Divine Brilliance

Chapter 348: 9 yin female

Zongyuan listened to the look of God, and then he was shocked and looked at Zong Shou. On this family, it is true that no matter where you go, you can stir the wind and rain.

Actually, forcing Ling Yunzong to move the mountain gate station that has been in operation for nearly 10,000 years is too strong.

What to yīn Jedi, nine yīn meditation he does not know what it is, but these two nouns, it sounds very powerful.

That Gong Yue is a slight movement, and the eyes are fine and flashing: "Resurrection? Your Highness, are you saying that my sister can live again?"

"Live over? I don't know if it counts."

Zongshou face sè is also yīn Shen, after a sigh, see Gong Yue eyes full of joy sè, decided to speak out, don't let this guy, hold too much hope.

"It should be able to maintain the memory of the pre-existing life, but in the end it is not happy to know. The nine yīn meditation is the gathering of heaven and earth to the yīn, should be the law of heaven and earth, the legend is the princess of the underworld, the clock of the underworld. All are The talents are high, and the birth strength can be compared to the celestial Wuzong. Any yīn genre is a practice. The situation of xìng ethics is different, but there are differences. Some tyrannical, some are swearing, anyway, history books None of the three nine yīn meditations are gentle and good. Every time they appear, they will be the charity of the soul, and the number of the dead will be at least tens of thousands."

Gong Yue Yue is more shocked, and his face is very pale. If this is the case, he would rather have his sister, and he will die.

Zong Shou is also a tangled entanglement. When he thinks about such disasters, he is personally brewed, and he is feeling deeply.

"Is there no way to stop it? If you can't swim, then the shape of the body can always be suppressed?"

Kim does not regret it is expressionless: "Before, rì, I think so too. Please move the Master, plus Ling Yunzong two real-form elders together. Yi yù will break the land to yīn. The result led to an intervening intervention by the Emperor of the Qing Dynasty. In addition to the nearby, I did not know which Supreme shot, and destroyed the Moshan Sect. As a result, many of the seven-order powerhouses’ grievances were ninth. The pulse sucked away and provided the meditation. As a result, all three were slightly injured and damaged some hún forces. The time when Gong Xinran was born, it was a full seven years earlier. It seems that there is a new yīn vein formation. One"

Zong Shou ‘Ah, a voice, Zhang opened his mouth. I can’t wait to be a hammer, how could it be so smart?

He also said that these three real-world masters are too useless.

The so-called Emperor of the Ming Dynasty is the name of the supreme being. The underworld is not the other world, but the same in the cloud. The two are in each other's appearance, and they are both sides of yīnyang.

Clouds are in a waste time, and the underworld is less affected. There are also wise people who plan ahead and keep the spirit. So far, it has been able to accommodate some of the strong people above the fairy.

The emperor over there, with the help of the yīn to the absolute land, the intervening intervention, can indeed make the true form of the spiritual master, helpless.

Kim’s regrets are also dejected: “Then things will be gone. I’m saying that this is God’s will, and the east is Yunlu. It’s time to rob. It’s estimated that I’m waiting for the birth of the hand, so that’s true. No wonder you, naturally, no wonder that my teacher respects a secret sneer, which is clearly the word of responsibility. The nine is the extreme, except for the nine veins, plus one pulse, which is the breakthrough of the number of days. It indicates that this woman will not Limited by the number of days.

He couldn't imagine what it would be like after the birth of the Gong.

However, if he is sarcasm, he can't say it. After all, the initiator of this incident is himself.

My heart is already planning, and when I look at it, I can see if I can make a set of friendships, and let this happy sister go to other places to harm, at least to keep the cloud holy city without losing.

"It turns out that! Since it is God's will to make these nine yīn maidens come out, I have no way to wait for nature, I can only let God's will."

A sigh, Zong Shou’s expression is very painful and helpless: “It’s a pity that I am in the east of Yunlu, but it’s going to be a charcoal, killing and coming, I don’t know how many people will die. I can’t hate one of my generations”

It’s time to make up your mind. When you try your best, you can stop it. If you can’t stop it, then watch it and be ready to run. They are doing the Tianshan Mountain. Recently, it’s better to be safe, not to easily reach out. Go to the east of Yunlu.

"His Royal Highness is Ren Jun, and you can't gather the sword of the Son of Heaven."

Kim does not regret the idea of ​​ignoring the mind, and he is very moved: "In fact, the Highness does not need to blame himself. This is a strange thing for you. It is the day of your hand, not the intention of your Highness. Even if there is any causal theory, His Highness does not have to bear it. This sentence, but my master respects the two real elders of Ling Yunzong."

"Although it is, it is also heart-rending. Jin brother does not have to call me His Highness, just like my name."

Zong Shou and so on are the words that Jin does not regret, and rì after Gong Xinran really caused a great disaster. Those who are righteous are blaming themselves, and they have said it.

After the false sorrow, he reprimanded a few words, and Zong Shou confessed to Gong Yue: "The secret of the martial arts is one of your daughter's last wish. Now entrust your hand, you must keep a good life." This thing is somewhat mysterious, and it was coveted by the magic mountain. I hired Gao Yi to set up a scam and tried to **** this thing. If you can solve it after you, you will be able to explain your sister’s obsession."

The gold next to him does not regret, and he is born in a famous style. The brand of Hao Xuanzong is much stronger than Ling Yunzong.

Zong Shou does not mean that this guy will be greedy, or can sue others, so that he can express trust and closeness. Speaking this sentence, on the one hand, is pointing to míjin, on the one hand, it also reminds the other party to remember.

Although it is despicable, it can always be a shameless and shameless one.

The reincarnation of the deceased, in theory, is no longer related to life. After all, it is based on the physical body hún of life, so there are many examples of maintaining the feelings of life before.

The higher the level, the more likely this situation will occur. Buried in advance, in short, there will be no mistakes.

That Gong Yue was also shocked, and quickly turned the secret of the martial arts to try to find the hidden mystery inside.

And Kim does not regret, it is quite awkward and sighed: "My old gold came to the east to experience the cloud and land, for the magic mountain sect and the yīn Jedi thing, tossed for more than half a year. Although repaired has not fallen, But nothing happened. But if you can get to know the characters like your Highness, there is no regret."

I was also surprised to see Zong Shou: "You are only fourteen? I am only four years younger than my old gold. Actually, I can divide it with me now, I don't know how you did it. If this is the skill, if it is me Those few friends know that they will definitely fall down." In the words, it is quite a bit of a sigh.

This time it was the turn of Zong Shou to be taken aback. Looking at the fat man's m, at least it is twenty-four, and it is possible to say that it is twenty-seven. It is actually so light.

He knows this person, the future of the central cloud land, the man is very bullish. But what age is it, and what kind of family is, I don’t know.

"How can the king of the sects rely on the martial arts, how can they get the gold brother one by one?"

Blowing each other, but only halfway through. It was interrupted by a bang.

A few people face sè, while changing, looking to the west, the sound came, almost at the same time feeling the cold and tyrannical idea, is accustomed to.

"It should be a queen! It's not far!"

Kim refused to take a breath, and his face almost wrinkled into a bitter melon: "This time I am miserable, a bad one, I am afraid I will die here."

The queen of the magic fire ant, once the number of ant groups is 10,000, can enter the real seventh order, although it has no combat power, but has magical power.

If it is here, it will increase the fighting power of many crystal ants here several times!

The ant ant, who is guarded by the side, is even more capable than the six-winged ant.

At this moment, even in the heart of the sect, there is also the thought of running away. No, you have to use the sacred token this time, and you can take it back to the shackles with the ancestors.

As for this Gong Yue, if there is no way, the vacant token can only be used on this guy.

Unexpectedly, those magical fire ants, the sound of that screaming, did not continue to besiege. Instead, if the tide recedes, these crystal ants come quickly, and they go to the crisp and neat, and disappear in a blink of an eye.

Zong Shou does not move sè, immediately waved the hand below, the number of thousands of fire ant bodies, income into the Qiankun bag.

In the end, I didn’t take all the light, and if I had a fake model, I left a part of Jin’s regret, less than one-fortieth of the total.

The latter moves a step slower. It can only be seen at Zong Shoudao: "Zong Laodi, you really don't regret my life!"

Zong Shou smiled, knowing your guy's xìng, and dare to have a polite mind? If I am slow, I guess the ant corpse below, I am thinking about splitting into a star and a half.

Then I frowned again: "This evening rì~lightnovelpub.net~ is eccentric everywhere. How can this magic fire ant appear here?"

"What is the reason? This magic fire ant is cultivated by others. This person is lucky, finds an egg of the queen behind the ancients, and then directly regards it as a car. Some people do not know why, I brought the man over. I am waiting for you, I am being smashed and fish."

In a word, the people around him were shocked. Kim does not regret, it seems that he will not say more, and he will sit on the stone again.

Although the ants are fading, but no one dares to jump off the boulder to leave, they are still waiting quietly.

After the shackles, the people at the Linhai Academy there heard a few crying voices.

Before the enemy is currently, no one thinks when the situation is tense. Until now, the disciples of the Linhai Academy realized that their brothers and sisters had been killed and injured in the middle of the night, and they were buried in the mouth of the ants.

After Zong Shou sighed, he shielded the cry with illusion. Then, again, next to the fire, entered the state of meditation. (To be continued)! .