and docile to him, the creator, and turned into a mountain of flesh and spirit that revealed Zen.

Bailang approached, and a fleshy branch hung from the Rouling Mountain, with obvious joint marks, like a patchwork and elongated arm, and the end branches showed the characteristics of bird claws.

The branch of the meat claw opened its palm and offered a dark golden flower with dark red lines and shimmering light, like a 'delicate mushroom' with lava flowing inside, somewhat like an Amanita muscaria.

Lang reached out to pick it off, put it on the tip of his nose and sniffed lightly, the strong spicy smell rushed into the nasal cavity and erupted in his brain. The body immediately releases 'eat quickly! I want to eat! 'signal of.

Then, put it in your mouth and bite it lightly, immediately numb, spicy, slightly sweet, delicious, and multiple flavors burst on the tip of your tongue. It's like a magma erupting. With gentle chewing, a soft and suitable "beef taste" came to my heart, and when the meat fibers at the tip of the teeth were cut, it felt like a burst of rubber bands breaking.

At the same time, the vague Buddhist Zen singing sounded like light music in the mind. Not brainwashing, not eye-catching, like the right background music in a quiet restaurant.

Along with eating, the whole person is like falling into the Buddhaland, and countless wonderful scenes are born in the heart. From the inside to the outside reveals a beautiful artistic conception of compassion, enjoy the top soul SPA, get the ultimate purification. That ecstatic feeling, as if he has become a Buddha.

"Ah...! The temptation of Mushroom Road."

Bailang opened his eyes, and gradually restrained Baoxiang's solemn and benevolent mood. Wisps of spiritual pollution in the soul were captured and sealed by [Mother Thorn].

Unlike the 'Golden Virtue Mushroom', the twisted pollution in this mushroom has not disappeared, but has been evolved, stepping on the 'Wine and Meat Sequence' and wearing a golden outfit, making it more restrained. More authentic than the 'Greedy School', it is the old enemy of [Magic Elephant Zun].

The Buddhist mood exuded by the 'Buddha Mushroom' is enough to confuse the real one. The illusion of becoming a Buddha after eating is not only difficult to distinguish the real from the fake, but also more deadly and tempting than the genuine one. Just like Buddha's enemy Bo Xun preached online, Sister Tianmo pulls people online.

It's just that the content is too low to pose a threat. And being perceived and controlled by Bailang, it didn't really pollute him. But if someone else uses it in large quantities, there is still a risk of getting out of control and becoming possessed.

This kind of 'Buddha's evil spore' has already left the ranks of the local 'distorted pollution'. On the contrary, after the world of cultivating immortals is purified and repaired in the future, it looks like the "way of heavenly demon" derived from Buddhism?

"This mountain of meat is poisonous. And it's extremely poisonous!"

Bailang looked at the lush Rouling Mountain, lost in thought. Of course, this meat spirit mountain cannot be left behind and must be destroyed. This is the old enemy of [Wine and Meat Sequence]. Once it spreads out, it will be poisonous in the future.

But he also does not intend to completely destroy the 'Buddha's evil spore', because this thing is indeed a supreme treasure, and it is his 'resonance ingredient', which is even better than the 'Golden Virtue Mushroom'. It is the relationship that blue comes from blue and is better than blue, which cannot be abandoned.

Then, Lang turned his attention to the mission panel.

After the battle just now, he has refreshed several new titles, namely: [Primitive Sky Mushroom], [Buddha Evil. Great Mushroom Ancestor], [Extraterritorial Sky Mushroom]...

Several titles are very similar, but their development tends to be different.

For example [Original Sky Mushroom], after unlocking and wearing this title, it pays more attention to the jurisprudential rule over the "twisted devil spores", which has a very high status.

If you continue to dig deep, you will create and evolve thousands of evil spores to pollute all living beings, and then gather the mighty power of the spores into one body to become the devil of all mushrooms, the original sky mushroom!

The key point is to release and recycle the 'devil spores'.

[Buddha Evil. Great Mushroom Ancestor] is highly similar to [Primitive Sky Mushroom], almost the same. At the same time, thousands of evil spores returned to themselves. However, he gave up the broader demonic spore market, and only focused on cultivating the Buddhist wine and meat market. He was the enemy of the meritorious spores, and he was the enemy of the Buddha.

If Bailang spread the 'distorted spores' to the entire planet and allowed it to develop, it would definitely infect all species and secret medicine sequences. Over time, it began to evolve and mutate into different versions.

There are those for birds, primates, and insects, and there are also those for Taoist sequences, Buddhist sequences, and magic sequences...

At that time, the advantage of [Original Sky Mushroom] was that theoretically it was the origin of every branch of the 'Magic Dao Spore', which could be absorbed and absorbed, and return to its origin.

But the weakness is that after countless iterative evolutions, [Primitive Sky Mushroom] has very weak control over every kind of 'Magic Dao Spore'.

[Old Ancestor of Big Mushroom] is different, focusing on being an enemy of the Buddhist 'merit spores'. It is very difficult for the original Tianmo to compete with the ancestor of the big mushroom in the 'Buddhist Market'.

In the same way, if the 'Original Sky Mushroom' itself is not strong enough, it will be beaten by the corresponding 'Sky Mushroom Lord' in various magical spore fields.

As for the [Extraterritorial Heavenly Demon], he gave up "thousands of mighty power belongs to himself", and embarked on a legion combat mode similar to the Zerg. More emphasis is placed on the development and mastery of an 'evil spore', and after it is secretly diffused and released, the targeted pollution achievement 'Little Sky Mushroom' is used to manipulate and control them.

Among these titles, Bailang prefers [Great Mushroom Patriarch]. Because it interacts with the [Wine and Meat Sequence] that I have mastered. It's like the 'healing god' and the queen's 'Dragon King'.

[King of Inspiration] As the dark side of the gods, he is responsible for carrying all karma and sins, but he secretly controls life and death by himself. Once the situation changes, you should resolutely eliminate your karma (explode yourself on the spot), just like **** who took the blame to atone for your sins, fill up your accounts in minutes, and run away calmly.

[Great Mushroom Ancestor] has the same principle as [Greedy Sect Taoism].

As the 'Wine and Meat Sequence' grows bigger and stronger, this side of heaven will inevitably evolve a 'natural enemy' that will counteract it. The collection of Buddha's evil spores - the concept of the ancestor of the big mushroom, is the perfect 'enemy of Buddha with wine and meat'.

Rather than allowing the world to automatically evolve an uncontrolled one, it is better to take the opportunity to create an old enemy for yourself, and then control it, which can also play a role in monitoring and balancing the "wine and meat sequence".

Bailang is full of confidence in [Greedy Sect], as the world's first 'sequence' that successfully joins the Dao, it will definitely become bigger and stronger in the future. In addition to my own [Magic Elephant], there will be many uncontrolled local Arhats, Bodhisattvas, and even Buddhas.

At that time, [Magic Elephant Zun], the chairman, may not be able to promise everything in the 'Green Zong Group'. There are many factions under him, and they are all wild employees who listen to the tune and don't listen to the announcement.

what to do? Naturally, the old enemy of the ‘Greedy Sect’ [Da Mushroom Patriarch] was invited to clean up the house for [Magic Elephant Zun].

(Your Majesty secretly conspired with the barbarians to assassinate the general stationed in the border!)

(What? The enemy is in the Hall of Supreme Harmony! The Barbarian Khan is actually the eldest prince?)

As for why he didn't choose the more promising [Original Sky Mushroom], the reason was simple, not that Lang didn't have confidence in his own control. Rather, he is very clear that the core of this mission is to promote the [Food Paradise] culture.

In the process, it's okay to get some benefits for yourself. But if you want to take advantage of the benefits, you will only be pressed to death by Paradise.

Judging from the current progress of the task, [Wine and Meat Sequence] and the "merit spores" happen to be the correct route of "harmony" that has been practiced.

Bailang decided to release the patent of the "basic spore secret medicine" free of charge, and quickly spread the starting point of this path that can "replenish the sky", pointing out a clear path for local practitioners, and also revealing the tip of the iceberg of the "food system", in order to Exchange for [delicious value]

In the future, there must be countless people of insight who, by analyzing this 'secret medicine', can see the general trend of heaven (the gourmet paradise is the real father), and then evolve their own 'secret medicine of food' to strengthen and repair the heaven together.

Because the "spore secret medicine" project became the fuse of the "first gourmet revolution", the spores of good and evil from all walks of life will surely blow out, and enter the era of spore revival of all bacteria contending.

At that time, wearing [Original Sky Mushroom] was suicide. Specializing in [Big Mushroom Ancestor] and [Greedy Zong] as enemies will have a future.

After resolutely paying 10,000 [delicious value] to unlock [Buddha Evil. Big Mushroom Ancestor], Bailang instantly gained control of this meat spirit mountain. At the same time, he realized that after wearing this title, he could invade and steal the power of [Wine and Meat Sequence] like a hacker.

Of course ~lightnovelpub.net~ His every move is under the nose of [Ji Du], as [Wine and Meat Arhat], [Magic Elephant Zun] immediately felt that he was greened by the white waves.

This is very different from [Evil Spirit Transformation].

The transformation of evil spirits is Bai Lang's upright **** of the [Wine and Meat Sequence], incarnation of the human body of wine and meat arhats. And wearing the title of [Big Mushroom Ancestor], it becomes the Husband, and it dares not speak out.

Unable to stop it, I watched Bailang blatantly steal the "Power of Sequence" like a "blasphemy priest", and even pollute and distort his own "merit spores" to create even more evil and unspeakable "Buddha Spores".

[Magic Elephant Zun] Autistic...

At this time, [Ji Du] reminded him that there is a new income, please check.

Bai Lang paused the happiness of [Ancestor of Big Mushroom], clicked on the task bar again, and soon found that he had an extra [Chapter].

【Chapter-Herringbone Scroll-Five Ghosts】

"Isn't it [God of the Five Internal Organs]?" Bailang suddenly regretted it, and it was too early to do it himself. If I endure it for a few more days, and wait for the success of the ceremony between the Five Poison Demon Lord and the Five Ghost Taoist, will I be able to obtain two copies of the [Five Plague Gods and Five Viscera Gods] at the same time?

(end of this chapter)