Disaster Artist

Chapter 338: comedy routine

"You describe a grand blueprint for me, but here I don't see the soul and the future."

In a word, the breathing of the four people in front of them was cut off in an instant, and they held their breath in unison, and the panic in their eyes could not be concealed.

Lu Qian went on to explain, "What Li Lang just told me is very good, very good, we all know how sitcoms create laughs, obviously you create a lot of laughs by breaking the exchange of class identities , that's really the key to comedy, and it's the reason your projects are on our radar."

"But?" Li Lang was a little impatient, "I know there is a 'but' behind this."

"Li Lang!" Li Ji scolded.

But Li Lang couldn't settle down, because he inquired about the situation of the other three projects, and the more he knew that they were facing fierce competition, not only did he not calm down, but he became more and more irritable.

Li Lang glanced at his father, but couldn't wait to speak.

"However, he thinks the comedy is too old-fashioned and too sharp, and no one likes to see a middle-class degenerate comedy, because the main viewers of the TV series may find it offensive."

"But these jokes are not trendy enough, not fashionable enough and not advanced enough, they can't stand out among countless comedies, they can't win the love of young audiences, and they can't win the interest of young white-collar workers, so advertisers will not buy it. There's no need to make it."

Li Lang was a little excited, and his words just lost control.

"How many times have we heard words like this? But but but, **** but! We've been rejected countless times! Countless times!"

The atmosphere was very embarrassing, and even the brothers Feng Li and Feng Lei noticed Li Lang's loss of control.

That's it, they exposed all their weaknesses to the eyes of their competitors like this——

Li Lang, who has always been the most stable, positive, and calm, was unable to control his emotions after all. He carried too many negative emotions in the other three people, and always maintained hope and expectations, but it was precisely because the expectations were too high that he Feeling so much competition tonight, out of balance, and then...

The accumulated emotions exploded at the most inappropriate moment.

Li Ji thought he would despair, but he didn't. He glanced at Lu Qian immediately.

As expected, Lu Qian was neither angry nor embarrassed, but stood beside him politely, waiting patiently for all Li Lang's emotions to come out.

Li Ji recalled the rumors in the industry. After Lu Qian left the streamer film industry, he was suppressed, and the release of "Unfriend" and "Raid" faced many difficulties, but Lu Qian did not disarm and surrender. Maybe Lu Qian can understand their situation and mood.

Until Li Lang calmed down, the atmosphere was a little stiff, and the smile at the corner of Lu Qian's mouth rose slightly.


He said, the smile in his eyes flickered slightly.

"I do have a 'but', but this 'but' may be slightly different."

All four of them slowly looked towards Lu Qian.

"What I mean is that the comedies on the market are actually sitcoms, which are basically the same. They set a background, set up a group of characters, and then create laughter through the collision between these characters, but the plot and laughter are lacking in novelty. That's why comedy has been slowly going downhill."

It is also the reason why major TV stations and production companies have rejected "Schmidt Bay". There is nothing new in terms of the way the jokes are set, and the quality of the jokes lacks breakthroughs, and may not even be comparable to the current TV stations. A sitcom that plays.

"So, what's the difference between 'Schmidt's Bay' and other sitcoms?"

"I think the most special thing about 'Schmidt's Bay' is that it creates a special group of characters who go bankrupt overnight and then go from rich to poor and have to live in the middle of nowhere, but the show doesn't satisfy here."

"If it was any other comedy, they might have focused on using these characters to struggle with dilemmas, hilarious conflicts in the face of poverty, and conflicts with other people living in poverty to create laughs."

Strictly speaking, classic sitcoms such as "The Big Bang Theory", "Bankrupt Girl", "How I Met Your Mother", "Friends" and so on are all in this pattern:

Set up a group of characters, and then create laughter through the collision of the characters. All these works have also achieved excellent results and high popularity.

But after 30 years of development, if comedy wants to continue such a successful model, it will naturally not work when the joke model is basically familiar to the audience.

The common shortcoming of these comedies is that they cannot see the end of the story, because comedies are different from dramas, and comedy characters often do not have an arc of growth. They need to stick to the character design. Once the character design is broken, the comedy effects and routines will not come out.

That is to say, none of these characters in the comedy will grow - at least it is difficult, so in the later stage, once there is no way to find new ideas for the jokes, the series may also reach a dead end, and then face the dilemma of an unfinished end.

"But, you didn't."

"As you can see from the story of the first season, you consciously set the change and growth of these four characters, they need to adapt to the environment, they need to change and they need to learn constantly~lightnovelpub.net~ Even slowly change their view of this The view of the world and life, that's the hardest part of the show."

The growth and change are told in a comedy way. Perhaps in this case, it is difficult for the drama to be long-term. After a certain length of production, the ending can be seen, because the characters have already completed the transformation, and the story naturally does not need to continue; but so The narrative method can inject a sense of substitution into the comedy, allowing the audience to grow up with the characters and learn the truth of life.

In short, this is the reason why Lu Qian likes this series the most, even if the series cannot be produced in the long run, it doesn't matter.

"But the regret is that your creative concept on this point is not clear, and you just buried some clues, and you can't really connect them to form a main line. This is what I hope to see you can make changes."

It is undoubtedly a bold and novel idea to use the arc of characters as the narrative main line to connect the sitcoms. At least no sitcom has dared to do so so far——

Even if you try it, it's just a small taste, and it's not really integrated into the story.

Li Ji looked at Lu Qian in front of him, and his heart twitched. If he was not mistaken, Lu Qian gave the most opinions on "Schmidt Bay". Does this mean that they have dominated the competition among the four groups? A little bit of a head start?

After all, if he's not interested at all, Lu Qian doesn't need to spend so much effort and talk to communicate with them, right? And the opinion is so clear and so clear that it gets to the heart of the matter like a scalpel.

Thinking of this, Li Ji's heartbeat accelerated uncontrollably.