Disaster Artist

Chapter 552: Inspiration collision

"What do you want?"

Lin Hanzhou curled up into a ball slightly restrained, sitting on a chair, staring at his computer screen, but not looking directly at the front camera, so his eyes did not intersect with Lu Qian, he turned his head paranoidly, over and over again. Repeat your own question.

Lu Qian was the first to apologize.

"Sorry, Hanzhou, I was just talking about something and didn't hear your question, can you say it again?"

But Lin Hanzhou was still paranoid repeating the same sentence.

"What do you want?"

Lu Qian couldn't help laughing and laughing. After a whole day of busy and tight work, he had to deal with such a situation. He also had to admit that he was a little tired.

For face-to-face conversations, Lu Qian can also adjust their positions to ensure their eye contact, as if the fingers of an "alien ET" collide, creating a connection; but now separated by a computer screen, the difficulty of communication is doubled. , and must find a new way.

However, Lu Qian still took a deep breath.

"Hanzhou, can you repeat the question again?"

"What do you want?"

"...I need to see the samples."

"What do you want?"

Facing Lin Hanzhou, who was almost like a malfunctioning robot, Lu Qian was really dumbfounded. He didn't worry this time, but thought about it seriously.

"I wanted to tell Hanzhou to formally apologize for just ignoring you. I should have focused on my work, but I didn't, which is obviously not good."

A very formal apology and patiently waiting for Lin Hanzhou's response.

"...Well, it doesn't matter."

Lin Hanzhou showed a shy smile, nodded lightly, and then turned his head slightly. Although he was still facing the computer screen sideways, his eyes finally entered the camera.

"What do you want?"

It was still the same question, just when Lu Qian was stuck in one breath, Lin Hanzhou continued to talk.

"What editing style do you want?"

"Speed ​​up or slow down?"

"We have been speeding up the editing speed during the 'raid' before, and during the 'tourist', we tried to slow down the editing speed to create a sense of peeking and detachment."

"And this time? What do you want?"

I see.

In fact, from the start of the crew to the present, there are still many problems in the communication between Lu Qian and the post-production team, because the early stage is the running-in stage of setting the tone, and new cooperation and new methods also need to adapt to time, and the rework rate is very high, which also makes both parties working hours have been extended.

Tonight, too.

The scene shot in the morning, for Wang Si, was a scene to show the audience's mentality, show the edges and corners, and show the arc of the characters, so Lu Qian put forward more requirements.

In the end, Lin Hanzhou raised such a question.

"slow down……"

Lu Qian replied conditioned reflexively, but his voice was slowly drawn out, his thoughts were turbulent, and he thought seriously for a moment.

"Hanzhou, to be precise, I need to shift gears."

"When the camera is aimed at Wang Si, I need to slow down as much as possible, slower than the 'tourist', to create the effect of slowly approaching, slowly immersing, slowly diving, and slowly drowning. The whole feeling of sinking is very important, except Outside of the camera, the editing level also needs to emphasize the feeling of the perspective from top to bottom.”

"When the camera is aimed at Ai Qing, I need to go fast and slow, between 'tourist' and 'raid', more of a parallel state of spinning in circles, creating a sense of dizzy chaos, I hope The audience feels Ai Qing from far and near, and then they feel unpredictable, but they need to be secretive and buried in the camera as secretly as possible."

"Remember, we can't show off this time, everything needs to be silently integrated into the narrative."

Because of Lin Hanzhou's question, Lu Qian's thoughts gradually became clear.

Then, Lu Qian thought of one thing:

In this morning's scene, Chen Mu used a "inch strength" focusing technique in order to achieve the effect of highlighting Wang Si's expression. Although it was very concealed and the effect was very good, for the integrity of the work, it was A little abrupt, more or less broke his expectations.

Maybe, they should cut that shot out and use a slow-advance shot.

For a while, neither of them spoke, Lu Qian was thinking, and so was Lin Hanzhou.

Lin Hanzhou raised his chin slightly, looked up at the sky, and then thought for a while, and then slowly spoke the picture in his mind.

"You mean, the two protagonists are immersed in the bottom of the lake, Wang Si is inevitably sinking slowly, and Ai Qing is always spinning around Wang Si, is that the feeling?"


Lin Hanzhou accurately described the idea in Lu Qian's mind, vivid and vivid.

"Yes, Hanzhou, that's it."

Because Ai Qing was hesitating, at first, she tried to destroy Wang Si; then, she quietly witnessed Wang Si's "demise"; finally, she began to consider whether she should save Wang Si.

Therefore, the state of the two actors is different, and the narrative rhythm integrated into the camera is also different, just like breathing.

Lin Hanzhou thought about it again.

"However, in this case, you can't do it just by editing."

"Photography and lighting also need to cooperate, especially if you don't allow the editing to be too fancy, without the assistance of other conditions, this can't be done."

"Are you thinking too much? I tell you, my mother said, if you are too greedy, you may trip yourself."

Lin Hanzhou is indeed Lin Hanzhou, so honest, it is estimated that he is the only person in the entire crew who dares to refute and criticize Lu Qian like this.

Lu Qian was not angry, but laughed happily.

"Hanzhou, I think it can be done."

"Remember? It's not just you and me on the crew, there are many, many others."

"As you said, we need the cooperation of photography, lighting, sound and other aspects..."

Gradually, Lu Qian and Lin Hanzhou entered the stage of formal negotiation of work, and the conversation became smoother, and Lin Hanzhou could not feel the difficulty of communication at all.

Then, the team of Tangta Visual Effects Studio also joined in to understand Lu Qian's conception of film style and character context from a global perspective~lightnovelpub.net~ and then go into details to understand Lu Qian's requirements for pictures and aesthetic style , and finally they put forward their own ideas and opinions.

Words and words collided in this way, occasionally fierce, occasionally warm, occasionally arrogant, and occasionally happy, the passage of time was all left behind, and it was already late into the night before you knew it.

The only certainty is that the meeting successfully reached a consensus. When the two sides cut off the video call, the goal was determined, and the next step was the implementation stage.

At that time, the post-production team worked hard to transform all the ideas in Lu Qian's mind into reality.

In this room, Lu Qian led the filming team to orderly start filming.

Because "Love" chose to be produced synchronously in the later stage, in order to ensure the smoothness of the entire narrative, the crew filmed according to the final timeline of the movie——

That is to say, the filming is not done according to the actual sequence of events, but according to the timeline of the script.

In the first half, Zhang Benqing focused more on his body; in the second half, Pei Chenglin's scenes appeared one after another.