Disaster Artist

Chapter 481: test water temperature

Latest URL: "Gone Lover"?

Why did the name of this project appear in the meeting between Wei Shengxin and Lu Qian? So not a superhero series project but "Gone Lover"?

Yu Shao's news inquired, there was a deviation?

Even if there is a deviation, it is not surprising. After all, these information are confidential documents discussed within the streamer film industry, and even if the news leaks, it may not be all.

Between the lights and flints, Lu Qiang thought a hundred times, and then thought of a possibility.

Perhaps, it is a fact that Shi Wenxun is choosing a suitable director for a superhero movie; it is also a fact that Shi Wenxun appointed Lu Qian and hoped that Lu Qian would join.

However, the internal disagreement of the streamer film industry is also a fact.

In any case, Lu Qian is an abandoned general of the streamer film industry. It is shameful to look back for cooperation at this time, and it is also a key project of the streamer film industry for the next ten years. It is equivalent to handing over his lifeline to the enemy. Things they need to consider , is not that simple.

In addition to the dissenting voices, there should also be differences or hesitations in the agreeing voices.

So, they need a test, or a buffer zone, and then the "disappearing lover" comes along.

Streamer Pictures has been persuading Dong Ruixian, who holds the copyright of the adaptation, to cooperate with them, but Dong Ruixian is still stubbornly waiting for Lu Qian.

Originally, the project cooperation negotiation was deadlocked for a time, but now there is a turning point.

Suppose, Liuguang Films convinced Lu Qian to cooperate, and then they filmed "Gone Lover". On the one hand, they could see Lu Qian's ability; on the other hand, they could test the market trend and industry reputation.

If it is successful, then slowly discuss Shi Wenxun's proposal and explore the possibility of cooperation in depth.

It's easier to fail, and the loss of a "Gone Lover" is easier to accept.

The most important thing is that "Disappearing Lover" was originally a project that Streamer Films was pursuing, and now it can complete a number of different tasks smoothly.

Lu Qian's guess is basically correct, but some of the details are still biased:

For example, the water test project was a compromise proposed by Shi Wenxun. For example, Dong Ruixian did not know all of this. For example, there were quite a few voices in the streamer film industry who opposed such a circuitous proposal.

and so on.

But on the whole, in the general direction, this is indeed the case.

Lu Qian doesn't know whether his guess is correct for the time being. He still needs to further verify with Yu Shao, but even if his guess is correct, Lu Qian has another concern:

Can Streamer Films really be able to remain objective?

It can be seen from the cooperation of "Quick Pursuit" and "Human Removal Plan" that the cooperation of large-scale projects is often mixed with too many interests and too many opinions. Disagreement between directors can cause too much damage.

Assuming that Lu Qian and Liuguang Pictures have cooperated, if it is a superhero project, I am afraid that those finger-pointing and gossip are unavoidable, but at least because it is a large-scale project, you may be cautious every time you interfere - and at the same time more More serious, because once something goes wrong, you need a scapegoat, and Lu Qian is probably the perfect choice for the scapegoat.

Smaller projects like "Gone Girl", however, may be more casual, with producers and directors having more power and more personal constraints on each other.

Are the opponents headed by Qi Yunguang willing to shut up? Will they allow Lu Qian creative freedom? Will they influence their opinion of Lu Qian because of their personal bias? Will they interfere directly or covertly? Or will they spoil a project to prevent Lu Qian from joining the superhero project?

Taking a step back, are the goals and intentions clear enough for the production of "Gone Lover" by Streamer Films? Can you agree with Lu Qian in terms of creative thinking?

The problem is far from that simple. From Wei Shengxin's debut, it can be seen that the streamer film industry is still high, and they should still think:

It is an honor for Lu Qian to be willing to give Lu Qian a chance.

Between a breath and a breath, there were too many thoughts that quickly passed through Lu Qian's mind, and they filled his entire brain in a turbulent way, but he quickly cleared his mind and calmed down.

Smile, climbed to the corner of the mouth.

"I thought it was Miss Ruixi Dong's project."

Lu Qian did not answer the question obediently, but instead asked a question.

Wei Shengxin was also very cunning and said paradoxically.

"Obviously we have the same interests and goals, so why not work together?"

For some unknown reason, I thought that Dong Ruixian and Liuguang Films had decided to cooperate, and then only Lu Qian's opinion was left. As long as Lu Qian nodded, the cooperation could be reached.

Such misleading details can easily change the direction of the entire negotiation. It has to be said that Wei Shengxin does have two brushes.

But Lu Qian was not fooled and said with a smile.

"Interest? Maybe; but goal? I'm not sure."

Wei Shengxin was a little surprised.

Lu Qian added, "I can't even tell if Miss Dong Ruixian likes my reinterpretation of the original work, why do I need to include third-party opinions now? Obviously, we are interested in the same project, but it does not mean that we The interpretation of this project is the same.”

Wei Shengxin seized the words, "We respect Director Lu Qian's ideas. Like Miss Dong Ruixian, it is precisely because we like Director Lu Qian's style and talent that we hope to have the opportunity to work together."

He again tied Dong Ruixian and Liuguang Films together as the subject, as if Liuguang Films and Dong Ruixian had reached a cooperation agreement.

Lu Qian and Dong Ruixian have never been in contact, and Yu Shao didn't expect today's turning point, so he really couldn't be sure what the current situation was.

However, Lu Qian remained vigilant against Wei Shengxin, his thoughts moved quickly, and he said in an anti-guest manner.

"It's better to let Mr. Wei talk about your current planning and conception of the 'disappearing lover'."

Wei Shengxin hesitated for a moment. He originally wanted to hear Lu Qian's thoughts, but after thinking about it, Liuguang Pictures actually didn't care about Lu Qian's script, because they just took "disappearing lover" as a test.

Then, as Party A, they make demands, which is normal.

So Wei Shengxin spoke up.

"Obviously~lightnovelpub.net~ This is a story full of suspense and twists. We expect director Lu Qian to create a suspenseful thriller like 'Unfriending', allowing the audience to follow the characters into that dark world."

"When the ending is reversed, it can make the whole movie theater exclaim."

So, do you just hope that the movie can magnify the conflicts and turns in the original book as much as possible?

The focus is not on marriage, but on the heroine, the seemingly crazy but cold-blooded villain, to create a classic femme fatale image.

Not surprisingly, a big company like Streamer Pictures always wants the popcorn effect to be stronger.

To a certain extent, Lu Qian admits this. This is true for both "Unfriend" and "Raid", and his adaptation of the script did not give up the entertainment effect; but I am afraid that they are fundamentally different in terms of where they end up.

Lu Qian had a hunch that Liuguang Pictures would not like the script he adapted.