Divine Brilliance

Chapter 423: Xuanwu Realm

Li Zhe’s voice did not fall, and Xie’an’s figure suddenly flashed. There was no pop-up window and then it was slamming, and it was heavily pumped on Li Zhe’s face.

The latter suddenly stunned and squinted, and his brain was faint.

When I was awake, I saw Xie An, standing in front of me, looking down at the condescending: "This slap, it is the uncle of the Deli teacher to teach you! If the younger brother can be in a dilemma, do less things, I The reputation of Xuanyangzong can naturally be several times better."

Nalizh first violently, then it was like what he thought of, and he angered himself from the anger. He held his fists tightly and almost buckled his nails into the flesh.

\"Zongmenli's situation, you Lizhe is not ignorant. I am like a safe and dangerous person, step by step, is the end of the disaster. At this time, I am three and six, do not work hard, work together, I am afraid that immediately In the game of the fall, you Li Zhe is good, actually put your mind on the same door! If it is not you, it is the only blood of the uncle of the uncle, I will be the first one, I will be jealous of you! Autumn, although young, the capital is good. Zongmen has such a kind of input, supporting Zongmen, is a great fortune. In the future, I will not want to mess with him-"

Lizhe's look changed, but in the end, he laughed and said: "I am a stupid person, I will go to provoke. A few days ago, this is my Lizhe's fault. Counting people into it is also counted, I play His idea was robbed, and he wouldn’t say anything more. It’s just that this is a must, and it shouldn’t be awkward, insulting my Xuanyang sect!”

Xie An looked a little, then his lips twitched: "This is true? How did he say it?"

\"Nature is true! I can swear by my heart."

Speaking of this sentence, Lizhe is faint in his eyes, and he does not see anything at all: "This is the skill of my Xuanyang sect, but Err-"

Xie Anli was an eyebrow, and some were dubious. After a long while, another wave of sleeves: "You can leave, I will confirm this matter!"

When the voice fell, Xie An was once again, and slammed into the void to explore. Then there was a transmission, which fell into his hands.

When this piece of paper is completely burned out. Xie An’s eyes are also full of doubts.

\"——Herlian Tieshan, Yanchengguan, Yuanjiu, Tanqiu. Why is this the entry of the commander? A sixth-order disciple?"

\"Why is he?"

In the same situation, a handsome young man, also holding a burning message, is a bit confusing.

\"Why is it not Xuanye, not Xie An, but also not Luo Shi. But this is autumn?"

※※※※ After the tenth day, the first day of the first letter is the first place, and the sect is inside the quiet room.

Just listen to a series of ‘cart, the sound of the bones bursting. Zong Shou Li is in the center of the 30-square-meter quiet room. The whole body is up and down, and the skin is cracked and covered with blood. The limbs are also constantly changing in a nearly twisted manner.

Visible, his skin surface, a total of twelve shadows like a dragon, following the path of his body. Swimming around.

Two of them are four collisions, as if they are always in the body, they must break out from the body.

It is also always at the last moment, being forced by a tyrannical force in the body.

At this time, Zong Shou's skin often bursts with blood. The bones are almost on the verge of complete fragmentation, and the Zongyuan weak water. It is the nervous side watching, knowing that this moment has reached the most critical moment.

If it succeeds, it will be the Wu Zong of the Six Threads. If it is not completed, the body of Zong Shou will be hit immediately.

Not only can the wheel not recover in a short time. In the future, we must advance and integrate the spirit. It must be even harder.

Zong Shou is calm and calm, sitting in these weird movements.

It is also strange to say that although the blood in his body is boiling, he is rushing around. Nine veins are also close to the edge of the rupture.

Every time this strange posture is completed, it will calm the body for a while.

It can also free up more power to suppress the two spirits in the new income.

And as time goes on, the bones' squeaking sounds are gradually decreasing. On the surface of the skin, the two dragon shadows that have collided everywhere seem to have been introduced to the right path, the skin is no longer blooming, and there is no blood spill.

On the contrary, it is a massive psionic power, spontaneous cohesion, from all directions, surges, and rushed into the body of Zongshou.

A strong temperament, rushing out of the body.

Not only the first snow, but also oppressed to almost impossible to breathe. Even the original and weak water can feel a bit of pressure.

It is not from Zong Shou, the untold martial arts idea. And that's just the strength of the infuriating, already sturdy, almost comparable to them. Even after the continuous force, in the sustainability of the gas, there may be more than!

It is not a matter of face to face, but when you think twice, you don’t feel surprised.

At this time, the body has gathered twelve spiritual veins. The number is beyond the ordinary three, and the solid foundation is the basaltic peak of them.

It is a pity that this is also a double pulse, and the defeat is also a double pulse. In theory, Zong Shou has the temperament of the world, but unfortunately, the double pulse in the body consumes most of it. It is explosive. Become tyrannical. I don't know when it will be completely solved.

Zong Shou is unaware of it. His body is a breath disorder on the 1st. The sixth double-spiritual integration made him infuriating and began to skyrocket. And a large amount of psionic influx, it is all the veins, all the impulses.

A set of guiding postures can be done, but it can only be temporarily suppressed, and it is impossible to comb the air in the body.

Wrinkled, Zong Shou changed his movements decisively and began the sixth set of guidance.

Although his past life was the guiding technique. After practicing countless times, the six sets of this world are still the first time. But you can't take some risks. If the air machine is so turbulent, the veins will be riddled with holes and light. I am afraid that there are a few veins that have been integrated into the body, and there is also the possibility of slipping away.

Fortunately, there are past experiences, this set of actions, he is already familiar with countless. At the beginning, there was still some oysters, but when it was completed, it became familiar.

Even joined this world, part of the changes to their own body.

After another hour, the last violent air machine was also forcibly suppressed by Zong Shou. The nine veins have also been thoroughly sorted out.


The slightest joy in the heart, the movement of Zong Shou, suddenly changed. Nothing more than the previous, that slow and weird posture. It was just fierce, a boxing out, and the air immediately rang.

Within ten feet, all the dust, all the dust was hurricane, and the earthquake was scattered. On the walls, there are countless holes in it.

Within twenty feet of the foot, all the slate on the ground was broken into powder.

\"Six veins, Wu Zongfeng!"

Zong Shou's face remained unchanged, and then it was a boxing out. This time, it was with his tyrannical martial arts idea, and the inner breath of the whole body was infuriating, in a moment, condensed to an almost unbelievable level!

The layer of the barrier in the body was also easily broken and was broken.

This boxing is the realm of Xuanwuzong!


The boxing banged out, and the entire space around the sect was almost inflated. Then, under the impact of a strong force and a wave of air, the 30-foot area of ​​the solid stone room, completely crushed!

Even spread around. Within two hundred feet, flying sand and stone, the grass is broken!

The Zongyuan weak water, did not care to put those gravel, all open. After the first snow entered the second, it was also an eye.

Anyway, this stone room, there is nothing, but also built in the corner of the backyard, Zong Shou's stone house constructed by the spiritual method, destroyed and destroyed, there is nothing to pity.

Since that day, Zong Shou destroyed the entire first courtyard of the A word. In the first snow, I would not dare to put anything in the cultivation room of Zongshou.

At the moment, her eyes are full of joy. There was some worry, and Zong Shou Jin Xuanwuzong, and she completely tossed her down.

I also remembered the two new pets that I recently received. I only feel that my heart is heavy.

Zong Shou sneered and acted a lot.

After he completely completed the breakthrough, the injury recovered more than half. However, he is sensitive and faint, and he can feel guilty on his body. There are countless small dark injuries. If you don't pay careful attention, it is almost impossible to detect.

The infuriating in the body seems to be a bit messy.

- Sure enough! In such a short period of time, it is still too reluctant to integrate into the sixth pulse!

Wrinkled, Zong Shou has no regrets. To kill the original Jiu Chen, it must have seven levels of combat power.

Although he has two powerful escorts, he is weak. His swordsmanship has reached the realm of the sword, and he is not afraid of the seven-order powerhouse.

You have to show your own swordsmanship, then at least this body must be able to resist the 20th strike of the seventh-order powerhouse without crashing~lightnovelpub.net~ only after breaking through Xuanwuzong, this time, He can have two percent confidence!

On this last day, I can incorporate this sixth pair of spirits into the body. It’s a blessing.

Speaking of it, the junjies that were picked out by the sects were also impatient at the moment--a sly smile, Zong Shou took out a group of ice and fire from his storage bag. Then, after the mouth and mouth slammed, it was introduced into the body.

When you are in contact with his instinct, you are immersed in it. Finally, it turned into a piece of solid gas shell that was distributed on the surface of his body.

This is the inner armor that can be integrated into the body and can make the body more able to withstand more external impacts.

The Zongmen gave him the gift, not only up to the ninth order, but also a rare boutique.

Then there are countless parts. It was put together by Zong Shou, and the competition was a pair of external bones.

When Zong Shou is fully dressed, it is turned into a layer of skin-like things that cover the skin. After wearing the coat, I can hardly see it.

This set of outer bones is no longer a 'thunder model, but a steel column. No other effect, the biggest role, in addition to providing nearly two million pounds of giant force. It is for his bones to share the pressure.

To be continued)