Dimensional Eroders

v1 Chapter 995: False Holy Grail War!

Chapter 996 False Holy Grail War!

After simply testing Assassin's various abilities, Lang, who has the profession of "Lord of Secret Treasures", made a preliminary analysis of the two treasures of Little Jack.

As an expert in this field, he can assert that there are many similarities between Heroic Spirit's Noble Phantasm and Paradise Noble Phantasm, but they are completely different items. In his opinion, Paradise Noble Phantasm is a more advanced product that is based on the Moon World Noble Phantasm and upgraded from magic changes.

The relationship between the two is probably that the paradise extracts the world rules of the "treasure" from the moon world, and then performs special treatment, and after incorporating the title, it finally transforms into an item that adapts to the paradise system and can be "universal" in any world. Moreover, Paradise Noble Phantasm has the potential to be infused with "real matter (the power to ascend the dimension and transform to a higher dimension.

For example, Fufu's bronze armor [Nuraraemon], and the [Raliya Seafood City] he synthesized by fusing a piece of world fragments, are the ultimate form of Paradise Noble Phantasm.

The Noble Phantasm of the Moon World is highly similar to the Noble Phantasm of Paradise, but it is only applicable to the local world and cannot be taken away, and it does not have the power to focus on 'dimensional ascension'. It is a semi-finished 'Noble Phantasm of Paradise'.

One of the purposes of VIP customers entering this world, inheriting the spirit foundation and fighting as a heroic spirit, is to let ordinary contractors familiarize themselves with the structure and operation of the "Moon World-Noble Phantasm" through experience, so as to help them better equip themselves , The ability bar' is transformed into the 'paradise treasure' that is standard for third-tier contractors.

If the 'treasures' of this world are solidified directly, then the semi-finished product can be quickly turned into a finished product of the paradise version with only a light processing of the paradise. This is also one of the basic benefits.

For Lang, analyzing and exploring the mysteries formed by the condensed "treasures" through the Heroic Spirit mode will be of great benefit to his [Master of Secret Treasures] profession.

It's like copying and plagiarizing the data of the [Great Holy Grail] directly with the [Little Holy Bowl].

False contractors, by adding materials to their heroic krypton gold recharge, induced them to condense and produce a certain "blind box treasure". The real contractor, take over the spirit foundation of the heroic spirit, and create and sublimate a magnificent treasure for his own heroic spirit!

Lang simply analyzed Little Jack's treasure through [Lord of Secret Treasure], and gained a lot of inspiration and experience from it. He was even confident that if he was given a few more days to familiarize himself with the study of the 'Spirit Base', he would be able to upgrade Jack's [Le Shi Wudu] to an 'Inherent Barrier'!

It wasn't that he recharged little Jack with krypton gold, and with the help of the power of Paradise, let her upgrade the treasure in a daze; but he replaced Jack, DIYed the treasure he wanted, and understood the rules and mysteries of it, and then used it in the "Spiritual Foundation" other capabilities.

In the same way, as an Assassin, he might not be able to magically strengthen all of Little Jack's abilities into different grades of Lunar World 'treasures'.

Lang suddenly felt that this VIP experience was indeed a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity!

Not only can he steal the 'Holy Grail System' to complete the [Great Holy Bowl]; at the same time, the trial experience of the heroic posture is also a great opportunity for him to optimize and upgrade the [Lord of Secret Treasures].

In this special profession, there is no possibility of advancement, and there will be no feedback attributes. But this trial of a professional counterpart allows him to observe the secrets of the "Moon World Noble Phantasm" from a close distance, and finally complete the incomplete [Lord of Secret Treasures] and achieve the second career turn.

If he succeeds, he may not need to rely on the "Treasure Phantasm Combination Opportunity" once every round of the mission of the "Lord of Secret Treasures", but only rely on his own ability to solidify a title for Jack, and then use the "semi-finished treasure Phantasm" in the "Assassin Spirit Base" Create and upgrade to a general-purpose Noble Phantasm approved by the park.

Just when his blood was surging and he felt that the opportunity of [Lord of the Secret Treasure] had come, the little Jack who was sealed into his stomach, after experiencing the ecstasy, happiness, happiness and obsession of returning to the mother's body, gradually regained his senses and began to observe the new mother prepared for her. new home.

Baier Bagua-Super luxury sealed space mansion is an empty living space with complex structure, soft light, clean and tidy.

Since Bailang didn't know that his heroic spirit would be 'Little Jack the Ripper', the sealing technique was performed on the spot on Lang's whim. So there is no time to buy furniture, snacks, toys in advance... to arrange a warm nest.

In the sealed space at this time, there was only Jack.

The curious little loli quickly adapted to the new home environment and began to explore this huge 'sealed space'. She pushed open the door of the room she was in, walked through the corridor, opened the empty rooms, and finally wandered along the stairs to the hall on the second floor.

Here is also a clean and empty pure white hall, without lights, but the light is soft and bright. In the very center of this hall, she saw a second 'color' besides herself.

In midair, quietly suspended a small dark golden metal bowl (bowl), exuding an aura that attracted her. This is the [Little Holy Bowl] that is integrated into Bailang's sub-professional column, bound to the soul, and should not exist in reality.

Because the "sealed space" is between illusion and reality, when Jack lived in, her "spirit base" was stored here, overlapping with Bailang's dantian, giving him the status of "Assassin Renzhuli".

As the "Assassin Spirit Base" moved into Bailang, the "Little Holy Grail Concept" in Lang's body was also attracted, teleported to appear in the sealed space, and took on the shape of a bowl, sending a signal of intimacy to Little Jack.

[Little Holy Grail] is originally one with Lang, and at the same time it is the conceptual projection of the treasure [Great Holy Bowl] he personally made, and it was also absorbed by the [sub-professional column]. Therefore, it is equivalent to a part of the wave, which is naturally accepted by Jack closely.

After wandering around the empty new home, although Jack is satisfied, he has no food, drink, toys, or bed, which is somewhat boring. Seeing such a special 'little holy bowl' at this time, I was immediately attracted, thinking that it was my mother playing a game with me.

Without thinking too much, she jumped up, nimbly jumped to a height of four meters, held the 'little holy bowl' firmly in her arms, and then fell together, landing lightly.

In the outside world, when Little Jack curiously touched the 'Little Holy Bowl', Bailang shook his spirit violently, feeling that his soul had been sublimated, his spirit was instantly separated from his body, and the title [In and Out of Truth] he was wearing began to glow.

Lang's line of sight was pulled into the sealed space in an instant, and appeared inside the [Little Holy Bowl], and then the surrounding scenes changed drastically, following the connection between the 'Little Holy Bowl' and Jack, he escaped into the Heroic Spirit and Fuyuki City' No. 1 Holy Grail System 'among.

A stream of unfamiliar information poured into his mind, and he simultaneously perceived the vague positions and information of the other six Heroic Spirits in Fuyuki City, the clearest of which was the relationship between "Little Fufu" who had a direct connection with him and Heroic Spirit C's mother The 'connection' that appears.

Then the angle of view continued to rotate, he threw away the six heroic spirits, and the picture became a slanted line, lost his direction, and ran towards a concept of "downward", feeling that he had escaped into the "Yuanzang Mountain" below the Liudong Temple. Holy Grail Magic Formation Base'.

In the end, in the world that lost the three-dimensional concept of space, he saw the indescribable state, the evil and darkness wriggling all the time.

Is that... the evil of this world?

The 'Little Holy Grail Concept' in the body was attracted by this evil force, which immediately triggered a violent vibration in the 'Great Holy Grail System', and then the picture stopped abruptly.

When Lang opened his eyes, he returned to Liudong Temple. Opposite him was Mother C with a puzzled and concerned expression.

Before he could open his mouth, a lot of information flooded into his mind, the most striking of which were two reminders from Paradise:

[Main task: access to the root. The preliminary link has been completed, get your own heroic spirit, and join the battle of the Holy Grail. In the next stage, please make persistent efforts to eliminate more masters, win the game, witness the coming of the Holy Grail, and open the gap to enter the root vortex. 】

[Special side mission: behind the scenes. The preparatory link is completed, the Holy Grail system is exposed, and the "evil of this world" is observed. It is detected that there is a "false Holy Grail concept" in the body of the contractor, and now the hidden mode is turned on. Whether to pay 100,000 embers, the paradise will make the "false Holy Grail concept" into a "false Holy Grail" and implant it into the Great Holy Grail system of Fuyuki City. Open and lead the third "Pseudo-Holy Grail War" personally? 】

['False Holy Grail' can replace Fuyuki City's 'No. 1 Holy Grail', become a container for 'the evil of this world', and transform it into a 'Black Holy Grail'. 】


After a short moment of confusion, Bailang immediately became excited. This **** actually has such a way to play? !

The evil [Buddha Evil. Little Holy Bowl] passes through the data line of Little Jack, and completes the connection with the No. 1 Holy Grail below Fuyuki City. Then, the same evil 'The Evil of This World' was attracted by a weaker kind, rolled over in his deep sleep, and greeted Bailang.

At the same time, Lang, who had just completed the main quest [Enter and Exit Root] and the front 0 ring, because of a series of coincidences, triggered the hidden gameplay of the side quest [Behind the scenes].

Both the red and black groups of contractors have prepared "cheats" for this trial. They have tampered with the rules of the Holy Grail War and loaded the "Pink Summer Memories, 7vs7 Expansion Pack, Emperor Game Crack Pack"... But their level, It also stopped at modifying the No. 2 Holy Grail.

He is different from the 'Holy Bowl Wave'. He carries this 'false small holy bowl' that is highly similar to the 'Holy Grail'. This fake is also filled with 'Buddha's evil spores' and is a close relative of the 'Evil of this World'.

So when he became the seventh master and connected to the No. 1 cup where the black mud lived, he immediately reacted. Hei Ni is willing to take the initiative to contribute funds to prepare a way out for himself, to help this little brother transform into another 'False Holy Grail', and start the third 'Holy Grail War' in Fuyuki City.

If the "Holy War" of Cup No. 1 ends in failure, recreating the tragedy of the black Holy Grail smashed by a curry stick 10 years ago; then this "false Holy Grail" is a backup option for the arrival of the "Black Holy Grail".

For Bailang, the benefits are even greater.

As the Master, he participated in the No. 1 Holy Grail Battle throughout the entire process, and persisted until the final victory before he was able to observe and record the data of the "Holy Grail War" from the perspective of a bystander. In the end, relying on the Holy Grail to break through the root vortex and obtain core data.

But if there is this 'false holy grail', he himself is the organizer, creating seven fakers (false followers) from the perspective of God. At the same time, as the 'third Holy Grail', he was connected to the Great Holy Grail system and was on an equal footing with the other two Holy Grails. .

At that time, he was a faction by himself, and only then did he confirm his identity as the 'behind the scenes'. Not only that, he can participate in the No. 1 Jihad at the same time, interfere and destroy the production of No. 2, and secretly lead his own No. 3 Jihad...

My own task of "The Black Holy Grail Descends" can be completed through the No. 1 Holy Grail or the No. 3 false Holy Grail. No matter which line is successful, it is a big success. The fault tolerance rate has soared!

As long as he successfully held a 'Pseudo-Holy Grail War', he didn't even need to reproduce the data of the 'No. 1 Cup', he would directly complete the [Great Holy Bowl]. Moreover, as a walking 'little holy bowl', after completing this task, the title of [In and Out of Truth] is also maxed out directly. The main task is also completed!

This is more than just 'going in and out of the root', I'm directly connected to the root, soaking in the root.

And what he needs to pay... is only 100,000 embers!


Bailang suddenly fell into deep thought, and a thought came to his mind: Isn't this another way of cheating by the organizer?

100,000 embers, what about cheating? I, a VIP user, are all given away for nothing, can you steal 1 ember from me? !

"What's wrong with you?" Mama C couldn't help asking, looking at Lang's wildly changing expression.

"I... Of course I chose to refuse!"

Mother C: "???" What's wrong with you?

Bailang suddenly raised his head and looked at Medea. He obviously has a magician from the Age of Gods, so why did he use krypton gold to transform the 'Little Holy Grail' into a 'False Holy Grail'?

Mama C's face turned red, she couldn't bear his animal-like greedy gaze: "What do you see me doing?"

"If I provide you with a false concept of the Holy Grail. Can you create a 'false Holy Grail' and implant it in the 'Holy Grail Magic Circle' below Yuanzang Mountain, summon a false heroic spirit, and hold a third session at the same time?" 'Battle of the Holy Grail'?"

Mother C was stunned: "It sounds very interesting. I am willing to try it, but there is one thing to remind you."


"The magic power reserved by the Holy Grail system in Fuyuki City is already insufficient. Your Heroic Assassin is weak, which is closely related to this. If we really create a third 'false Holy Grail' to hold the third Holy Grail War, then the summoned false Heroic Spirit , will only be weaker, far inferior to real heroic spirits."

"That's okay! Even a crippled and weak 'Battle of the Holy Grail' is very challenging, isn't it? Maybe you can get a glimpse of the third method and become a magician?"

Bailang doesn't care about the weakness of the fake heroic spirits, because he knows that the 'heroic spirits' can kill each other and complete the second development ~lightnovelpub.net~ The fake heroic spirits start garbage, at worst, he, the master's father, will go down and fight on his behalf. Just tear up the genuine heroic spirits and replenish their bodies.

"Then I have no problem, I can cooperate with you at any time!"

At this moment, Fufu suddenly called out: "Oops!"

Bai Lang and C's mother's attention were attracted by her at the same time, and Lang asked, "What's wrong?"

The silly fufu looked worried: "Little fruit farmer!"

Bailang thought for a while before recalling. Before Mrs. Ge took Mother C back to Liudong Temple, Xiao Fufu was staying in the bedroom, performing the "Space Warrior Transformation Surgery" on the "Longevity Pill", which had failed many times in a row. Fruit growers die and come back to life.

Then C's mother appeared, breaking Lang's life. He summoned Fufu who was undergoing surgery, sold his daughter for alliance strategy C mother, and non-stop summoned the last heroic spirit, Assassin...

It has been almost two hours since Fufu was called out by him. And the little fruit grower on the operating table was just abandoned and left to dry for a full two hours.

Lang silently prayed for the 'Longevity Pill', and then said: "I hope it is still alive. Let's go home and have a look!"

(end of this chapter)