Dimensional Restaurant in Marvel

Chapter 152: Make money in Hell's Kitchen

The aroma is dazzling, with a hint of spicy smell.

"Guru ~~"

Frank couldn't help swallowing his mouth, and a bark screamed in his belly.

Pick up a wooden fork on a porcelain plate, fork a piece of roasted meat with bright color and butter, and send it into the cavity.

One chew, tender, crispy, salty, and spicy, all of a sudden, tossed and danced in the mouth, two chews, delicious taste straight to the meaty mouth full of tongue tip, three chews, full of happiness filled my mind.

Four chews, five chews ..., Frank couldn't control his desire to chew, he kept chewing the barbecue in the air, and the endless taste feasts continued to infatuate him.


The wooden fork hit the porcelain plate, and Frank looked back, staring into the air, only the porcelain plate with red spicy oil remained, exhaling a spicy breath.

"Sha--, is it swollen soon?"

Frank pressed his red lips, hissing coldly, and said indistinctly.

"... Roaring hot--!"

After a moment of silence, Frank suddenly yelled, blowing his hands strongly against the mouth, alleviating the hotness in the mouth.

Previously, the ultimate enjoyment of delicious food made him ignore the spicy sensation in the mouth. Now, the pleasure brought by the food fades, and the hotness accumulated in the mouth for a long time is like a volcano erupting.

water! water! water!

The breeze fanned by the palm could not alleviate the hot feeling in the mouth, and Frank looked around in search of water resources.

Suddenly, the moving eyes stopped, and a pair of red eyes stared fiercely at the cold beer mug.

On the wall of the cup, there are many crystal clear water drops. Inside the cup, there is a pale yellow amber wine, surrounded by a cold atmosphere.


Frank swallowed hard, gripped the handle of the beer glass, raised the glass and poured it into his mouth.

Tons tons tons ...

"That brother is really heroic!"

He also looked into Frank's eyes full of astonishment, and later retracted his gaze, squinted the small glass in his eyes, and put his lips in disgust.

I don't care about southeast and northwest, the whole world is an unrivaled three-tolerant white-haired boy toad messenger, even a beautiful man who will shut up a crying child, the toad fairy of Miaomu Mountain, how can he use such a petty glass! !!

Change big, change big!

Hearing what Tael had said, Thor, who had dried a bottle of wine in one breath, looked down Tael's eyes, and saw Frank, who was swallowing the beer in his mouth, his eyes narrowed.

"A warrior!"

Although Thor's mind was not good, but he had been on the battlefield for hundreds of years, and he could feel the temperament that Frank had killed from the battlefield.

Later, he noticed Frank's heroic gesture of drinking, and his sentiment increased again.

This is a warrior (drinker) worth making! !! !!

"Although I don't drink, I can see that his drinking attitude is indeed magnificent."

Karp bit his flesh, tore off a large piece, and chewed.

"It's at least better than the original one, holding a thumb-sized wine glass and squinting, not at all atmospheric."

Damn, it's my business? !!

His face was also depressed, and his eyes looking at the small glass in his hand became even more disgusting.

Thor was moving as he was about to yell at the waiter to change his glass.

He rose from his seat and strode towards Frank, who drank a full glass of beer.

"Friend, would you like to drink with us? I'll treat you."

Thor looked at Frank with a clenched grip on the wine glass and a hand on the table, inviting him.

Frank raised his head on his sloppy face, his red pupil stared at Thor, and spit out a word, "OK!"

A pint of beer in a beer glass does not completely alleviate the hot feeling in his mouth. Some people provide free drinks, why not go.

After that, Frank walked directly to Thor's table, picked up a bottle of wine on the table, and blew directly at the bottle.

Halma's attitude once again made Thor feel good and was a good drinker!

With a smile on Thor's face, he sat in his place and picked up the bottle to fight with Frank.

Aside, Peter Quill breathed a sigh of relief, and the heavy pressure disappeared instantly.

With this brother in front, I should not be drunk again today.


Two or three hours later, Peter Dr. Quail, who was drunk, helped Dr. Thor to return to Asgard.

Alcoholic Frank walked out of the restaurant and onto the streets of Blick Street.

The cold wind blowing in the early morning made Frank awake slightly, looking up, his hazy eyes looking in the direction of Hell's Kitchen.

"Go exercise and wake up at the bar." Frank exhaled a strong sip of alcohol. "By the way, make some money for the meal."

"... verify your strength now."

After getting drunk, the mood is unstable, and it will release depressed emotions, and it is very easy to be excited. In addition, Frank is an ordinary person. After eating the food in the restaurant, the feeling of power expansion is more significant, and the excitement is even higher. The ground bounced twice, and when it landed, it slammed on the ground, and the whole person burst out like a sharp arrow off the string.

"It's fast! And it's not my limit ..."

Frank watched the scene of rapid retreat on both sides, his voice became more excited and his voice became louder.

And with Frank's excitement, his speed increased again, running towards Hell's Kitchen at a faster speed.

It is extremely easy for Frank to walk through the wall and move through the wall, so Frank did n’t spend much time in Hell's Kitchen.

Standing on the roof of a small three-story building, Frank looked stubbornly and looked at a small two-story building directly in front of him.

There was no light on the second floor, and it was completely dark. The gap around the small iron door on the first floor revealed a ray of light, and a tattooed head and nose were standing in front of the door.

"What gangster is here? Forgot your name? Forget it, it doesn't matter, I will practice your hands today."

Frank said drunkenly, and then a leap of faith jumped downstairs and fell straight on the smoking tattooed man. A tattoo of Tarzan sent the tattooed man to hell.

Frank got up swaying, opened the door swaying into the room, and stared at the gangsters with blurry eyes.

"The punishment begins."

"Where's the drunk ..."

A tattooed man stood up, pulled out a pistol, and walked towards Frank while talking, but before he finished, Frank's shaking body shuddered.

嘭 ——!

With a muffled sound, the tattooed man flew out of the box and hit the wall of the house behind him, then slowly slipped and collapsed to the ground.

"Fuck! How dare you do it!"

"Copy the guy, do him!"

The others roared, took guns and fired at Frank.

"Bang bang ..."