Divine Brilliance

Chapter 701: Causal inversion

> When the sword light fell, the sickle broke. This person who is a thousand miles away is all in one.

Xu asked for a while, this black sickle, how is it broken?

The sickle seems to be a dead fog, but Xu Wen knows that this is made up of a congenital cold spirit and a sigh of relief.

It is the best sword-tire seed, and it is also the top-notch material of the spirit, and the grade is higher than the top grade! The sword is hard to hurt, and only the singer can damage it.

How could it be cut off by a sword?

And the underworld who gave him high hopes, so easily lost?

Gong Xinran was also a glimpse. He fixed his hand and interrupted the scissor into two, and then he realized the reaction.

Between the foreheads, suddenly a white bone relic appeared. The dead air coalesces, and it will be condensed into a gray-black light shield.

The nameless sword fell, and the sword was only slightly smashed, and it was broken.

In the end, it was still taken aside, the sword light fell, and Gong Xinran’s entire right arm was broken.

Retreating a thousand feet, Gong Xinran's two nephews have become erect.

After resurrection, until this time, she only knew fear and feared.

Although he is dead, this can be used to kill her!

The sword light is a little bit, and it will follow the shadows. The layers of dead air barriers are forcibly broken.

Lei Yi is mad, and the speed is still above her! Flying fast.

Just as Gong Xinran was almost desperate, a broken hammer slammed into it. Followed by, it was a black giant shield, and was sacrificed in front of her.

Zong Shou’s nameless sword was cut. The broken hammer was opened.

Jianguang shocked, the black giant shield in front of him. In an instant, it was cut into thousands of pieces.

Gong Xinran is a slightly sinister look. Only this moment of effort, her arms have recovered, still plain white as jade.

The next one is a handprint. Caught in front of you.

"Five senses of deprivation, sealed!"

The word seal fell, and Zong Shou only felt a glimpse. Can't see it again.

Not only the eyes, but even the eardrum, can not hear the half-voice.

All the ability to sense the outside world. Shape, sound, color, taste, touch, are all banned. Eyes, ears, tongue, nose, and body five senses, no more feeling. Completely caught in a dark world.

However, they did not care, and the spirits were open, and Gong Xianran’s figure was still locked.

Jianguang is like a dragon, it is close at hand! Just take a nap and you can leave this woman's head!

But the opening of the spiritual sense, but then remote sensing should go to Gong Xinran, spit out the five words again!

"Reversing your mind, forbidden!"

That spirit is a chaos first. Heaven is the earth, the earth is the sky. Then all the soul powers were banned from the soul sea, and they could not break out.

Zong Shouyi, everything from the outside world. They all disappeared from their minds. I can't find the trace of Gong Xinran, leaving only an endless darkness -

There was a good time to see it, and I was happy. Haha laughed: "The Lord is a confession of the sea, and His Royal Highness is really true!"

Five senses are deprived, and spiritual knowledge does not exist. At this time, Zong Shou is like waiting for the Lamb.

His hammer and shield are broken. I don't care. The left arm was distorted, and the whole right hand was suddenly turned into a cone shape.

At this time, even Xu Wen in the air, smiled. It is worthy of being a sacred goddess above the Nine Nether, this hand is supernatural, even if he meets, he can wait.

Gong Xinran then took another hand, and the two congenital cold spirits broke into two, and they flew again and fell into her hands. Condensed black gas again and turned into a sword shape.

It’s screaming, and it’s going to kill her with amazement. I only feel that it is even more vast, and it is even more embarrassing, and it is erupting from Zongshou!

That lost mind, once again locked her, oppressed!

Gong Xinran was wrong again and looked at it. Only the sects of this time are in the body, and the spirits are surging. Turn it into the essence, and force the dying gas to force it out.

The body changed, and a snow-white foxtail came out from behind. Stretching a hundred feet, waving a thousand miles of psionic power, arrogant and arrogant, like a group of magical dance!

Then there is another green world, set in the air!

"Nine-tailed fox? Star pattern?"

Gong Xinran stunned, remembering that Zong Shou, who was known before his death, was born in the Seventh Manchus, a fox.

When did it become a nine-tailed fox?

What else is this blue mirror?

Suddenly a hint of thought, across the realm of the two worlds, rushed into her mind.

In the eyes of Gong Xinran, it turned into a sigh.

This is the enemy of the magic world of the world - illusion!

The idea is only a black. Gong Xinran only felt that all the feelings of the outside world disappeared.

As soon as the mind turns, it is known that this is a illusion rebound. She is familiar with the magical power of the six senses.

It is self-cultivated and it is naturally not subject to it.

Just when Gong Xinran, then open his eyes. But just see the blue and white sword light of Zong Shou Yu, the cheap body, a sword to break!

When the blade breaks through the flesh and blood, the cheap eyes are all panic.

I only felt my own soul knowledge, and I was forced to extract it by a different force on the sword. He is dead and uncontrollable, and goes backwards on the sword.

At this moment, he finally knows why the bones are destroyed by this one, and he is seriously injured in dying!

When he slammed his teeth, he did not hesitate, and he burst open his flesh and blood. There is only a little white meat left, with the broken soul of the soul, flying back in the distance.

Zong Shou seems to be too lazy to deal with him again. Jianguang only pursued a little and recovered.

All the swords mean, it is Gong Xinran!

The Yuan Li soul energy that has just been absorbed from the honesty is detonated at this moment.

Once again, invert the cause and effect!

First, there is the result of the sword breaking, and then there is the reason for the sword breaking!


With a scorn, the sword shadow fell again. The two black swords formed by the congenital cold spirit Geng gas have not yet contacted the unknown sword, and they are already floating, and the sword body is scattered.

When the sword was passed, it was no suspense, and it was broken by a sword.

The sword is not only endless, pointing to the heart of Gong Xinran!

Only at this time ~lightnovelpub.net~ whether it is cheap, or bones, no more help.

No one else can protect her in front of her.

The sword shadow is like a broken bamboo, breaking through the heavy dead barrier that the white bone relics.

And Gong Xinran’s eyes are once again full of despair.

She is unwilling, within this body, there are many secrets, there are countless magical powers.

But in front of this sect, it can't be made.

That fierce and invincible sword, as if to block everything, all open! Don't give her time at all.


The long sword enters the chest, and the sword is strong and overbearing. Take her body upside down, then put her figure, firmly nailed a mountain wall!

At this moment, this land of magical corpse is silent and silent. Everyone, even breathing has stopped. (To be continued)