Divine Brilliance

Chapter 669: A tacit understanding

Sitting on the golden throne, Zong Shou is also carefully watching the battle below. m[] has not removed the line of sight for two full hours.

It can be obvious that the attack power of the night demon is at this time. Compared with the past, it has increased by a few.

Some areas with strong casualties and casualties no longer evade the roundabout, but use a piece of life to push them over.

Some of the stone walls that were supposed to support at least one night, only a few quarters of an hour, had to give up.

The entire battlefield, as if it was beaten by a hammer, was forced to retreat to the foot of the mountain until there was no way to escape.

The only thing that is still calm is the plain on the left.

The 300,000 iron rider headed by the blood cloud ride has never been involved in the war.

However, it has contained a total of 600,000 troops under the Ming Dynasty, and the fifth-order elite has two giants. The fourth-order army, also as many as fourteen towns, is distributed around the left and right, blocking the assault direction of the Zongyuan under the iron ride.

There is also a Guardian of the Ming Luo, a six-level night magic warrior of up to two thousand, hidden inside.

This is the night magic army, the only elite that can compete with the blood cloud ride. Just a little less, can not stand alone against the blood cloud ride. Several confrontations have also suffered a lot.

Naturally, this blood ride under his arm is not without loss.

In just a few months, there have been as many as four hundred and sixty-six strongmen who joined in. Some are from the east, and some are from Huizhou.

In March, this blood ride still maintains a number of five thousand, and it is even more elite.

The tempering on the battlefield, Xuanyuan Yiren's new refining dragon blood and blood Dandan, recently repaired are arrogant and daring. The earliest four thousand blood rides, there are nearly half of them, and they have entered the country one after another.

The sixth-order knight in the blood ride also reached the number of thousands for the first time!

This is the most powerful force in his hands today. It is also one of the pillars that have been unbeaten in the past few months.

At that time, the sixty nights of the magical town had never been moved. Invest in the storm.

It was not because of caution, but the power of Zongyuan with this iron ride, one shot and one shot. [Read the novel to ~]

To make the night of the demon, you can't help but avoid serious illness.

Just reconsidering the battle, Zong Shou's eyebrows, but still a slight condensation.

In addition to the Cavalry of the patriarch. It’s tight everywhere.

The Huizhou natives brought back by Zongtang. It is indeed a fine soldier, none of which is under the second order. The retreat is cut off, and it is the battle of defending the earth. Morale is not bad.

But that battle power, in the end is still inferior to the night magic.

Relying on the stone wall of Shibao, you can also fight with one. Can be destroyed once the spirits are destroyed. Those fortifications have also been destroyed, and there are some deficiencies that require more military interception.

At a glance, almost every moment, there are hundreds of people, and the war died under the sword of the night demon.

Shaking his head slightly, Zong Shou looked at the sky, and the moon was empty, like the moonlight.

At this time, I did not like to appreciate this beauty. It was the first time I felt that this night was so long. It is good to wait for this starry sky to dissipate immediately.

"Is it regrettable?"

Next to Kong Yao, I was surprised to see Zong Shou, sensitive to the eyes of this guy, actually a trace of sadness. Suddenly, I was puzzled. I shook my head slightly.

For the East. This war is actually impossible to fight.

At this time, the dry army has already achieved the enemy. The damage of the night demon is not small, even if it is time to avoid the military power, do not dare to commit crimes.

Once the night demon is in the cloud, it has a foundation. The reinforcements are available.

Sooner or later, it is still necessary to play the idea of ​​the East, and it is inevitable that it will be a battle.

These night demon stick out their claws. Need to knock back in the first time!

Zong Shou is dumbfounded, only to feel that this is different from the war he experienced in the virtual environment of later generations.

Under the foot of the mountain, what is going on at the moment is a 〗 〖Real life.

In the "God of the Emperor" game, you can be resurrected when you die, and the characters of the game can be refreshed.

In the past, he led the army to fight, but the death and injury were not more than a thousand, but not so deep. []

However, at this time, millions of lives and deaths, but it is finally his mood, with a little shake.

If you don't feel sad, it is the extinction of humanity. If you care too much, he is not worthy of being the king of the heavens, and he is not worthy of pursuing the peak of the martial arts!

It’s just the soldiers, the big things in the country. The land of death and death, the way to survive, can’t be ignored, and can’t be careless!

The heart has passed this sentence, but the feeling of the sect is unprecedented.

The war risky war, for him, may be just a move, some simple figures, and how much money is lost. And when you are in the east, there are millions of soldiers, and your life is here!

In the future, the use of soldiers in the country should be cautious and cautious!

"Chen Guan will use his life, and the general will always save his strength. There must be a hind hand. Today's battle seems to be dangerous. On the contrary, it is the night demon. It seems that it has been done."

Kong Yao is faintly saying that she knows that she is a master and she is also an unparalleled talent. In the local area, the ability to use the soldiers is even above her. How can this war situation not be seen, so it is even more puzzled.

However, the heart suddenly moved, looking at the chest of Zong Shou, under the chest, it was a group of vague red awns.

Is that the pendant she gave to Zong Shou?

Kong Yao’s light flashed slightly, followed by a slight corner of his lips, and his heart suddenly saw a few points.

This is the blazing glory of the king. Even this kind of singular treasure needs to go all out to suppress it.

Although I can't hope for it, I know that the gas fate of Zong Shou at this time is definitely changing drastically.

If it turns to decline, then this alien treasure, there must be no semi-moving static.

This kind of situation is precisely the sign of the rise of the king.

But how can this reaction be strong enough?

Even if he doesn't care, Kong Yao continues to stand in the sword and looks down.

If this is determined in this battle, they can win without doubt, then it is wrong.

At this point in the war, there is still no way to make a difference.

This battle will be her Kong Yao, the real battle of the cloud world.

Can only win, can not be defeated!

Just listening to those dozens of miles away, there was a bang of ‘通通’, but it was a stone fort, and it was collapsed.

It is just the forefront, and the middle of the army is at the forefront of a stone fort.

Fortunately, half a moment ago, the defenders in the middle of the army had already withdrawn. Although the fortress collapsed, there were not many casualties.

When the fort was broken, the entire line of defense suddenly exposed a gap of a thousand feet.

Kong Yao’s cold eyes were unspoken and there was no intention to pass orders.

In the next moment, I saw more than forty people in the square, and they came out from the side of the stone fort. Actually, he did not rely on fortifications, nor did he rely on the power of the spirits, and stood directly in front of the night magic army.

More unexpectedly, it is not waiting there. Instead, the steel wall-like formation was unfolded and hesitated without hesitation.

And the weakened enemy, my weak, can be when the red and black torrents collide.

Opposite the night magic army, dozens of squares, in an instant was forced to retreat.

One of Kong Yaowang’s smiles: “If you are a general, you will seize the opportunity –”

Zongshou slightly decapitated, two more hours of fierce battle, relying on the stone fort, constantly consuming the power of the night magic army. Hundreds of thousands of people are replenishing their batteries in the rear.

At this time, although the Shibao was broken, it was also the night magic army, the most frail time.

Therefore, as soon as the battle was over, those red armored fighters took the upper hand.

Zong Shouxin, but not very optimistic. Sure enough, the initial hardships. With the rear of the night demon army square, a hand in front of the army should be replaced.

The war situation has fallen into a stalemate, and the hundreds of thousands of red armor warriors are fading.

At this moment, the two armored armies, who are somewhat different from the surrounding red armor warriors, suddenly came out. Into the night magic array.

At the beginning, the opposite night demon came, and I didn't care.

But when the two thousand days of swordsmanship, like the blade of yuba, they entered.

Almost everyone’s eyes are focused on the past.

Red red sword, neatly raised, and neatly waved!

It is the death of the person, even if the force is strong, can stop a sword, can block two swords, but can not stop the three swords and four swords!

breakthrough! Killing! breakthrough! Kill again!

It is broken for a few bursts, and will almost completely penetrate the enemy line.

It was also in the night magic army, when it began to panic. The rest, also at the same time force. Hundreds of thousands of red armor fighters, once again the enemy opposite, forced to step back.

Although it is distributed on an array of tens of thousands of feet wide, it has a tacit understanding. Between advance and retreat, it is just right.

It has also kept the pressure on the swordsmanship at that time to a minimum.

And the 20,000-plus red swords, many night magic, are panic, flying from the ground to avoid their front. Some people tried to shoot spears in the air to block the pace of the 20,000-day-old sword.

But the next moment, but the tens of thousands of red arrows immediately, suddenly covered the sky.

It is the Scorpio Red Knight!

For a moment, the night demon in the sky is almost empty. A total of nearly 10,000 night devils, falling from the sky ~ lightnovelpub.net ~ hundreds of thousands of red armies, is a weak army. Anti-defense is the attack, and the other side is constantly retreating, and it is on the brink of collapse!

It may be that I can't support it anymore, just opposite the Zongyuan iron ride.

There were six fourth-order squares, which were withdrawn and rushed to the side where nearly a million steps were used to kill the battle.

And in this moment, Zongyuan's cavalry is finally moving. Hundreds of thousands of riders rushed, and 1.2 million horseshoes trampled. The raging tide is precisely the flaw that emerged after the evacuation of the fourth-order elite army.

It is also like a rushing into the sky, blood cloud rushing, 300,000 iron rides over, is a piece of white bones.

It’s only a half-time, that is, a few night magic army arrays, it has been collapsed, and the death and injury amounted to 30,000.

Zong Shou’s eyes flashed, and even at this time, his heart could not help but praise the word 'good'!

This is the day between Tianxing and Zongyuan. Although there is no communication between them, they can cooperate with each other, but it is a slap in the face!