Disaster Artist

Chapter 609: Return to Lanchuan

"Disaster Artist(

There is no doubt that Blue Whale Pictures is proud of the spring breeze, and everything is going smoothly. It seems that Liuguang Pictures and Yunxiang Entertainment have not moved for a long time. The company is filled with confidence and ambition, which is expanding little by little. .

Even if I repeatedly remind myself to maintain a normal mind, it is still inevitable to be complacent. Pride grows silently and slowly. Once desire blinds the eyes and greed controls the brain, things will soon go off track, and it will be too late when you wait to realize it.

It is precisely because of this that everyone says that Vanity Fair is a big dye vat.

However, Ji Xu did not.

He still misses the simplicity and purity of the past, he is still happy because of a little mischief, and he still hasn't forgotten his friendship with Lu Qian.

This is a good thing for Blue Whale Pictures, after all, Ji Xu is the captain of Blue Whale Pictures.

Looking at Ji Xu, who was carefully calculating in front of him, even though he had already exposed himself, he was completely unaware. Compared with the time he was in college, it cannot be said that it is very similar, but that it is exactly the same.

A smile appeared in Lu Qian's eyes, but he quickly concealed it, as if he didn't notice Ji Xu's abacus at all, and said with a very serious expression.

"Student Ji, be careful. Vanity Fair is full of colors. If you don't pay attention, you may lose your way. Don't be too greedy. Desire is a chasm that cannot be filled."

Ji Xu was speechless for a while, and quickly cleaned up his mischievous thoughts, "Be careful, don't pretend to be an eminent monk at a young age, or you will be easily struck by lightning."

Ha ha.

Lu Qian didn't mind either, he laughed wildly, the spring was bright and his mood was bright, and it seemed that the fatigue of the recent period had also eased a lot.

Ji Xu glanced at Lu Qian in disgust, but in the end she couldn't hold back, and the corners of her mouth rose.

Maybe, other people might get carried away and arrogant, standing on the top of the world, so that they forget their original intentions, and gradually they lose their way, but Ji Xu knows that Lu Qian will not.

Even if he and Xiu Zhongjun could be like this, Lu Qian couldn't, just like the blue whale who sang tirelessly.

Ji Xu didn't know why, but he just had such confidence.

Quietly, the "Raid 2" crew disbanded on the spot, and then Lu Qian and his party returned to Lanchuan, without disturbing anyone, not even the reporters.

This is really an interesting thing -

On the social network, the news of the completion of "Raid 2" was abuzz, there were countless discussions, and the hustle and bustle of scorching eyes once again focused on Lu Qian.

However, in reality, after the reporters and paparazzi who evacuated from Bundang disappeared, no one paid attention to Lu Qian's movements, so that Lu Qian's arrival in Lanchuan failed to attract any attention.

The funniest thing is that only half a month ago, when "The Lover" was finished, the filming studio was blocked, and Lu Qian finally diverted his attention through Jin Chan's escape plan; as a result, all shooting of "Raid 2" has ended. Work, but no one cares, the stark contrast is really exaggerated.

This is the nature of the Internet age. People follow a small group of people through social networks, and then they will have the illusion that "the object of their attention is the whole world", as if what they see in front of their eyes is the whole truth, but withdraw After the network, breaking barriers, and entering reality, you will suddenly find:

Real life is not like that.

Those noisy, turbulent, and surging, like a mirage, so real and so illusory, they clearly exist objectively, but they cannot find any traces in the world outside the Internet, so that it is impossible to distinguish the true from the false.

So what is real? How should reality be defined?

It is precisely because of this that the generation that has grown up with smartphones and social networks is increasingly difficult to adapt to the dislocation and gap between virtual and reality, and is increasingly reliant on the Internet, games and other virtual worlds. severe.

For Lu Qian, it was no exception.

But the difference is that he touched the darkness and saw the light again, and then won a new opportunity to start, which he cherished very much.

The brain is more awake, the will is firmer, and the thinking is purer, firmly grasping the ray of light of the dream of the movie, and devotes it wholeheartedly.

Then, it ran all the way to the present.

He doesn't know what the future holds, whether he will be lost, confused or timid, whether he will forget, blindly obey or compromise, but at least now, he is still running wildly over the vast Gobi, chasing the sun, just like a fool.

He raised his head and looked at the clear baby blue above his head, the strands of clouds stretched out like smoke and mist, and the golden sunlight passed through it, blooming with blooming halos, the whole world seemed so far away, But it seems so close, you can reach out and touch the sky.

In the late autumn of Lanchuan, you can still feel the refreshing breath of summer, but the dry air makes you want to go to the grass or forest to embrace the autumn colors, quietly enjoy the last warmth before winter comes, and lazily bathe in the sun. Inside, flip through two pages of a book that you haven't read for a long time, pretending that you have already read it.

From a distance, Lu Qian saw the outline of the studio again.

He thought that after a year’s absence and revisiting the old place, he would feel unfamiliar and fresh~lightnovelpub.net~ After all, a TV studio and a movie are two different things; but in fact, the kind of familiarity and kindness, but It's easy to make smiles rise, as if returning to hometown.

The slight difference is that today's studio looks a bit deserted——

"Tomson has something to say" took into account the grand occasion of the last time the program was recorded, and also worried about the inquiries from peers and the containment of reporters, so the whole process was kept secret, but it was only released to the public:

Today's program will invite three social network influencers to record a special program.

Internet celebrity?

The reporters shook their heads again and again, lamenting the power of traffic, and even the industry leaders at the level of "Tomson has something to say" had to extend an olive branch to the traffic.

The strong rise of traffic, along with the dailyization of social networks, has penetrated into people's daily life step by step. The so-called "Internet celebrities" have also won more and more topics, and slowly entered the TV station from the Internet, and even became a major talk. Part of a show or a TV series, and this has been the case for two or three years.

In the age of "entertainment to death", this is not surprising or surprising, after all, social networking has become part of the life of the younger generation.

But at the same time, it must be admitted that the update speed of network traffic is really too fast. Yesterday's hot spots have been ignored today. The so-called "Internet celebrities", lacking the support of works, can bring very limited entertainment effects. It's also always been a debate whether TV shows should stick more to their own colors, fleetingly.

As far as news media are concerned, they do not reject it, but they do not welcome it either. The "shelf life" of traffic is too short. If they follow one by one, they will not be able to keep up with the refresh rate.

Therefore, at this time, seeing "Tomson has something to say" and finally taking this step, the feelings of the reporters are a bit mixed, but they are not surprised at all.