Divine Brilliance

Chapter 181: Ground wheel

"Less Lord, what have you done in the end? Let the group of monkeys chase after them?"

Above the wilderness, the car is still running fast. And the first snow is just looking out from the window, and I’m looking at the back.

It has been nearly two thousand miles away from the Narcissus Lake. There are hurricanes dragging the carriage and running for nearly eight hours.

Fortunately, these coffins, all of them are running, and the strength is long. Plus Zong Shou with the help of the medicinal herbs, it is finally out of danger, and at this moment has barely opened the back squad.

The lead of the gold-grained white, but it is very strong. Even if the wound under the ribs is still seeping the blood, it is still not weak. Even the speed is more than the wind and the wind.

However, this beast is also the master of the mastery, and dare not chase too close. And the whites behind him are unable to keep up with its speed. Most of the chase for eight consecutive hours has been exhausted. Only in the back, looking at the clouds and going farther and farther.

And that gold-grained white enamel is even more fascinating in the eyes. The momentum is horrible, and the first snow that is far away from a dozen or so is also shocked.

Zong Shou did not care. After completely letting go of his heart, he smiled a little: "Nothing, just smashed him with a sword. Unfortunately, he could not destroy it."

There was some unbelief in the first snow, and those who were stunned were clearly red eyes. It’s not just to treat Zong Shou as a life and death enemy.

Then I saw Zong Shou smashing out everything from the body. First, if there are ten ores, the first snow does not care much. Just look at it and pass it over.

Can be a sect, and then seven skins filled with monkey wine, one by one in front of them, but immediately the eyes are slightly bright.

Finally, some understanding, from what those groups, will be so chasing. The apes are addicted to alcohol, and Zong Shou has stolen them so much storage, not rushing to blame!

These skins are very large, and any one of them has a capacity of nearly two to three buckets. The ten bottles of scent that had been sent before were not added to one third of their bags. The mellow aroma was even more confusing.

The first snow could not help but lick the lips and lips, but I saw Zongshou cold and cold, and suddenly a guilty conscience, pretending to look out the window if nothing happened.

Then I only listened to Zong Shou and chuckled: "You little cat! Don't drink too much."

It was actually thrown away and the two skins were lost. The first snow suddenly overjoyed, such as the treasure, the bag was tightly held in his arms.

Then I saw Zong Shou took out the photo tower. After the soul is in the air, the whole body clothes are taken off, and only the most close-fitting pants are left.

When I was in the early days of the snow, I felt that I was restless. It was strange to say that when she gave the medicinal bath to Zongshou, she did not feel that there was something wrong with the nakedness of the two. It was regarded as a matter of course. Nowadays, I talk to Zong Shou, but I will be red-faced when I am still moving. Sometimes I don’t even dare to look at Zong Shou.

Intentionally escaped from the carriage, but when I saw the soft couch, the fairy who called the weak water was just lazy on the top, and looked at the Zongshou movement without any avoidance. The first snow was inexplicable, and I only felt that I was unwilling to rise in my chest. After biting the silver teeth, he actually sat in the same place and did not move.

Zong Shouwei did the adjustment, and the mind was restored to silence. The next thing he has to do is that he can't go wrong at all.

Reach out and hold the only remaining soul stone in his bag. Then, by swallowing the Yuan Yuanhua method, all the souls inside can be directly swallowed into the body.

Just a glimpse of that, it will make his soul suddenly increase! Tricky, soul sea, crazy scrolling.

The idea of ​​Zong Shou, at the same time, came to the tower. He had already completed the transformation of the watery vein that he had taken a few days ago.

Today, only this new land is taken, it takes a little effort.

In fact, the method is also simple, just use the idea to manipulate those source spirits to form a matching symbol.

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The same veins have a strong and weak effect in the body. The martial arts Wu Xiu of this era has never been able to know its reasons. It can only be divided into three parts: the upper, middle and lower grades. Even most of the time, it is impossible to really distinguish. Some source spirits are stronger and more full, but they are not just ordinary.

Until the next generation, the knowledge of other worlds continued to spread. Only then does this know the mystery. In the original vein, there is also a ‘fun, and ‘箓’ and a more basic ‘spirit, exist. It’s just form-specific and extremely difficult to distinguish.

Even some of the world's spiritual masters have also developed a set of special methods to strengthen the ground and are highly sought after by martial arts.

Zong Shou's past life is too poor, can't afford to return to the Yang Ling Ling, to give his own veins to gather together. It was not until the celestial Wuzong that he invited his friends to make a one-on-one match for himself. However, on the basis of the foundation, he was weakened by the disciples who came from the big family. After that, they took a lot of effort, which made up for it. Come back.

At this moment, although he did not enter the realm of rejuvenation, he mastered the method of Tianfu, and barely completed the transformation of the local vein. Naturally, you can't let yourself go and fall on this step. Even the first snow, such a subordinate, Zong Shou will not let them suffer.

First, the five elements of the knot were gathered, and then the ‘fire, the symbol was strengthened, and another electric symbol was added.

The whole process took nearly four hours, and almost every moment was full of attention and devoted. When that is a success, Zong Shou is all over the body, and it is full of fine sweat.

But I don't feel tired, but I am slightly excited. Knowing the two water and fire veins in the Spirit Tower, there is not much change on the surface, but the psionic power that the two can provide has increased by at least 20%!

"The spiral meridians in my body now have been transformed, and only a few insignificant and remote veins have not yet been completed. Can these two veins be as I imagined, and merge into the ground in parallel, just look at today!"

Zong Shou's temperament is outside and soft, just and bold. As long as the matter is decided, there is no hesitation or hesitation, and it will not be indecisive.

Directly grasping the spirit tower, the infuriating one-shot, two python-like veins, immediately inhaled by his body.

As soon as he entered, he began to violently clash, and in the arm of Zongshou, he fought over the river.

However, it was only a moment, and it was forced by Zong Shou to suppress it with real force and pull it into two meridians.

It turned out that there was no overturn, and the beginning of the incompatibility began to swirl in this spiral meridian. He used to build a solid foundation, and now it is a matter of course.

The two veins are intertwined with each other, and the force of the water and fire is repelled, and they form a force. Actually, all of them were self-sufficient, and they began to circulate in the outer wheel of Zong Shou.

The weak water at the moment is also a bright eye, which seems to be extremely unexpected. The first snow is a loss of life, the small mouth is big, almost close, it is incredible.

At this moment, the body of Zong Shou can be seen as a blue and red, two giant scorpion-like lines, which are constantly moving around and around him. From time to time, the stimuli of the gas are spurred, and from time to time, the skin is cracked and countless blood seeps.

However, these changes are gradually calming down. And Zong Shou, an air machine, climbed at a staggering speed and in a crazy growth.

It’s no wonder that Zong Shou, after finding the spiritual pulse, still does not give up the mouth for a few days, but he has to spend huge sums of money.

If you are a young master, you have to take the first round of the pulse and accommodate the two veins!

And this situation seems to be almost a success.

If you don't see it with your own eyes, there is almost no confidence in your eyes at the beginning of the first snow. In the three rounds of the heavens and the earth, each additional pulse of the realm of the ground can only be merged with one vein.

This is almost an immobile law since the cloud was over for a thousand years! Before the cloud shortage, only the species of the special animal can be unrestricted.

Then at this moment, she was watching this common sense with her own eyes and was broken by Zong Shou.

When the blue and red color, completely faded on the skin of Zongshou. The fascinating psionic power calmed down completely. Zong Shou also spit out a shout, not everything, venting the joy of this chest.

Not for the other, only for the body of this pulse, not only will not become his obstacles in the future, but also become his excellent help, and become one of the foundations for climbing the peak of Wudao in the future!

Since then, in front of him, except for the ‘days and obstacles in the obstacles of the day, it will be a smooth road!

At this time, even the Central Plains was shocked, rushed into the carriage, but a little embarrassed, looking at the three inside. I missed the scene of the genius, and naturally I couldn’t break it out. What is the sect of Zong Shou, so crazy.

Zong Shou was too lazy to care for him, and he continued to do it again~lightnovelpub.net~ and the same from the non-cold Yun Jianzhu, and the gold ore that was previously from the Baiji Cave, was also taken out.

First, violently beat the ore and crush it. I saw only a silvery atmosphere, immediately broke out and flew out.

"It's actually a golden gas! It's a good luck. This time, my sword base will be strong."

Zong Shou’s eyes were slightly bright, and the Yunjian beads in his hand shook slightly. The silvery atmosphere of the group, an automatic turning point, with the use of the keeper, the spontaneous input into the Yunjianzhu, and the sword-shaped aura inside, a break.

Waiting for the two to be completely integrated, Zong Shou is another shot, and this piece of Yunjianzhu is also broken. Then the soul of the body has once again turned into a light smoke, and this sword-shaped aura that is smashing around is swiftly wrapped.

A trace of soul power, began to entangle it, so that it gradually settled in the air, and then can not move. Then there is a symbol of the soul of the soul, and forced into it.

Until the sword-shaped aura, it also dyed a layer of black and black color, the shape is more like a long sword. The soul of Zong Shou was re-entered. Put the sword-shaped aura into the eyebrows and stop it in the sea of ​​souls.