Dimensional Eroders

v2 Chapter 1287: Underworld knowledge

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"Wow, is this the underworld?! This feeling is as comfortable as coming home! Look, Jack, there is no sun or stars in the sky, but the visibility is unexpectedly good."

Feng Ying lay on the bow of the [Yangsheng Latiao], holding up a pair of binoculars, looking into the distance on the Styx River.

The current position of the fleet has just passed the mouth of the "Skull Island" in the Mediterranean Sea, directly traveled through time and space, and sailed into a branch of the [Styx River] inside the underworld.

There are five Styx rivers in the Greek underworld, and the Styx River is the most important, least known, and most important one. It has no head and no tail, not only flows through the center of the 'underworld', but is also rumored to circle the underworld seven times.

Because of its importance, there are many branches. The section of the Styx where von Jack is located is several miles wide and is a large river. As for the length... it can only be said to be endless.

As far as she could see through the telescope in her hand, a boat the size of a sesame seed was crookedly forming a long dragon on the river.

The departure of the Grand Fleet's expedition to the underworld began as early as the morning, and the fleet entered one batch after another. Feng Ying and Jack waited until 3:40 pm to be allowed in.

Therefore, at first glance, the Styx River is full of boats, and there are not a single ghost.

The reason is simple, since the first batch of expeditionary forces entered, a major cleansing of the fleet's passages has been carried out. There was definitely a fight, and it was pretty intense, but it had nothing to do with Jack. By the time [Health Latiao] entered the underworld, Styx had already been cleaned up.

At this time, the river surface was arranged in an orderly manner. Little Jack thinks it is a bit like a highway, all the boats line up on the left bank, and the right half of the river is vacated for the official fleet to pass quickly.

[Health Latiao] Because of the "private restaurant business license", you can also enter the wide right lane and drive at high speed, and even drift and turn around to explore the endless end.

However, Feng Ying didn't rush into the fast lane for food delivery at this time.

She and Jack had just gone to hell, and their hearts were full of curiosity and excitement. Naturally, they planned to see if there were any attractions nearby? After some fun, it's not too late to start business again.

So after a lot of yelling, Feng Ying took out the simple underworld map for each ship when entering the underworld. It marks the most important "five rivers of the Styx" in the underworld, as well as a large number of forbidden areas that have been explored, special areas (Narcissian Plain, Blissful Land), the remains of the "Tomb of God", and the end point "Abyss of Tartaros". .

But in Feng Ying's view, this is more like a tourist map. She has seen many geographical marks when reading related myths, which are both familiar and unfamiliar, and have a feeling of Internet celebrity attractions.

"Wow, Xiaojie, look at this, the writing is so interesting. No matter what entrance or method you enter [underworld]. Except for a few special cases, you will usually be transferred to the Hades area. It's just that the dead are usually led to On the land of the underworld, we will enter the Styx River by taking the water route."

"Tell me to take a look!" Jack leaned over, glanced at the map in Feng Ying's hand, and said, "Hey, it's not the Marauder's Map, and it can't even show the location. How do you know where we are now?"

Feng Ying sighed helplessly: "You scumbag really can't read maps. We're right here, hey, dock, dock, there's a famous check-in spot [Gate of the Underworld], it's not far away, let's go together Play around."

Although Jack couldn't understand this kind of map without 'satellite navigation', he heard that some people played it, so he nodded in agreement.

Their fleet belongs to the logistics department, and the departure time is more than half a day late. There are no combat missions, and even the catering service is private. There are no performance indicators, and the work pressure is 0.

[Ksitigarbha Ksitigarbha] didn't care that they were really working-study, mixed in the fleet for internship. Or travel in the name of part-time job? As long as Feng Ying's safety is guaranteed and she has fun, the goal of making friends with Feng's father has been achieved.

That's why they entered the underworld, and [Health Latiao] broke away from the main force. With the privilege, enter the right fast lane, start to go retrograde, and drive in the direction of [Gate of the Underworld].

Half an hour later, the two Lolitas docked the boat and asked for two specially bred 'Rushing Alpacas (Warcraft)' from the team stationed on the shore to establish a stronghold. Under the leadership of an Arab tour guide, they brought A batch of 'Pokémon Zombies, Spicy Little Skeletons', which seemed to have no fighting power, began to tour.

Along the way, Er Luo only saw sporadic and weak dead, trudging with difficulty on the empty wasteland. Everyone has the same destination, which is the gate to enter the 'Road to the Underworld'.

Riding on the back of an alpaca, experiencing the treatment of a VIP tour group, the two lolis were in high spirits, holding a camera Kachacha kept taking pictures, and asking questions in a hurry.

According to the tour guide, the original wasteland in the entrance area of ​​the underworld is also full of crises. All kinds of underworld monsters and powerful undead will attack, rob, and devour the dead or souls who have just entered the underworld.

It's just that, like the 'river' they entered the underworld, they were systematically cleaned up by the Grand Fleet.

The sporadic dead who can be seen today are all mortals in Europe who believe in the "Greek gods" who died today. The strength is too scumbag, too lazy to clean it up again.

Feng Ying: "So the scenery here is more lively when there are many dead people? Or is it more beautiful when there are few dead people?"

The Arab tour guide is a high-level priest who serves the [God and Demon Power] supported by a certain contractor. He has a lot of experience and knowledge, and replied: "The scenery with fewer people is more beautiful. The two ladies don't know that there were many dead here before. One They screamed, fought and robbed each other, and monsters harassed and killed them from time to time, making the chaos extremely chaotic. Although the danger level was not high, many of the dead died miserable, with rotten bodies, exposed internal organs, and dirty eyes."

"It's different now. This wasteland has been cleaned up, and there is nothing obtrusive. The newly dead have also been warned, and they dare not shout and shout, which will affect the mood of the two of you."

Feng Ying looked at the empty wasteland without a single corpse, and asked curiously, "Is that so? What about the killed dead and monsters? Why can't we see the corpses?"

"Uh..." The tour guide hesitated for a moment, thinking about the identities of the two, he decided to answer truthfully, "The two ladies originally run the 'floating restaurant', so they should have heard some inside news, right?"

Jack was still confused, but Feng Ying suddenly realized: "Oh! I see, it turned out to be food supplies!"

The tour guide didn't dare to speak nonsense, so he could only keep praising Feng Ying's intelligence and her beauty were on the same level.

Jack realized later: "Kill the dead one more time, make food for the living?"

Feng Ying: "Otherwise, the underworld is so big, and as the fleet's supply line gets farther and farther away from the human world, how can there be food to support so many people?"

Jack: "But are zombies edible?"

Feng Ying is not a food contractor, and she doesn't understand it very well. She has an uncertain tone: "It's probably similar to expired frozen meat, or bacon and ham? Anyway, we don't eat it."

Jack: "I still like to rinse fresh."

The two chatted along the way, and under the service of a group of spicy little skulls and Pokémon zombies, they came to the first check-in spot.

From a distance, it is a stone gate that is not majestic. The height is about 60 meters and the width is about 50 meters, which is a circle larger than the Arc de Triomphe. But it is very disappointing to put it in the underworld of the mythical world as the entrance, not as tall as a building on the modern earth.

On the top of the arch, it is written [Those who enter this gate should give up all hope. 】Famous quotes.

Jack looked up at the gate of the underworld, his expression quickly turned into disappointment, with a stinky face: "Huh? That's it?"

Feng Ying: "Attractions, the added value is more important. After passing this gate, you will officially embark on the road to the underworld."

While speaking, Feng Ying got off the alpaca and came to the inside of the stone gate. Then she put herself in a good position and jumped up and down, almost jumping out of the range of the [Gate of the Underworld] and stepping onto the real Netherland.

"Oh hoo, I'm going to hell!"

Then he turned around and jumped again: "I'm back!"

Jack: "Me too!"


Feng Ying, who was panting a little, held onto the 'Gate of the Underworld' with her hands: "I'm squatting again...I've returned from hell. Hey, I'm tired, so I won't play anymore."

Jack: "Sakura, you are too weak. I, King Jack, have traversed **** 30,000 times in my life! I can come and go freely, no one dares to stop me!"


Just as she was bragging, she suddenly received a message from Paradise: [You triggered the green title: In and Out of Yin and Yang]

"Huh?" Little Jack was stunned, and quickly checked the effect of the title, which was quite impressive. No matter what kind of "mission world" you are in, as long as the world is full of "underworld, underworld, ghosts..." and other areas for the dead to inhabit. Jack can use [title ability] to go in and out of yin and yang.

Under different worldviews, the power and price consumed for entering and exiting Yin and Yang vary.

Feng Ying: "Huh? Why didn't I come out?"

"Do you already have this ability?"

Feng Ying: "That's right, I'm the one from [Yan Luo]."

Next, the two of them took a group of attendants and took pictures at the [Gate of the Underworld] scenic spot, constantly changing their poses, and Feng Ying's small satellite shot them all at once.

The two stood in front of the door, jojoing in various ways, and began to rest when they were tired from playing. Feng Ying turned into a director, directing the little skulls and little zombies, and filmed several short stories in front of famous scenic spots.

When she came to 'Doufen Continent' this time, she planned to shoot a big movie and edit it as a gift for her parents, relatives and friends.

After the filming was finished, Jack, who was tired of waiting for a long time, planned to run away, but was stopped by Feng Ying: "Wait. Don't you engrave 'xx here for a visit' on it?"

Jack felt that it made sense. It is said that the Monkey King slapped the Tathagata's finger and got wet with Concubine You, which angered the Buddha and pressed her under the "Mount of Fingers" for 500 years.

So he nodded: "This opportunity is for you!"

Feng Ying refused: "No! I have something more commemorative to do."

After finishing speaking, she shook out a stack of papers (Taiyin Talismans) with her small hands, and took out one of them. Then he looked at the gate of the underworld, came to the position directly below the gate, stepped on the wasteland of the underworld, and smiled on his face.

Inside the paper in her hand was sealed the mission reward that Bailang obtained by releasing [Private mission: Sacrifice a ton of strong health-preserving tea to the 'Hailong Tomb']: [300 pieces of 1m3 small underworld fragments].

Bai Lang has become addicted to cutting his own [Cave Heaven Cemetery] these few days. Regardless of the serious damage to the 'Tomb of God', he not only opened up acupoints in his body, but also made a physical [Carp Profound Altar] externally. And through a private mission, a batch was sent to Feng Ying at a high price, and she was asked to seal it in the test paper.

Not only that, Lang also copied a copy of the "Magic Array Technology for Cutting Underworld Space" sorted out by c's mother, and gave it to Feng Ying as a task reward.

I hope that Fu Luoli has the talent in this area and masters the technique of "Hell Cutting". In this way, she can choose a suitable target (God's Tomb) and cut more 'fragments' during this voyage to the underworld. Not only can it strengthen the tombs of the two gods and demons [Spicy Tiaozi and Strong Tea]; it can also be remotely traded to Bailang.

Bailang gave Feng Ying 300 pieces of "underworld fragments" for two purposes:

First of all, it is really for children to play.

He knew Feng Ying's idea of ​​trying to make [Holding Hell] into a 'real hell' ~lightnovelpub.net~ and then build a small six reincarnation to simulate the real underworld. A sparrow can be small, but its internal organs must be complete.

So these [underworld small fragments] are very useful. They can enrich the environment of [Baotou Township] and construct model-level 'attached planes', such as 'small eighteen-story model hell' and the like.

Although 300 fragments are not large, many models can be constructed. This time I learned that Feng Ying will travel to the underworld, so I can use these fragments to record the "underworld scene" I experienced, intercept a part of the projection, and construct a set of [microscopic underworld model] to enhance the foundation of the [little **** with head hugging] .

Feng Ying is doing the same at the moment. Right below the [Gate of the Underworld], she dug away a piece of Netherland. Fill in a piece of 'Tales of the Moon', and start to capture the special atmosphere of the scenic spots here with the [Spirit Capture Bar], and simultaneously create a 'Gate of the Underworld' in the 'Shards of the Underworld'.

Contains the meaning of "cutting off hope, stepping on a dead end", as the first "Underworld Puzzle Module", it is included in [Holding Hell].

After returning to the boat in a while, she will also use the 'Shards of the Underworld' to carry the water of the River Styx, and squeeze out a 'Styx Tributary'.

In future trips, she will continue to collect "soil, rocks, lava, flowing water..." from different areas to construct a series of underworld modules with "special attributes/meanings". Reproduce the Greek underworld into [Baotou Township] in proportion.

Even, she can let these 'little fragments of the underworld' act as [Mini Tombs of God], stuffing 'Pokémon Little Zombies' into them to act as [Gods and Demons], and as the master of [Infernal Hell], Endow it with different "innate gods and demons information", and finally evolved a set of play house version [Doufen Continental System].

This approach cannot increase strength, but it is conducive to the self-evolution and perfection of [Holding Hell].

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