Divine Brilliance

Chapter 424: Maverick

The place where Cangsheng gathers disciples is in the north of the shackles.

At this moment, hundreds of people gathered here, arranged in a square array, waiting quietly. And three of the three squadrons of the six-door, six-door singapore, are boring in the number of ants on the ground.

Not far away is still waiting for one person, is a middle-aged man in the middle of the 30-year-old, standing at the moment, the eyes are constantly twitching.

The South Korean side stood silently, looking up at the starry sky, and looking at the round of the raging sun, and did not feel glare. However, all of them here seem to have never discovered his existence. From no one, look at him.

At the time of the three-day sacred day, there was movement in the Taoist palace. I saw a luxurious carriage, surrounded by twelve dragon-winged horses. From the gate of the palace, I walked leisurely, and the driver was Zongyuan.

Hundreds of people here, suddenly stunned. And the middle-aged white man is already in the fire.

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There was a deep worry on the surface. Is it really wrong to let the people in this car command these many disciples?

Will it be overwhelmed by Yanchengguan? The original Jiu Chen’s ability, he is clear. This group of disciples used to be sinister, plus such an unreliable guy.

The ten-stop grasp has not yet arrived there, and it is estimated that it has lost seven stops.

The disciples in the square matrix there are already talking about it.

"Is this in the carriage, is that the autumn? The new three-generation true biography of the sect of the sect?"

"This person is too arrogant! If you dare to come in a carriage, don't you fear the teacher?"

"Hey! With his generation, who can manage him in this palace? But this guy, wouldn't you want to sit in this cloud car and rush to Yanchengguan?"

"Oh, it’s so handsome!"

"This person, I really don't know what it is! Zongmen is so arrogant, I really don't know if it is a curse or a blessing."

The Korean side is also eye-catching and has a headache.

It is rumored that the demon king has never come to the same set with the soldiers. Every time I go into battle, I often get a big car and stay comfortably on it.

This faction, now seems to be also ready to bring to the road.

After the carriage arrived, Zong Shou walked from the carriage and walked down. The face is white and trembled. As if the wind is blowing, it will fall.

However, it seems to be strong, and respectfully respects the middle-aged man: "I have seen Mr.! This time, I am late in the autumn, but I also ask the gentleman to forgive sins. Because of the recent rush to break through the realm, the autumn body is flawed, only I can travel by the cloud car, and please Mr.

This person is a generation, short of his full generation. Zong Shou did not know what to call, but had to call it Mr.

This Cangsheng Palace is both a temple of the sacred and a school of learning. There is a pilgrimage of wine, a doctor, and a post of academics, as if it were the state governor of the Central Dynasty.

This person is in the doctor's post in the Cangshengdao Palace.

The white man heard the middle age, and the face was finally a little embarrassed. However, I still looked at it with God, but then it was a weird sè. I couldn’t see Zong Shou’s body.

The figure was opened sideways to the side, avoiding the ceremony of Zongshou, and then it was cold. "How should the disciple be treated by the uncle's ancestors? You come here late today, for some reason, then you only need to explain it clearly. Disciples can't be surprised. At this time, people have gathered together. I don't know the aunts and grandfathers. What else can you say?"

Zong Shou smiled and looked around in the air. Then, in the scorpion, the head was a little surprised.

This time, Cangsheng Road, from the church and three six doors, a total of nearly 100 disciples. The strength is really very good, no one's strength, lower than the sixth. And the elite like Xuan Ye has already entered the seventh-order realm.

However, most of these people are standing loose. Everyone has different temperament and arrogance. When you look at it, you know that it is a rabble.

What is amazing is another part. About four hundred people, all have a certain age, riding a fourth-order silver scale stepping beast, only watching the breath, not all are basal-level powerhouses.

There are also twenty spiritual masters inside, which are also neat and awesome. Even if Zong Shoufang made such a big move, there was no confusion, and there was no discussion.

Could it be that this is the Taoist soldier?

It is rumored that all the major gates, all of them with stronger strength, have the habit of raising moral soldiers.

These people's qualifications are usually only in the middle, but they have been cultivated since the beginning. When I am a family member, I am also taken care of by the Zongmen.

Of course, it is not as good as this side. Hundreds of people have a great future, and they can find a long way to go. But these people are also the indispensable pillars of the Zongmen.

Among the four hundred people, although they wear the same armor, the marks are slightly different. In the lines of the surface of the riding armor, there are hidden logos.

Among them, the Cangsheng Daotang accounted for one hundred and fifty, and the three were also one hundred and twenty-five, while the remaining six were only one hundred and twenty-five.

Zong Shou is a pair of eyes shining, dark and envious. This is the foundation of the big gate. For a small Yancheng gatekeeper, I will take out the 460-level Taoist soldiers casually!

If he has such strength, he will be commanded by himself, and he will be invincible in the east.

The sacred dragons of the Cangsheng Road, but the powerful Taoist who once smashed the blood cloud in the past.

Even if there are only three hundred people, then what Ling Yunzong, he will never look in the eye.

The greedy looked up and down at these people, and then when the white man screamed above the middle age. Zongmen finally woke up, and with a smile, his eyes turned back to those ‘elite disciples’.

I saw only one of them, most of them are full of sè, even more eye-catching.

Like the eternal piano, it is even more ridiculous and ridiculous. It is obviously leaping and trying to make a living.

I am afraid that when he waits for an opening, someone will jump out. Falling his face.

Zong Shouxin’s thoughts turned, and he never stopped talking. He turned to the middle of the white hood and said: “There is nothing to say about the autumn. This trip only works hard and does not let the Zongmen disappointed!”

When the white clothes smashed in the middle age, they also slightly decapitated: "So good! Today is not too early, I will send you out first!"

When the words fell, this white-haired middle-aged hand had already had a silver sè. When you go up to the top, you will expand and expand into a hundred square feet. The people in this area will be covered with the carriages of Zongshou.

And the next one, all of them have disappeared. There is only one person left in Korea, only sighing at the forehead and lamenting.

"——Teacher and younger brother, this time I am listening to you all. If this is the case, there is something unexpected, or the disciples are losing too much. You and I will all be Zongmen sinners, but I am going to talk to you. Fighting this old life. This guardian brother, everything is good, talent is also a first-class, but the only act of this, but every surprise, really makes people see -"

I also remembered the seven holy fire silver ants, and the Korean side’s expression was slightly loose. This is a natural birth, and at least the whole body can be retired.


After the middle of the white clothes sent the people out of the hustle and bustle, they disappeared.

Zong Shou secretly stunned, and so many sects and elite disciples, losing one or two, is enough to make a sect of the door so many years, actually really feel relieved.

Hún read the four scattered, did not notice anyone, followed in secret. Naturally, it is also possible that he is not strong enough to perceive.

Looking up at the top of the eye, I noticed the direction of the sun in the sky.

Then Zong Shou is a pupil diminishing. This position should be a region in the west of the central cloud. The position of the awkward situation is originally here.

Nearby, there is a wilderness, no one is around. However, Zong Shou hún knows, but can feel 20 miles away, there is a avenue. From time to time, there are turning clouds, walking on the road, and there seem to be a lot of pedestrians.

Without a sneak peek, he always thought that the entrances and exits of these five major dilemmas were all in the wilderness of the mountains, but they did not mean that this population was dense.

In a few moments, these more than five hundred people have adapted from the halo of the conversion space.

In addition to the four hundred soldiers, the eyes of many elite disciples have paid attention to him.

Soon after, three people came out from inside, one of them is Xuanye. The other two are raw faces. If nothing unexpected, it should be Xie An and Luo Shi.

Zong Shou has recently heard of the rumors of these two people, which can be recognized. The grace is as if it is a singer, it is Luo Shi. The face is square and square, and the face is slightly suffocating, it is Xie An.

There is another person who is also coming. It should be the leader of these Taoist soldiers, forty years old, wearing a red armor. The look is faint, no expression, and walks to the side of the Zongshou body.

Only one action means that it will follow the meaning of his life, but the distance is not very close ~lightnovelpub.net~ also reveals some unfamiliar and untrusted thoughts,

After Naros came closer, he asked with a smile: "Tai Shi’s uncle, this time, you are headed. I don’t know how I am, now, how is it?"

That Xuan Ye and Xie An, it is silent, waiting for Zong Shou’s reply,

Zong Shou squinted at this Luo Shi, this guy omitted a slogan, and when he returned, he must sue this person with a disrespectful sin.

Straight out and ignore, look at the side, the leader of the army: "Who are you? Within the Zongmen, what is the job?"

Many elite disciples are listening to their ears. After hearing the words, I almost fell.

It turns out that this is the uncle who is the uncle of the wife, and it is not clear who the subordinates of this time are.

Even the hundreds of knights are also a piece of iron.

The leader of the martial army had no expression, and raised his hand and said: .