Dimensional Eroders

v2 Chapter 1281: The Rise of the Expeditionary Army

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Lang, who was cooking dinner with c's mother in the "winter cemetery" in the North Atlantic, suddenly sighed: "I still haven't caught up."

Medea, who was earnestly frying eggs in an apron, turned around and asked, "What's wrong?"

Lang regretted: "Jack and Feng Ying have already gone to hell. Our fleet is still one step too late after all, and we couldn't meet each other."

Although Bailang lives in seclusion in the tomb and does not walk in the rivers and lakes, he is not indifferent to world affairs, but instead operates the "Shuijinglong" by remote control in secret. Especially after he upgraded the 'Dragon King's Grave' to [Void. Fish Seat], he added the advanced 'grave head teleportation function'.

Not only members of the "Shuijinglong" can return to the "Dongtian Cemetery" to replenish and learn advanced knowledge; waves can also be teleported anytime and anywhere, and as a "mysterious off-site guest", they can surprise the enemies.

Can't beat? Just shake people! @'Nuclear Bomb Fish Sword Mountain' remote fire support.

So Bailang tried to join Feng Ying's team after the "Shuijinglong" entered the Mediterranean Sea.

If we can meet each other, Lang can teleport there directly to carry out a round of decoration and upgrades for his daughter's [Spicy Tiaozi God's Tomb], install a set of 'grave head teleportation array', and then he can teleport home for dinner every day after school.

It's a pity that there is too much difference in rhythm between the two sides. When Feng Ying and Jack have already gone to hell, the [Shuijinglong] has not yet arrived at Gibraltar Haixia. Lang can only say nothing about this.

But there is also good news. After Feng Ying and Little Jack got the first [Spicy Tiaozi God], they no longer need to communicate with Lang through the method of "paying to post tasks".

If [Gods and Demons] intend to form an ally, they can naturally use the underlying rules of this world through their respective [Tombs of Gods] to make contact.

If we go a step further, we can build a simple affiliation like Bai Lang merged the small tomb of [Jinglong King] into the [Hailong Tomb] under his control.

If the underworld specifications of [Hailong Tomb] continue to be upgraded, and the number of small garbage collected by his subordinates continues to increase, then this is the embryonic form of the 'God System'.

Feng Jieke's team didn't say anything, they added "friends in the underworld" through [Spicy Tiaozi] and Bailang's [Hai Long] early in the morning, and the two sides only shared information.

Now, there is another [Strong Industrial Health Preserving Tea] in Lang's 'Underworld Friends List'.

In addition, as [Hai Long], he also added another underworld group named 'Seven Seas General'. The owner of the group conquered the seahorse of the North Pacific Ocean.

Because of the more convenient communication, Feng Ying often "chat in the underworld" with Lang, and both parties learned a lot about each other's daily chores. So not long after the [Shuijinglong] sailed into Gibraltar, a pirate ship assigned by Feng Ying was guided by the token and approached a little bit.

During the period of the "Curry Expedition", Longzhong Mizui performed well.

The 2.5 registered disciples (level 1 rookies) who had high hopes, as well as the veterans such as "Ultimate Warrior" have gradually adapted to the new style of painting (the most dazzling carp style).

And began to slaughter ocean monsters by all means, offering sacrifices to [Fish Seat], so as to enhance their respective strengths.

Kate obtained an endless stream of "Lalaiye Void Demon Fish" by constantly recharging the "Dragon Well" on the ship, and then summoned her own [Radiation Profound Altar] to perform "refinement of ashes (transcendence, and finally made it with rituals. The Silmarillion'.

Although the method is unfamiliar, the 'radiation content' of the carp crystal is also low, but it is a good start.

Also obsessed with getting stronger bit by bit, there is also 'Master of Forging Fish. Huo Lan'. Also by throwing corpses into the well in exchange for 'void fish' for beating and forging. Although a large number of weapons have been successfully cast, the rules of the paradise have not yet been triggered, and even the lowest "gray material" certification has been obtained.

Even if this kind of painstakingly forged mortal weapon is detonated by [Carp Honkai], it is only as lethal as an ordinary grenade or detonating talisman, and it is not cost-effective. But fortunately, there is a target (Bailang) as a reference, so how many days have you practiced? The heart is full of immortal fighting spirit.

Along the way, the sea is vast. 'Shuijing' has not encountered a strong opponent.

Even if the ship protected by the'god and demon' passed by, the other party maintained restraint. No matter how the Ultramarines took the lead in provoking, the fleets they encountered all responded with cowardice. Take the initiative to pay protection fees to the unknown pirate group who claim to be "Lalaiye New Force".

This made the crew very depressed, and they didn't even have a decent opponent. Didn't I say that there are many contractors in this world?

The two rabbit cadres who supervised the army were merciful, and the "Shuijing" did not make further bad actions, but chose to let it go.

When they parted, they seemed to tell these merchant ships to spread the terrifying reputation of 'La Laiye', and traded equivalent [air-dried salted fish] specialties as compensation.

An expected robbery or even a massacre, so inexplicably turned into a seemingly passive profit by strong buying and selling? Although the value of this 'dried salted fish' is unknown, the amount given by the other party far exceeds the protection fee I paid.

So soon, a violent North Atlantic seafood company named [La Laiye] gradually became famous.

This is a group of vicious, powerful and **** gangs who crazily slaughtered ocean monsters all the way. They are suspected of having the protection of mysterious "ocean (seafood, commercial) gods and demons" behind them. They are known for their violent transactions of unequal prices. new group.

Their style is to intercept all ships on the sea surface, threaten with violence and provocateurs to invite war. Destroy the rebels and pirates; and punish the forces that choose to surrender with vicious words and intimidation + forced delivery of dried fish.

On the whole, those robbed fleets must be in a 'profitable' state in the end.

The treasure ship of [Lalaiye Seafood Company] can always produce illogical and endless salted fish to fill the cabin of every cargo ship. No matter how big the fleet is, it can be satisfied.

Although he failed to meet the famous pirates in the Atlantic Ocean (the famous pirates in the Atlantic Ocean were all attracted to participate in the pirate conference and explore the underworld), and he did not wait for the revenge of [Famen Cult].

But the 'Shuijing' was still frantically hunting monsters in the sea, slowly increasing the reserved divine power of [Zomb of Fish].

The first-tier newcomers quickly completed the main task, the second-tier saints, and the third-tier space fighters also quickly adapted to their respective "carp holy clothes", continuously deepened their connection with [Fish Zodiac], and mastered the summoning "grave power" Descending the Carp Saint Cloth, arouses the ability of the 'Profound Meaning of the Saint Cloth'.

Especially for 'Ultimate Warrior', Bailang simply gave the other party the [Fish Seat] upgraded from the [Carp God Tomb] as the 'exclusive (underworld) constellation' corresponding to his [Interstellar Shark Holy Mech], in order to Complete the final test of 'Fish Fighter'.

Regardless of [Holy Cloth] or [Scale Cloth], in the original world, they are all bound to their respective 'main gods'. At the same time, [Scale Cloth] can absorb power from the ocean; while [Holy Cloth] can get power blessing from constellations.

Now Bailang has gathered all the 'Holy Cloth Formula and Casting Techniques, Hand Rubbing Underworld Constellations', and then replaced 'Little Universe' with 'Grave Power', and 'Gods and Demons' instead of 'Gods'.

In the end, [Carp Star] will be regarded as a "god + star + energy source" to become an exclusive server for the big and old. And by collecting the feedback data of the opponent's battle, the final debugging and optimization will be carried out.

Once successful, it must be a win-win situation! Today's 'Interstellar Shark Mecha' is the product of several rounds of optimization.

As for the [Treasure Phantasm] promised to the other party in the future, Bailang intends to challenge the new limit, together with [Fish Seat, Shark Mech], synthesize it with the 'title' and pack it away.

What is 【Carp Fighter】? That must be a set treasure with its own "exclusive constellation, exclusive mecha, and exclusive **** and demon"!

After this running-in, the strength of the "Curry Team" has risen again, and it has twice the strength of the original "three third-tier contractors".

"The boat on the opposite side!"

Although the news was received in advance, the 'Ultimate Warrior' acting as the temporary captain still issued a warning to the approaching pirate ship. At the same time, the contractors with their own unique skills are also gearing up one after another, eager to fight.

But it's a pity that as the distance gets closer, the breath of the'weak' blows towards us.

This is a wild garbage pirate ship that has not been directly blessed by the [God and Demon], and the strongest 'wizard' on the ship can barely pass the [Low Magic Threshold] threshold, and cannot even communicate with the God and Demon he enshrines on the sea.

As for the other sailors, Cadre Rabbit sensed the familiar "spicy taste" from two of them, and they should be subordinates developed by the second lady through the "title".

"Wait a minute, don't attack! It's [Lalaiye Shuijinglong], we're here to give gifts!"

After clearly conveying the purpose of coming, the dilapidated pirate ship and the "Shuijinglong" completed the boarding. Two weak pirates with a "spicy smell" on their bodies took the lead to climb onto the ship and greeted the group of bosses who obviously possessed extraordinary magic power. Hello.

Then they clarified their identities. They are unqualified trash fish that were screened out from the 'Pirate Island'. Thanks to the favor of 'Captain Jack', they drank strong health-preserving tea and ate red soup noodles. Their bodies were strengthened. Spicy Tiao Gang].

Their first task after joining the gang is to be responsible for escorting the darts and sending a batch of 'gifts' to the [Shuijinglong].

The old man who is the captain doesn't know what the [Latiao Gang] is? Suspecting that this was a pirate's conspiracy, some kind of Trojan horse trick, so he asked vigilantly, "What gift?"

At this time, the rabbit leader said in time: "Donor don't worry, this is one of our own, please rest assured to accept it."

The Ultramarines stopped talking when they heard the words, but secretly said that this group that called themselves "La Laiye Seafood City" actually had two troops in this world, it seems that the ambition is not small.

Not long after, the two coffins, which were covered with lunar talismans (examination papers) and kept making knocking noises, were carried to the deck by the sailors in a hurry.

After completing this step, the pirates didn't want to stay longer on the "Shuijinglong" full of vicious spirits, so they decisively chose to run at the speed of light.

Looking at the two coffins that were still shaking violently even though they were sealed by the talisman, the eldest elder frowned first.

What kind of gift is this? The coffin was delivered directly to the door, and it was still alive.

Of course, it would be a different matter if two [Gods and Demons] or clones were sent. But such a weak mortal pirate, what kind of powerful thing can he escort?

Da Zhilao was suspicious of the coffin, but the rabbit cadre knew what was inside.

Zen Master Zhuitu smiled and looked at "Fugui Drew Yin-Baer", playing a riddle and said: "You are blessed."

Barr, who has always been ignored by the team, and was even pushed into a corner for self-indulgence and self-entertainment (dancing), was suddenly taken aback. Point to yourself: "Me?"

Zen Master Sudden Death asked, "How many of your summons have you consumed today?"

"All the souls were drained by [Must Die], and all the glory belongs to the Lord [Wu Shen Pill]!" Fugui Drew Yin prayed devoutly to [Fugui Pill Collective Unconsciousness].

Zen master Zhuitu ordered: "The consumption is really fast. It's up to you to uncover the coffin."

This time, other teammates also came together curiously, wanting to know what is sealed inside the coffin?

Kate, with a lively personality, looked at the spondylopathic monk and tugged at his soft hair: "Master, master, is this a gift for Baal? Is it an elite-level monster? Is there any part for us?"

Condylesus shook his head: "Boss has already taught you the unsurpassed supernatural powers, and prepared treasures. These are to compensate Baal."

Knowing that it was the "summoning object" prepared by the elder for him, Barr was instantly excited + looking forward to it. Before that, he had used up several batches of summoning items. The more he understood [Avenue of Fortune], the more he understood, but the progress was getting slower and slower.

The last time he returned to the 'cemetery cave' to ask for advice, he got Bailang's advice. Blindly using [Must Die] to squeeze summoned objects belongs to the magic way. Now that I have started, I should change to a different way of practice.

Choose and contract a group of 'summons' who have growth potential and are long enough to be with you for a long time, and then use the old method of squeezing and sacrificing summons to create a 'wealthy dance partner'.

Cultivate like-minded friends and support each other for a longer period of time. This is the so-called ‘Student Companion~lightnovelpub.net~ No, Dao Companion!

With a feeling of eager anticipation, Barr rushed to the coffin, tearing off one after another of the 'Tales of the Moon', and then a strong ocean monster breath erupted from the coffin, shaking him back two steps.

Barr was even more surprised: "So strong!"

Zen Master Sudden Death clasped his palms together: "I am merciful, this beast has entered the second level, has a strong foundation, a unique breath, and faintly has the power of gods and demons flowing. It is a good opportunity for the donor."

Vertigo also praised: "Shan Zhai, Shan Zhai!"

Barr was even more excited, a powerful force gushed out of his body, he held the coffin lid with both hands, lifted it vigorously, took a closer look, and then took a breath of cold air!

"Hiss... **** it!"

Kate, Holland and other first-level companions also looked at the audience curiously, and then both showed shocked expressions. The old man also glanced at it, and then the corners of his eyes twitched wildly, and he quickly looked away, not daring to look more.

"This..." Barr opened his mouth with a look of hesitation, not knowing what to say. But that expression seemed to want to refuse, but he was too embarrassed to speak.

At this time, Kate suddenly bent down and took out a card from the overturned coffin lid, on which was printed the information of the monster in the coffin:

[The mermaid princess is a second-tier elite monster. Mediterranean ocean monster, follower of Poseidon. With a thin 'sea monster + sea god's bloodline' in his body, his growth potential is huge. 】

[From Algeria to Namibia, all dealders say that her goods are whiter than snow, and her skin is blacker than ebony! 】

Although she was introduced as a mermaid princess, she looked like a female Nigo, with a body shaped like a seal, with a black upturned pig nose and a messy black curly hair. With red eyes and fangs, he was vicious, wrapped around his body in circles of iron chains, and was still hitting the coffin violently, with a ferocious nature like a wild boar.

"Princess Nicole Mermaid?", "Is this Princess Sea Pig?"

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