Disaster Artist

Chapter 925: mise-en-scène

Deadpool, soaring into the air, flipping 360 degrees in the air, sniping with precision—

one shot.

two shots.

Two crisp gunshots broke the calm.

Of course, Wei Dongmang could see Wia clearly, obviously Renault did not have the ability to get rid of gravity and fly in the air, but this did not affect Wei Dongmang's immersion and concentration at all.

It was his turn.




The motorcycle started, Aja attacked, and the camera followed Aja step by step, moving around, and locked on the oblique rear position of the motorcycle.

The dragon and snake wandered away.

Ride the wind and waves.

The sound of the hunting wind, the rising clouds, and the sound of machine gun fire were like fireworks blooming, colliding with a series of sparks, and billowing gunpowder filled the air.

Aja, go ahead.

left side.

Leaning to the right.


The high-speed rotating tires splashed a hazy water mist, covering Aja like smoke, and the thin golden sunlight spun and jumped between the water droplets, forming a gorgeous halo in series, following the hurricane flow of the motorcycle In turn, the whole world was plunged into a mess.


The engine roared, and he made a sharp turn again, bypassing the overturned vehicle, and the water mist dragged out a long tail.

Camera, pause!

At this moment, the boom camera braked urgently, controlled the forward trend, and watched the motorcycle continue to move forward.

The tight space that keeps pace with each other is pulled apart in an instant.



Water mist, air, sunlight, and colors, like opening a gate to release a flood, fill the gap between the camera and the motorcycle turbulently, and you can even clearly see the appearance of water droplets blooming.


The motorcycle did not stop. Aja stretched out his left foot as a fulcrum to swing the tail of the motorcycle out, raised the machine gun slung on his shoulder with his left hand, turned around, and faced the dead man hidden behind the overturned vehicle. Waiter, start shooting.


Da da da!

Da da!

Total Annihilation.

Sparks fly!

The camera, grasping the gap where the motorcycle released the accelerator, slightly reduced the speed, and started to shoot, moved forward quickly again, and the space opened was narrowed again.

With every breath, the camera came to Aja's side again, but this time, the camera didn't stop, and a sharp turn drifted, drawing a full boomerang parabola, bypassing Aja's helmet, a hundred Looking back at eighty degrees—

Then, after crossing Aja's helmet, Deadpool, who was rolling and dodging in a row, appeared in the camera.

Go around!

One turn!

In the shot, the far end is armed forces and the fleeing crowd, the middle end is Deadpool, and the near end is Aja, three points and one line, but slightly staggered.

Immediately afterwards, Aja, who finished shooting, stepped on the accelerator again, and chased towards the camera. Just when the distance between the two was about to shorten, the speed of the boom camera was raised to a higher level—

From a distance, it seems that the camera was pulled out of control by the strong centrifugal force, and was thrown out directly, forming a full arc of 360 degrees, even if Aja tried his best, he couldn't catch up.

Finally, the camera freezes on the central axis:

Aja, Deadpool, and troops are displayed again from near to far.

Aja, turning around and flicking his tail, propped one foot on the ground, looked coldly at the bewildered Deadpool, and then tilted his head left and right.


The joints rattled.

Aja, who was covered in a black leather suit, couldn't see his expression or figure, like a bottomless lake.

However, one can still feel the joy and excitement emanating from his body from the inside out.

Inside the black helmet, Wei Dongmang's expression is very focused and serious—

Carefully, he looked at the Deadpool in front of him.

Although the camera couldn't see his expression at all, Wei Dongmang was still fully engaged, his eyes seemed to be observing the unbeatable Xiaoqiang.

Indifferent, objective, calm.

If I had to describe it, it would be like I was studying the "mathematical formula", carefully recalling the strafing I just did, why didn't I hit it?

Is there a problem with the angle and line? Or is it that the gravity acceleration of the motorcycle's tail flick is not included in the calculation? Or some other reason?

Wei Dongmang's brain, like a computer, is calculating.

People always say that the eyes are the windows of the soul, and those truths and secrets cannot be hidden in the eyes; but in fact, it is more than just the eyes?

The emotions conveyed by body language are far more real than facial expressions. Those subtle and trivial unnoticed body movements are a kind of language.

From the inside out, Aja conveyed a kind of indifference—

The icy coldness of ignoring life is like ten thousand years of ice.

No smiles, no cruelty, no banter, no enjoyment, no torture, nothing, just a piece of unfathomable coldness, the more focused, the more objective and calm, the more indifferent, like falling into an ice cellar, with a slight chill Filled with air, drilled into the blood vessels along the pores.

The problem is-

Aja, I didn't want to understand.

So what should I do?

On the viaduct, the wind is blowing, but the black leather jacket and black helmet are completely motionless, forming a dynamic and static contrast with the flying sand and dust around.

Time and space, there is a short freeze frame, and emotions overflow from the camera.

Pause for a moment.

From the description, the pause of the camera seems to be very long, but in fact it is just two seconds. Then, the camera is pulled out further along the full arc again, moving from the right side of the coming to the left side of the loop, along the left side Orbit, fast forward.

Hoo hoo.

Step by step, the camera approached Aja's position, and just when they were about to form a parallel gaze, Aja also moved—

Since one shot doesn't work, then do it again, if it still doesn't work twice, then do it three or four times, and after a few more experiments, you will be able to get the result.

isn't it?

Aja's body leaned forward slightly, with some anticipation and excitement.

Then, restart the motorcycle, rush towards Deadpool's position, and accelerate forward.

One after the other, the camera and Aja formed a counterpoint again.


Buzz buzz!

The engine roars!

The sound gradually climbed and hit the eardrums, like a stormy sea.

Deadpool's scolding voice could be heard from a distance, "Fuck you meow!"

Accompanied by swearing, Deadpool also raised his pistol, pointed at the motorcycle, and started shooting, while the countdown continued—

"Ten!" One shot.

"Nine!" Another shot.

chug chug!

chug chug!

Aja did not show any weakness, and started shooting at Deadpool, and the two desperadoes fought desperately like this, sparks of bullets and metal collisions bloomed everywhere in the air.


dislocation! dislocation! All misplaced!

Whether it's Aja or Deadpool, both of their marksmanship seems to be inaccurate~lightnovelpub.net~ The continuous shooting failed to hit the target, and they all disappeared into the air.

The stubbornness of both of them came up, and the actions of pulling the trigger followed suit.

"Eight!" Another shot.


In a blink of an eye, Aja had passed Deadpool's position and walked away.

chug chug!

The two people passed by each other, only the sound of gunshots still surged in the air, and the passing figure did not stop at all, and they missed it before they could blink.

So, what about the camera?

The camera stopped at the location of the overturned vehicle, allowing Aja to gradually drift away in the lens until it disappeared, and the focus of the lens shifted from Aja to Deadpool.

Quietly, the whole venue was dispatched, and it was laid out in a smooth and smooth manner.

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