Disaster Artist

Chapter 776: villain charm

, Disaster Artist

In Lu Qian's original time and space, when people mention classic superhero movies, "Batman: The Dark Knight" will definitely occupy a place.

Likewise, when people mention the classic villains in superhero movies, Heath Ledger's version of the Joker must not be forgotten.

In the movie "Batman: The Dark Knight", the role of the Joker is very typical:

There is no ins and outs, no story background, and no tragic life experience of "both parents died since childhood, wandering and tortured" as a supplement.

Simple. purely.

The ultimate evil, the ultimate madness, the ultimate unrestrainedness, and at the same time, the ultimate romance, which eventually evolved into a kind of extreme darkness.

The purity of the Joker makes him above human nature, playing with Batman and a group of righteous people, which is the most terrifying.

But that's exactly what happened, so the clown broke free from all shackles and became an unrestrained and lawless existence. Naturally, he has a unique charm that is timid but exciting.

Now, the clown has become Lu Qian's template for creating Aja.

Of course, Lu Qian's ambitions are not that big, because of the overall size of "Deadpool", Aja will definitely not be able to be as reckless and maddening as the clown, and the story size and character thickness are far from reaching that height.

But the clown can indeed bring some inspiration——

Ajia, is evil and crazy.

He can "deceive" normal people for experiments without any psychological burden, and torture them for a long time, and he is indifferent when surrounded by screams and hatred day and night.

Even some enjoy it.

Ajia, she is flamboyant and cold-blooded.

In his eyes, life has no value, so he doesn't care about Wade being disfigured, and naturally he doesn't care about Wade's relentless revenge and pursuit.

Even, he did not have any special purpose in conducting those experiments, he just enjoyed seeing the fear and struggle behind those distorted faces.

In a way, Aja enjoys pain and blood.

As for Aja's background story, he was temporarily invisible. The whole conspiracy and intrigue in the blueprint of the mutant team's universe was temporarily forgotten, and it was completely focused on Aja.

Therefore, Lu Qian needs such an actor——

His eyes are very clear, even a kind of innocent romance. The first impression of his appearance is innocence, just like the protagonist of "A Clockwork Orange".

He doesn't know what it means to kill and die, and he commits heinous crimes with an innocent face.

At the same time, his smile is very crazy and very evil, with a kind of wanton and flamboyant chic, one smile and one look can subvert all impressions.

In fact, he knew, he knew everything, he knew what these **** things represented, but he was not afraid and completely enjoyed it.

"Judging people by their appearance".

This is a stereotype, but Lu Qian is now trying to use this stereotype to break the audience's expectations and give Aja a unique charm.

In the script that Lions Pictures submitted to Lu Qian, Ajia was basically a tool man——

He's in charge of transforming Wade, he's in charge of being Wade's target, he's in charge of creating the conflict of Armageddon.

Although he can be seen in every key plot, his existence is no different from a screw, basically it is where it needs to be plugged, because there is no personal edge and color.

The final result is that no matter how much the plot depends on him, he has nothing to do with the story.

What's the meaning?

To put it simply, there is no problem if it's not Ajia. If you just put another cat and dog in it, the whole story will not be affected.

The narrative focus of the script all falls on Deadpool, and the mouth cannons and complaints play a new trick, so that at the end of the movie is like a barrage video, with its own complaints function, but the promotion of love and the creation of contradictions are like It's child's play, and it doesn't bring any emotional impact.

Lu Qian has already made changes to the role of Sasha, and Ajia is no exception.

In a sense, the choice of Renault to play Wade and Li Jianan to play Salsa are all in the same line, and now Wei Dongmang is no exception.

Wei Dongmang's performance in "Simple Child" is very spiritual, a little weird, a little awkward, a little stiff, but vivid.

Wei Dongmang himself has an aura of indifference and alienation, but micro-expressions can inject more color into the character.

The rest depends on how Lu Qian trains and captures Wei Dongmang's performance.

However, all of these are just Lu Qian's own ideas and speculations. He needs to sit down and talk with Wei Dongmang face to face before he can confirm his ideas.

So, there is today's audition.

Everything was deliberately arranged by Lu Qian, and Wei Dongmang's performance made Lu Qian very satisfied.

Looking at Wei Dongmang, who was a little moved, a little flustered, but dumbfounded, there was a smile in Lu Qian's eyes.

"I have a good friend who has Asperger's syndrome."

"In your performance, I can see his shadow and give me a chance to open up the world of Asperger's syndrome, so I have always been very impressed."

"If there is a chance in the future, I would like to introduce you to each other. I think you should be able to become good friends."

It is really difficult for Wei Dongmang to describe exactly how he feels:

A little moved, a little happy, a little excited, a little nervous.

He felt like he was about to collapse.

Wei Dongmang nodded blankly, "I...I thought it was because of your second brother...No, no, I mean, I didn't expect the director to have seen 'Simple Child'...Thank you, thank you very much."

Wei Dongmang pursed his lips tightly, trying his best to control his emotions, but his slightly trembling pupils could clearly feel his movement.

"Simple Child" is such a movie~lightnovelpub.net~ It is very good, even excellent, but because of the lack of promotion and distribution by major film companies, it has not been able to make it into theaters or even film festivals. not much.

So after going around in circles, it fell silent.

Later, because of the release of movie discs, it was circulated among real movie lovers, and word of mouth gradually accumulated, which was more and more recognized.

The road to independent films still has a long way to go, and there are still many, many such films waiting to be discovered——

This is also the reason why Lu Qian unswervingly promotes the streaming media platform, not to keep up with the times, but to gain a place for independent films in a way that conforms to the trend of the times, and even walk in the forefront of traditional large film companies. Many filmmakers can get a chance.

Ling Xiao was also a little moved, but he was still more nervous.

"Dongmang, the audition is not over yet, we should go back to the audition..."

Ling Xiao looked at Lu Qian's wink, and kept sending Wei Dongmang signals that the business was not over yet.

Lu Qian laughed lightly, and was about to say something, just at this moment—

Hula la.

A wave of air rushed towards my face, and before I even saw the figure, I already felt the turbulent air flow, and then the sound of footsteps rushing forward came to the table, and a tall and straight figure covered the table. , broke into the corner of sight with a rushing attitude.
