Disaster Artist

Chapter 1308: thunder storm

1308 Thunderstorm

The Disaster Artist, Vol. 1308, Thunderstorms and Storms.


The audience applauded thunderously.

The mighty turbulent sound swept through the audience, and the entire Xiaqiao Theater was shivering in the storm, and the roof almost couldn't bear it.




In the line of sight, looking around, everyone stood up, and the blackness spread bustlingly, filling every corner of the projection hall.

It is excitement, it is excitement, it is jumping; it is joy, it is happiness, it is joy... It is a simple and pure emotion, filling the whole chest——

A bowl of hot soup after rain, a bite of cake after exercise, a vacation after exhausting work, a daze in a summer afternoon, etc., life is always full of such small, subtle, trivial moments , to iron out the wrinkles of the mood, and lightly light up the happiness of the whole day.

The same is true for a movie that makes people laugh and forget their troubles in the cinema.

Sometimes, it may be an art movie, which makes you sleepy; sometimes, it may be a super bad movie, and you can't help yelling; Sometimes, it may be a vulgar comedy, disgusting but laughing at the same time.

There is no need to add constraints to yourself, like certain movies or hate certain movies, forget those labels, and simply enjoy the moments of light and shadow.

In recent years, superhero movies have become an objective part of the market, so that "superhero" itself has become a label—

Likes and dislikes become an indicator for dividing camps.

But in fact, a movie is a movie, and liking a superhero movie doesn’t mean it’s vulgar; moreover, liking this superhero movie doesn’t mean liking all superhero movies; You can't like art movies.

In fact, superhero movies are also movies, and in countless superhero movies, there are successes and failures.

To be precise, the "League of Knights" four years ago is still the only superhero movie that has been well-received and popular, and has written a series of records.

Until now, people can still remember the noise and excitement of the national carnival after the "League of Knights" was released, which is indeed a rare event.

Outside of "League of Knights," however, no superhero movie has ever gotten such special treatment, and it's slowly starting to go downhill.

Not only Streamer Pictures, but Magic Pictures is also facing difficulties. The entire industry is discussing "how superhero movies should move forward."

Over the past four years, superhero movies have followed one after another, both good and bad. In addition to Magic Pictures and Streamer Pictures, other film companies have also come on stage, constantly trying to change and explore, trying to get a share of the superhero movie field , catch the ride of the trend of the times.

After all, it is always easier to follow suit and imitate than to pioneer and innovate.


"Deadpool" appeared.

Of course, from the very beginning, people have been full of curiosity about "Deadpool", not so much anticipation as curiosity, whether it is Lu Qian or restricted level, these factors have established the attitude of "not taking the usual path" early on, Grasp people's attention firmly, and explore new areas like an adventure.

despite this!

People still underestimate the energy of "Deadpool". No one thought that Lu Qian would completely destroy all fixed impressions and stereotypes in such a slanted but wonderful way, injecting new vitality into superhero movies. Show a completely different face.




Applause, just like this full detonation -

This should be the first superhero movie to receive such a noble treatment since "League of Knights".

"Deadpool" lived up to expectations. To be precise, it not only met the super high expectations, but even further broke the expectations, bringing surprises in an all-round way.

It's rare, it's really too rare, especially at a time when superhero movies have fallen into aesthetic fatigue.


Calm down, think about it again, but it's not that surprising—

Sure enough, Lu Qian is still Lu Qian.

This is not the first time that Lu Qian's movie has won applause in the cinema. The frenzy of "Raid 2" at the beginning of the year is still vivid in my memory, and the audience also stood up at that time.

This is not the first time that Lu Qian has broken the rules and injected new vitality into genre films. This is already the case with "Unfriending" who started Lu Qian's directorial career.

If someone tries to regulate Lu Qian's unconstrained style with routines, routines, and frameworks, it is doomed to fail, because Lu Qian will always shine more brightly.

Clap clap!

Boom boom boom!

Thunder, storm.

The tide of applause in the Xiaqiao theater lasted for three minutes, one wave after another, one wave higher than the other, releasing energy continuously.

Even so, the frenzy surging in the chest still could not be fully released, and it continued until the party after the movie.

"Wow...the director is really...wow!"

"...The head is almost about to explode, and the scalp is so numb."

"Unexpectedly, I couldn't think of it without breaking my head. Now I finally understand why people always say that a director is a director..."

"It's funny and beautiful, romantic and heroic, what more can you ask for?"

"Please allow me to speak boldly. I think it is only twice as good-looking as the 'League of Knights'."

"I feel that I have watched all the superhero movies in vain before, and I really knelt down."

"Sorry ~lightnovelpub.net~ I'm reminiscing, I think this is not a comedy, but a tragedy wrapped in a comedy, suddenly a little sad."

"I've already laughed out my abs, don't believe me, look?"

Finally, after the show ended, the people who left Xia Qiao Theater neatly and orderly converged into a river, winding and flowing, but they could clearly feel the waves blooming.

The endless discussions in my ears continued to surge, those sighs, those praises, those smiles, without any embellishments, but all came from the heart.

The movie is over, but the storm in my head has just begun.

"I thought the fight on the viaduct in the opening chapter was good enough and couldn't be surpassed, but the fight scene in the final battle directly made me orgasm."

"Decisive battle, right, right, decisive battle, from flowers to ink battles to black and white pictures, one after another, the heart can't bear it."

"I have to admit that I didn't understand it. It's not that I didn't understand the plot, but that the director buried too many easter eggs in the movie. I suspect that there are easter eggs in every frame. Those details are all hidden in the lens. Let's see if we can see it, the director is really too tough."

"Ah, I want to do it twice, three times, four times, and five times. I can't wait! When the movie will be fully released, I really can't wait."

"To be honest, my only dissatisfaction is that the jokes are too dense, and I really can't laugh. If the jokes are looser, the viewing experience should be better."

Everyone: ...

His face was full of astonishment, and he didn't know how to respond for a while.

— I’ve only heard of people who don’t have enough laughs, but it’s the first time I’ve heard of people who hate too many jokes. Is this some kind of reverse operation? Previous Chapter Contents Bookmarks Next Chapter