Divine Brilliance

Chapter 281: Evening can die

The twenty-eighth chapter can be dead (the third is to recommend the monthly ticket)

"-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- From now on, seize the Shili-cho, and all the sapphire buildings in the dry city. From today, after the night, the curfew in the city will be curbed."

Confucianism youth suddenly smiled, knowing that this must be the origin of the curfew. Wufeng Minde? This reason is also reluctant.

Zhao Yuran is also on the side, but also pays attention to it. He does not move: "Jingyun Yalou is the branch of the outer gate of the dry Tianshan. Two days ago, Zongshou was under the Jingyun Yalou, and was lightly gated. The disciple poured a cold water."

"So, it’s a publicity of the communique? This is a temper, but it’s okay. But it’s interesting—"

The Confucian youth smiled and then looked at the second decree. I was going to take a look at it and then I went to the next moment, but in the mouth, I screamed and said, I stopped at the place.

"——All adult couples in Tianshan City, who can be born after three births. Reward a second-order beast crystal, and give birth to one female, which can reward eight first-order animal crystals. For those who have insufficient financial resources to raise their children, they can apply to the city government. After the certification is true, they can be supported by the city government."

Compared with two days ago, this raft has been greatly modified, and in some details, it is more perfect.

The eyes of the Confucian youth suddenly flashed, and if they were thoughtful, they did not know what they were thinking.

Zhao Xiaoran is beside him, but it is slightly stunned: "Seat, this decree, but what is surprising?"

She did not pass the political road. These shackles from the hand of Zong Shou were not carefully seen. There is no feeling about the benefits of the population. I only know that this population is more, and there are many people in the war. And rewarding fertility, in the east of Yunlu, is indeed the first to start.

However, as far as she knows, this sage is once a famous sect of the Central Yunlu, and he has traveled for many years in the land of his civilization. It is really surprising that such a person is surprised by the demon king’s decree in a wild land.

“It’s really rare, is the strong ethnic group at all? Some meanings”

The Confucian youth nodded. He used to be in the Central Plains, and when he was still in office, he knew the way of the war. However, this is directly rewarded with money to stimulate population growth, but it is still the first time.

Especially for the democrats with a decreasing population, it is more like a strong heart.

This shou, he had some small eyes before, and he did not want to govern the country. In fact, he still has some skills.

Then I looked at the third article. After three days, I opened the library in the main city. The inner collection is divided into five layers. All the children of Gan Tianzong can arbitrarily be on the first floor before adulthood, taking five copies. The rest of the dry days, together with the Terran, are four. After that, there are thousands of secrets in the second and third floors, which can be exchanged for merits -

Confucianism in the youth is once again bright, and when the fourth and fifth articles are in sight, the surface is actually a faint color.

"--Where the Tianshan City is on the books, only someone can guarantee that they can go to the city's main government to purchase the medicinal weapons. All the children in the army can be interest-free without guarantee."

"Specially set up a silver plaque, guaranteed by the city's main government. Today, the collection of pensions for the disabled, so that I can do the best of my life, no one is old and lonely, disabled and sick. Everyone in the dry city can participate -

"Loan Guardian, Yinzhuang Pension. It turned out to be a political matter. Can you still do this?"

When the Confucian youth only saw half of it, he took a photo of the mana and took these few worthless skins to his eyes. Just like a treasure, I usually hold it in my hand and watch it carefully. Rough and plain text, in his eyes, seems to be endless.

The words are pondering and constantly scrutinizing. Within the eyebrows, a little red spirit is gradually emerging.

After a long time, I laughed and laughed and put the animal skin into my sleeve.

"I can't see the flaws. This time I really opened my eyes and heard the news. I can die in the evening. This guardian, I really ignored his ruling ability. The number of policies, but the atmosphere is majestic, high-rise. If not, Sansheng once inferred The **** of the hundred years later is a human race. I almost think that this child is the real **** of the gods -"

Zhao Xiaoran couldn't help but raise his eyebrows. He couldn't think of this sect, but he was so high on Zong Shou. But when you think about Zong Shou, the careful eyes of Jingyun Yalou and the public hatred of the Gazette, you don’t think so.

However, her temper, no matter how arrogant, does not dare to refute the sage of the sage. Not mentioning identity, not repairing it, it is more than she does not know how much she is. If you are serious, you have to call it "Mrs. Taishou Taizu". In short, you can only look up.

"In this way, in the eyes of the singer, is this ruling a Mingjun?"

"If you are dependent on the old, and you are young, how can you not be a Mingjun? If he was born in the Central Dynasty, he could do these things, and that is not an eternal sage."

Coldly snorted, the Confucian youth changed his face and then shook his head regretfully.

"Unfortunately, this law is only suitable for the land of a city in Tianshan City. The central dynasty has a large population, officials are bloated and corrupt, and people are overstaffed. No matter how good the government order is, it will not be there, and even the people will be tossed. Come and die."

Then, with a little doubt, looking at the sixth animal skin, it was a strange color.

The only thing he can't understand is this one.

"Is it a good way to supervise the flow of money in the elders' home? This is also a good policy. It seems that this movement is too big. It feels a bit wrong. It seems that this is a shoud, and he still has his intentions-"

The eyebrows are constantly jumping, faintly feeling, it seems that this policy has something to do with oneself, even the sacred road, it is related to air transport.

Can be carefully calculated, but there is no clue. The Confucian youth had to shake his head and put these pieces of animal skin into Zheng’s sleeves.

Looking up, the Confucian youth suddenly smiled and said: "This is the quiet and spiritual song of the soft-sounding door. This little girl is really a good law, and actually enters the realm of enlightenment. That sect is also a good blessing, it should be said It is very bad luck -"

Although there are some people who can't understand the true meaning of the sixth article, but he is more expecting to meet with the new demon king.


The first thing that came out of the ruins, Zong Shou was taking a shower.

After he was clean and clean, he asked another person to call him.

This is also a martial art road, but it may not be much time to practice because of the management of government affairs all the year round. This person has a good root bone, but he can reach the realm of Wu Zong in his forties. When going up the mountain, the face is full of fatigue.

Looking into the eyes of Zong Shou, it is even more faintly revealing the fierce light. He couldn't sleep for two hours all day long, and for this kid who disturbed his sleep, he naturally didn't have a good face.

Even if the other party is a city demon king, he is equally unhappy with his own master.

Zong Shou is not a little feeling, he is not kind. However, Xuan Yunlan, from the beginning, has been staring at it, refused to go down the mountain.

Even before he was outside his door. A pair of people who did not promise to give a free way to the woman of the Shili-cho, who would never give up, he was forced to do nothing.

However, after meeting, this blog still converges on the mood, and the persuasion advises: "It is said that for two consecutive days, the government has not dealt with government affairs, and the minister is deeply sad. It is a good thing to be loyal to the martial arts. Also need to keep in mind that this ten cities in Tianshan, 80 million people, are all tied to the king, not to be neglected -"

Zong Shoujun’s slap in the air and waved his hand: “I have my own rules for this matter, and I will wait a little longer to say that I will not delay the political affairs.”

I am hesitating, how to open. If it is said clearly, others will know afterwards, Xuan Yunlan once came up to lobby. Then I changed my mind that night, how hard is that reputation?

Then I listened to Ren Bo and said with abreast: "Jun Shang has made this statement, then there is one thing to know the king's words and sayings. Shili Xiangxiang has now been seized, but there are 100,000 women in it, but they need to make a living. ”

Zong Shouwen suddenly rejoiced, and this really wanted to sleep, and he sent a pillow. The moment is quiet: "I have thought about this matter. If you choose a site outside of Tianshan City, how about building an acropolis? Those businessmen can also move over."

"Acropolis?" That Bo was indulged, then nodded: "Jun Shangrende, this method seems to be good, after Rong Laochen goes back, think about the pros and cons, then reply to the king."

Zong Shou is not unexpected. If Ren Bo immediately promises to go down, he will be disappointed.

In my heart, I thought about buying land for rent in advance. Zong Shou satisfactorily smiled and said: "There is still a sea of ​​clouds to hunt, and the prime minister has to start preparing. It is best to inform the people, it is best to do it within one month."

Ren Bo brows a pick ~lightnovelpub.net~ This matter has long been waiting. This is the first big thing in the Tianshan Mountains. If there is no such thing, it will be called in the middle of the night, so it is still a punch. Immediately, he leaned over and bowed: "Returning to the prince, the 250 cloud ships, even the same material and weapons, have already been prepared. You can do it at any time."

Zong Shouqi breathed a sigh of relief, this month, unless it is the back of the mountain to find the door, he can not easily run out. Then, inadvertently said: "To the prime minister, I want to imitate the Middle Kingdom dynasty and build a six-chamber cabinet system. After a few days, give me a list, and I must recommend Yinxian-"

Ren Boxian was a glimpse, and then he calmed down again. It is a good thing to build the Sixth Department. The official system of the Tianshan City is a mess. However, this cabinet is estimated to be divided into his power. Since it is a cabinet, it is naturally more than a minister.

Sure enough, it was the court of the emperor, and the means of this monarchy was just as true as the previous style. He is then followed by Bo

Why do you want him to recommend it? Yes, it is certainly tempting, whether he is ambitious and powerful. Oh, you are doing your best.

The twenty-eighth chapter can be dead

The twenty-eighth chapter can be dead, to the website