Divine Brilliance

Chapter 411: Born

Only the gods are stunned, and Zong Shou takes their own consciousness. Drag back to your eyes again.

The man is still struggling after the ant. A sturdy suffocating suffocating from the body.

Zong Shou’s heart sighed, and he was careful to be careful. A confession of the master, a fairy that does not know the order, has not yet been able to completely control the mind of this humanoid queen.

This is good, but not able to get help as I wish, but this new car is involved in most of his energy.

At this moment, if it is not beside him, there is a thunder and a scorpion, and the seventh-order dragon, which is close to the beast, is shocked and has Zongyuan's support. I am afraid that at this moment, he can only escape.

Once again, sitting cross-legged, Zong Shou's hands are sealed, and a piece of melody-specific melody in the mouth is pronounced.

The sacred deeds that were hidden behind the humanoid ants controlled the hún, and also raised the land at this time.

A stock of spirits is constantly pouring in, constantly scouring the mind of this humanoid queen.

Just as time went by, Zong Shou frowned and stopped.

The hún thought of this humanoid queen is really terrible for tyrannical solidification. Zong Shou is constantly scouring with the power of God hún. No matter what kind of means, it is difficult to shake it, and it can't really invade the mind of this humanoid queen.

Only faint feeling, the inner is cold and lonely, although the figure is like a winged person, but his mind is still like a ant.

And that Taixuan locks the heart, and can only invade a little bit.

At the moment, Zong Shou is really a bit worried. He also saw that this fairy charm is indeed an affair. It is a little bit of a lock on the humanoid queen, but it takes a certain amount of time.

At this moment, if the humanoid ant is put away, he is not at ease. There are a few sacred beasts around me, but there is no defensive array in the middle. I am afraid that just put it in, I will be rushed out. There is also no real guarantee that the means of controlling this humanoid queen.

At this moment, I had to leave temporarily. When I went back, I thought about it. If it is really impossible, you can only ruin it. Although this world is rare, it is rare, but it is more precious. Putting this bomb that might break out at hand is like finding death.

The moment is once again changing the spirit of the ruling, and the sect of the hún sea, the flame totem, and suddenly lived again.

The human shape of the queen behind the smoldering ignited a red flame, burning and burning, it is the burning of the blood of the Lu family.

The humanoid ant later calmed down. More white flames around the rise, against the inflammation of the burning.

Despite the hot moxibustion around the body, there is no uncomfortable feeling. There is no sign of melting in the silver shell. Although the white flame bears the wind, he can still support it.

Zong Shou sneaked a sigh, and expected that this burning of the fire would not be able to. Then another finger, just yù will pop a small purple sè Thunderball. However, the purple sè in this humanoid ant suddenly flashed a line of spiritual lines, which seemed to be a strange legal array. With its gaze, they watched together and stalked the eyelids, and they did not know. The subconscious wants to close his eyes, but he can't avoid it and look at it. Then I only felt a **** dngngúnn, and it was like a broken bamboo, and it was shocked into his mind.

First, the mind was dizzy, and then when Zong Shou was awake, he was only seen in his hún sea, and there was an extra mark.

Zong Yuan was also shocked by this change. He stepped a few steps forward and was stopped in front of Zong Shou.

The purple thunder gun in the hand, pointing at the man-shaped ant, but seeing each other at the moment, no half-movement. Like a dead object, standing quietly in the burning flame of the red sè.

First, it was slightly relieved. Zongyuan followed the heart but violently mentioned it. It was still a long-range gun, and did not dare to be distracted and watched with vigilance. In the mouth, he asked with a little worry: "Is there a monarch?"

Zong Shou silently did not answer, quietly sat for a half-time. I carefully observed the mark, and after a long while, I smiled.

"Nothing! But this time, it’s really a day to fight the geese, but it’s been blinded by this geese."

After standing up, Zong Shou’s expression was extremely complicated, looking at the humanoid queen. I saw this beautiful and luxurious, dreamlike, like a fairy-like creature, it is the face of indifference, eyes cold and his eyes, no match. Within the eyelids of Zijin Sè, there is no temperature.

"It was just a kind of spiritual seal. It is similar to the symbiotic spirit array, and it is somewhat different. It should be one of its natural supernatural powers. If it dies, my **** hún will also be hit hard. But you can also use it to cast it. Some supernatural powers, even share some of its life one"

The original is not understandable, but if you hear this humanoid ant, if it is the body, the **** of the sect, hún, will also be damaged. I completely understood it, and he said: "It is afraid, afraid that you will annihilate it, or you will deliberately let it die!"

Speaking of this, Zong Yuan took a cold breath. The meaning of this humanoid ant is actually yù and Zong Shou, which restrict each other. Zong Shou is of course able to recognize the lord of the spirit, and that Taixuan locks the heart to fix the humanoid ants.

But this strange creature can also rely on this symbiosis to protect its own safety.

Zong Shou is also frowning, and distressed and embarrassed.

If it is not unexpected, the symbiotic mark should be the result of symbiosis from the birth of the mother and the ant.

I don't know how to form a magical power of this humanoid queen.

What he is having a headache now is how to deal with this thing.

This symbiosis, in his case, is actually not impossible to solve. It’s just a little more expensive, losing at least one-sixth of the hún power. It takes several months to recover.

"I am interested, this little thing, there is still a spiritual mouth that is no less than human."

After breaking the shell, it immediately attacked. It is to know that the Taixuan locks the heart and the confession, and will change the mind completely with the passage of time, and then can not resist.

After the assassination of the sect, and the feeling that things can't be done, they have changed a means to use this mutual restraint method to make it impossible for them to start.

When it comes to the mind, Thunder Wing and Xiao Zhi also have this kind of good wisdom, which is about the same as the eight-year-old child, the most innocent.

But this humanoid ant is different, but it is born, it is equivalent to an adult, it is amazing.

Slightly addicted, Zong Shou has another wave of sleeves, and the entire burning of the inflammation is scattered.

This symbiosis is a symbiosis that originated from the ant Taoist people. Naturally, it is not conducive to the spirit of the escort. This humanoid ant is born with the same spirit. If Zong Shou is dead, it will surely die.

Therefore, this sect, but it is no longer afraid of this humanoid ant suddenly suddenly violently revolt, and he started.

The next moment, I saw the purple gold sè double scorpion, once again fixed his eyes and looked at him, then the silver-white holy body, suddenly flashed. Six pairs of transparent thin wings, one light, went outside the altar.

When the four knives flashed, they penetrated into the body of a sixth-order magic eye lion.

Instantaneous blood spray, this monster of up to the sixth order, is actually no resistance, it is killed, in the eyebrows, is pierced through a blood hole.

The holy white sè flame also burned wildly. The flesh and blood of this magical eye lion must be refining and turning into a silky sè fine element and merged into the silver sè body.

Then the man shaped the ant, it seems to be turned into a white sè, circling around the altar.

One by one, the blood hole is worn out, and one sperm is on the spot.

Especially those evil charms and monsters, the burning flame of the holy white seems to be the same as it is. Wherever the white flames pass, the evil spirits around them are annihilated without any suspense!

Zong Shou chún corner light peach, revealing a bit of scorn. After using the symbiosis, is this to show him his value?

It is indeed the strength of the tyranny, but also above his thunder wing! Not only is the speed of the idling fast, but the silver armor is also very strong, two pairs of knives, not inferior to the eighth-order spirit. In the small body, there is even more tyrannical power!

This kind of combat power can even compete with some slow speed, eighth-order beast!

But if this is the case, it is not enough for him to be heart-warming. A strong escort, he has the opportunity to get it in the future. There is no need to take risks, and put a quarter of your supernatural powers on the life and death of this humanoid queen!

Such a dangerous spiritual pet, even after accepting the symbiosis, can be equivalent to the level of natural escort, he is not willing to use!

Between the minds and minds, there has gradually been a decision, and the gaze of Zong Shou is getting colder and colder.

In the next shackles, I saw that the human body was behind the body, but suddenly it burned countless white flames. The body of the beast and the body of the evil that killed it were all smelted. Turn into a blood sè, and paint it inside the body.

Even the substances after the melting of the fur shells are also missed. A little bit infiltrated into the body ~lightnovelpub.net~ Zongshou eyelids miniature, it has been guessed that this is about the humanoid ant, eating means. No wonder that after the birth, the mouthpiece is not.

And after a short while, I saw the ant, and the carapace on the back side gradually opened. A group of things that are also silver and white are pushed out from within. Constant growth and separation. Until the same two feet long, the queen slashed his knife and completely separated the connection between the two!

It is a flying ant, and finally some of the former ants are like. However, it is extremely beautiful, and it has a beautiful natural shape. It has no shackles of magical fire ants, and the silver shell is more gorgeous.

There are four pairs of transparent **** behind, and there are also two pairs of knives. The body is also burning with white flames, only a few points in quality.

Zong Shou and Zong Yuan, suddenly glanced at each other, they were all very wrong. The brain flashed a noun splitting reproduction at the same time!

And it's a lifetime, you don't need time to incubate, you have a tyrannical force!

Not asking too much, even if only half of this queen's combat power, it is extremely amazing! ! .