Divine Brilliance

Chapter 452: Teenage coach

The fourth fifty-two chapter less nv supervisor (the second is to recommend the monthly ticket)

Time flies, and after a year and a half.

Outside the Tianshan City, above the wide boulevard. A line of knights is flying fast.

After a short time, a magnate city appeared in front of the knights.

"Supervisor, dry Tianshan City is here!"

The Cavaliers have a total of forty people, all of whom are sturdy and sturdy, riding the most powerful hurricane, and wearing the spirits of the refining division.

Only for the first person, but it is beautiful and handsome. The body is also wearing a silver lacquer armor for nvxìng.

It has always been closed eyes. At this time, when it is opened, it is like a water fall, but it seems to be a river. Vivid, deep and splendid.

First thought carefully, looked at the avenue underneath.

"Hongcheng to dry Tianshan City, 740 miles of Qingfeng Stone Avenue. In the Dashang Dynasty, there are only more than 50."

The blue wind stone has the ability to gather wind, and paves with stone. It can save the effort, and the speed of the rush can triple.

"This is what was built in recent years! The dry demon king, who invested nearly a million fourth-order beast crystals from the inner bank, built this road. A total of seven articles will be used throughout the territory, and most of them have not yet been repaired. It is said that this is used. The road must be charged to fill the loss of the demon king. The surrounding merchants are both hateful and happy."

The person who talks is on the side of the less nv, the eagle nose, and the uniforms. On this face, it is all overwhelming.

"It is a good thing to build a blue wind stone road. But nowadays, in the case of Yunlu in the east, the soldiers are not in the air. It is ridiculous to use the money for these things, but it is ridiculous. Most of them can only be married for others -"

The big business system, the people are the town, and they are governed by the system. From 30,000 to 100,000 people are an army. And above, it is the superintendent, who can usually administer three or five thousand people.

The nv who was called the Superintendent was undecided, and then looked at the huge city in the distance, and his eyes were more stunned.

"I don't care if this is east of Yunlu, there is a wild land, and there is such a hero!"

Just looking a little outside, you can see that this city is full of vitality and a large population.

The Qingbian 'Dongtong' heard the words and disdain. He laughed and laughed: "It’s just like the big business city, but it’s a little bit worse. Supervisor, you need to go in and tell the demon king to go out and meet God's purpose?"

Nv is a micro-shake: "This dry Tianshan City, administers the land of thirteen provinces. Even in my central cloud, it can be equivalent to a country, not scorn. Besides this will, whether it is for this person, this handsome Also need to look at the situation in the dry Tianshan, and then make plans -"

The voice has not fallen, then the nv has already covered a silver mask, covering the face of the city, going straight to the direction of the city mén.

The defender at the city mén seems to be sloppy, but in fact it is outside the ban. However, at this time, whether it is the east of the cloud land or the central cloud land, everyone is good, so they did not collect their armor.

Just ask clearly, take the repairs of everyone, register them, and let them pass. Or to see that their origins are extraordinary, just after a group of knights enter the city, there is a red bird, flying to the direction of the mountains.

The silver armor nv looked in the eyes, but did not care. On this street, I looked around and looked down.

"This dry Tianshan, a lot of martial arts!"

Pedestrians all the way, actually all have a martial arts level. The shoulders rubbed and the flow continued. In just a few hundred feet of the street, the congenital martial artists who saw it were as high as nearly one hundred. There are also a lot of spiritual masters, accounting for a percentage.

And the storefronts on both sides are mostly the acquisition of various jīng animal skin máo and various spiritual materials, followed by the armor and Dan yào business, prosperous.

The commander of the Qing noodles is also slightly dignified at the moment: "I have inquired about this. It was because two years ago, the demon king had a decree. The loan was given to the martial arts to practice, and the martial arts books and the collection of the martial arts were opened. It is said that this city, nowadays is a congenital martial artist, there are 40,000 people. This year, this dry Tianshan cloud sea hunting, followed by the secret martial arts, as many as 400,000."

Silver armor nv smashed his eyebrows and still went forward. Then I felt a little different. On the street, it was a clean exception. It is more clean than Kyoto in the big shopping mall. When the spirits came out, I felt that there was a pit in the bottom, and all the sewage in the city was discharged.

The Qing dynasty leader, Cha Yanguan sè, said with a chuckle: "This is also the demon king. It is said that this child has cleanliness, and the most disappointing is dirty. Therefore, it has invested 100,000 animal crystals and repaired the sewer. It’s really a lot cleaner in this city.”

Less nv shook his head, but after a while, he went to a place where the river was full. The chún corner under the silver sè mask suddenly provoked.

Although it has been changed into a commercial street, there are still some smoke and scent.

This is Shilixiang Town, she has heard that after the demon king was enthroned, the first decree was to shut down here.

"That said, in the eyes of Li Tong. This demon king is a ridiculous stunned king?"

Then Li Tongwei was hesitant, and then he did not hesitate: "The faint king can't talk, this ridiculous word is worthy of the name. This genius, but unfortunately the boy became famous, without frustration, self-arrogance, it is inevitable If he is in the process of governing the world, the things he has done are quite beneficial to the state affairs. But now it is luàn, I heard that the clouds and the flames of the two mountains, day and night are all squadrons, intending to glimpse. The Qiancheng League organized by the Dragon Elephant City is also growing in scope, and it has spread throughout the seventeen provinces. It is also a slap in the face of the Tianshan Mountains. This is not a matter of rectifying the troops. It is said that it is actually too disarmed in disarming. —"

The silver armor nv nodded thoughtfully, after meditation for a while, went directly to a restaurant. Like this fish dragon hún miscellaneous, is the most suitable for snooping messages.

And as soon as I entered, that less nv would hear a sigh. What he said was exactly the same as the Li Tong.

"Sigh! I really don't know what the demon king is, what are you thinking about! Others are expanding their troops. This is the one, but they must be Jane. The Tianshan thirteen provinces, two thousand seven hundred Yucheng, there are twenty-five million horses and horses, but now there are less than three million people. If the raging flame city attacked, I also know what to take to resist -"

"If you can't say this, after the disarmament, what is not added afterwards? Now the military sergeant can be at least one level of the martial arts, and more equipped with a lot of sorcerers. And the soldiers are less, the burden is light. Now dry days Under the rule of the Zhucheng people, it is a lot easier, and a lot of manpower work. On the tax cuts, those grass people can now buy clothes and salt ornaments. If not, where do I go to make money?"

"Hey! It depends on when it is! At this time, the enemy has not been removed. There are 300 military towns in that district. Even if it is sharp, I am afraid that it will not be able to do anything. People can pile up to kill you! Thousands of cities and towns, it is said that there are more than three thousand soldiers and horses. His Royal Highness is a sage, and therefore, the old man is not willing to see this Tianshan mountain to die!"

The tone of hate, but makes this building a silence. Immediately after that, it was a smirk.

"There are still more ridiculous things. It is said that the Highness, in fact, has already ignored political affairs. To dispose of all the government affairs, what kind of 'cabinet' is disposed of. And put a lot of authority, let it be governed by the temple, itself Also clamped by it. Set this Luàn world, but it is so Hu came."

"It is certainly ridiculous. But the Highness, it is still smart, always holding on to the military power, and now it is reducing the sī army -"

"What is the use of military power? The wealth is in the hands of others!"

"Maybe it is His Highness, there is no ambition to have this lingering east of Yunlu."

"Most of the time, unfortunately! This whole cloud land, if it can be under the jurisdiction of the dry Tianshan. The old business, must be able to expand several times!"

"Speaking of these things? Then again, today is not the three-day meeting of the Senate. There are good things to watch. The two, today must be a layer of dragons. It’s a pity that the spectator is now A ticket is hard to find."

"Oh, the old man bought one, and he had three hundred fourth-order beast crystals."

Participating in the temple?

In the eyes of the silver armor nv, suddenly revealed the curiosity. With the eyes of the inquiry, I looked at the Li name. The latter is a slight shake of his head: "I have never seen it. It is said that it was also created by the demon king. About the time of the ancient times, the chiefs of the ministries were similar. The merchants in the Tianshan city are all proud of their spectators. ""

When I heard the words "the chiefs of the ministries", the silver armor nv was a shaking head.

It’s true that this dry demon king is somewhat speechless. However, this Hall of Participation, there is a chance today, she would like to go and have a look.

"Since the demon king, it is so absurd. Why did Li always recommend this dry Tianshan when he was in the prelude of the moon, not the thousand city alliance dragon elephant mountain city?"

That Li Dutong's look, suddenly a su: "Yu Supervisor ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ under the conviction. Because the demon king is ridiculous, no expansion, is the best choice. That cloud There are too many forces in the flames, and the Lord of the Dragon Mountain City, although it is extremely strategic, is profound in military and political affairs, but ambitious. The Thousand City League is also too deep in the east, and it is too deep in the east. It is the most powerful, but it is not a good choice! If I want to choose a family to support, the most suitable one is the dry Tianshan City."

The silver armor is not a slight dagger, and the look is uncertain. When I was thinking about it, I heard it and I exclaimed.

"Isn't that the monarch? Is it in the patrol?"

Less nv stunned, walked to the side of the fence. Looking out, I saw a team of knights dressed in fresh clothes, walking through the street.

Headed by a teenager, the exquisiteness is like a nv, wearing a robe, accompanied by an old man.

Needless to ask, the silver armor nv knows that this must be the singer of the Tianshan Mountains.

And the next must, less nv and suddenly feel. Turning around, I saw a young man, but also full of fun, looking out the stairs.
