Divine Brilliance

Chapter 109: Thundering bones

The first snow was inexplicable, holding the wooden plates, and hu gazing at the back of the mortal.

"It’s strange! These things, why do they send us to us? Isn’t that Yuanbing Zhai, actually they are the masters of the Cloud City?”

Zong Shou smiled and did not answer. Grab a moiré flying knife and play it in your hand.

The material of this knife is not inferior to the sword of Thunder. On the engraved cloud pattern, you only need a little urging, you can have a mist. The ability to carry the stunned swordsmanship is much stronger than the lobes that he used before.

It is still as thin as a flap, and it is sharper.

However, Zong Shou at the moment, but the mind is not in the knife in his hand, but coldly watching not far away, a pavilion across the street.

This is the stone wall of the city's main government, five feet high, and the large courtyard inside is completely separated from the outside.

On the right side, there is a towering tower that rises above the stone wall. From the distance of a thousand feet, look out from here, faintly visible above, there are two figures.

"Why can it be? People send me these things, naturally, we want us to leave."

The first snow "Ah, a voice, the face of the incomprehensible sè. Only then that person, and finally it is obvious to let them live for a few more days.

It’s just that the person who treats them, it’s really like being a god, it’s extremely unpleasant.

Yin Yang is also yīn with a sullen face.

Zong Shou has narrowed his eyes, like laughing and laughing.

The scenery of a cloud holy city is superior, and it has always been peaceful and nothing, it is the perfect place to enjoy the violence.

This means nothing more than not wanting to get involved in this wind. Once there is anything wrong, then it will be nothing from peace and nothing. Even if the scenery here is no better, no one will come to enjoy the scenery.

He can see it openly, and understand the hardships of the Lord of the Clouds. It is his own, and most of them are treated like this, but the heart is a little uncomfortable.

If you don’t even see each other, it’s too much to rush to catch someone.

Self-deprecating and laughing, Zong Shou no longer went to see the pavilion, and walked back to the door.

In fact, without the city owner's reminder, he is also ready to leave, just two days earlier.

These moiré flying knives and outer bone parts can be used early, which is also a good thing.

Also paying for this calm and comfortable day, it really is impossible to find a quiet place to stay for a long time.

In order to survive in this world, others are ultimately unreliable.

Only the strength of his own swordsmanship is the foundation of his own life.


"Liancheng, this is the dry Tianshan son?" Just above the thousand feet, a five-story building. An old man in Jinpao is looking at the fence.

This person's face is like a jujube, and the look is calm. The muscles of the right arm are knotted, but the left arm is dry. Slightly cursed sè.

From here, I can see the thin teenager across the street outside the stone wall.

"I can detect you and my instincts, but it is a good life! Not like a person who has never practiced martial arts?" "This son, there are some strange things! But I have been watching for several days without knowing the world." There are any signs of martial arts, and it does not seem to have been exercised. If there is a martial art, there are always some clues to be found in the body. But the owner can also see you, this person has no breath, no hún , overflowing from the outside"

The voice came from behind the old man in the robes, and a middle-aged man with wrinkles as if he was a steward was standing down.

A black robe, I can't see any strange things, but when I look up occasionally, it is sharp as an eagle.

The old man frowned. "While this is the case, I always feel a little uneasy. The thundering adults have told me to let me do my best to take care of them and do my best. I have not failed to follow his intentions, but instead The man was driven away, and the housekeeper named Liancheng changed his face. It was also somewhat helpless: "This is not the owner's willingness. It is really the pressure from all parties. The thundering adults have always acted with the xìng, and after the fate of the people to explain the words, they have not appeared for a long time, it is really suspicious.

If I look at it, maybe the thundering adult has long forgotten this matter. This person is in a whirlpool, and the matter involves the game of the Zhuzong in the east. It is said that it is also related to the eight-tailed ancestor of the fox family. It is really that we can intervene in the city of Yuncheng. A waste person with a double vein is also worthy of my city. He has too much responsibility for him and conflicts with those people. Let him leave, is the best way! ”

The old man was hesitant, but after a while, he finally sighed: "I am sorry only to be an adult, but before this person leaves. I still have to see one side and send him a delivery. I am not yù with this person. Relationship, but I don’t want to be enemies. This person is optimistic about the thundering adults, there are always some reasons. You will prepare some gifts later and bring them together..."

Liancheng looked a glimpse, and quickly looked up, but only saw the face of the old man, has calmed down.

The tone of expression is clear and unquestionable. I have to accept the words, no longer to persuade: "The city is obeying! This is arranged, just this ritual specification...

The old man was caught in meditation and did not answer. Liancheng is now a micro-shoulder, directly retreating downstairs. Know the meaning of this old master, no need to be expensive, generally.

Back in the yard, the first snow has calmed down. Although I was indignant before, I can think about it now. After all, it is a place for people.

It’s no surprise, no need to stay here for more than ten days. What else can you not satisfy? It’s always impossible, and people will always shelter themselves from the wind and rain.

Yin Yang is also the same, but it is more calm and calm. Obviously, beforehand, I have already expected a few points: "I heard that the main city of Yuncheng City is a virtual government, and it was once in the early years. It was hot and hot, thirty-five years old. It has already reached the realm of Wuzong, almost unified three thousand miles around the city of Yunsheng. However, after being injured by others, it has been hard to heal, and since then it has converged xìng feelings.

Dredging with water. One heart and one person are good, never complaining. This has been true for decades. The forces are on the rise, and it is said that several times, they are forced to go to the dead, and they dare not fight back. Relying on the friendship with those hidden worlds, they barely kept the city. It seems to be getting worse now."

Zong Shou is a bit amazed. I don’t care if this cloud holy city owner has such a beautiful time. The land of four thousand miles can already span several provinces.

As for the words behind Yin Yang, there are some disapproval. How can the lion's xìng easily converge? The imaginary government is doing this, and most of them are helpless.

However, this person's business has nothing to do with him. And today is too late, I have to wait until tomorrow.

Once again, I sneaked into my room and couldn't help but squint at the hole in the wall.

The hole was not blocked, and the situation of the side of the room was still faintly visible. Zong Shou hurriedly turned his head.

"It doesn't seem to be? Is it from the back door?"

Only suspected that hu stunned for a moment, Zong Shou did not care, and began to assemble those parts.

Before the popular spirit, only tu ǐ. And this set of customizations at the moment is even with his upper arm.

It is also made of the third-order cloud whale bone, but the materials are not the same. One is to take the ribs, the other is from the weight of the cloud whales, flying wings in the air. If you are tough, you will be at least three times stronger.

There are also a lot of thunder marks on the top, and the arms and joints are made of metal, sparkling with cold and cold. Make this set of outer bones stronger.

The same is true for both hands, similar to the claws, and the five fingers can be placed inside. Every finger-sword is sharp and hard, not worthy of thunder.

The rune inscribed on the outside is also embedded in the bone with a material called blood spirit copper, which makes the pattern more ruined and difficult to repair.

Zong Shou huā took half an hour before he installed one. After putting on it, I feel this set of outer bones faintly, echoing with the thunder of my body.

Grabbing out with a fist, the only remaining one of the sandalwood chairs in his room is also smashed.

Zong Shou’s eyes immediately lit up and began to calculate his own strength.

"About 9500 kilograms! Its own strength is about 3,600 kilograms. This set of outer bones provides a full force of 5,900 kilograms. It is close to the strength of the nine-pulse martial artist!"

Zong Shou secretly surprised that the new outer bone he assembled was named Lei. Unlike the popular, the latter is driven by the wind, while the thunder is driven by electric energy.

The two also have a swift special feature, but in this respect, the thundering spirit is far above the prevailing, and can even surpass the clouds.

The combat ability is also not weak, not only the five-finger sword claws, but also the left and right arms, each with a space to hide the sword. Even if the force is enough, it can also induce Lei Li to hurt people.

However, in the past life, this thunder was only a matter of five kilograms.

"Most of the cloud whale bones of this era are not domesticated, wild things, naturally more tough!"

Zong Shouxing ~lightnovelpub.net~ squatting in this room, relying on this bone to try out the boxing method.

It is neither a fertility spring nor a small five-round Ming Wang boxing. But the front is full, ten sword claws, bringing a burst of cold. Fast as a tiger, fierce like a cat.

Just a few moments later, Zong Shou was also interested.

"This outer bone is strong, can be worn on the body, and the punching method can't be as natural and flexible as the human body. If I put on the battle, the combat power will have to drop two layers. No wonder, the past life is tailored except those refiners. The top outer bones, all the strong, will be regarded as one"

Inside the internal view of the 〖body〗, found that today, this half a day down, practiced a sword, a set of boxing.

The essence of the thundering egg that can be ablated is really rare. Only a very small amount is actually absorbed by the fleshy membrane. If you want to break through, it will take at least a few months.

Slightly shaking his head, Zong Shou sat on his chuáng, took out a moiré flying knife and placed it in the palm of his hand.

The right hand is slightly forceful, and this hi-knife will "small, the ground rises, as if it is a spiritual device, hanging over the palm of the Zongshou palm."