Dimensional Eroders

v1 Chapter 970: Star Monster Warrior Transformation Surg

Chapter 971 Interstellar Monster Warrior Transformation Surgery

After making an appointment with [Totem] for one month, I will directly participate in the internal special promotion trial. Only then did Bailang turn his attention away from the prompts from the paradise and pay attention to his side.

At this time, in his private space, Sharf released the pet little fruit farmer who had been sealed up by the paradise. For 'Longevity Pill', everything is but an instant.

A second ago, it was still in Bailang's private space, confidently being included in the 'Elf Ball' by the little master. I vowed to show off the 'Fenjue Tail Flame' during the mission, and barbecue for masters and masters with all my heart, to prove the fruits of hard work during this time.

Then the next second, it reappeared in the private space, full of doubts in his heart, tilted his head to look at the big and small masters, wondering if there was something important that he forgot to explain?

Then Changshouwan and Bailang, who had regained their senses, saw Twitching Fu not only opening the elf ball, but also summoning the [Nuclear Explosion Sheep], which they hadn't seen in months, and jumped on it excitedly.

At this time, the little body was lying on the car seat, with its head drooping naturally, the little face was attached to the metal body, and the eyes were squinted to show a happy expression. It kept rubbing and rubbing, and murmured: "Xiao Mian Mom!", "I miss you so much."

A generation of car gods, juvenile dangerous driving thugs, nuclear explosion racing fairies, autumn famous mountain women, have not touched her beloved little sheep during a whole round of missions, have not participated in a race, and have not enjoyed a speedy ride The taste of speeding has long been suffocated.

Returning to the private space at this moment, she immediately took out all the equipment. He rushed towards the little sheep kindly, as if hearing the roar of "nuclear explosion acceleration" in his ears.

Just when Fufu was hugging the [Nuclear Explosion Sheep], the little arrow behind her was also excitedly twisting, rolling up the [Little Genius Helmet] that she hadn’t seen for several months, rubbing and rubbing intimately, in the air twisting and turning.

Like the deity who was unable to drag the car and was about to go crazy, it had been unable to enter the fantasy world of the virtual sea of ​​questions for several months, wandering around in the exercises, and it was already too hungry and thirsty. I can't wait to put the helmet on Fufu's head, I can't wait to enter the 'tuition mode' immediately, learn new knowledge, and make up for the progress owed in the past few months.

Seeing Fufu's energetic appearance, Bailang showed a gratified smile, then patted Changshou Wan on the head, earned 800 embers from it, and said, "Here, spend it."

The little fruit farmer with slightly confused eyes slammed into a jerk, and frantically typed sign language with the speed of the Ninja seal above his hands, asking if he was not going to tell it, but the task was over?

"Yeah, you're free. Go enjoy it."

Hearing Bailang's answer, the little fruit farmer froze in place as if struck by lightning, his heart darkened. Why is this happening? After such a long mission, why didn't the little master call me once? Why is the pocket money this time 300 more than last time?

Have I been abandoned? Is my growth too slow, the flame is not strong enough? The little master found a better gas stove? Is this the last decapitated meal?

Changshou Wan, who fell into self-doubt, broke out in a cold sweat, and the more he thought about it, the more desperate his expression became, and he entered a vicious circle of brain supplementation.

Seeing that it was well-behaved and quiet, Bailang was very satisfied, and focused on the attribute panel again.

Although the ability column has not changed, the attributes have taken on a new look [strength 19, agility 12, stamina 27.5, spirit 19.9 (remaining 1.7), perception 19.9 (remaining 5), charm ± 5 (devil **** column ± 3, evil spirit transformation ± 3)]

Although perception has not yet become the second main attribute, as long as the next round of trials is successfully passed, all the temporarily stored attributes of perception and spirit will be unsealed. Not only herself, but also Fufu's accumulated attributes will enjoy Tier 2 treatment, and all of them will be released.

Now, except for 'agility' and 'charisma', he has almost reached the limit of level 2. The future "resonance recipe" can focus on making up for these two deficiencies.

Afterwards, Bai Lang scanned the 'Ability Bar' without any change, so he skipped it directly, and finally looked at the newly solidified title of [Jinglong King].

This title has been developed to the full level after absorbing the [Chapter] and smelting the 'Imperial Talisman'. It is difficult to make new breakthroughs, but the function is also very powerful and professionally compatible.

In any world, it can adapt to the local power system to the greatest extent, and open up 36 wells to accelerate the growth of the "level 0 nascent carp king" and quickly transform into a dragon.

Or focus on cultivating a batch of 'carp dragon species' after parasitizing Gu to help them quickly transform into dragons. Whether it is instant combat power, instant food ingredients, or instant knife embryos, they can be greatly shortened to form combat power.

Afterwards, these 'water wells' can also be used to warm up the finished product 'Carp Demon Knife', endowing it with the characteristics of a magic weapon for cultivation, and slowly warming and growing.

Any living or dead thing with fish attributes can be thrown into the well to provide stable energy, and it can continuously transform in the direction of the 'dragon'. Although it is only the worst Hualongchi, it has an extremely low upper limit.

But the ability of a fish to transform into a dragon is a leap at the species level. Even if it's just Jinglong, a small step for the dragon lineage, but a giant leap for the carp family!

"This title..."

Bailang pondered for a while, and now that the title has reached its full level, he thought about the creation of the position of Caster in the Moon World. [Jing Long Wang] Or can it develop in this direction? Developed special skills such as [Dragon Vein Training].

Skipping the clearly analyzed identity of [Little Holy Bowl] in the sub-professional column, Bailang finally looked at the reward of this mission.

This cross-paradise mission, the canteen’s harvest is mainly the [sub-professional column] and a ‘territory’ that cannot be inherited for the time being. After he returns to the cemetery now, Chuanhuo Paradise will also give him extra rewards for his outstanding performance.

There are no embers, but part of the private property can be extracted and transformed from the "territory" of the mountain and sea world, and become the "material" for the paradise certification. If he is already Tier 4 and has completed the lord certification.

Then there is no need for paradise rewards, he has a fixed quota every week and every month, and can continuously convert the resources in the territory into materials certified by the paradise for trading.

This 'lord's privilege' is also one of the trump cards for high-level contractors to form and maintain a team. The constantly produced materials are put into the low-level newcomers, and while they are strengthened, they are also marked with their own brand in advance.

For example, the spore secret medicine raw material produced by [Greedy Sect], after being extracted with the authority of the lord, is made into a 'secret medicine finished product', which is sold at a low price to low-level newcomers, and then [Seven Treasures Art] is solidified into the ability bar.

Then these contractors are born to be believers of the [Greedy Sequence], a paradise team with the lord as the core formed quickly, and the structure is stable.

The special products that Bailang picked up this time are the 'Yunmengze Dragon Egg' he collected and the 'Jimo Mountain Giant Egg' he picked up in the City of Death.

There are three reasons for extracting two.

The main reason is that although these eggs lose their souls or are even polluted or damaged, they are destined not to be able to hatch the 'Mountain and Sea Giant Beast'. But they are well preserved, with strong internal activity remaining, and they have a complete bloodline of giant beasts.

The "soul" lost by these eggs is from the perspective of cultivation in the mountains and seas. The soul is congenitally incomplete, and has already cut off the path of cultivation. However, from a biological point of view, even if these eggs lose their activity, as long as they retain their complete genes, they can still produce clones for you.

Especially don't forget that the foundation of the priesthood mastered by [Ji Du] is [Life]. The second is [dreams, digitization, blood].

In this dispatch mission, [Jidu] constructed the Nightmare Demon Realm for the third time. From the ninja world to the great channel, her skills in the "Nightmare Demon Realm" have been continuously improved and matured, and the newly opened [Nightmare Buddha Kingdom] is no longer a pure dream dimension. It is the 'dream world' constructed after devouring and absorbing a large amount of real material foundation.

In the 'Nightmare Buddha Kingdom', [Jidu]'s [Life] priesthood has been deeply developed for the first time. Why can the greedy sect create a series of "spore life forms (nightmare creatures headed by "My Buddha Porcelain Cup Chicken"?

The essence is the development and utilization of [life] priesthood. In the "Dream World" belonging to Jidu, relying on the priesthood of "Life", he unscrupulously created various "life forms" that violated common sense.

As long as these life forms live in the nightmare dimension as "nightmare creatures", there will be no bugs that violate the laws of nature, which is reasonable.

With such a unique condition, plus the "bad dragon egg" rewarded by the paradise. Bailang is sure to breed a series of nightmare monsters in the next trial.

The second reason for choosing dragon eggs is naturally to serve as ingredients.

Although Bai Lang had roasted dragon eggs in the mission world, he had never eaten the meat of giant mountain and sea beasts. Once Ji Du uses the [Life] priesthood to revive them and hatch them, he will be able to get a batch of brand new ingredients.

With the excellent bloodlines of the Nightmare Dragon Clan and Jimo Mountain Monster, it may not be impossible to optimize and improve new 'resonance ingredients'. While enjoying it, use it to fill the sub-professional bar and get more attribute feedback.

The last reason is closely related to Fufu's [19 transformation operations].

【19 Interstellar Warrior Transformation Surgery】There is still a blank space, and Fufu is allowed to fill it with graffiti at will, and finally locks in 19 organ transformation operations, so as to achieve the goal of mass production of super soldiers.

There are only 19 blanks in this ability column, and it has already reached the level of 'Light Orange'. If all of them are filled, and each operation is very powerful, it can even artificially cultivate a 'God', and the quality can be improved to purple LV6.

This ability has great potential, but it has a fatal flaw. That is, when performing surgical transformation, additional supporting 'organs' must be prepared.

For example, Fufu has to complete a difficult 'second heart surgery', in addition to recording the complete operation content and refining it into a talent skill. It is also necessary to cultivate a strong and fresh 'heart'.

Every operation, every time it is performed, the higher the quality, the more powerful the 'casting materials (organs)' that must be consumed.

From this point of view, it is theoretically feasible for a set of 19 procedures to make a **** into a god. But the price is an additional 19 god-level organs. The cost is ≈ a god.

From this point of view, although [Surgical Transformation] has a very high upper limit and can man-made gods, it does not mean that it can be mass-produced without restrictions.

With this in mind, Bailang urgently needed to assemble a set of cost-effective 'surgical templates' for Fufu. Have a stable source of organs and achieve a balance between 'cost' and 'quality'.

Neither can excessive pursuit of "quality (divine organ raise the cost to an unacceptable level, making it difficult for Fufu to complete a work. At the same time, we should not neglect to reduce the cost of each operation and produce a large amount of garbage because of the excessive pursuit of transforming the number of soldiers.

At this time, the 'dragon eggs and beast eggs' he collected stood out. If Jidu masters the technology of mass production and hatching of 'Eggs of Behemoths', he can use the Nightmare Dimension as a breeding ground to realize mass production of high-quality organs.

Where is the strength of the mountain and sea behemoth? Even immature embryonic organs are enough to become the raw material for humanoid surgery, from which they can obtain the power of the cut version of the behemoth!

Bailang did not intend to cultivate a 50-meter-long "Yunmeng Dragon Beast, Jimo Mountain Monster Beast" in the "Nightmare Demon Realm".

This is unrealistic, let's not say that the 'Nightmare Demon Realm' does not have such a large physical land for breeding, and monsters of that size eat too much, and a complete ecological chain is needed to support them, and the cost is too high.

What Bailang wants~lightnovelpub.net~ is to continuously mass-produce active giant eggs of about 2 meters.

Fufu's [Surgical Transformation] is aimed at humanoid creatures, whose body size hovers between 1.5m-2.5m. As for the monsters in the embryonic state (egg), they happen to be close to the size of adults, so it is perfect to directly extract their hearts, livers, spleens, lungs and kidneys.

These organs used for surgical transformation, in the eyes of an excellent chef, happen to be unneeded sewage waste when processing ingredients. The monster embryos that have been extracted are actually processed ingredients, which are just used for cooking.

After listening to her father's thoughts, Fufu, who had climbed down from the little sheep, opened her eyes wide and blingbling. Nodding repeatedly, he called out, "Good guy!"

Then I sorted out the 'certified dragon eggs' with my father, and planned to screen out the abilities of different monsters according to the instructions of the paradise, and then sorted out a transformation plan based on my 'surgery list'.

For example, the nuclear breath of "Godzilla" is very strong, and it can focus on stripping the related "nuclear material digestive organs" and integrating it into the "pre-stomach" operation, giving space fighters the ability to drink Fukushima water and eat nuclear waste like Godzilla ability to survive.

I recently sorted out the outline of the new volume, but the brain capacity is not enough, the update is a little slow, and I have a splitting headache. sorry

(end of this chapter)