Disaster Artist

Chapter 661: standard ending

"Lanchuan Perspective", 100 points, "Incomparable! Unbelievable! Full of praise!"

"Screen", 100%, "A story so cold, so cruel, so dramatic, but presented in such a light, so dark and so humorous way, the shocking thunder effect didn't start to reverberate until after watching the movie, without any No doubt, this is a work that takes one's breath away."

"Premiere", 100 points, "Lu Qian is so bold, so ostentatious, yet so wise and so calm—he believes in the audience's IQ, and also believes in the audience's aesthetics of 'movie sense', and presents such a story in an elegant and sharp way. Presented, it's hard to believe it's just one movie, because it's like watching four movies, and yet they fit together so seamlessly that you don't want to miss any of them."

"Film Club", 100 points, "Hats off! Standing ovation! Lu Qian took the risk of choosing Zhang Benqing and Pei Chenglin as the protagonists of this work, and used his own flawless inspiration to create such a work, 'Lover' proves shows how a top-notch director turned the impossible into a perfect misplacement."

"Spotlight", 100 points, "It's hard to imagine that I'm going to say this, but Lu Qian once again showed his mastery and proved that he is definitely not a fleeting meteor. This is a work worthy of entering the cinema, and it is A work worth watching repeatedly. From 'tourist' to 'lover', Lu Qian knows what he is doing."

"Entertainment Weekly", 100 points, "Lu Qian made a black comedy, and it was brilliant - this is not news, but Lu Qian made a black comedy that is both serious and entertaining and detonates brainstorming. Deserves a standing ovation. Audience, get your popcorn ready."

Full marks, full marks, still full marks.

Even in the midst of rave reviews, the full score is still very frightening, showing the strength of the movie with a destructive attitude.

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Among them, "Lanchuan Perspective" put forward a very interesting point of view. They believed that Lu Qian was bolder and more presumptuous than in the "tourist" period, and even "provoked" the audience many times in the "lover" scene. , both Ai Qing and Wang Si are provoking the moral bottom line of mainstream society.

"However, instead of feeling the repulsion and disgust of heartburn, there is a kind of guilty pleasure."

In the film review, "Lanchuan Perspective" believes that Lu Qian did this on purpose, as if he could see Lu Qian's sly smile hiding behind the camera.

Perhaps, "Lanchuan Perspective" has revealed a secret: why so many people don't like "lover" more than "tourist"—

It is precisely because of Lu Qian's "smart and cunning", but he did not hide it.

As a result, a small group of high-ranking film critics felt that they had been insulted and attacked, and Lu Qian's "condescending and arrogant" face hurt them.

"Independent Movie", Fifty Cents, "When watching a movie, we can even see Lu Qian's proud face hidden behind the characters and the script, but the cruel reality is that there is a gap between small cleverness and great wisdom. Insurmountable, a film like this can never be called a masterpiece."

"Movie Circle", Fifty Points, "It seems smart but stupid, the exploration of the psychological level of the 'tourist', until the loss of the 'lover', Lu Qian very cleverly hides the waves of the psychological level in sharp editing and The camera moves, but still can't hide the psychological thriller's degeneration to the level of physical stimulation-those plasma, those goo, prove that this movie is just bad popcorn."

"Times", Fifty Points, "From the perspective of film production, 'Lover' has made a huge splash, and Lu Qian has once again proved that he can be an excellent suspense/thriller director; but from the perspective of the film itself, 'Lover' seems to have a dazzling and ups and downs plot, but it doesn't show a psychological impact at all. Compared with 'Tourist', it is a huge step backward."

Embarrassed, sorry, yelling.

In the mid-term review, you can see a series of sharp comments, criticizing mercilessly, with fierce words and clear views, which are obviously not bad reviews but are more deafening than bad reviews.

These comments have punctured a key—

In "Tourist", the collisions at the physical level are all paving the way for the transition at the psychological level. Every conversation and every conflict can see the flow of emotion and psychology.

But in "The Lover", there are too many transitions, too much drama, and too much gossip, which largely conceals the psychological waves.

Lu Qian has already realized this, accurately and neatly grasped the transformation arc of the two characters, and presented it through the performance of two scenes, but still could not resist the "dramatic" destruction, and finally Lu Qian used the physical level to cover up the psychological weakness—

Run, cut throat, hammer, faint, clash...

The existence of these "actions" are all superficial procedures to show psychological transformation through actions, because the stronger the visual and auditory impact, the easier it is for the audience to immerse themselves in the sensory experience, thus ignoring the resonance at the psychological level. Involved in the image storm.

Therefore, the interpretation space of "lover" is far inferior to that of "tourist".

This is a setback.

I have to admit that the film critics are still professional after all. To put it bluntly, to see the essence through the phenomenon, accurately analyze and grasp Lu Qian's careful thoughts in the creative process, after all, they still cannot hide it from them.

When Blue Whale Films read these comments, they expressed concern. Will this affect the film's subsequent promotion?

Qu Yushi looked very calm, to be precise, a little bit dumbfounded.

"Have you forgotten? The director said that this movie was originally released as a commercial work. We gave up the screening and went directly to the public screening stage because of the commercial nature of 'Lover'."

In other words, Lu Qian knew this clearly and did not shy away from it. If film critics think that such criticism can hit Lu Qian, then they are too naive.

Not to mention, don't ignore the fact that—

Even though the complaints are so violent~lightnovelpub.net~, the film critics still gave "medium reviews" instead of "bad reviews", which also proves that they still affirm Lu Qian's work deep in their hearts.

As a commercial film, these "criticisms" are actually a kind of affirmation to some extent, because "Lover" is not as profound as "Tourist", instead, it is more entertaining and attractive to the general public. The power is naturally higher.

This is a good thing.

Looking at the other good reviews, it is clear at a glance. After all, there are only ten in the middle review, and the others are full of praise.

Since Lu Qian was born, swiping the screen with "good reviews" seems to have become a habit. It is because of this that Lu Qian's rise is so fast, but seeing the "standard ending" again is still amazing. A young director is currently in the midst of a creative blowout in his career.

"Lover" may be an attempt to collide business and art, and it is also something that Lu Qian has never tried before, and this step seems to be quite successful...?

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