Dimensional Eroders

v2 Chapter 1430: Main line completed

The signal shield covering [Huangquan Township] gradually receded, and a new, not too big, dimension joined the luxurious family bucket of the 'Greek Mythology World'.

Attached to the periphery of the 'underworld', it acts as a buffer zone in the form of mist, isolating the source of pollution [subspace/nether energy dimension] and blocking the erosion of the [netherworld] by the 'nether energy dimension'.

At the same time, [Huangquan Township] also continues to release the breath of nightmares, penetrating into the human world little by little, trying to connect with the dreams of more intelligent creatures.

Except for [Yangquan Township], which was newly born and felt strange to the local gods, the fog of war that also shrouded [Underworld] also receded, revealing the dilapidated 'Underworld Continent', as if it had been gnawed by dogs.

Today's underworld is less than 2/3 of its heyday.

A small part of them was stolen by the 'Rebel Ninja Hades Gang'. Now I am stuck at the customs in the mission world and cannot leave the country. The blame lies with Hades Group.

The other small part, as the [Gourmet Hell] collapsed, was completely lost into the 'collapse of time and space', and evaporated out of thin air. This part of the cause and effect has been paid off by the ‘Ancestor Carp’.

The largest part was swallowed by the ‘former subspace black hole (Tartarus Abyss)’ and involved in the ‘space-time collapse incident’, and the karma was borne by the ‘pollution **** system’. (arrears status)

In addition to the territory being removed piece by piece by external forces. With the defection of the 'Hades Team', the 'gods, godheads, and clergy' that maintain the rules of the underworld have disappeared in all directions. It is like an old and broken machine that is barely running, and suddenly a large number of parts and bearings have been taken away, and it is completely scrapped.

The huge [Underworld] has completely stopped functioning, and the balance between Yin and Yang is out of balance. Nowadays, 'death' is going on in the world every moment. Due to the shutdown of [Underworld] and the suspension of nutrition in [Subspace], a large number of dead souls have lost their homes, triggering a new crisis: the disaster of the undead.

Among all the bad news, there is also good news.

The shrunken underworld seems to have gone through a round of not-so-thorough formatting, and the traces of [Pollution Source. Nether Energy Dimension] and [Former Pluto Group] have been greatly eliminated. At the same time, the spores, creeping wisdom, and light of the Death Star that Bai Lang had worked hard to spread in the underworld... were also wiped out.

However, although the formatted 'underworld' was dilapidated, it was also clean, with a large number of blank spaces for people to correct. It just so happened that the 'Second Lord Pluto' took over, destroyed and then established, and radically revised and re-established the rules of the underworld.

So the 'Pluto Wave' returned like lightning, mobilizing the meager 'original power of the underworld' to reshape the ruins of the underworld.

First, he developed the remaining [Ten Levels of Gourmet Hell] as the core area of ​​the [Second New Underworld], and set up a [Temple] on each level of 'Hell' to create a brand new 'Hades System- Ten stores of Yama'.

The 'Four Ghost Titans' were temporarily arranged to serve as four store managers to manage the four-story chicken farm. The remaining six floors of the 'temple' are temporarily vacant.

In the future, [Yin Cao Underworld] will use ‘Ten Stores of Yama’ as its core selling point to create a new set of [Underground Buddha and Greedy Sect Warriors - Dungeon Monster Spawning Trial System].

The incomplete and completed plates of the underworld are re-cut and filled into the ten levels of hell, and the ‘Yam Luodian’ on each level is used as a safe area and connected from top to bottom.

Warriors in the world, as long as they pass the trial test or pay a fee, they can enter the first level of [Sleepless City], choose the 'Yellow Spring Snake Path' to go to [Yangquan Township] for adventure, or leave the Sleepless City to undergo trials in the 'First Level of Hell' .

And brave men who have accumulated enough strength can pay to be transported to the 'Second Level Hell Store' for consumption, or they can leave the safe zone and trial in the Second Level Hell.

In short, the new 'Underworld' in the future will definitely change the lifeless traditional model of the 'Hades period'; from 'consumption, enjoyment, food, entertainment, crotch protection, holy light health care, killing, becoming stronger, blood transplant surgery, Learning for the mentally retarded...' As a starting point, we take into account the side function of 'accommodating the dead', specialize in [Krypton Gold], and strive to develop a complete 'underworld economic system' to turn the 'underworld' into the economic culture of the entire [Greek mythology world] entertainment center, thereby driving the mission world into the fast lane of rapid development.

In addition to re-opening the world (underworld version) in the 'Pluto Wave', he also secretly joined forces with [Jidu] to secretly build a set of structures in the gap between the tenth (bottom) **** and [Huangquan Township] (the endless hell). Brand new 'reincarnation system'.

It can be either the traditional [Six Paths of Reincarnation. Big Carousel with Prizes] or the Greek-style [Greek X Paths of Reincarnation].

This plan is kept secret for the time being and must be hidden from the 'Paradise Faction and Aboriginal Faction' headed by Zeus and Athena.

This plan will be the core plan for the 'Gan Zong Group' to further penetrate deeply and master the management authority of the mission world in the next 50-100 years.

Once you create and control the 'reincarnation' of this world, you can reincarnate as you please, and plant spies from the Greed Sect into different camps, forces, and species in the human and heavenly realms.

From the day of birth, the memory and soul are sealed. When needed, secretly activate it to awaken the underlying memory. Become one of your own in an instant.

With the growth of generations of "core + peripheral" spies and the spread and infiltration of "Nightmare Hackers", the Greedy Sect will transform into the "Marvel Hydra" and extend its tentacles into thousands of households, occupying this mission world. Own it for yourself.

Then gradually squeeze out the proportion of other paradise forces, and finally convert the ‘mission world’ into private property step by step, completing the possession or rule of a [mission world] by high-end contractors.

Through the intelligence channels of Feng Ying's family and Bai Lang's increasing contractor authority, Lang gradually figured out the promotion path after the '6th level contractor'.

Obtaining a piece of [World Fragment], plus completing the transformation of the power system, he is an excellent level 4.

And install the [Private Law] into a mission world and become the 'World Law'; and obtain a [territory] of your own in the mission world. It is the standard level 5. Usually it can also be understood as corresponding to the [True God] in the mission world.

(To control a law in the world and have a territory with absolute dominance, what is it other than [the True God]?)

As for Level 6, a [Private Law] needs to be sublimated into an indispensable 'one of the underlying rules' in the mission world. At the same time, ensure that the erosion degree of the mission world is ≥30%.

The contractor at this time corresponds to the [Main God] in the world. It can use its own 'laws + territory' to extend multiple 'world rules' and develop a **** system.

The higher level, Level 7, is another qualitative change. There are many certification standards, one of which is: completely dominate/own a mission world with an erosion rate of >30%.

Become the unique [god, lord, almighty god...] in this world.

In addition, if the erosion degree of the mission world is increased to >60%, then the level 7 standard can be lowered to the main **** level of "upgrading private laws to become one of the basic rules of the world".

Bailang's current status in the 'Greek World' is infinitely close to level 6.

The reason why it is not yet is that first of all, he personally has not broken through the large level of level 3; secondly, the size of [Greek World (Mission World)] is too small and the structure is relatively simple.

Although it is in the >30% sequence, the purity meets the standard, but the size of the 'mission world' is too small and the foundation (total mass) is insufficient. It is far from comparable to [Doufeng Continent and Food Mountain and Sea Realm].

Among the four levels of [Large, Medium, Small, and Super World], it is in the [Small] column.

However, since [Gourmet Hell], Bailang's only [territory], has moved in, the small-sized [Greek World] has now become Bailang's most important 'mission world'.

Although the [Greek World] is thin and barren, if you think about it from another perspective, the difficulty of seizing ownership of this ‘mission world’ has also dropped significantly.

In particular, he introduced a [secondary pollution source] to further reduce the power of 'God King Zeus'; he also opened up [Yellow Springs Township] outside of the 'Gourmet Hell'.

After one plus and one minus, Lang is already the 'third largest shareholder' in this world. (The first shareholder [Subspace], the second shareholder [Olympus], the third shareholder [Hell + Underworld])

If we add the two 'smuggling channels' of the 'Underworld Snake Path' leading to [The Lost Belt. Ten Disasters] and the 'Window of the World' connecting [Gourmet. Mountain and Sea Realm], the value of this 'mission world' will be Significant improvement.

Therefore, Bailang decided to work hard, develop this world with heart, and gradually expand his influence in the 'mission world'.

Now he has changed from a wage earner (trash guy) to a small shareholder (lord), and then to a major shareholder (Pluto + Lord of the Underworld). In the future, he will dominate the ‘Greek World’ and let [Subspace and Mount Olympus] all work for him!

In addition to the recovery of signals from 'Underworld and Underworld', [Subspace] has also resumed login.

Zeus and Athena immediately logged into their respective alt accounts, and then saw the [Psionic Energy Dimension] in a mess, with heavy casualties inside, and less than 1/100 of the remaining 'subspace demons'. The unit cubic concentration of 'pollution psionic energy' in space has dropped to an unprecedented level.

The 'Pollution God King Hephaestus', who fled from the [Underworld] back to the [Planth Energy Dimension] in embarrassment, had the illusion that 'I can't breathe' the first time he returned to his hometown.

The 'pollution energy' in the [Nether Energy Dimension] is so thin that the God King feels that he cannot fight with all his strength, and will be 'suffocated' by the slightest big move.

Because the 'air' in today's [subspace], in addition to the 'nether energy (60%)' that occupies the main body, the remaining 40% is polluted by 'hell spores, underworld mist, strange smell belt, ten disasters, The smell of salted fish, squirming wisdom...' and other messy garbage are filled with it.

As for [subspace], part of the originally rich and pure 'nether energy pollution' was permanently consumed in the development of [Huangquan Township]; and more 'nether energy pollution' was discharged through the 'Yellow Spring Snake Channel (rectum)'. In [Lostbelt], even a considerable number of surviving subspace demon elites were sent to the 'other world' to fight.

Finally, the volume of UU Kanshu www.uukunshu.com [subspace] shrank to 3/4. Bailang perfectly fulfilled the function of a 'high-end salary collector', smashing 1/4 of [Subspace] without causing any 'spread of pollution sources'.

Although he shamelessly stayed in his home world and did not return, this [main mission] has been completed 3-400% beyond the standard.

First of all, don’t panic, I don’t have any intention of asking for a eunuch. This is not a sign of a eunuch.

Secondly, let’s talk about the reason for the recent discontinuation of updates. A developer who had been dead for many years suddenly appeared as a corpse and attacked me after a few years. Invoices kept bouncing, and the house that I thought was going to be unfinished was finally accepted, but I didn't feel happy at all.

I have been running through procedures every day lately, which is annoying and tiring. I feel like a big fool, a successor to a historically high position. The peaceful coding life was interrupted, energy was dispersed and consumed, updates dropped significantly, and became unstable.

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