Disaster Artist

Chapter 1304: romantic to death

1304 Romance to Death

Disaster Artist Volume 1304 Romance to Death A discussion, when people are talking about "Deadpool", what exactly are they expecting?

The answer is not complicated.

One, is the style. Lu Qian, who takes a slanted sword and finds a new way, how will he shoot superhero movies, and whether the restricted-level positioning allows him to flex his muscles?

Second, it is fighting. Starting from "raid", the type of retro action has been revived in an all-round way, but so far, no one can surpass Lu Qian's talent. The two "raid" works make people deeply feel the film scheduling and editing. The charm of the film shows the different charms of action movies in an all-round way.

"Deadpool" lived up to expectations. From the first second of the movie, the surprise continued.

In a blink of an eye, it has already entered the final moment, so, can Lu Qian continue his usual strength and complete the whole work with "tiger head and leopard tail"?

Act III Armageddon, half done, now there is another half—

Step by step, Deadpool climbed to the top floor and finally met Aja again.

"Double Swords vs Double Axes".

The king meets the king, a decisive battle at the top of the Forbidden City.

Obviously, Aja also came prepared, made all preparations, cleverly used Sasha to distract Deadpool, and seized the opportunity to gain the upper hand.

Hard bridge and hard horse, real knife and real gun, strong collision—

Lu Qian, still the same Lu Qian.

The decisive battle between Aja and Deadpool is absolutely wonderful; and unlike the "Raid" series, this fight is not comparable at the professional level. It is not so much a professional fight as it is a street fight, and the moves are obviously more scattered. Messier, but more intense.

Life for life, frontal tough.

Deadpool, with self-healing ability, can heal quickly even if injured.

Aja, without pain perception, can't feel the pain of the body at all.

A move is fatal, a move sees blood.

At this time, on the screen, the plasma bursts, and it is no longer flowers, but a large amount of plasma, which is swayed wantonly like free money, and is laid out gorgeously and ostentatiously, like splashed ink; The moment when the blood plasma blooms interprets a sense of beauty.

On the one hand, Deadpool needs to save Sasha, and he has two purposes.

On the other hand, Aja didn't care about it, and even became more excited when he felt the **** smell, and seemed to enjoy the thrill of blood splashing very much.

After going back and forth, Aja gained the upper hand.

Aja then plunges the dagger into Deadpool's temple at the cost of the body piercing.


A bunch of blood flowers spurted out.

Deadpool, staggering and crashing down.

Aja, however, looked down at the steel bars in his body, showing a bright smile and an expression of enjoyment. There was no evil or cruelty, just pure enjoyment. That face stretched out like melting ice and snow, but It made people shudder, and even licked their lips.

That handsome face showed a kind of innocent evil.

In the screening hall, there was a low voice.

Unexpectedly, at the critical moment, Sasha escaped from the vacuum cabin, seized the moment when Aja was stunned, and stabbed Deadpool's long knife from behind, severely wounding Aja; Hammer down.

Then, the three of them fell to the ground at the same time.

Deadpool and Sasha looked at each other deeply, the romantic melody sounded, and a cartoon animal image emerged from the corner, an ugly and cute unicorn.

The unicorn got into Sasha's arms, and then licked Sasha's lower jaw; a rabbit and an otter sneaked out of Sasha's hair to peek, but both of them covered their eyes because of the unicorn's movement. The cute action immediately made the audience let out a melting exclamation.

Deadpool, stood up reluctantly, gestured to Sasha with both hands, expressing love, those cartoon images seemed to be the love that Deadpool could not say:

A heart, a blown kiss, an action of inserting the index finger of the left hand into the round hole formed by the thumb and index finger of the right hand... It belongs to the expressions of adults.


Sasha didn't buy it at all, and cursed in slow motion, "Bastard..."

All the romantic melodies are stuck, and the meandering pink bubbles and cute cartoon characters are punctured one by one. As they slowly disappear, and the romantic soundtrack gradually subsides, the color of the picture also gradually fades away. The gorgeous shots finally turned into black and white.

Deadpool's head seemed to be full of disappointment, and it drooped to the ground. He couldn't see his expression because of the mask, and he couldn't be sure whether the face was still alive. Then, he fell into a world of black and white without sound or color. There was no life, everything fell into calm.

Zhang Zhen: Stay.

Audience: Stay.

The entire projection hall of Xia Qiao Cinema was dumbfounded.

what happened?

Is it really necessary for a commercial movie, a superhero movie, to switch from color to black and white?

Although the fight under the shadow of the ruins just now was also black and white, the integration of that scene was very natural, and the golden sunlight never disappeared.

And now?

Everything, over?

So, is this the end of this superhero movie?

But soon, Zhang Yan understood the director's intention:

Destruction is coming.

Aja stood up again, kicked Sasha away, and then aimed an ax at Deadpool's neck, everything seemed to be on the verge of ending.

At the same time, Angel Ash strangled Colossus' neck with a steel cable, almost cutting off Colossus' neck. The villain's victory is not far away.

Everything, on the verge of destruction, is about to end.

The tragedy and tragedy revealed by the black-and-white images make all the spoofs and jokes of the movie disappear, and it seems that you can really feel the end of life.

At the same time, it is also the end of love~lightnovelpub.net~Deadpool, watching the direction where Sasha disappeared, the unicorn withered and dissipated little by little.

There is no life.

No need for sound or color, just like the picture of a silent black and white movie season, but it overflows the sadness and despair little by little, showing a sad emotion that is completely different from the banter throughout the whole movie, intertwined with bitterness and tears His emotions filled his chest in an instant.

Seriously, sometimes, the core of comedy is tragedy—

At the beginning of the story, Deadpool and Sasha, two broken souls, approached cautiously, looking for a trace of warmth in each other's arms.

Perhaps, the moment they touched each other, it was destined to be a tragedy.

Laughing and laughing, tears welled up in his eyes.


The best and most touching part of the movie is that it is good at dreaming and making people believe that miracles still exist when life does not appear.

Obviously, the story is not over yet.

At the moment when his life was hanging by a thread, the scarred and **** Sonic Warhead crawled out of the ruins, and in a rage, he used the ultimate trick——

The whole person stored energy to the extreme, and then released it instantly, creating the effect of a nuclear bomb.

Mushroom clouds, billowing air waves.

The black-and-white picture entered the slow-motion playback mode, without sound or color, and the entire auditorium of Xia Qiao Cinema fell into a long silence.

Destruction, apocalypse, and collapse were unfolding in front of my eyes, and the accumulated emotions roared in my mind for a long time.

The heart, briefly, stopped beating.

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