Dimensional Eroders

v2 Chapter 1443: Seventh level, 60%, multiple worldviews

Chapter 1440 Level 7 60% Diverse World View

"I understand. According to your classification, I am not one of the four types. Instead, I have a little bit of each path?"

Feng Ying replied: "There is no such absolute distinction. The four paths I mentioned are all the most reliable and common promotion methods after extensive demonstration. Theoretically, you will be recommended to level 7. In addition, there are still various ways Break through the 5th and 6th level methods. However, these methods are either too special and have harsh conditions to achieve and are difficult to copy; or they have high costs and low resource utilization; or they have limited potential and the future (level 7) is locked. Under normal circumstances, As long as your brain is not broken, of course you can mix and match the four paths, scientifically proportion them and follow the comprehensive and kingly path!"

Lang nodded with satisfaction: "I am indeed very wise, but the fourth type cannot be achieved for the time being. But why are you getting more and more outrageous, and you have already reached level 7."

Bai Lang and Feng Ying showed off that they just wanted to consult on the correct development method for level 5 so that their path to higher levels would be smoother.

It turns out that when it comes to dressing up, Fu Loli is the professional player. Not only was he not offended by his "quasi-level 5 authority," but he was bragging about the development path of high-end contractors, and his boasts were getting more and more outrageous, and he had already jumped the topic to level 7.

Feng Ying was unconvinced and said: "What is there to pursue at level 5, and you don't even have the skills? In my opinion, level 6 is not that difficult for you. Since you are sincerely asking for advice, of course I will not cheat my own people. You should treat me as level 7." Set goals step by step, avoid all kinds of risks and misguided paths, lay a solid foundation, and reach your goals in one step. Only then can you live up to your current accumulation and achievements.

"That's really nice to say. Such a magical little Sakura, in your opinion, how should I develop next to be the most perfect brother?"

Fu Loli was not humble and immediately started boasting: "This involves the rigid standard of [Level 7]. The reason why I was disappointed and dissatisfied with your layout of [Greek Mythology World] just now is that except for its own specifications (world level) Apart from the disadvantage of being too small, the other point is that the 'world theme' or 'power system' is not suitable."

Lang: "What does this have to do with level 7?"

Feng Ying: "Theoretically, a medium-sized (intermediate) mission world with an erosion rate of >30% can breed a standard level 5, or even more. In a large mission world, it is more than enough to raise a level 6. But contractors If you want to reach level 7, the erosion level must be >60%. So the question is, you have experienced many large worlds, but have you ever been exposed to a world with an "erosion level of 60%"? Or to put it another way, do you have confidence? , are you able and confident to improve your [Greek World] to over 60%?”

Bailang was stunned when he heard this, and suddenly discovered a blind spot, that is, he had never been exposed to a mission world with an erosion rate of >60%.

Even though he often uses [erosion/realism] as a data to measure the health standard of [World Fragments (Seafood City, Fish Map, Nightmare Dimension)], he has never considered the possibility of exceeding 60%.

This is probably because his Noble Phantasms (Seafood City, Fish Picture) often approach the 'fall below 30%' mark even if they disagree. The mental stimulation caused by the crazy burning of erosion made him exhausted. He focused all his energy on maintaining 30% and never expected to break through 59%.

That's so mythical.

Therefore, it is so difficult to raise a [Seafood City (World Fragment)] by yourself. The wealth often shrinks and the realism plummets. So how many resources are needed to expand [World Fragment] to a territory, to a mission world, and to cultivate it to 9%? And how difficult is it to break through 60%?

Lang: "I thought about it carefully. It seems very difficult, even a little impossible, to increase the [Quest World] to 60%. So how can the erosion rate exceed 60%?"

Feng Luoli: "There are usually three ways to increase erosion: 1. Recruit a large number of contractors to come to the mission world to perform tasks, and guide [Paradise] to inject the power of dimensionality into [Mission World] by fluctuating the world line. This kind of method The most basic and common method is free basic income and park benefits. But as a large number of contractors enter the mission world, the risks will also increase."

Bai Lang was convinced that [Greek World] just recruited the wrong trash guy (Bai Lang), and finally lured the wolf into the house, and was successfully parasitized by him, and planned to occupy the magpie's nest and completely make it his own.

Therefore, introducing a large number of migrant workers can indeed have the effect of accelerating economic development, but it is also full of risks. Those large-scale organizations across [Paradise] like to cast a wide net, placing cheap low-level contractors into many mission worlds to spy on intelligence, and then select and invade [mission worlds] that lack background but are well-developed as prey...

"The second method is a paid model. You raise funds to form a game in the Paradise Alliance, and call on players (big guys) to inject a large amount of 'world fragments and territories' into a certain world to achieve the purpose of increasing erosion. You have also experienced this There are quite a few, so I won’t go into details. The last one is to launch an invasion into a world with a similar degree of erosion and a similar power system, and issue an invitation to [Destruction (Merge) Mode].”

"30% of the world To apply for 'Destruction Mode', you need to gather at least 2 [Mission Worlds] of the same magnitude to start the Gu Raising Mode and devour the losers. Usually, you can reach the limit after surviving 3 double games or 1 multiplayer game. , erosion degree>55+~59%.”

"If you don't have the guts to play a life-and-death game, you can keep deceiving people to invest and keep feeding [World Fragments], and you can break through 50%. But if you want to reach the limit, you have to go through the 'Destruction (Merge) Mode' at least once. Okay. News, your [Greek World] is a small world, and the life and death situation will only compete with 'small worlds' of the same magnitude. Therefore, risks and accidents are minimized, and reaching 59% is just around the corner."

Bailang said that he had learned from this. The high-end game of the sixth-level contractor is probably a plane war between the 'world' and the 'world'. It sounds very powerful, and the style of painting is in line with his expectations for the boss.

But level 6 is so cool, what is the style of level 7?

"So, how do we break through 60% and reach the seventh level you mentioned?"

Feng Ying: "Don't worry, it's here. The level 7 giant must be an immortal in a world with an erosion rate of over 60%. What is the concept of reality > 60%? This level of [Mission World] is already indestructible , there is no possibility of collapse, destruction, or being split and recycled. Their growth potential reaches 90%. After 90%, the mission world breaks away from fantasy and is infinitely close to the real universe (the main world of the real universe, Somogo), and It has unique extraordinary rules (power system).”

Lang nodded repeatedly. The main job of [Paradise] is to continuously encroach on the real universe where Somogo is located (the ultimate demon physical universe), and then replace the illusory [Mission World] through the law of conservation of mass and energy, and use the fake to cultivate the truth. Infinitely Proliferate and expand.

The contractors also took this opportunity to transform from short-lived species into truly immortal gods, ruling over the worlds, large and small, and living as long as heaven and earth ([Paradise]).

According to Feng Ying, a mission world with an erosion rate of 90% has grown from the mirror dimension (55%-59%)'. It is to gather three [mission worlds] with the same specifications and similar themes. With three same Based on the type/theme 'mission world', we created the simplest [multiverse collection]."

"I said [Greek World] made a bad move, and it was in this move. [Greek World] is small in size, so when it exceeds 60% in the future, the 'multiverse collection' created will be small and can only contain 'Small world'. I say that the 'theme' you chose is not good, because you have to look for a [mission world] containing 'Greek mythology elements' to construct a 'multiple worldview'. Once you successfully break through 60%, future improvements will not be possible. Avoid being tied to 'Greek mythology elements'."

Feng Ying: "Let me ask you, do you have a lot of 'Greek elements' in your power system?"

"I see!"

Under Fu Loli's explanation, Bai Lang suddenly realized.

According to her, it is difficult for a group of contractors to develop [Quest World] to 55%-59%, but it is not impossible.

After reaching this step, you are eligible to impact 60% erosion. The specific method is no longer "destruction mode", but more harmonious and friendly, looking for mature mission worlds with similar styles and themes, and everyone joins hands to form a stable "space-time triangle".

Three sufficiently strong and stable 'mission worlds', which are parallel worlds to each other, can create a 'closed space-time container' to accommodate more 'low-dimensional worlds'.

This [closed space-time triangular container] is made of three [mission worlds] that are >55%-59%. After the combination was successful, the erosion rate exceeded 60%, and was awarded the title of 'Multiverse Collection' by the [Paradise Alliance].

In Lang's understanding, it is to create a folder called 'Multiverse'. From now on, you can collect more files named "Quest World".

The mission world set called [XX Multiverse] only needs to continuously devour, absorb, and accommodate more 'parallel worlds' to slowly increase its own erosion rate, which will eventually reach 90%.

There are two [multiverses] that Bailang has come into contact with now, namely [Xingyue Multiverse] and [Mountain and Sea Atlas Project].

The "Ten Disasters of the Lost Belt" that were opened up by the wave is a "small file" in the "Xingyue Multiverse".

Even though the [Ten Disasters of the Lost Belt] have been deeply contaminated by the [Polluted Source Void], they are terminally ill. [Xingyue Multiverse] still did not abandon it, but shielded and isolated it, and always kept it in the collection of 'Multiverse', giving it the identity of 'Parallel Time and Space Lostbelt'.

The fundamental reason is that after absorbing a large amount of pollution sources, [The Ten Disasters of the Lost Belt] has increased its value dramatically and has value. Seal and shield it, and then save it in the "Multiverse Collection", it can also increase the value (erosion degree) of the [Multiverse], why not?

As for the "Mountains and Seas Atlas Project", Bailang's first contact with "Guwu Jianghu" was a <30% low-dimensional world under the "Mountains and Seas Atlas Multiverse".

Even though the 'Guwu Jianghu' is only a small world, contracted by private parties, and its degree of erosion is very limited... it is still a part of the '9th-order multiverse' of [Mountains and Seas Atlas]. The total value (erosion degree) of [Mountain and Sea Atlas Multiverse] has been increased to X decimal places.

As for [Gourmet Mountains and Seas World], it was also one of the important assets of [Mountains and Seas Catalog]. However, during the bankruptcy and reorganization, it was acquired by [Food Park], and it is likely to be merged into another 'Multiple Gourmet Universe Set', or it may be used to create a new 'Multiple Gourmet Universe'.

Therefore, [Feng's Multiverse], as the name suggests, must be a private 'multiverse set' belonging to the Feng family, starting with at least three [Feng's Private Mission Worlds], and the main bodies or power systems of the worlds must match each other.

Ah, at this point, Bailang also understood the reason why Fu Loli derogated his [Greek World] in every possible way.

The level 5 mature giant lord and the level 6 ultimate giant lord are not difficult for Lang. But if you want to achieve level 7, or even create a level 7 family, you have to involve the establishment of a 'multiverse worldview'.

At that time, [Greek World]’s own limited specifications (small world) are destined to be unable to open up a multiverse collection that can accommodate more ‘large worlds’.

In other words, [Greek World] can only create small folders that contain small files (mission worlds). If [Greek World] develops larger, wouldn't it be able to serve as a fulcrum of [Feng's Multiverse]?

As for another reason why Fu Loli is dissatisfied, it is the element of [Greek mythology].

Question: How to create a [Shape Moon Multiverse Collection]?

Answer: From the [Paradise Alliance], apply for (purchase) three cheap mirror worlds with an erosion rate of <10%. Then hire a large number of contractors to come to different worlds to perform tasks, and through contract operations, increase the erosion level to 30%.

After completing their respective [Destruction Mode] trials and exceeding 30%, they began to operate and be listed in the alliance, inviting franchisees to invest (World Fragments), and teamed up with the top power's mid-to-low-end bosses.

In the end, three 59% "XX-shaped moon worlds" were accumulated, the ultimate merger was completed, and a "rudimentary multiverse" starting from three parallel worlds was obtained. Then continue to purchase the low-erosion ‘Moon Mission World’ to fill in the collection, increase the erosion, and become bigger and stronger.

What about Bailang?

His [Greek World] is obviously limited by the core element of 'Greece'. If he wants to build a 'multiverse' that exceeds 60% in the future, he can only look for mission worlds with more 'Greek mythological elements'.

However, Lang, who was born in Buddhism (Gan Sect) and was proficient in 'seafood farming, forging knives (fish) tools, migrant workers' martial arts...', obviously had very little intersection with 'Greek elements'.

Of course, the creation of the 'Multiverse Collection' does not necessarily adhere to the 'world theme' itself, but can also be centered around the 'power system' or some other 'keywords'.

For example: Case 1, Bailang owned [Greek Mythology World of Greedy Sect], and released team formation information in the Paradise Alliance, and finally selected [Cyberpunk Greece 4077], and another [Witch Thunder and Fire Sword Enchanting Olympus] .

Although the painting styles of the three mission worlds are completely different and the power systems have no overlap, since they are all derivative versions of "Greek mythology", they will be able to form a "Greek multi-world collection".

Case 2: Bai Lang is sitting on the [Greek Universe of Greedy Sect]. Then, his daughter committed evil in a certain mission world, triggering the "Celestial Mushroom Destruction Tribulation" and polluting a [Buddha Spore-shaped Moon World]. After that, through authorization and other means, he asked other teams of contractors to develop [Wriggling Peppa Pig (Smart Universe)].

So even if the key element of 'Greek mythology' is abandoned, Lang can still use the 'Buddha's Spore Power System' as the key point to connect the three mission worlds in parallel to create a 'Buddha's Small Multiverse Collection'.

In the same way, [Zombie Great Channel] + [Zombie Marvel Universe] + [Resident Evil Ninja World Chapter], UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com can also create a ‘Zombie Multiverse Collection’.

And [Zombie Great Channel] + [Cultivation Great Channel] + [Heroic Good Man Oden Universe], you can also get a ‘Pirates Multiverse Set’.

At this time, Feng Ying spoke: "Although [Greek Universe] is half a failure, there is a chance to save it. Brother Bai, if you can replace [Greek Heavenly Way] with [Greek Sect Sequence], force the Greek gods to turn into Buddhas one after another. , the whole world speaks Celestial dialect, uses square characters, and practices Buddhism...then 'Greek mythology' may not be twisted into 'Greek fairy mythology'."

"If the transformation from 'Greek Gods' to 'East Wind Cultivation of Immortals' can be completed, then [Greek World] will be able to perfectly match all 'immortal cultivation worlds', and the range of options will suddenly become wider. Regardless of the [Cyber ​​Gods List] that my sister participated in ], or the [Mountain and Sea Atlas Project], or my family's [Feng's Multiverse], can all be integrated through the 'Practice System'."

Bai Lang listened to Feng Ying's introduction, but what he was thinking about was what options would he have if he created a '7th-order multiple world view'?

[The multiverse of graveyards in the underworld, the multiverse of Buddhas and sins, the martial arts universe of migrant workers...the multiverse of seafood? 】
