Dimensional Eroders

v2 Chapter 1276: Destroying People and Tireless, White Wa

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Kate has a unique taste, and she immediately fell in love with the little fairy's natal magic power of "Nuclear Dragon's Blood Rin".

([Fairies don't die because of poop] What the little fairy expels is an oval gem!)

If she can match her [Magic Bullet Shooter], she will become the second 'Nuclear Shooter'. Not only is he full of fairy spirit, but the road to promotion to Tier 2 in the future can also be regarded as guaranteed.

This request is not too much, but now the key person [Changshou Pill] is in Fufu's hands, and the little master who accompanied it is completely lost. There has been no news so far.

As for the 'nuclear organ (bioreactor)' of [Godzilla], which is also cultivated in Fufu's [Baotou Township], it is temporarily out of stock and cannot be transplanted.

After cutting off these two paths, Bailang could not transplant the 'nuclear explosion little fruit farmer's bloodline' to Kate and teach her the profound meaning of 'hand rubbing nuclear bombs'.

In addition, there is another problem, that is, Bailang can't sublimate a 'ability' into a treasure.

As we all know, [Lord of Secret Treasure] can only synthesize 'entity type equipment' into [Noble Phantasm]. I can't do anything about the Noble Phantasm in the 【Ability Bar】.

Even Bailang himself needs to pay to open the Paradise Trial before he can make his first attempt at 'Treasure Transformation' on his [Qi and Blood Bar]. Therefore, Kate's theory of [Nuclear Shooter] Noble Phantasm is not valid.

But who is Bailang? Now that you have promised a first-order child, you must do what you say.

Otherwise, what would the Ultramarines think?

The majestic 'Old Man Grinding Fish' couldn't even realize the humble wish of a first-level rookie. So wouldn't the [Mecha Noble Phantasm] promised to him become a lie to secure him and trick him into dying?

So Lang thought for a while and changed his angle. What if [Nuclear Shooter] is transformed into a 'equipment-type treasure'? Lang suddenly felt that he could do it again.

During this period of time, Bailang has been immersed in the development and perfection of the [Carp Saint Cloth] technology, researching the conversion relationship between "God's Tomb-Constellation-Infinite Fish System", and concentrating on creating "Human Immortal Underworld Refining Aperture Method".

These three seem to be independent, but there are hidden mysteries inside and are related to each other.

Influenced by these issues for a long time, Lang's way of thinking inevitably starts from this perspective to examine Kate's needs. In the end, by accident, he really thought of a solution.

His [Yin Yin Orifice Refinement Method] is based on the "Shangqing Huangting Inner Scenery" as the foundation, abandoning the 129,600 orifice line that sounds uneducated.

This pure quantity accumulation route has no background, technology, or metaphysics. Purely rely on quantitative changes to drive qualitative changes, and pay attention to a vigorous flying brick. Cultivation is hard and mindless, and consumes a lot of resources, but the foundation is extremely stable, and it is the lowest school of migrant workers.

Today's Bailang has already gone ashore to pay attention to people. We must talk about culture and heritage. To wash white, to be intellectuals among migrant workers!

So he began to "worship Taoist ancestors and recite Huang Ting." ’ Absorbed a lot of Taoist practice thoughts, formed a school of its own, and created [Xingchen Dao] (compared to Taiping Dao and Zhengyi Dao), also known as: Carp Flying Immortal School.

The theory of the method is: [Qi and blood refine the orifice, and the spirit exists in the orifice. The body of the universe, the inner body corresponds to the stars].

Each orifice is refined into a "God's Tomb (God's Kingdom as a divine court where the gods live. At the same time, it held up the kingdom of God in the universe in the physical body, turned into a 'star', and outlined a sea of ​​stars. The number can be small, and it does not exceed the data of 12960; but it must be combined with Tiangangdisha, three walls, four images, and twenty-eight mansions... one word: pay attention!

When perfecting this set of exercises, Lang took his identity as the orthodox Taoist ([Soul-Suppressing Coffin - Embalmer]) as a breaking point, and joined the "Fu Lu Sect" and skillfully refined the [Soul-Suppressing Coffin] into the "Soul-Suppressing Coffin" Inside the acupoint, it turns into a [Xuantan].

There are many schools of Taoist practice, the two main streams are: Jindan School and Fulu School. The Jindan faction has an absolute advantage in the Xianxia area at the starting point, and the Fulu faction has gradually gained strength in recent years.

Practitioners of the Talisman Sect need to apply for an account registration with the Heavenly Court when they get started, and then they will receive the imperial edict and formally pay homage to the Introductory Court. Then accumulate mana, check in and sign in, recharge with krypton gold, worship the ancestors and gods of all walks of life (recharge and recharge with big anchors on the platform), and continuously improve the VIP level of the account. At the same time, practice and master all kinds of talisman spells, and then you can open the altar, communicate with the world, serve ghosts and gods, call the wind and rain, send rampant and receive rampant, @大少仙来打带 (the big brother on the list calls for up to come).

In addition to the most important "shoulu (registered account, the "opening altar" is also an extremely critical part.

The opening of the altar can be understood as building a home field, building a 5G signal base station, directing the maximum network speed traffic to the heavenly court, all kinds of shaking people, even applying for space-based weapons to attack the ground, airborne soldiers and generals, and attacking the enemy vertically Fang demons and ghosts!

If you don't open the Xuantan, you can only rely on your own cultivation, rely on the unstable mobile phone signal (personal talisman) to call the busy hotline, please don't come to the power of various gods, or if there is too much noise and the signal is weak, even spells will be required. shrink.

For the Talisman Sect, it is too inconvenient to open the altar; if the altar is not opened, the display of strength will be greatly reduced. So they, like their colleagues who cultivated the 'Golden Elixir' next door, built a 'Xuan Altar' in their bodies, and connected the inner Xuan Altar to the world anytime and anywhere without resorting to external forces.

Bai Lang optimized his [Hell Refining Aperture Technique] in the model of the Xuantan of the Talisman School.

Seal a piece of 'underworld space fragment' with the [soul-suppressing coffin], implant it in each orifice, build a profound altar, and enshrine a 'God and Demon (Dragon Scale Blade)'.

In this way, whenever he opens up a new acupoint, he first calculates the address, and then incarnates as a "mortician" to bury himself. Force', forcibly opened up the acupoint space, and developed this 'mysterious altar' into the foundation of the 'sub-tomb'.

The cost of this kind of "opening the altar and establishing the acuity" has plummeted, but the efficiency has increased hundreds of times. Each Soul Suppressing Profound Altar can enshrine different 'Gods (Fish Swords)'.

Relying on this advanced 'fulu school technique', Bailang quickly opened up a pattern of 108 Tiangangdishaqiao acupoints in his body.

Lay the foundation for their own [Star Dao-Carp Flying Immortal School].

In the next step, he will continue to develop the 'three walls, four images, and twenty-eight mansions' in his body, followed by Zhou Tian Xingdou... and the western 'zodiac signs, equatorial belt, southern constellations, northern constellations...etc.

In the end, the supreme 'Star Refining Aperture Body' was cast!

When the stars return to their positions, the chaotic sea of ​​stars will rise from the ground, and the great Lord of R'lyeh [White Sea Emperor] will wake up!

Good things cannot be enjoyed alone, so Bailang intends to use this achievement on Kate to forge a non-carp attribute [Myriad Art Radiation Soul Suppressing Profound Altar] for her.

With this 'Radiation Mysterious Altar', she will use the power of the rules contained in the 'Xuan Altar' to open the altar, like a Taoist talisman, and mass-produce nuclear bombs (bullets).

As long as she brushes out the matching 'title' during the mission, Lang can combine [Nuclear Explosion Profound Altar] and the 'title' into a treasure before the end of her mission.

So in the last few days, with the help of the two rabbit cadres, sooner or later, Kate will use the [Fish Seat] shuttle space to go back and forth between the [Water Well Dragon] and the "General Hai Cemetery Cave" to receive Bailang's teaching.

In addition to regularly reporting to Bailang the progress of his 'title' acquisition, he also needs to learn a [Encoffiner] orthodoxy, and solidify it into the 'ability bar'.

Although Bailang's [Nuclear Explosion Profound Altar] is in the underworld and unpopular, it is a genuine "Taoist system" orthodox method.

His virtual profession of [Department Master] has been certified by Paradise, and it is a niche branch of the standard Taoist profession. The 'Soul-Suppressing Profound Altar' built by the [Department Master] naturally requires the identity of a Taoist sect to activate it.

As for the step of rubbing the nuclear bomb, Bailang decided to teach Kate a split from "The Undertaker": "The Sutra of Funeral and Funeral of the Carp Diamond's Ashes".

Use the [Diamond Burial] method to activate the [Nuclear Explosion Soul Suppression Profound Altar]. On the contrary, borrow the power of radiation from the 'Nuclear Explosion Profound Altar' to physically overheat corpses, evil spirits, and enemies to completely eliminate karma and reincarnate. The remaining clean ashes of radioactive radiation were once again transformed into 'nuclear diamonds' by the [Diamond Burial Method], turning sand into stone and iron into steel.

A proper Taoist version of 'Dragon Blood Nuclear Explosion Rin', clean and hygienic. (We can easily make nuclear bombs without rubbing our hands.)

For Kate, she has mastered a "Taoism" [gem magic (Taoism)], and at the same time obtained a "Radiation Profound Altar Noble Phantasm" of Taoism attribute.

The two complement each other, and each can evolve a new path, and even break away from the stereotype of Bailang.

A set of "gongfa + equipment" that integrates "excellence and elimination of karma, gem magic, altar opening...".

Entering the Tao with this method, you can use the ‘Radiation Profound Altar’ to practice more related Taoism, such as fire, thunder, and sacrifice to other immortals... You can also use the ‘Burning Diamond’ to learn [Gem Magic] comprehensively.

As for the comprehensive gameplay, it is also very feasible to use the Radiant Profound Altar to sacrifice the "Natal Gem Sword Pill" and get the Demon Marshal Gem Weng Goutou thousands of miles away.

In addition to Kate, a lively and motivated registered disciple, another plain-looking female warrior, Huo Lan, also put forward her thoughts on the Noble Phantasm.

To this day, she never forgets the battle between Bailang and the high-level contractor when she first joined [Shuijinglong].

This is the first time she has participated in the battle of high-level (level 3) contractors at close range. She has witnessed and felt the power of the "unlimited fish system" projected by the waves, and was deeply shocked.

Under that absolutely crushing saturation bombardment, all resistance was futile. If she can master the power of this intensity, then she doesn't need to hit people with a war hammer at all.

Huo Lan didn't choose the [Occupation column], and even the [Ability column] had 2 vacancies. The purpose was to lay a solid foundation at the first level, and he was very ambitious.

The reason why she chose the 'War Hammer' as her weapon was because she used heavy weapons to exercise her physical fitness. In addition, this thing was really fierce, and she would not die or be disabled when it was smashed.

After figuring out the other party's nature of "desire to pursue great power", Bai Lang was unable to reproduce the miracle of [Unlimited Fish System] on her body.

Without him, [Fish System] has too many elements. 108 yin and yang escaping innate Taoist fish sword embryos, Tiangang Disha sword array that can open up small caves, Saber's inherent barrier [Sword World], Archer's inherent barrier [Sword System], Caster Medea's "stealing spirit vein" 36 Enchanted Wells', massive R'lyeh offering carp from Whitecaps...

Bailang can provide Huo Lan with each of these elements. But the opponent has only two [Ability Columns] and one [Occupation Column], with the strength of a Tier 1 contractor, they simply cannot bear it.

So after a brief communication, Bailang proposed to the other party a 'low configuration dream version'.

Just like Kate inheriting the orthodoxy of the [Department Master], Lang decided to teach her the unique skill of the "Grinder of Fish" [Armed Sexual Qi and Blood Fish Forging]. Upgrade and optimize the opponent's [Martial Arts Bar] to [Qi and Blood Martial Arts], successfully inherit Lang's 'armed Qi and blood', and act on his own 'hammer'. Then solidify a [armed color forging fish technique].

With the linkage of the two abilities, you can use the 'hammer method' to forge 'fish metal' to create a low-end version of the 'fish embryo sword'.

After all, not everyone in this world can beat a fish embryo alive into [Magic Metal - Carp Gold] with a pair of armed iron fists (blessed by the Vajra Barrier) like 'Ren Xianlang'.

As for Huo Lan's last 'ability column', Lang decided to teach the other party [Carp Honkai]. Detonate the 'fish gear' forged by the Qi and blood hammer in the way of [Carp Honkai], and you will get the 'Nuclear Fish Sword Immortal' shamisen.

Qi and blood martial arts have already strengthened the power of 'martial arts' in all directions.

Fish forging is not only a life-style skill, it can continuously forge 'fish gear' for sale, accumulate practice resources, and also accumulate ammunition for [Carp Honkai].

The collapse of the carp is a crucial step for her to leap towards the [Fish Sword Immortal]. As much fishing gear as you can forge, you will get as many shells. The quality of the fishing gear × speed?? = the destructive power of the final detonation.

As for whether Huo Lan can finally cultivate her own version of [Unlimited Fish System~lightnovelpub.net~, it depends on her luck.

As for 【Noble Phantasm】? I, Bailang, have sent out the three major inheritances (qi and blood, forging fish, and collapse), and the quality of the treasure is naturally not too high, so I will give it the title of [Whacking Fish Girl], and combine it with that warhammer to create a treasure. Forging fish' exclusive treasure!

In case this mission is separated, you will dislike my 'fish forging technique' as shameless, and want to change some other 'forging methods', and eventually overwrite [fish system] and repair [sword system].

With [Noble Phantasm of Forging Fish], don't you believe that you can give up the 'temptation of fish'?

As for the next newcomer, Barr, Lang had the worst attitude towards him. Because this guy is a real sissy, after spending a short period of time with her two teammates, he quickly became good girlfriends with Kate and Holland.

Fortunately, this guy is just a simple mother, not some cunning flirt, **** weakling. But a straight man like Lang, who is iron-blooded and reinforced, still has a natural resistance to him.

When asked what Noble Phantasm he wanted, Barr showed the least interest. Instead, he showed an unusual interest in the laid-off '15th Generation Fugui Pill'.

He had seen the battle of "Fu Gui Wan", and was deeply attracted by the "swan posture" of Zombie Wan's gestures. However, because of the strong contrast between her "sissy personality" and "a strong man with devil's muscles and chest hair", she aroused the disgust of many people, and developed a fragile psychology of inferiority and sensitivity since childhood.

Therefore, he is particularly envious of the "Fugui Pill" who is not afraid of the world's vision. Like Fugui, he can dance freely and become the focus of the world!

It's a pity that he didn't have the opportunity to communicate with Fuguiwan at all. After Bailang's 'Battle of Grave Breaking', he completely put away the Zombie Pill, took off [Must Die] and did not recruit new riches and nobles.

So Barr made a side note, expressing that he wanted to use the [Noble Phantasm] quota in exchange for the 'Way of Wealth and Nobility'.

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