Dimensional Restaurant in Marvel

Chapter 187: Discuss the solution to Hella's problem

A fifty-five percent off 200 million is 110 million.

The injection of a large amount of money has increased the progress of the funds required to start the next world, and the time has been drastically reduced.

At the current rate, it would take five days to reach 100% progress without any surprises.

In other words, five days later, it's time to venture into another world and collect ingredients.

Mu Qiu scratched his head and turned to look at Hella who was drinking.

‘Before leaving, take care of Hella. ’

Mu Qiu secretly said, but in the final analysis, how to actually operate, Mu Qiu was confused.

Mu Qiu's IQ is good, but his emotional quotient is not high, so asking him to persuade others may be counterproductive.

"I don't have a high EQ, but I can ask someone with high EQ and who can flicker!"

Dimensional restaurant is connected to all walks of life, and there is no shortage of talents when there is nothing missing.

I recalled the diners in the restaurant and found that there were many people who could speak the word, and they could be divided into juvenile group, youth group, middle-aged group and elderly group.

The representative of the young group is Naruto, the representative of the young group is Bo Feng Shui Men, the representative of the middle-aged group is Zi Ye, and the representative of the senior group is Hei Jue ...

Wait, the representative characters all seem to be ninjas! !!

Forget it, that's not important, what's important is that they can talk.

Especially Hei Jue, Hei Jue's ability and acting skills have been trained for thousands of years and can stand the test.

In addition to them, there are many candidates who will flicker. At that time, they will go to battle in turn, find Hella to chat, talk to each other.

At noon, guests came to the restaurant for dinner.

Mu Qiu used one of the newly acquired abilities in the morning to communicate with her mind and contact the guests who can speak the word, and asked them to fumble to Hella to resolve the knot in her heart.

The process of picking up flickers is omitted.

Speaking of the results, the entire army was wiped out.

The first attempt to solve Hella's problem failed.

In the afternoon, Mu Qiu took Haila to find Thor and Rocky, but learned that Thor, Rocky and Tony slipped together.

Hella, who failed to become a younger brother, was upset.

Mu Qiu was also very unhappy because he failed to become Tony.

Call Nick Fury and ask him to help find Tony's place.

Mu Qiu then returned to the restaurant and started making super cakes.


At this time, a black and white off-road vehicle was galloping on the road to New Mexico.

In the back seat, Rocky was drowsy against the window, his body shaking with the bumps of the vehicle.

In the front seat of the car, Tony drove. Thor was eating potato chips and looking out the window.

Endless yellow land, overgrown with weeds, scattered trees, warm and dry climate.

Fortunately, there was air conditioning in the car, otherwise Thor was sweating.

"Tony, where are we going?" Thor looked away and asked suddenly.

"Go to the charming wonderland ... probably." Tony said casually.

"Then how long do we stay there?" Thor continued.

Tony said earnestly, "Wait until boss Mu loses his breath, and he won't hit me again ..."

Upon hearing that, Thor looked up at the roof of the car, and muttered in a low voice, "The ghost knows when Boss Mu will lose his breath!"

Tony was silent, he couldn't answer that.

When a person is out of breath, he can't even determine for himself.

In the silence, the off-road vehicle entered the New Mexico area, Tony slowed down, and he was a bit tired after long driving. He regretted not listening to Jarvis' suggestion and choosing an autonomous vehicle.

After driving for a distance, I met a hotel. Tony said nothing, stopped directly and decided to stay overnight.


In the evening, the super cake is finished.

It is more than 100 meters high, and a cake like a pillar stands in the center of Baiyuzhuang commercial district.

Romain saw the super big cake, almost staring out of his eyes, using space magic to pack up the big cake, and returned to the residence to taste slowly.

Mu Qiu, who completed one thing, poured himself a cup of cool white water, drank the glass of water, and breathed comfortably.

Before waiting for his rest, Nick Fury called and told Mu Qiu about Tony.

After investigation by SHIELD, Tony's whereabouts appeared on the highway many times. According to their current route, their destination has the following possibilities .........

Mu Qiu heard Nick Fury read a lot of state names that he was not familiar with, and finally decided to send a shadow avatar to go through all possible.

Anyway, I have space and flight capabilities, and it doesn't take much time to go back and forth.

The shadow avatar set off, arrived at the destination at midnight on the same day, and released a mental investigation. After confirming that they did not have Tony, their shadow avatar was lifted, and the relevant memories appeared directly in Mu Qiu's brain, saving time.

Mu Qiu, who has received five shadows in tandem with no gain, finally gains in the sixth.

Shadow No. 6 was found in a small town in New Mexico, and Odin was found.

Although not to discover the three Tony, but at least it is a gain.


What did Odin go to New Mexico?

Mu Qiu had a little doubt in his heart, and the old man didn't come to work with me to find a solution to Hella's problem. Why go to New Mexico?

Be a cowboy?

How many years old cowboy?

"I have to drag him back to lightnovelpub.net ~ I can't help me deal with his daughter's problems, but he is playing everywhere."

"I'll die imbalanced then ..."

Using the power of space gems, Mu Qiu appeared in that small town instantly.

Mu Qiu raised her right hand and looked at the space gem inlaid on the yin and yang of the back of the hand. "It's easy to use, and it's much faster than opening the space door."

Putting down his hands, he flew into the air, Mu Qiu followed the memory of the shadow, and looked somewhere.

The white-bearded Odin held the connector in both hands, and his thumb was not pressed against the screen.

You don't have to spend brain cells to think about what Odin is doing.

Needless to say, it is definitely playing games.

Quietly behind Odin, Mu Qiu looked at the screen of the connector. Before he could see the picture on the screen, he heard two voices coming out.

"Pentakill !!!"

"Victory !!"

The golden victory sign flooded the screen, Mu Qiu's pupils were slightly lost.

In his 5V5 battle game, it looks like he hasn't gotten five kills ...

"Mr. Mu, why are you here?"

Odin's inquiry called back Mu Qiu's god.

Eyes refocused, floating in the air, Mu Qiu's eyes turned to look down.

Looking at Odin sitting on the bench, he said lightly, "Looking for you!"

"Look for me?" Odin pointed at himself with a finger, startled.

"That's right, I'm just looking for you." Mu Qiu nodded in affirmation. "I'm going to talk to you about Hella. That's your daughter. Give me a little heart."

"I don't have much use for it!" Odin was helpless. "Every time I go to talk to her, she looks like I am cutting me."

"Then you don't care?"

"Have you! Hey!"
