Disease Name Immortal

Chapter 101: The dark horse in the competition

Half an hour later, one after another, many vehicles began to stop, but the door of the carriage never opened.

Everyone is already parked in the starting position.

As for those who have been eliminated, staff have already begun to enter, ready to take these people out.

Once abstained, and then kill the target, is to pay legal responsibility.

But after entering the area, if the opponent does not abstain and is killed, then everything is reasonable.

This sounds nonsense, but in the sick city of the group, the government, everyone accepts such rules.

Ginger diseased trees are also accepted.

He silently waited for the door to open.

At the same time, the radio in the car starts playing the final rules, or not the rules, but survival advice.

"Once the car is stopped, it cannot move and is not allowed to move. All resources are in the car."

"Cars can dodge a certain degree of rule intrusion."

"You can destroy someone else's car, you can destroy your own car. But once it's night, you can't destroy any vehicle."

"Please stay in the car as much as possible at night, and please don't open the door at will. The chance of death will increase at night."

"The contestants are all human, and everything you see in the intestines is human, there's no doubt about that."

"Finally, materials are not allowed to be hidden in other places, but can only be hidden in the car and carried on the body. After surviving for a specified time, you will become a rising star. And the amount of material storage will be used as the scoring standard. The more materials, the better the score. high."

The rules are over.

Jiang Bingshu now understands, where is the car, this is simply a novice village placed in the intestinal area.

An initial secure stronghold.

The car door has been opened, Jiang Bingshu senses it, and is alert to the surroundings.

At the same time, the brain began to analyze.

"It is not allowed to destroy the car at night... This is a key message, that is to say, as long as it is night, as long as you are determined not to open the door at night, you can be safe all night."

"But the last one seems to be a little too obvious. Why should you emphasize that everything you see is human?"

"There is no silver 300 taels in this place. Could it be that there are still non-human beings here?"

Intestinal area, the hardest hit area of ​​the Thousand Ghosts Night Walk.

Although this area is claimed to be clean to the outside world, everyone feels an inexplicable fear here.

No one can tell if there is anything left.

Outside the car door, the sun was shining, it was noon.

"It's summer now, and it's dark for at least seven or eight hours."

"Since the supplies can only be hidden in the body and in the car, it means that you can only get high scores by searching other people's cars."

"The intention is really sinister, but it is to be eliminated, and it is normal to have a plundering system."

"But I'm the only one left. Trouble, if I leave here, my car will be empty..."

"I look for someone else's car, and even if I find it, I may not be able to plunder them... But if someone else finds my car and I'm not there, the supplies will definitely be emptied."

Jiang Bingshu felt the pain of being alone.

But he doesn't regret it.

His teammates, no matter how you look at it, are people who can't survive the first night.

And until now, it was not known what the lesion rule was.

Jiang Bingshu opened a bag of beef grains in the supplies, took out a bottle of water, and began to eat lunch slowly.

He was hungry, and he had enough energy in the morning. But strangely, Jiang Bingshu remembered that he didn't do anything that consumed his energy.

Although he solved a few of his teammates, it was as simple as breathing.

He was eating and hardly felt any change.

The feeling of hunger is not intensifying, but it is also very slowly disappearing.

Unconsciously, the **** sick tree accelerated the speed of eating.

A person who is as healthy as a **** sick tree, although he does not have the habit of recording data on everything like Xun Feng.

But he is well aware of his bodily functions.

"Not right."

The door opened, which naturally meant that the knockout round had begun.

The rules of the disease naturally began to take effect.

"I'm careless. With disease-derived fluctuations, even if there is no material, a strong physique is enough to last until the later stage."

"But now it seems that one of the rules of disease... is hunger? Or is it more serious, weakening in all aspects?"

"In this way, the importance of materials is indeed very important. If I follow my current food intake, the materials of the eliminated teammates will only be enough for me for three days, but this survival game will obviously last for a long time. time."

Thinking of these things, Jiang Xingshu has already started to eat the second bag of beef grains.

After a while, he began to eat the third bag.

As he ate, he thought about what to do next.

"35-5 is probably also caught off guard by this rule. Of course, he must be like me, and he doesn't regret his choice."

"The current situation is, do I need a teammate?"

"No... No, there must be a way. I can't guard the carriage. In fact, it's a good choice to wait for others to find me and then rob them."

"But my purpose is to get close to Moon Rose's secret weapon."

"If that secret weapon is Liuli, maybe the problem will be much simpler."

"So I can't stick to it, I can only choose to be a predator."

"Then there must be a problem to be solved. What to do with the supplies in the car."

Hunger, or tiredness, is amplified, which is absolutely deadly in the back.

If there is no material, when the hunger reaches a certain level, it is likely to do some extreme things.

Jiang Bingshu touched his chin and tried to recall the rules:

"You can destroy someone else's car, you can destroy your own car. But once it's night, you can't destroy any vehicle."

"And the car can withstand a certain degree of disease regulation. It makes people want to protect the car subconsciously."

"But it was mentioned earlier that you can destroy your own car. This piece of news is probably the strangest."

Why specifically mention that you can destroy your own car.

Jiang Bingshu thought of this and got out of the car. He looked at the huge RV. I have a vague idea:

"If I rob someone's car, am I going to completely destroy it?"

"Probably not. Because there is no need for it."

"But there is bound to be a battle between teams. As a stronghold, the car may also be affected..."

"So I can modify the car... The rules only say you can't move the car, but it doesn't say you can't modify the car."

"Plus, the car doesn't need to be that new."

Jiang Bingshu had an idea in his heart, and soon, he began to act.

When Jiang Bingshu began to set up a stronghold, other teams also began to act.

The intestines eliminated a lot of people, but the remaining people are still the majority.

In these teams, of course, there are real powerhouses.

The four teams of the four major groups, the captains are Liu Li, Huang He, Shan Yuan, and Yang Qilu.

Liuli is the second team, Huanghe is the first team, and Shan Yuan is the seventh team.

Yang Qilu is the sixth team.

This information, Yang Qilu, and even the other three people of the four major groups knew long before they entered the field.

As a master of the Red Cube, Yang Qilu's data collection ability is particularly outstanding.

"That guy Shanape seems to have killed several other teammates."

"I don't expect anything from you. Since you are in my group, it means that you are not bad luck."

"If you want to gain the favor of the Red Cube, don't do stupid things."

Yang Qilu is not a single ape after all, and he doesn't have such a big killing intent.

For these few teammates who might be of no use, he really did not report his expectations.

His computing power is extremely strong, coupled with the "plug-in" of the Red Cube, Yang Qilu already knew the location of all the vehicles.

The bowel area is unfamiliar to most people.

But for Yang Qilu, it was like removing the fog of war.

Tomorrow's son survival selection, for Yang Qilu, is only a prerequisite.

The highlight is the follow-up, the exploration outside the sick city. At that time, he will form a team with Liuli, Shan Yuan, and Huang He to complete the secret mission required by the four major groups.

And Yang Qilu's positioning is the "eye", like a navigator, responsible for providing information to others.

Of course, this does not mean that Yang Qilu's combat ability is not good.

Especially for people who are not from the four major groups, people like Yang Qilu, Huang He, and Shan Yuan... are simply monsters in the true sense.

"Okay, my lord, we all listen to you."

The other three were respectful.

Another person was arranged by Yang Qilu to set up roadblocks on the periphery.

About half an hour later, the man came back.


He was the last member of Yang Qilu's team. As a man, 6-5 is a bit "petite".

Appears to be very short, about 1.5 meters tall.

But he is not young, he seems to be twenty-six or seven years old. Very kind person.

Smile to everyone.

When introducing himself in the car, he showed great respect to everyone.

It is the kind of respect that comes from the heart, so that 6-5 speaks to them with respect.

Yang Qilu's analytical ability is not weaker than that of Xun Feng of the chess organization.

He also has a very strong ability to observe people. When he sees people like 6-5, he will subconsciously think that the other party is hypocritical.

But 6-5 is not.

After observing for a long time, Yang Qilu was surprised to find that this man who called himself Xiaohe was really sincere.

He couldn't read any other emotions in Xiaohe.

"It's all done, my lord, do you need to do anything else?"

"Good job, rest."

Yang Qilu responded coldly.

Unlike several other secret weapons, he has no servants of his own.

But right now, this little crane who respects him very much, he feels pretty good.

"What is your sickness ability?" Yang Qilu asked.

"This... You can't understand. By the way, sir, can I ask you one thing?"

Xiaohe smiled innocently.

Yang Qilu was a little unhappy when the topic was diverted, but he believed in his heart that the other party should respect him very much. So still say:

"What's up?"

"Can you tell me which vehicles are nearby? As long as we know their positions, we can give priority to arming in the corresponding direction."

"You think I didn't think about it? Be smart, since I asked you to go on defense, I have already considered it."

"Oh, you are too powerful, my lord, that is to say, there are other vehicles not far from the directions that you asked me to focus on before?"

"Well, don't worry, I will lead you to plunder, all you have to do is wait patiently for the result."

"Well, by the way, my lord, you are the big man of the Red Cube, so do you know the positions of the big men of the other three groups?"

"do not know."


Xiaohe looked a little disappointed.

"It seems that there is only so much value you can provide."

This sentence was said by Xiaohe with great respect, but in the literal sense, it was obviously very disappointing.

Yang Qilu suddenly became angry and prepared to reprimand Xiaohe.

But suddenly he couldn't move.

A breeze blows.

Lightly, there was a slight pain in the neck.

Very soft.

Yang Qilu's thoughts suddenly stopped.

Immediately afterwards, he saw the blood-red splashes and the swirling picture.

It turns out that the human head can still transmit something when it is separated from the body.

Yang Qilu's head fell to the ground after turning a few times in the air.

His eyes were full of wonder.

All this happened so fast, and the three people around didn't react.

Yang Qilu couldn't believe it until he died.


As the secret weapon of the four major groups, how could he be killed by a servile little person...in an instant?

Is that a hand knife?

How can he be so fast? What about his killing intent? What about his mood swings?

What about the equipment on me? Why didn't one sense murderous intent?

Too many questions flashed in Yang Qilu's mind.

But it was also for a moment, and he had no way to get an answer.

The last emotion when dying is surprise and unwillingness.

After his head fell to the ground, his body also thumped and fell to the ground.

Xiaohe smiled:

"Remember to help me look after my home, don't do things that shouldn't be done, don't ask things that shouldn't be asked, by the way, I'm going to plunder others next."

The other three of the sixth team were terrified.

They still can't believe that the big man of the Red Cube... was killed in an instant.

Xiaohe is actually very clear that it is not difficult for him to kill Yang Qilu, but it will definitely not be so simple.

People in the Red Cube believe too much in data and underestimate people's hearts.

And the secret weapons of the four major groups are all inflated.

So as long as the timing is right, it is not difficult for Xiaohe to kill his opponent.

"You... who are you?"

"Really, I said it all, you just need to listen to me. Don't ask things that shouldn't be asked."

It was the same tone that made people feel cordial and seemed to respect people very much.

But the next second, UU reading www.uukanshu.com questioned 6-3, already dead.

Of the five people, two died, and the remaining 6-2 and 6-4 covered their mouths, not daring to say a word. Frightened eyes.

"Of course, I have the most respect for the dead. Since you really want to know who I am, let me tell you."

Xiaohe said with a smile, and at the same time...

Put on a ring for himself.

The material of the ring is unknown, and a black word is engraved in the center.


At the same time, the radio in the car suddenly issued a notice:

"6-1, death."

Not many people know who 6-1 is, but everyone is shocked at the moment.
