Divine Brilliance

~: 1050 against southern Xinjiang

In the south of the east to the central cloud, if you are on a normal cloud ship, it will take at least 12 days.

Zong Shouqi smashed the magic **** shuttle, but only used one day.

At the time of arrival, it was the shipyard of the division of Shirao, who entered the cloud world.

Nine Taiyi Shenlei ships, six Jiuyi broken star ships, and forty large empty ships. Together they forcibly broke the space barrier and suspended it in the sea of ​​clouds.

A huge ship is magnificent. In addition, the four nine-toothed warships built in the cloud industry in the past few years, and fifty seven teeth, have been able to completely suppress the fleet of big businessmen.

With the skill of Master Ruolan, the commander can even crush.

However, in this sea of ​​clouds, Zong Shou was able to see the **** insights of the world, but he also found that the opposite of the big business forces, far more than the twenty-two nine teeth.

In addition, there are nine sacred scorpions, a ship surrounded by the aura, and eight notorious seven killings.

These are Xianbao, the main role is the flying dragonfly, but it can also be used as a warship. Even if it is not a special ground-level warship such as the Taiyi Shenlei Ship, the gap will not be too great.

In particular, the seven killings of the sorcerer, the more the killing, the more intense the surrounding gods.

The more spiritual creatures, the more limited they are, the more terrible they are.

Similar to his expectation, the Confucianism and the Second Deity have a weak foundation.

As for the naval division, it is still a big business and has an absolute advantage.

However, Shi Ruolan is confident in this battle.

"Brothers' heart, only three days, Ruolan can hit the opponent! This channel can be innocent."

According to Shi Ruolan, these three days are only to adjust the state of the naval, so that the soldiers on the ship can adapt to the environment of the cloud.

"This war, the big business mobilizes a large army, and goes deep into southern Xinjiang. The daily consumption is hard to count, it will only be more difficult than I can do! So only a sufficient number of fleets can be-"

As long as there is enough grain and grass supplies, the shipbuilder of Dashang can't help but stop, and can't stop fighting with Shi Ruolan.

Zong Shou chuckled, looking at the meaning of Xiao Ruolan, is ready to fight for a battle.

It’s also about seeing the situation of today’s big-handed ones. One of the keys to knowing this battle is the victory and defeat of the naval battle.

But in fact, according to his own intentions, he was only prepared to let the teacher of the teacher Ruolan hold the other side.

As long as the cloud is undefeated, then there is a certain chance of victory.

"If you can defeat the big ship's naval master first, Kong Yao's sister will certainly be more calm!"

In front of Zong Shou, Shi Ruolan is a rare self-confidence, even conceited. Naturally, I also know the responsibility of arbitrarily fighting with the big merchants.

If it is a big win, then in the situation where the waterway is unblocked and the resources of the back-up resources are endless, it will only make the big businessmen more eager to seek a decisive battle on land.

Once Kong Yao can master the initiative, the famous superstar in the cloud industry will surely weaken the strength of Dagan to the extreme.

Once it is defeated, it is the most sinister situation.

Therefore, the teacher Ruolan is convinced that it is both the heart of An Zong and the vow.

She couldn't help but think of the past. If her brother brought her out of the abyss under the clouds, she may still be struggling in hell. No dependencies, no relatives.

In the past, although she was a commanding warship, she had commanded several warships. However, most of them are after Zong Shou has established enough advantages. Even if the shipmaster wins, it is just a icing on the cake.

Only in this battle, she can really use her own power to turn the tide and help Zong Shou.

Solid and even if the war is dead here, she also wants to make the shipwreck of the big business, which is very damaging here.

For the victory of the big, lay the cornerstone.

Zong Shou knew the heart of this gimmick. After a bitter smile, he could only helplessly shoot the head of the teacher.

"In short, you will decide on your own, but you don't have to be stubborn, and you don't have to cut it."

Although it is not the kind of true unparalleled name, in the afterlife, his ability to unite the army is also experienced. Ask yourself about the battle on land, not inferior to anyone.

What's more, at this time, in the army, it is a famous gathering.

Kong Yao, Zong Yuan, Ren Tianxing, and the tiger Zhongyuan, who has gradually grown up and has experienced many battles. Chai Zhou, He Li and others.

Therefore, he really does not want to be too weak on the shoulders of the teacher, and he bears too much pressure.

However, in the case of the teacher Ruolan, the clear intention has been decided. What he can do is just to make the Gu Lie, who is more cautious in character, to fill the gaps for her, and remind him to take care of them.

Continue to drive the magical gods and enter the southern Xinjiang. Once on the land, you can feel the chill atmosphere here.

In this area, although there are countless swamps, the jungle is dense. The land is also fertile.

The same grain yield in an acre of land is estimated to be twice that of Yunlu in the east!

On the road of Zongshou, the dozen or so tribes that Zong Shouwang saw were the places where the residents were in danger, and they had closed their doors.

In the wilderness jungle, there are often no pedestrians, and many cultivated pastures have been abandoned, obviously to avoid being affected by this war.

Zong Shou does not care, these tribes fight year after year, it is estimated that the war has long been taken for granted.

Instead, they saved a lot of effort and persuaded these tribes to evade.

The 3,200,000-strong army commanded by Kong Yao is in the south of the Henglian Mountains. Divided into several strands, firmly stuck in several entrances and exits of the Hengshan Mountains.

The mountains are rugged, and it is difficult to pass the soldiers. It requires only a small amount of troops to hold on to the shackles. It can make the enemy army advance and retreat.

Kong Yao knows the way to use the soldiers, how can such a good terrain be abandoned.

When Zong Shou’s demon gods shuttled into the camp, hundreds of thousands of soldiers here were cheering.

All the generals are very excited,

This is the benefit of the levy of the levy, and the sect of the sect is in front of the front, and the boost of morale is unmeasurable.

Zong Yuan and Ren Tianxing, from the camp a few hundred miles away on the same day, came to see Zong Shou.

Only Kong Yao, the arrival of Zong Shou, is quite a bit cold.

"There is not enough strength in the whole body~lightnovelpub.net~The few mouthfuls are extremely hard. I can still support it now because the big business is not serious. I am ready to wait for the army, take the initiative. These few mouths give up."

It is only one possibility that Kong Yao can give up the advantage of the land.

At that time, apart from the rapid pursuit of the law of extinction, it was only possible to escape.

After that, Kong Yao looked at Zong Shou again with suspicious eyes.

"Is you really one person?"

Zong Shouwei, a dagger, was indeed a lifetime, and he came over alone.

Even his own ceremonies were not brought here.

"Qiu Shu has already levied four million third-order martial arts, but these people will come in handy, but it will take some time."

At this time, there is no money, and there is not much force available. (To be continued)

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