Disease Name Immortal

Chapter 1: a person without disease

"My name is Jiang Bingshu. I'm 20 years old and unmarried. I worked in a breakfast restaurant in the lung area of ​​Xingcheng. I go to bed at four in the morning and wake up at seven in the morning, and I never sleep more than four hours a day."

The huge electronic screen suddenly lit up, and there was light in the dark room. The young man on the screen was introducing himself.

"In every tired night, I will choose to exercise vigorously to make myself overworked as much as possible."

"Before going to bed, you must drink a glass of expired milk to stimulate the stomach, and then stand upside down for 20 minutes to keep the brain in a congested state."

"I will hold back my urine, let yesterday's waste materials stay in my body all night, and wait until a new morning or even noon to excrete them. Pathologists say that I am courting death."

The environment on the screen is an interview room whose decoration style is mainly gray and white.

The interviewer in a suit looked rather decadent. He sat across the table from the interviewer in the plaid shirt.

Outside the floor-to-ceiling windows behind him, there is a scene of chaos in the lung area of ​​Sick City.

The interviewee at the other end of the table, with a handsome face but sunken eyes and messy hair, seems to be troubled by insomnia.

The sitting postures of both parties are very casual.

The interviewer looked at the other side and already had a result in his heart.

He had some sympathy for the interviewee in front of him:

"Well, your living habits are pretty good, but we're sorry..."

On the other hand, Jiang Bingshu's improper sitting posture does not mean that he does not take this job seriously. Even if it's just interviewing for a basic position.

On the contrary, he attached great importance to this opportunity, so he interrupted the interviewer directly:

"Not only that, I eat very irregularly and like to overeat. I eat a pig in three bites, and the self-service shop owner beats me every time he sees me."

"I also play games all night long, with my body hooked and my head lowered. My waist and neck have been in a bent state for a long time. The pathogenic doctor said that if I continue to do this, I may suffer from sympathetic cervical vertebrae. sick."

He seemed to be able to name a lot of unhealthy habits, but was blocked by the interviewer's sentence:

"But you're not sick. I'm very sorry. You don't meet the company's hiring standards."

Jiang Bingshu's eyes were filled with strange excitement, and he stated his advantages with the speed of a cannonball:

"Although I am not sick yet, I will work harder than the sick. I can brush the toilet brighter than your wife's bald head after chemotherapy, and drag the floor until it is as slippery as your greasy face."

This offensive metaphor did not make the interviewer angry. The other party even showed the expression of being flattered.

"Look at the sympathetic little look in your eyes when you look at me, imagine if your company breaks the rules and hires a healthy person, and then promotes it, how it will help the corporate image!"

The interviewer still had his trademark fake smile, but due to a long-term illness, his complexion was extremely poor, making him look like a ghost in a horror movie grinning.

Obviously, in order to succeed in the interview, Jiang Bingshu specially put on makeup for himself.

That kind of morbid makeup that reduces the frequency of hand tremors when the canteen aunt is throwing the dishes.

And the interviewer put a layer of powder on his sick face to make his face look as rosy as possible.

But even so, in terms of complexion, the young man on the opposite side looked healthier.

He has interviewed so many people that he can tell at a glance whether a person is seriously ill.

Of course, the most important thing is that the investigation report of the **** disease tree disease incubator shows that he has no long-term medical history. This cannot be faked.

"Mr. Jiang, I'm really sorry. I personally recognize your ability, but the company stipulates that people without two-year medical records will not be hired."

Jiang Bingshu is still smiling. Compared with the interviewer, his smile is very sincere:

"I can accept overtime, I am willing to complete more content with less salary, and take the lead in invoicing."

"When others are trying to rest, I will use moral kidnapping and chicken soup for the soul to let them continue to work, take wolf nature as my human nature, and become a positive example used by the boss to promote good news, and play the role of a model king."

The interviewer sighed softly:

"The company's regulations are like this. Even if you can really wipe the toilet brighter than my wife's bald head after chemotherapy, but... I personally sympathize with you, but I can't be the owner of the company, so you should go back."

The interviewer sorted Jiang Bingshu's resume, stood up and walked towards Jiang Bingshu, patted him on the shoulder:

"May the disease be with us. Let's go to the next house."

At the end of the screen, the camera freezes on Jiang Bingshu's smiling face after failing the interview.

In the cramped room, the electronic screen, as the only light source, took a silhouette of a man and a woman.

Jiang Bingshu's performance in the interview was seen by them, and the man stated:

"This is the target of the rescue mission. Jiang Bingshu, 20 years old, can't find his relatives, only know that he grew up in an orphanage in the lung area."

"The physical state is abnormally healthy, and so is the mental state... Well, it's too optimistic."

"But there is no disease. Half an hour ago, the target entered the disease area."

The man has a bald head and a very thin body. Because of his tall stature, his cheeks are also extremely thin, and he looks like a skeleton in clothes.

Wearing a white hospital gown, he was as pale as a dead man.

On his hand is a ruby ​​ring with the word "horse" engraved on the gem.

"The first few people who entered the haunted house are already dead. This estimate is also..."

The woman who spoke was about eighteen or nineteen years old, and she was also wearing a hospital gown, but the word on her ring was the word "soldier".

The woman's face is delicate, but she doesn't look sick.

It's just that you can faintly see those sarcoma-like bumps that grow on the side of her neck and are covered by the loose hospital gown.

She was a little curious, this rescue even had to watch a video:

"The video seems to show that he is just an ordinary person. Isn't this rescue too ritualistic?"

The man smiled:

"Because he is special."

"Among the people in Sick City, there is no one who doesn't get sick. It's true that most people haven't hatched a disease, but they don't get sick until they are twenty years old. Have you ever seen them?"

"In order to change their own destiny, everyone is eager to be friends with those strange patients. Some women in the service industry who are sick charge 1.7 times the price of healthy women."

Women want to complain very much, do you still know this?

The man continued:

"Even when a man and a woman go on a blind date, they will first ask the other what kind of disease they have, so as to judge what abilities the other party may have. In what position they may work in the future."

"This is even more true in life. Before the disease hatches, how do you practice your body? Now the senior leaders of the four major groups and brain areas have even introduced 'incubation leave'."

"People in the incubation period can enjoy maternity leave. Can you imagine a man and a pregnant woman taking maternity leave together at home?"

"In terms of employment, although all companies understand that being sick and being sick are two different things, even in the most grassroots positions, they will give priority to recruiting sick people, further squeezing the living space of healthy people."

"You should be very clear about what all this shows."

The woman nodded, the world is like this, people who are sick have more human rights than healthy people.

The policies of decision makers in the brain area also tend to be in the direction of "sickness all over the world".

The purpose is to be able to cultivate disease owners as much as possible.

So she gradually reacted:

"The existence of the disease has caused no one to want to get sick. Although the immune function of human beings has become stronger and stronger after the disease era, as long as they want to get sick, they can always get sick."

The man nodded:

"Yes, but the **** sick tree is an exception - he is not sick."

"I have been observing him for a long time since the 'shi' sent the mission. It's not that he doesn't have a disease, or he doesn't have a disease."

"His life and rest are very irregular. His diet, exercise, sleep, and various behavior habits are all very anti-human."

"Ten out of ten people like this will get sick, and even because they are too abnormal, the disease will not hatch."

"Simply put... He tried too hard to get sick. But incubating the disease requires a gentle process."

"But even so, his body does not have any signs of disease. According to the feedback from the orphanage, he has never suffered from a single cold since he was a child."

"Other children were adopted because of their susceptibility to disease, but he was rejected by the people in the hospital because he could never get sick."

"It can be said that **** diseased trees have tried and maintained all the bad lifestyles that can naturally get sick, but in the sick hatchery, his various values ​​are always in the healthy category."

Natural illness, this is a concept only after the disease era.

After people discovered that being sick can incubate the disease, many people naturally thought of "artificially getting sick" through the technology of modern medicine.

But later people discovered that it seemed that the incubation of the disease had some kind of unexplainable judgment—

Those who have traces of "human intervention" cannot incubate the disease.

Even if there is hatching, it is because of other diseases caused by some non-human intervention.

Obviously, the medical manifestations are all infected with the virus, and there is no difference in symptoms between the two, not even in essence.

Only those "naturally ill" who are ill because of their living habits can breed evil spirits.

In addition, there is another data that shows that, except for a very small number of people who can incubate the disease in a seriously ill environment, the vast majority of people can only incubate when the disease is very weak.

Therefore, the sick city has a special institution - the sick incubator.

The main responsibility of the pathogenicist inside is to provide some advice on living habits that can cause people to get sick, and to help patients stabilize their condition. UU Kanshu www.uukanshu.com is controlled in a category suitable for disease incubation.

The man added:

"Medically speaking, the world is not absolutely healthy."

"Health means that the values ​​of the body's blood and even cells and body fluids are within a certain normal range. This normal range is obtained by human beings through continuous observation and comparison. These values ​​have the limitations of the times, and medicine has been revising these values. ."

"And the body of the **** tree..."

The man paused for a moment:

"In the records of the No. 25 Disease Incubator in the Lung District, he is the healthiest in all indicators. It is simply... a state that can only be achieved in an ideal mode."

"In short, he was as healthy as the concept of health itself."

The woman vaguely understood the speciality of this young man, and she had some doubts:

"Why do you seem to know him well? How did he enter the ward?"

"Because he has never been sick, no company is willing to use him, but Shi believes that Jiang Bingshu has certain qualifications and may be able to become our colleague."

The man looked at his watch and said:

"So this is a rescue and an interview. If he enters that haunted house and survives until we rescue him, he will be considered qualified for the interview."

The woman was stunned for a moment, then said angrily:

"Are you an idiot? You let an ordinary person go to that kind of place for an interview?"

If Jiang Bingshu did not enter the haunted house by mistake, but was induced to enter by the organization, then if the other party had an accident, it would not be called accidental death, but murder.

The man did not explain the reason, and looked away from the watch:

"The time is up, you should go to the haunted house. Normally, Jiang Bingshu should be dead, but maybe he will bring surprises."