Disaster Artist

Chapter 1258: All beings 0 state

"Ah! I'm so irritated, what's going on with the director? #星除之城定件"

"No...director! Please, go online sooner, I really want to see it sooner! #星球之城定硬"

"Who can tell me what's going on, #星球之城 is set, the director did it on purpose, right? Deliberately to upset our appetite?"

"#星际之城定定, it's over, the biggest expectation of this year is actually set for December, it's so long..."

"Strongly protest! @蓝鲸电影业, why can't it be released earlier? I'm just counting on the director to survive. #星除之城定件"

"There are still three months from now, and the next period of time should be over, #星球之城定件"

"Am I the only one who is happy? I think the schedule is good. There is a holiday at the end of the year, so I can go to the cinema for the second time, the third time, the fourth time. #星球之城定档"

"Finally! #星球之城定定。 The schedule is not important, the important thing is that the file is set, and then the countdown will start, the biggest expectation of the year."

hustle and bustle.


There was a lot of discussion.

Looking at the social network, there are countless discussions under the hashtag, which once again proves that the popularity of "Starfall City" is just a set-up action, and it has successfully set off a wave of heat. From Lan Xia to Seca, this movie seems to have already Be an important part of September Frenzy.

All kinds of emotions blow out in an all-round way.

At this time, it can be seen that the people who eat melons are still in the top state, and one or two are looking forward to entering the cinema to watch this work as soon as possible.

But, do they really like "The City of Stars Falling" like Lu Qian, do they really like movies? These questions must be put with a question mark.

In other words, although these audiences who enter the cinema because of traffic can bring box office, they may not be able to bring word-of-mouth. On the contrary, they may cause unnecessary word-of-mouth collapse due to the unacceptable type of singing and dancing. In the long run, yes Whether it is good or bad cannot be judged accurately.

You don't even need to wait too long, you can already see the backlash of the traffic at this time, because the movie's fixed file failed to meet the wishes of netizens, and the negative voices filled with righteous indignation and swearing have risen in an all-round way, such as disdain, anger, contempt, ridicule, etc. Words, everything.

"Unscrupulous merchants, Lu Qian deliberately tantalizes his appetite. #星球之城定件"

"#星球之城定件。 It seems that Lan Xia and Seka are both commercial bragging, because they don't have confidence in the quality, so they dare not release it early?"

"Lu Qian is the most disgusting thing in the world, and he deliberately whets his appetite. #星球之城定位"

"What's so great about a song and dance movie, I don't watch it, it doesn't matter to me when it's scheduled. #星球之城定位"

"Lu Qian must feel that the whole world has to chase after him, and deliberately set the file so late, #星除之城定定, but let me tell you, what about the Golden Kite Award, it’s not that I haven’t seen a good movie, waiting for your movie When it was released, I would definitely yell at you until your father couldn’t recognize it.”

"#星球之城定位. The face of the businessman has been exposed. It’s really disgusting. He keeps saying that it’s for the movie and for the dream, but the result is that he doesn’t want the movie to sell money. I hate this kind of falsehood and establishment. Jimei people , protest with me, #refuse to watchStarfall City”….

"Knowing the audience's expectations, so malicious hunger marketing, what is the difference between Blue Whale Films and those coquettish women? In the final analysis, they are the same breed. #星除之城定硬"

You don't even need to wait until the movie is released, just because the movie's release schedule doesn't meet expectations, the black fans have already shown their claws and claws—

However, this is the Internet age, those anonymous people hiding behind the screens of mobile phones and computers, unscrupulously showing their ugliest, most ferocious and darkest side, the traffic topics that are refreshed every three minutes and every five minutes, and all negative emotions fully released.

Maybe it's a good thing to wait a little longer.

Looking at it from another perspective, "waiting" itself is a test and a screening. After eliminating the traffic that blindly follows the trend, the audience who is really interested is left. For a song and dance

It is indeed a good thing for a film, for a Golden Kite Award-winning work, and for a work that requires patience and precipitation.

And then-

Blue Whale Pictures announced that "The Woman Who Left" has been finalized, and it will be screened simultaneously in Echo and theaters in a pioneering and innovative way.

Actually, thinking about it seriously, this move by Blue Whale Films is very clever.

Audiences who like "The Woman Who Left" and are willing to buy tickets to enter the theater have a certain threshold. Like Lu Qian, or like the audience of the film festival, they hope to enjoy these works on the big screen of the cinema. Important supporters of screen light and shadow art.

"The Woman Who Left" chose streaming media and theaters to be released simultaneously. At this time, a topic was raised for each audience:

Are they still willing to travel long distances to watch movies in theaters? Or choose a more relaxed and convenient way to watch movies at home?

Regardless of the outcome, "The Woman Who Left" has nothing to lose. After all, even if the movie hits theaters, it won't do very well.

What really needs to be worried is not the film crew, not the film production company, but the theater chain—

It's not even an independent theater or art theater like the dome theater.

For theater chains, although they would not have screened works like "The Woman Who Left", "The Woman Who Left" is just the beginning.

If people gradually get used to the way of watching movies through streaming media, the flow of viewers who are willing to go to theaters to watch movies will inevitably decline sharply. At that time, the entire industry chain of theaters will be affected, and it may even affect those commercial movies, further affecting interests of film companies.

It is precisely because of this that the large theater chains have vaguely sensed the crisis.

The mountain rain is about to come and the wind is all over the building.

But the point is that everything is brand new, everything is unfamiliar, lacking experience and lacking knowledge, only elites selected from a million can use their intuition to spy a glimpse of the secret. After all, no one can predict the future, not even a prophet. no.

For most ordinary elites, they can only peek into a part of the pattern, which is far more than ordinary people, but they are still trapped by their own vision and insights, and it will be difficult to see through the context of the whole situation for a while. An intuitive concept that needs to be considered is:

Does streaming media~lightnovelpub.net~ really have such power to break the **** of theaters?

From the current point of view, Blue Whale Films does not have such big ambitions—

"Deadpool" landed in theaters.

"City of Falling Stars" landed in theaters.

In other words, even Blue Whale Films itself, commercial films still belong to the theater chain, and "Starfall City", which just won the Golden Kite Award, also belongs to the theater chain.

Only "The Woman Who Left" is an exception. It may be difficult for such a work to enter the art theaters. Perhaps this is the reason why Blue Whale Pictures chose to put the film in Echo?

Every theater chain and every film company probably has their own plans, and for a while, they will all stand still, maintain a delicate balance, and wait and see what happens.

So, what is the blueprint of Blue Whale Films planning? .

Qiqijia d cat cat

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