Dimensional Eroders

v2 Chapter 1344: 7 seas 1, the star king comes out.

The unwarranted "plastic friendship" is not enough to draw the relationship between the two parties, but the polite rhetoric of the other party has successfully eased the tense atmosphere.

Reach out and don't hit the smiling face. Bailang backed away from the screen, chose to receive the 'Harpoon Queen', and listened to the other party's intentions.

The blue-haired young man (the queen) didn't hold back, and straight to the point put forward a proposal of 'let's make peace together, make progress together, and move towards a win-win situation': "I don't think it is necessary to continue this battle so far. To continue entanglement will only consume each other in vain. No one will benefit from expanding losses.”

Bailang agreed with the other party's statement, and asked, "Then what are you going to do?"

"In order to bring this battle for supremacy to the seven seas to an end. I support Mr. Outlander as the co-lord of the seven seas, but I have to take a piece of this cake first."

The young [Harpoon Queen] won the support of a local **** and demon force in the Doufen Continent before Bailang revealed his card, and wanted to use it as a trump card to fight back. However, Bailang's backer is even better.

If he admits defeat now, he doesn't need to use the power of this local force to directly negotiate with Lang to share the pie. To continue fighting, it is necessary to call on the power of foreign aid. If you win the battle and win everything, then besides the return on investment, you will indeed earn more. But if the battle is defeated, not only will there be no income from the investment, but also a huge sum of money owed to the local gods and demons, and they will be directly in debt or even go bankrupt.

[Harpoon Queen] will make the most correct choice without weighing. The premise is that Bailang is willing to give him a share, otherwise he still has a set of lose-lose strategies.

Lang, who has already secured the victory, is also willing to use negotiation methods to reduce the consumption of battles, quickly jump through levels, and complete the unification.

Because the progress of Fufu is getting faster and faster, no matter how stupid [Dionysus] is, he will complete a personal inspection and acceptance. Lang urgently needs to complete the dove occupying the magpie's nest before then.

After the reunification of the seven seas, the position of [God and Demon Poseidon] is relatively easy to hold. Even through a series of operations, it can reverse the army of 'Dionysus' and turn it into a new treasure that should be robbed.

Lang: "Tell me about your conditions."

Youth: "I am willing to hand over the two relics of [Sea Horse] and [Devil Fish] that I have already obtained, on the condition that Your Excellency must open the other five relics to me in turn. Allow me to use the power of the gods and demons of [Seven Seas General] to enshrine a A complete set of artifacts condenses the concept of [Sea Emperor Trident]. This is related to the success or failure and quality of my first [Noble Phantasm].


Bailang was stunned for a moment, he didn't expect the other party's progress in the paradise to reach this point?

Just by listening to the other party's narration, Lang can analyze that the quality, materials, and intention of this [Noble Phantasm: Trident of the Sea Emperor] are quite high. The quality surpassed his original treasures such as [Rabbit's Army, Must Die, Soul Requiem] and so on.

Lang analyzed: "You want to replace [Scaled Clothes] with your 'equipment', and enshrine in the seven tombs of the gods in turn, continuously strengthening and collecting the concept of 'artifacts'. In the end, it is like simulating the seven [Gods and Demons Sea Generals] ] Synthesize [Divine Poseidon], and synthesize a real [Sacred Artifact Sea Emperor Trident]? If you succeed, you will definitely weaken and carve up part of the origin of [Divine Poseidon].”

The idea of ​​[Harpoon Queen] can be seen as adding a brand new [Scale Clothing Formation]. If [Trident] and [Scale Clothes] are combined, the offerings will be completed in the seven ruins in turn.

Then the final product [Neptune] is the [Poseidon Sacred Cloth] holding the [Sacred Artifact Trident], which together constitute the [Concept of God and Demon Poseidon (clone)].

At this time, [Harpoon Queen] took the [Neptune Trident] from Lang's hand, which was equivalent to the fact that Lang's [Poseidon] lost part of its origin. The ambition is quite big.

"Isn't it enough for me to exchange two sea general relics? [Sacred Artifact Trident] I only take 1/10 of the final 'God and Demon Concept', which is not too much."

He used 2/7 of the chip to exchange for 1/10 of the final [God Demon Poseidon Concept], which is already very sincere.

Lang: "If it's only 1/10, it's fine. How do you operate it?"

Allowing the other party to consecrate the [artifact] that matches the [Scaled Clothes] in each [God Tomb] means that Lang will transfer the control of each God Tomb to the other party.

If this [Harpoon Queen] had some kind of secret technique that she couldn't decipher, wouldn't it be like letting the other party leave a back door mark at the core of the seven ruins, and finally usurp the seven ruins in one fell swoop, and directly counterattack and come back?

[Harpoon Queen] pointed to the Green King and Dog Team of the White Wave camp, and explained: "I also got inspiration from [Poverty King]'s eighth Qiwuhai position. A 'Qiwuhai' position can be divided by seven The acting captain has successively inherited. What I want is not to monopolize any [God Tomb], but to control it for a certain period of time, and temporarily replace [Sea Admiral] to complete the tempering of the "artifact". After that, I will give up the God Tomb. No greed."

"Aren't these two also temporarily acting as 'Tomb Owners'? As a gesture of sincerity, I would like to hand over the last two sets of [Scale Clothes]. With them, I have obtained the keys and inheritance rights of the last two ruins. In addition, I will give the [Seahorse Ruins] to Your Excellency to completely occupy it. The last 'Tomb of the Gods' will be exchanged at the same time after I complete the tempering of the six 'Tridents'."

Mortgage a property and hand over two keys. Then it is divided into 4 times, continuously living in Bailang's real estate, accepting monitoring, and tempering his [artifact]. And when they moved in for the last time, they handed over the second property at the same time.

The only thing that Lang misunderstood was that what the other party had was not a Neptune Trident, but seven collected from different mission worlds.

The quality of these seven 'Tridents' is high or low, but they all share the mythical element of 'Poseidon, the Emperor of the Sea'. The Seven Seas Ruins this time is an excellent opportunity for joint training.

[Harpoon Queen] The behavior of constantly changing tombs to sacrifice the 'Trident' is basically the same as Bailang's continuous use of the title of [Qiwuhai]. The opponent needs to create seven different "sea general titles" to match the artifact.

When the final seven-handed trident is combined with the concept (title) of the seven seas, the quality will inevitably reach the extreme, and the highest quality [Noble Phantasm] will be forged.

At this time, Lang also got the information of [Harpoon Queen] through the intelligence channel of 'Captain Small Dog'.

The opponent's 'stand-in' is the core ability, the image is a mermaid made of 'water', and the attack method is to summon harpoons with different functions, a bit like [Infinity Sword (Harpoon) System].

Now that the [Treasure Phantasm Artifact Trident] has been created, his stand-in will also be upgraded and evolved under the stimulation of the [Treasure Phantasm]. Maybe he can evolve into another "Mermaid Poseidon"?

After another round of haggling, Bailang added two trivial demands on the basis of the original negotiation:

The first one, the White Sea Emperor can give up [1/10] the 'Ultimate Divinity (Sea Emperor) Origin', and even go one step further, even the divinity [Poseidon] can be given up, hand over, Make the opponent's [Harpoon (Artifact)] more perfect.

(The purpose of the wave, as long as it is "Sea Emperor Godhead", it doesn't matter whether Poseidon or not. His ultimate goal is "Stars and Seas".)

But as a condition of the transaction, [Harpoon Queen] must not only hand over two [Gods and Demons], but also join the [Lalaiye University Project] like the Green King, the Dog Team, and the Dog Team, and order additional funds. Carp Star' at least 10 units.

Good things to share together. Buy [Lalaiye original stock], and wait for the appreciation to make a fortune!

The second one, Bailang not only wants [Harpoon Queen] to trade name certificates, but also buys [Lalaiye Seafood Stock]. I also want to share this opportunity with the Western Slavic gods behind him, and make a fortune together!

The 'Queen' secretly contacted the other party for foreign aid, and the promised condition was that she would be willing to pay a huge amount of money after she became the 'King of the Seven Seas', so that the other party's investment would not lose money. Now if you invite the other party to join the [Lalaiye Listing Plan], it is also a steady profit without losing money.

My White Ocean Emperor's benefits from becoming the 'King of the Seven Seas' far exceed his [Harpoon Queen]'s superior position! If the other party doesn't believe it, take out [Ksitigarbha Mission, Dionysus...] to mislead.

It is a great blessing for the mere "Slavic indigenous small hair **** gang" to make you rich and fly you!

In order to create the strongest treasure and not waste the sunk cost of applying for [Baby Phantasm Synthesis (Paradise Edition)], [Harpoon Queen] chose to join forces without hesitation.

There is absolutely no pressure for him to deceive his financial backer. Compared with the huge improvement brought about by [Bao Phantasm], the investment in just 10 carp satellites is just a drizzle.

And he also carefully consulted about this [Lalaiye Starlink Project], and found that it was not a simple fraud gimmick, Mr. Outlander's technology is quite excellent.

Others may not understand it, but he has seen and experienced the most primitive "space gravehead teleportation array" in the "Great Channel of Zombies". Now that so many missions have passed, the opponent's technology must be improved.

This [Lalaiye Project] doesn't seem like a purely money-making scam. He even wants to stock up on a few more stars, and if the value rises in the future, he can buy them and make another profit.

When the 'White Sea Emperor' and the 'Harpoon Queen' got together late, and they were in the same boat; at the other end of the world, the [Niu Niu Ecological Garden Project], the chief designer of Sharf, also passed more than half of the time due to the different speed of time. months.

In the past half a month, in the eyes of [Dionysus], the development progress is still stagnant at the [Bull Head] part. And the 'head' is the top priority of the 'ecological garden'.

The [Sour Garden] that provides this technology has only one head, which has been developed and perfected for hundreds of years and has a strong technical reserve. As for the 'torso', it can only be derived from the experience of 'developing the head'.

Dionysus even made a filial idea of ​​abandoning the in-depth development of the body, concentrating resources on the 'bull head', and cultivating a 'deformed big cow (father)'.

Raise the strength of the whole cow to make offerings to the head. In the end, the bull's head (ecological garden) continued to expand, reaching a ratio of 1:1 to the body.

As the God of Dionysus, the divine [Donor Wife] naturally follows the boss's idea and devotes herself to the development of the "Bull Head World".

Successively planted his own sacred tree [Kabala No. 1 sub-plant (brain stem)] in the 'Ngau Tau Ecological Garden', as well as Kedu's mother's [Dream Demon Dimension Server (brain)], Uchiha Four Heavenly King's [Eternal Tube Space (right eye)], [Samsara Space (left eye)] that controls the cycle of life and death in the ecological park...

All of them are the core items to kick the boss out of the game, and it is to extract the blood of the boss fiercely, inject it into the blood vessels of the "cow body", attract [Little Mother, Our Lady of Mercy] into the house, and develop the wine pool and meat forest in the heart area.

In the 'trunk' part other than 'Niutou', with the advent and overlap of [Baotou Township], [Xiaotianmo Xingjun Phase I Welfare Acupoint Infrastructure Project] is also in full swing.

First of all, [Evil Spirit Rabbit King Bodhisattva] personally walked through every inch of petrified flesh and blood in the body of the Titan God Bull, surveying and calculating the location of the 'aperture point'.

Afterwards, the [Evil Spirit, Our Lady of Mercy] takes action to activate the area where the acupoints are located with the 'blood of Dionysus (red wine)'.

In the end, the "Pocket Carp Profound Altar" imported from the [Tomb of the Sea Demon Goddess] and customized by Bailang himself was implanted in it. Launch the "Underworld Refinement Technique" to create an exclusive "Star God Tomb" for the little mushroom man Xingjun. (Welfare room allocation, free stay)

When the first "Xiao Xingjun" happily moved into the "new house", the great "Salf Demon King" will personally strike and kill him with tears in his eyes: kill the fungus man as a sacrifice to himself.

At this moment, Fufu canonized this little fungus as the 'No. 1 Star King' as the [Supreme God of the Big Head-Holding Ecological World]. After death, the primordial spirit goes out of the body and ascends to the star world (the star world of the ecological park), becoming a shining 'star', shining forever in [Baotou Township (ecological park)], bringing everyone full of wisdom (obstacles) The Light of Enlightenment (Starlight).

When the first little fungus sacrificed to heaven happily, everything went as everyone expected.

This little mushroom man with good character and learning died in the exclusive "Acupoint Welfare Room (God's Tomb. The characteristic (knowledge of peristalsis)' envelops it, and quickly transforms (breds out) a 'cocoon', which grows itself out again.

At this moment, the 'wisdom (squirming fragments)' accumulated by her (Little Mushroom Man) during her lifetime has also become the core of this 'hole star' and the light source of [Mental Disability Spectrum (Starlight)].

From now on, there is no need for the "Late Little Xingjun" to use the [coolies] accumulated through his hard work to inspire, this "hole point star" is innately embedded in the flesh and blood of the "Titan God Bull", and is a part of the "ecological garden".

As long as the divine cow (ecological garden) is activated, as long as the energy in the body starts to circulate, it will naturally be distributed to this "acupuncture point" as the energy provided by the world, lighting up and activating the star, and releasing starlight (big Mentally retarded Purdue God Rays), nourish the living beings in the ecological garden (Baotou Township), let the crops grow vigorously, and share the wisdom from [Xingjun] with the local intelligent life (the mortal mushroom man).

With the first ray of starlight, it is assumed that Xingjun No. 1 is a master from the "mathematical sect".

Then from then on, the mortals in [Baotou Township] will be blessed~lightnovelpub.net~ When learning the knowledge of this "mathematical sect", ordinary scumbags will recite and integrate "big mental retardation" The efficiency of the multiplication formula table is improved, and the blessing of the "Star God" is obtained. (wisdom buff!)

At the same time, it is easier to fall into the opponent's "thinking circuit", be assimilated and polluted by the No. 1 star king, and quickly comprehend the opponent's version of the "mentally retarded punishment formula". Reversely give back the "power of hard study" to "No. 1 Star King".

After lighting up the first 'Acupoint Star', the mental pollution level of the world in the Titan God Cow also increased by 1.

[Dionysus] The resistance to reclaiming the "Niu Niu Ecological Park" in the future will increase.

When 108 "mentally handicapped little Xingjun" collectively sacrificed to the sky, perhaps the mental pollution of a single Xingjun is not a big deal, but 108 overlapped and added up, it is not so easy to deal with.

When 360, 1,000, and 3,000 stars are shining brightly in the sky of the "Ecological Garden (Baotou Township at the same time, maybe this cow is really hopeless?

Even if Dionysus came in person, he would not be able to afford the cost of cleaning up the pollution, so he could only reluctantly sell it at a low price.